Cicada Moving

Chapter 1061: Director Li, you don’t want to either

 “No~! I don’t take medicine! I’m fine!”

In the luxurious villa, Xu Enzeng was lying on the bed with a pale face, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he screamed with his eyes closed.

An old Western doctor wearing a white coat and glasses stood at the bedside. He reached out and touched his nose and ears, then opened his mouth and looked at it.

Li Xia, the narrator, inexplicably felt that the other party's movements looked familiar, but she didn't care too much and quickly asked about the test results.

 “Doctor, what’s wrong with Enzin?”

The old Western doctor calmly walked to the washbasin stand and washed his hands, then turned around and sighed, shaking his head slightly from side to side.

Li Xia almost sat down on the ground when she saw this. She was not afraid of the doctor smiling, but afraid that the doctor would sigh. Could it be that Lao Xu was dying?

God, why is her life so miserable?

Back then, I joined the underground party when I was young. If I hadn't surrendered in time, I probably wouldn't have been able to save my life.

Finally, she got in touch with Xu Enzeng, but it turned out that he was about to die. The more Lixia thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became, and tears flowed out.

 But just when she was about to cry out in mourning, the old Western doctor stroked his beard and asked her a question.

“Director Xu, how long has this situation been going on?”

 “My God?”

Li Xia, who had just howled, was stunned. She thought Lao Xu could still be saved, so she quickly replied: "It's been like this since I came home two days ago. Doctor, who is my husband?"

 After that, she prayed to the gods and Buddhas in the sky, saying that she must bless Ping'an named Xu, otherwise her glory and wealth would become a passing cloud.

The doctor smiled slightly when he heard her answer, posed with his hands behind his back, and spoke slowly under Li Xia's expectant eyes.

“Oh, Director Xu is fine. He is just short of breath and the cold wind blew, so he has a little fever and causes coma. This disease can be cured.

In this way, you first find some peach leaves, yellow wattle leaves, calamus leaves, Guanzhong leaves, and asarum and put them on the dog's bed, and put some in the quilt. "

The old Western doctor suddenly coughed twice, and quickly glanced at Li Xia who was taking notes. He continued after finding that the other person didn't notice.

"I think Director Xu weighs 200 pounds. In this way, you can inject 3 to 5 egg whites into his neck every day and he will be cured after 3 consecutive days of treatment."

 (made up, don’t imitate)

After finishing the prescription, the old Western doctor didn’t say much. He carried a small medicine box and left the Xu Mansion accompanied by his servants, showing off the style of a famous doctor.

After Lixia finished recording, she raised her head and wanted to ask a few more questions where she could find a doctor. She said to herself that she didn’t even need to pay for the medical expenses. What a wonderful and kind heart~

 It's just that this prescription looks weirder and weirder. It doesn't look like it was prescribed by a serious doctor. Instead, it looks like a prescription used to treat fat pigs at home when I was a child.

Li Xia shook her head. The other party left so confidently, so he must be confident. Yes, he was acting like a villain.

So she no longer hesitated and immediately gave the prescription to the servants, asking them to hurry up and prepare the "medicinal ingredients", while she had to take care of Xu Enzeng herself.

I have to say that although the prescriptions of old Western medicine are strange, the effects are really good.

Within two days, Xu Enzeng recovered more than half of his body. Not only did his fever subside, he no longer talked nonsense, and he could even be helped to walk.

This morning, Mou Zhiye came to report on work and saw the sick deputy director and the director's wife holding a syringe in the small flower garden of Xu Mansion.

“Mou Zhiye, have you found out what I asked you to investigate?”

Xu Enzeng sat on a wicker chair with his eyes closed, and asked a question in a calm voice. With his extremely thin body, he seemed to have a fairy-like air.

On the side, Lixia cracked open a few eggs, poured the egg whites into the bowl, and threw the most nutritious egg yolks into the trash can without a care.

Mou Zhiye felt distressed when he saw it. How could the director be so extravagant? He only ate egg whites when he ate eggs. The eggs outside were almost selling for the price of golden eggs.

Thinking about the meager salary he received every month, he subconsciously licked his lips and swallowed, resisting his greed and answered Xu Enzeng's question.

“Director, we found out that Li Qiwu did not live in the family area of ​​​​Juntong, but bought a house in the city.

I also found out that he goes to a teahouse for breakfast every day, and the driver and bodyguard who accompany him are all his confidants.

But Director, why are we checking Li Qiwu? He is just the chief secretary of the military commander and has no information."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the director's wife sucking the egg white into the syringe with a syringe, and then skillfully stabbed it into the director's neck.

This frightened Mou Zhiye half to death. He thought it was the director's wife who had rebelled, and he almost pulled out his gun.

But Xu Enzeng soon shuddered with relief and smiled with satisfaction, proving that this was not murder.

 “Hmm? Why didn’t you say anything?”

 After a moment, Xu Enzeng, who was satisfied and full of energy, slowly opened his eyelids and asked Mou Zhiye with a pair of green eyes.

I don’t know why, but seeing the deputy director like this, Mou Zhiye suddenly thought of the weasel, and the next second he replied honestly.

“The director, a chief secretary, doesn’t know too many secrets, and he’s not an important person. Isn’t it a bit worthless for us to spend so much manpower and material resources to investigate?”


Xu Enzeng, who looked like a weasel turned spirit, gave a strange laugh, stood up slowly, looked at the sun jumping out of the clouds and spoke leisurely.

“You don’t understand. I suspect that the person who called to report Zuo Zhong was Director Li. Do you think it is necessary to investigate this person?

A few days ago, we failed to pin the charge of collaborating with the enemy on Zuo Zhong. The most disappointed person is not us, but Li Qiwu. As the saying goes, the enemy of our enemy is our friend. If we can find a helper within the military, we may still have a chance.

 I have decided to meet Li Qiwu in person tomorrow. Don’t forget, I have control over him now. "

 Speaking of this, Xu Enzeng turned his head away from the sun, and a ray of sunlight shone on his body from the sky, emitting a dazzling halo, like a god.

Mou Zhiye really wanted to give himself a slap in the face at this moment. He had even suspected that Director Xu was incompetent before. It was really inappropriate.

He quickly looked at Xu Enzeng with admiring eyes, nodded vigorously, and said that he would arrange the meeting tomorrow to ensure that the military command would not detect it.

 Xu Enzeng waved his hand coolly, indicating that the other party could leave, and then took a walk around the small flower garden accompanied by Li Xia.

Feeling the majestic power in his body, he sighed again - what a miracle doctor!

Mu Zhiye, who had exited the garden, was just about to leave the Xu Mansion when he heard the servants discussing something in a low voice, so he listened secretly out of curiosity.

“Leaves, yellow wattle leaves, calamus leaves~~~”

Hearing the servant tell Deputy Director Xu's prescription, Mou Zhiye froze on the spot, his head was a little dizzy, and the dead memories began to attack him.

If I remember correctly, this seems to be a folk remedy for treating canine distemper in the countryside. By the way, injecting egg white is also a way to treat fever in domestic pigs.

So, Deputy Director Xu’s illness was cured by the veterinarian?

This is both a dog and a pig. Could it be that the other party is the legendary pig┴not as good as a dog?

Or are you saying that the officials of the government cannot cure the disease with humans and must use the method of treating animals?

Hiss, he must have discovered some great secret.

With his mind in confusion, Mou Zhiye walked out of the door stupidly, stood in front of the car and looked back at the splendid Xu Mansion, his eyes filled with wonder.

 Grapevine spreads the fastest.

The rumor that Deputy Director Xu was cured by someone using folk remedies spread in the mountain city that day. Although many people didn't understand it, they still thought it was very powerful.

 Early the next morning, Li Qiwu, who was sorting out his clothes and getting ready to go out, heard the servants whispering and rolled his eyes disdainfully.


In a not-so-good mood, he scolded, got into a special car under the gaze of the servants, and drove away under the protection of another car.

 In fact, according to his level, he is not qualified to have a special car at all, but party officials have many ways to circumvent the regulations.

Sitting on the new "borrowed" car, Li Qiwu looked at the ragged and exhausted people outside the car, and a sense of pride arose spontaneously.

 “A man should not lose his power for a day~”

  He muttered something silently in his mind, then took out the documents from his briefcase and started working on them, pretending to be busy.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped in front of the most famous breakfast restaurant in the mountain city. Several guards got out of the car and looked around cautiously, protecting Li Qiwu and walking in.

As a regular patron of the restaurant, as soon as the waiter saw him, he led him to his old seat and served him a pot of green tea and a few newspapers.

Li Qiwu was drinking tea and reading the newspaper, and his life was very pleasant.

But while he was enjoying a rare leisure time, a group of men in black rushed into the restaurant and had an argument with the guards.

Li Qiwu raised his head when he heard the sound and saw a familiar face in the crowd. He was suddenly shocked, Xu Enzeng! What is this guy doing here?

He thought for a while and waved the guards to go out first. If people in the bureau knew about this, he didn't know what gossip would spread.

After the guards left, Xu Enzeng slowly walked to the table and sat down. He took off the hat on his head and said hello with a smile.

“Director Li, hello.”

Li Qiwu snorted coldly, slammed the newspaper on the table, and said something in a very unhappy tone.

“I’m not good, Deputy Director Xu, your Central Commander and our Military Commander are in the same boat, you are harming me!”

Hearing this, Xu Enzeng laughed loudly, shook his head slightly, picked up the teacup and took a sip, then looked at Li Qiwu with a smile.

"This is wrong. Although the relationship between the Central Government and the Military Government is not good, it does not prevent us from becoming friends or even partners."


Li Qiwu laughed directly. If Dai Chunfeng knew that he was cooperating with Zhongtong, not to mention his old classmate, even his own son, the other party would kill him.

Thinking of this, he was too lazy to talk nonsense to Xu Enzeng, and immediately picked up the teacup and prepared to see off the guests. He had many things to do and had no time to listen to nonsense surnamed Xu.

 “Director Li, don’t be anxious.”

Xu Enzeng said with a non-smiling smile, then looked around carefully, and lowered his voice and said to Li Qiwu.

“As long as Zuo Zhong is still there, you will never be the deputy director. I’m right. From this point of view, you and I should join hands.

Moreover, you don’t want Dai Chunfeng to know about Zuo Zhong’s collusion with the underground party, right? Director Li? "

Li Qiwu agreed with the first sentence, but immediately stood up when he heard the second sentence, pointing at Xu Enzeng and trembling with his fingers.

 Wang Badan, how dare you frame me!

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