Cicada Moving

Chapter 1047: Bethany Monastery

 Early the next morning.

At the top of a hill in the southwest of Hong Kong Island, Zuo Chong and Kuang Fuan were sitting on a stone bench beside the mountain path, looking at a small white building at the foot of the mountain from a distance.

After a few white people running in the morning had gone away, Kuang Fuan raised his chin slightly towards the building and asked in a voice that only two people could hear.

“Li Fengzhou and Juade Town live there, will it be another cover-up and trap?”

Zuo Zhong glanced at the other person, they were all in this business. If he was not absolutely sure, it would be impossible for Kuang Fuan to come here with him. This was another test.

Thinking of this, he said calmly: "If I am not wrong, your people should have already investigated this place. Whether it is a trap, you know better than me."

Kuang Fuan smiled slightly, this Guo Party agent was indeed not simple, and the next moment he replied without any sign of weakness and attacked Zuo Zhong's first army.

“Your military commander has a great cause. There are dozens of operatives in the port city. You don’t need to follow them. You can find the target just by relay surveillance. Naturally, we can’t compare.

However, the electricity consumption here suddenly increased a few days ago, and a lot of people did live there. What to do next, our border district government will obey the arrangements of the national government.

There is just one thing. This place is quite sensitive. A rash attack with force is likely to trigger a counterattack from the British and even the church, which is not good for the current Republic of China. "

Hearing the English in his mouth, Zuo Zhong didn't react, but when he heard about the church, Zuo Zhong frowned and secretly cursed Li Fengzhou and others for being cunning, leaving so many people uninhabitable and living in Bethany Xiu. Courtyard, this must be the Japanese idea.

 Bethany Monastery.

  Built by the French Foreign Missions Society in 1875, the entire building complex is divided into three parts: the chapel, the sanatorium and the employee area.

The Foreign Missionary Society refers to the organization that the Catholic Church in Western countries sends missionaries to carry out missionary work abroad. It has considerable influence all over the world.

Li Fengzhou and others live in a villa in the nursing home. If they carry out an armed attack, they will not only slap the face of the British Hong Kong government, but also the church.

This kind of trick of using foreigners as a shield was beyond Yan Baichuan's imagination. Only Japanese who were familiar with overseas situations could do it.

However, even if it is possible to attack, the national government will not do so. Attacking "one of its own people" will arouse public anger unless the news of Yan Baichuan's peace with the Japanese is made public.

 The problem is that this will cause more unsteady speculators to surrender or join Mr. Ji's puppet government. This is a situation that no one wants to see.

These thoughts flashed through Zuo Zhong's mind, and then he conveyed the content of the telegram just sent by Dai Chunfeng to Kuang Fuan.

“The national government decided to first grasp the specific content of the negotiations between the Jin army and the Japanese, and then find out conclusive evidence of Yan Baichuan’s betrayal, and then use political means to force the other party to give up the idea of ​​surrender.

Try to avoid making the incident public. The bottom line is that we must not fight each other. Without the Jin Army, a friendly force that is familiar with the local situation, both we and you will face huge risks.

On the contrary, if the Japanese and the Jin army join forces, the Japanese army in Chahar and Mengdi will lose their worries and release their troops, and the situation in Jin Province and even the entire northwest will be in danger. "

What he said was not scaremongering, let alone frightening Kuang Fuan. There were two reasons why the Japanese did not attack the five northwest provinces.

 First, because the Sichuan Province and Xikang area close to southern Shaanxi have complex terrain, mostly basins and mountainous areas, they have very obvious advantages in both defense and offense.

In the northwest region, Guanzhong Ping in Shaanxi Province was originally an open area. Although it was conducive to attack, after it was captured, defense issues had to be considered, which was a big trouble for the Japanese.

The second is the obstruction of the Guo army in Jin Province. In order to avoid losing the barrier in the northwest, the government deployed heavy defense forces in Jin Province and implemented the tactic of strengthening the wall and clearing the field.

The ubiquitous underground party used guerrilla warfare to cause a lot of troubles to the Japanese. The Japanese garrison in Mongolia stopped in Mongolia and did not dare to go south.

Coupled with the strength of the Red Russian troops in Mongolia, the Japanese Army is unwilling to attack easily. If it sends troops to capture the northwest, it is very likely that it will be outflanked by enemies from four directions.

 But once the Jin army surrendered, the pressure on the Japanese army in the direction of Jin Province was reduced by half, and the remaining Central Army was no match for the Japanese North China Expeditionary Army and the Shanxi Provincial Expeditionary Army.

As long as the Jin Province is opened up and the Japanese army is deployed on the southern front of Mongolia, the cavalry used to defend the Guo army will be freed up and can enter Guanzhong Pingyuan without any scruples. The results will be disastrous.

Kuang Fuan's expression was serious. Without the northwest as a rear area, the government's economy, people's morale, and morale would suffer a huge blow, and the situation would become even more critical.

 He did not hesitate and immediately made his attitude clear. The underground party was willing to fully cooperate with the government's actions and prevent Yan Baichuan and the Jin army from surrendering to the enemy at all costs.

 Obtaining the content of the negotiations is easier said than done. Let’s not say that they don’t know where the venue is. Even if they know, the Jin army and the Japanese will definitely guard the surroundings of the venue. Let alone sneak in, there is a risk of exposure if they get close.

After thinking about it for a while, Kuang Fuan smiled and said, "Can you think of a way to deal with those guards, even Li Fengzhou and Juadezhen? Your military commander is very good at this.

We have our own disciplines, and there are some things that are not easy to do. Since it is cooperation, there is a division of labor. I think you should have a way for them to cooperate with the actions of the national government. " What's the meaning?

  Does this mean that he or she often threatens others? This is really unreasonable! Just do it, it's your fault to say it like this.

Zuo Zhong stammered for a long time and replied with a dark face: "Li Fengzhou and Jiade Town's homes are protected by Jin army soldiers, so there is no way to arrest people, which will easily cause Yan Baichuan to fall out with the government.

As for those soldiers, they are all ordinary officers and soldiers at the lowest level. It is not certain whether they have detailed files. Our people have not found the relevant information and there is not enough time. "

After Gui Youguang's report yesterday, he thought of this method, but after thinking about it, he gave up. If the matter was leaked, everything they had done before would be in vain.

Hearing Zuo Zhong’s explanation, Kuang Fuan put his fingers on his knees and flicked them. He thought for a while without expression, and then suddenly asked a question.

"According to our investigation, Li Fengzhou and others moved into this villa directly without contacting Bethany Seminary. This proves that this house is probably rented by Japanese people. Will the other party install monitoring equipment in the building? ?”


Zuo Zhong’s answer was extremely positive. The Japanese have always liked to play intrigues, and they could not give up the opportunity to grasp the bottom line of the Jin army’s negotiations.

 Otherwise, buying sesame cakes for three cents from a Japanese soldier depends on your moral character. How could you be willing to rent such a big villa? You must know that the Japanese soldiers now do not even send out postcards when they are killed in action.

 Speaking of which, the underground party is indeed well-informed. The Gangcheng Station has not collected information about Li Fengzhou and others moving into the villa. Organizational construction needs to be strengthened.

However, this also proved his suspicion from the side that it was the Japanese idea to let Li Fengzhou and others live in Bethany Monastery.

 At the same time, another conclusion can be deduced—the negotiation venue between the Japanese and the Jin army is likely to be in this villa.

The choice of location for negotiations is very particular. If the negotiations are held on the Japanese territory, it will be a fight between people and others. The Jin army, which is already in a weak position, will not agree.

  If you go to other places, such as public places, it will be inconvenient for Japanese people to record or play other tricks. Instead of doing this, it is better to negotiate in the villa.

 This can stabilize the Jin army and show a good cooperative attitude.

 Secondly, the negotiation process can be recorded to threaten Yan Baichuan and serve as a record.

Would the Japanese not record or not record?

 This is unlikely.

The operational processes of intelligence agencies and even government departments around the world have one thing in common, which is that traces of work and endless written materials must be preserved.

 How else would the higher-level agencies know whether you are working, how to implement personnel rewards and punishments, and how to divide the credit? Intelligence personnel sound mysterious, but in the final analysis they are also national civil servants, and there are also KPI assessments.

 Well, even if the Japanese did not record or record the negotiations, an agreement would always be exchanged at the end of the negotiation, and Li Fengzhou and Juadzhen would definitely sign in the representative column. This is also conclusive evidence.

 So they don't have to sneak into the villa at all. They just need to find the Japanese monitoring location, wait patiently for the negotiation to come to an end, and then go directly to get the evidence. The Japanese will collect it for them.

The only difference is that one starts from the listening point and the other is obtained from the Japanese negotiators. The specific method depends on the subsequent investigation results.

 In short, if the Jin army cannot be moved, then the Japanese will be moved. With the recording or the surrender document signed by Li Fengzhou and others, there is no room for Yan Baichuan's sophistry.

Zuo Zhong raised his head and looked at Kuang Fu'an, and saw a hint of research in his eyes. It was obvious that the other person was testing whether he had thought of this, so he immediately said everything he was thinking.

After listening, Kuang Fuan raised his hands and clapped softly, with a complicated expression. He analyzed so much information with just one piece of intelligence. It would be great if this was his comrade. What a pity.

 Since the two sides have unified their thinking, assuming that the listening point exists, there are only two questions left.

ˆ How to find possible Japanese monitoring locations.

 How to obtain relevant evidence from the other party.

Looking around, Kuang Fuan saw some Western-style buildings dotted near Bethany Monastery in the distance. The scenery here is beautiful, and many foreigners choose to settle here.

However, the land price in such a good place with mountains on its back and the sea is not cheap. Only a few wealthy businessmen and officials of the British Hong Kong government can afford to live there, so there are not many residents.

 Then, he and Zuo Zhong turned to look at each other at the same time, with smiles on their faces. The Japanese let Li Fengzhou and others live here, which made their next actions easier.

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