Cicada Moving

Chapter 1064: Question

Chapter 1064 Questioning

The mysterious man was walking on the street without deliberately lowering his head to cover his face or making any anti-tracking actions, just like ordinary people in a mountain city.

He walked through several intersections calmly, even stopping for a while to enjoy the farce of the police officers shouting grievances in the street, and slowly moved towards the black market.

After many attacks by the military, the black market in Shancheng has not disappeared, but has become more rampant. The only change is that it has become more disciplined and there will be no gangsters.

 As for the reason~

Although there is a replica of the Japanese yen as a supplement to the funds, Dai Chunfeng will not refuse if there is an additional way to make money, not to mention that the black market transactions themselves contain a lot of information and intelligence.

 Who has purchased medicines, electrical materials, and weapons can all be found out from the black market and have a certain intelligence value.

So the biggest backend of the mountain city black market is none other than the Military Command Bureau.

It is understandable that the black market has become more regulated. After all, as a government agency, making money is only second, and maintaining order is the most important.

The mysterious man came outside an alley and was stopped by several men wearing satin jackets. The man did not speak, but took out a few French coins from his pocket and handed them over. The man immediately let him go.

Anyone who enters the black market must pay a fee. This is also the rule of the military. To be precise, it is the regulations set by Zheng Tingbing, who is in charge of this matter. Deputy Director Zheng is serious about how to make money.

Enter the alley, the alley that looks ordinary from the outside has its own secrets. There are various stalls on both sides of the road, and citizens and traders who come to buy in-demand supplies rub shoulders.

In order to avoid being discovered by Japanese planes, a thick layer of black cloth was even laid over the alley, blocking all lights and noise.

The mysterious man seemed to be very familiar with this place. He walked around a few times in the crowd and walked out of the black market through another exit. He hailed a mountain sedan and left quickly.

Using public places to get rid of stalkers is a basic means of anti-stalking. The advantage is that it can achieve tactical goals without exposing oneself. The disadvantage is that if the stalker is experienced, the anti-stalking effect will not be very good.

On the dark road, workers and staff who had been tired for a day were walking towards their homes like zombies. No one paid any attention to this scene.

Two hours later, the mysterious man, who had changed his sedan chair several times, stopped at the foot of Mount Gele in the west of the mountain city. He looked back and walked into the forest, blending into the darkness.

More than ten minutes later, the other party suddenly appeared on the quiet mountain road again, came back, carefully checked the surrounding area, and finally left with confidence after confirming that there were no followers.

The night is getting darker and darker, and frost gradually covers the ground. The night owl in the distance stands on the treetops and coos non-stop, but there is a slight rustling sound in the bushes...

 Early the next morning.

Zuo Zhong sneezed, walked slowly into his office, checked the mark on the combination disk of the safe, took out a confidential file with "Personnel Arrangement for the Training Class" written on the cover, and returned to his desk. sit down.

 Gently tearing open the seal on the document bag, he took out the documents and read them. After a long time, he frowned and picked up the intercom phone on the desk and called the Director of the Personnel Department.

“Hey, I’m Zuo Zhong, how do you do your work? You can even get the list of instructors in the training class wrong.”

“No? What about Li Ya (let’s just write his name directly) from the Qingpu class. Isn’t he serving as an instructor in the training class? Why is there no name for him?”

“Oh? He has asked for leave because of family matters. That must be clearly recorded in the file. Okay, that’s it.”

Hang up the phone with a click, Zuo Zhong leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes, seeming to be thinking about something. After a while, he opened his eyes and pressed the button on the corner of the table.

He Yijun in the opposite room heard the call bell and immediately got up and walked through the corridor, knocked on the door and walked in, asking what work she needed to complete.

“Inform Yu Zecheng and Xu Zhongyi from the training class and ask them to come to the headquarters.” Zuo Zhong said softly without explaining the reason.


He Yijun replied, turned around and left without asking any questions. The two of them were used to this simple method of communication. Working in military command, keeping a distance was the best option.

That afternoon, Yu Zecheng and Xu Zhongyi rushed back to the headquarters from the training class. When they saw Zuo Zhong, he stood nervously in front of his desk, his back straight.

 Suddenly summoned by the deputy director, both of them felt a little nervous. They didn't know if they had made a mistake or if there was some confidential task they needed to perform.

Especially Xu Zhongyi, he always felt like he was being accused of his laziness in the training class. His legs were shaking at the moment. He was a smiling tiger, no one would be afraid of him.

“Hehe, how are you? Isn’t it hard in the training class?”

Zuo Zhong asked a question kindly and motioned for the two of them to sit down and talk. At the same time, he glanced at Yu Zecheng, who had a serious expression, and Xu Zhongyi, who had a flattering smile on his face.

“Thank you, Deputy, for your concern. I really like the life in the training class, it’s simple and quiet.”

“Reporting to the Deputy Chairman, I am working for the Fruit Party, and I am not afraid of hard work even if I hold a humble position.”

The first sentence is Yu Zecheng's answer. His attitude is neither humble nor arrogant, which is in line with the other person's character. The second sentence is naturally taken by Xu Zhongyi.

As for their performance in the training class, it is clearly written in the file. One is an expert in the telecommunications class, and the other hangs around female students all day long.

The Human Resources Department also gave corresponding follow-up advice. Yu Zecheng will go to the second main station of the headquarters to do technical work. As for Xu Zhongyi, the General Affairs Office is short of a warehouse manager. In short, everyone has a bright future.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong smiled and pressed his hands again. After the two sat down carefully, he closed the document in front of him and looked at Yu Zecheng with a smile.

"I heard that you met a female student from the Central Public School, also named Zuo. It is said that she is beautiful and smart, and has both talent and beauty. Is this true?"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Zecheng's hair went numb. He had never told anyone about this matter. How did the deputy director know about it. Xu Zhongyi next to him was also surprised. He didn't expect to see the honest and honest Lao Yu having so much fun and even picking up a female student. This was a serious violation of discipline.

Dai Chunfeng established three rules after the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War: one male agent could not go to the technical academy, two agents could not get married, and three married female agents could not have children.

The reason is that if the Huns are not defeated, how can they be home? Every military commander should have the spirit of selfless sacrifice for the country.

 Family is undoubtedly a weakness for agents and may be threatened by the enemy at any time.

In order to carry out spy work better and complete the task excellently, one must be undistracted and unencumbered. Violators will be dealt with in accordance with military regulations.


Yu Zecheng swallowed nervously, not knowing what to say. Since the deputy director knew about the matter, there was no point in explaining it, so he had to lower his head and wait for the decision.

When Zuo Zhong saw his reaction, the smile on his face slowly faded. He took out a document from the drawer and threw it out. At the same time, he slapped the table hard and scolded loudly.

“Yu Zecheng, you are so brave! The Qingpu class file clearly states that you already have a wife at home. Do you know that the committee’s new life movement strictly prohibits public officials from taking concubines!

Your behavior is, at best, coveting women and corrupting the atmosphere of military rule. At worst, it is disloyalty. Have you ever heard of a sentence: Loyalty is not absolute, but it is absolutely disloyal. "

Facing the deputy director’s thunderous wrath, Yu Zecheng stood up in shame, his face pale and ready to accept the punishment. Xu Zhongyi also stood up and shrank his head to avoid being affected.

What's so scary about it, the next second Zuo Zhong smashed another document on his head and said sinisterly.

“And you, Xu Zhongyi, dare to harass the female students in the training class. Do you know that a report about you has been sent to my desk!

If Yu Zecheng still has extenuating circumstances, you are the one to blame. If you let the director know, I will help you pay for the three bullets that will kill you. "

Xu Zhongyi's head buzzed when he heard the word "shooting." He was frightened out of his wits and gave an explanation in tears.

"Forgive me, deputy chairperson, bureau chief, teacher! I didn't harass the female student. I really like her. I won't dare to hold such a lowly position anymore."

The head teacher of the Qingpu class is Dai Chunfeng, and the deputy head teacher is Zuo Zhong. As a student, Xu Zhongyi is right to call him this.

 “You should show your duty when you work!”

Zuo Zhong snorted when he heard this. Now he knew he regretted it. What had he done earlier? An intelligence officer was fascinated by beauty. It would be embarrassing to spread the word!

He pointed at the two documents that fell on the table and scolded with a dark face: "Look, if you hadn't made great achievements in Shanghai, I would have killed you two **** right away."

The two people opposite were stunned for a moment when they heard this. They quickly picked up the file and opened it and looked at it. They immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and their eyes were full of joy of surviving the disaster.

What Yu Zecheng got was his own file, in which the wife column had been changed to unmarried, and there was no mention of the female student named Zuo in the records of daily words and deeds.

Xu Zhongyi held in his hand a report about him from the training class. At the end of the document, there were four big words "This will not happen next time" written in flying colors.

They are all smart people, but they still don't understand. Deputy Director Zuo helped them out of past friendship and suppressed the matter.

What to do when you encounter such a boss who talks about kindness? Of course, thank you. Yu Zecheng and Xu Zhongyi bowed heavily to Zuo excitedly.

 “Thank you, deputy seat.”

“Deputy Chairperson, I will work hard after taking up my humble position~~~”

Zuo Zhong waved his hand impatiently and interrupted the two people's nonsense: "Okay, let's save these words for the April 1st meeting. Remember you only have one chance.

I am not doing this out of favoritism and perverting the law. The Bureau is not a hard-hearted person and often teaches us to give comrades who have made mistakes a chance and not to apply the same policy to all.

 So if you want to thank, just thank the bureau chief in your heart, and this matter is not in the past. Xu Zhongyi, go back and apologize to the female student immediately and get her forgiveness. "

As he spoke, he stared at the future "waiter" with an extremely sharp and serious look, and then turned to look at Yu Zecheng, who looked troubled.

“As for you, the Qingpu squad fought **** battles against the Japanese invaders in Shanghai. You are not only warriors, but also heroes. The party and the country have always been generous in rewarding heroes.

Let's do this, when you want to get married, you can come to me to approve it, and I will intercede with you personally, but you have to keep a low profile.

Otherwise, if other brothers become monks and your son marries a beautiful girl, everyone will definitely have objections in their hearts.

 You should also pay attention to the rules of confidentiality. You should not say anything, even to your wife and family. You are not allowed to disclose anything that involves confidentiality. "

 After saying that, Zuo Zhong didn’t wait for Yu Zecheng to thank him again, and waved his hands to tell the two of them to get lost. However, just before they left the house, he suddenly asked about a small matter.

"By the way, what happened to Li Ya's family? When did he leave the mountain city?"

"Reporting to the deputy chairperson, a telegram was sent from Lao Li's home more than two months ago, saying that his father was seriously ill and he left that day." Xu Zhongyi replied with a playful smile before Yu Zecheng could.

 “Well, you can go.”

Zuo Zhong's heart moved, and he continued to review the documents in his hands, saying something without raising his head. He didn't put down the pen until the door was closed, frowning and squinting his eyes.

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