Cicada Moving

Chapter 1066: last piece of puzzle

Chapter 1066 The last piece of the puzzle

In the office of the deputy director, Wu Chunyang reported on the meeting between Xu Enzeng and Li Qiwu, and handed a report to Zuo Zhong.

“Deputy Chairman, this is probably the situation. This is the address and the specific process of their meeting. I personally led a team to keep an eye on it. The other party must not have noticed it.”

Zuo Zhong took the report and read it quickly. He found that there was no substantive evidence in one area, so he closed the document and nodded.

“Well, then continue to monitor, don’t act rashly for the time being, and look for opportunities to leave images or recording evidence.

 Without conclusive evidence, our Director Li will not admit it. Thank you for your hard work, Chunyang. "

The most taboo thing in political struggles is to act hastily and not to act casually without full confidence. Xu Enzeng has already set a negative example.

“It’s not hard to serve the party and the country, so I will resign from my humble position.”

Wu Chunyang was very discerning and knew it was time to leave. He shouted a slogan saying "no money" and turned around and opened the door and walked out of the office.

 After he left, Zuo Zhong pondered for a moment and called He Yijun. He gave a few instructions in a low voice. Words such as "seat" and "nearest" could be vaguely heard.

After saying that, he walked to the window with his hands behind his back and looked at the busy yard and the dark night outside in silence, seeming to be thinking about something.

 The next morning.

Li Qiwu carried his briefcase and came to Dai Chunfeng's office in groups of five and six. He greeted Lao Dai's secretary Li Wei and raised his hand to knock on the door.

Hearing the sound of entering, Li Qiwu straightened his collar, walked into the room respectfully, and bowed to the figure behind the desk to say hello.


 “Oh, it’s Qi Wu, what’s the matter?”

Dai Chunfeng asked casually without raising his head. He was writing something with a pen in his hand, looking like a standard workaholic.

Different from other Fruit Party officials, Lao Dai seldom arrived late or left early when he entered the intelligence system. When he was busy, he often stayed up for days and nights without sleeping.

It is because of this diligence that he can gain someone's appreciation and trust. Otherwise, there are so many fellow villagers in Ningbo, why would he be able to rise to the top?

Li Qiwu heard Dai Chunfeng's question and bowed again: "Commander, I have some new ideas about anti-corruption in the military and I want to tell you about it."

 “Oh? Tell me.”

Dai Chunfeng finally raised his head and motioned for the other person to sit down and talk, but he did not put down the pen in his hand, obviously not caring about the so-called new ideas.

This detail was noticed by Li Qiwu, and he couldn't help but feel a trace of resentment in his heart, but he responded respectfully on the surface.

“Yes, I wonder if we can call on those involved to surrender and repent, and let the military law offices in each war zone handle the relevant cases on their own.

As long as they take the initiative to explain the problem and return the stolen money, they will not be held responsible, giving these anti-Japanese warriors a chance to start a new life.

Completing these two steps can not only give the outside world a clear attitude, but also avoid turmoil in the military and prevent incidents at the mountain city police station. "

Li Qiwu will naturally not be a waste if he can become the director of the Military Command Bureau in the future. He came up with a response strategy in just a few days, which can be summed up in eight words.

 Be careful of past mistakes and avoid future ones, treat illnesses and save lives.

Is it really useful to just do this? It's useless at all. The Military Law Office has almost become a toll office. The only purpose of his method is to put on a show for the outside world to see.

According to the consistent style of the national government in dealing with internal issues, there is nothing wrong with doing this. It turns a major issue into a trivial matter. They are all colleagues, and they can really kill them all.

But the problem is that in the battle of Huangtuling, Norihide Abe died, and the underground party received praise from all walks of life across the country and even the international community.

On the other hand, the Guo army was defeated again and again, and retreated again and again. At the same time, the casualty rate remained high. It was so embarrassing. Didn't someone lose face?

Therefore, this anti-corruption campaign is not only about stopping the discussion, but also about improving the combat effectiveness, at least temporarily, and winning a few battles to restore respect for the government.

 Even the higher-ups’ intentions were not understood, which proves that later generations’ evaluation of Li Qiwu was based on small cleverness but no big picture.

Dai Chunfeng was a little disappointed and lost the intention to continue listening, but because of their friendship, he still gave the other person a few words.

“Qi Wu, your plan is indeed good, but this time it is not just about acting, but also about solving problems and giving an explanation to the grassroots officers and soldiers and the public opinion community.

I won’t say much more. You can understand it yourself and set off to inspect various war zones as soon as possible. The Legislative Yuan, Executive Yuan, Judicial Yuan, and Supervisory Yuan will also send people to accompany you. "

 After saying that, he waved his hand and shook his head silently. From this incident, it was clear that his old classmate was still far from being good at handling difficult matters.

If Shen had not been framed by others and was unable to take charge of the anti-corruption in the military, there would be no need for him to talk so much nonsense and just wait to be rewarded for his meritorious service. There is really no comparison between people.

  “Yes, seat.”

Li Qiwu's face turned green and pale at the moment he was disgraced. He resigned in embarrassment. When he turned around, his eyes glanced at Dai Chunfeng's desk.

I saw a lot of books placed on Lao Dai's desk. On the top shelf was an old book bound with four eyeliners, with a line of small words written in the middle of the cover.

—"Shenlong Materia Medica" printed by Shanghai Wenhua Book Company in 1932

After obtaining the information he wanted, Li Qiwu left without further words. After leaving, he exchanged a few words with Li Wei before returning to his office. Walking in the busy corridor, his expression slowly turned cold, not only because his suggestion was not approved, but also because of Dai Chunfeng's attitude.

Suddenly, Li Qiwu felt that working with Xu Enzeng might not be as bad as he thought. Now he needs help. The difference is that the goal has changed slightly.

It was not just the **** named Zuo who stood in his way, but also Dai Chunfeng, with whom he had a close relationship.

Li Qiwu, who was thinking about life, didn't notice that He Yijun, dressed in military uniform, was silently observing him from a distance, his eyes full of coldness.

after an hour.

He Yijun walked into Zuo Zhong's office holding several documents. She leaned against the door and listened for a while, then slowly came to Zuo Zhong's side, leaned over and spoke softly.

“The bureau chief has been busy with work recently. He has not gone anywhere except his official residence and headquarters. He only often reads the 1932 edition of "Shenlong Materia Medica" published by Wenhua Book Company.

The source of the books is the library at the headquarters. There is no list of books borrowed by Li Wei. Except for this book, Secretary Li only took ordinary newspapers and periodicals.

But one thing is strange. I asked the female clerk in the office and found out that when she was delivering documents a few months ago, she overheard the bureau chief talking about father and son. "

As Zuo Zhong’s secretary and what some people call his “mistress,” He Yijun has attracted many female agents who want to advance within the Military Command Bureau.

 Don't underestimate these female agents. They are often engaged in confidentiality and clerical work. Coupled with the advantages of women, they are very well-informed.

Zuo Zhong was satisfied that He Yijun had found out so many things in a short period of time, but also a little helpless. With a group of professional intelligence officers mixed together, there really were no secrets in the intelligence agency.

 But "father and son"?

Dai Chunfeng was wondering what his son was doing when he had nothing to do. Dai Shanwu had been quiet recently. Apart from bullying and debauchery, he had not caused any major trouble.

 And "Shenlong Materia Medica", I didn't hear that Lao Dai is interested in traditional Chinese medicine. Could it be that he is too dedicated, leaving the other person with nothing to do and starting to look for hobbies?

Frowning and thinking for a while, Zuo Zhong tilted his head and looked at He Yijun: "Also, has there been any large-scale personnel transfer at the local district station recently?"


He Yijun shook his head affirmatively, and then reported: "I went to the Personnel Department in your name, and neither the Open Personnel Department nor the Secret Personnel Department had any relevant plans.

I also went to the Finance Department to take a look. The amount of military pay issued in the past six months has not changed significantly, which proves this from the side, unless there are secret funds. "

 Staff and funds have not changed.

 Hearing these two pieces of news, Zuo Zhong looked confused. This contradicted one of his guesses. Could it be that he was wrong?

 No, it must have been overlooked somewhere.

He got up and walked around the office, thinking about various possibilities in his mind, and suddenly he thought of a person.

 Sir Hu!

The Huangpu student currently has the highest position. He was promoted to the commander-in-chief of the 34th Army just a few months ago. He has more than 100,000 elite troops under his command and has a close relationship with Dai Chunfeng.

At that time, Lao Dai was running errands at the Shanghai Stock Exchange. He was poor and had only the clothes on his back. Chief Hu helped him a lot and the two became good friends.

When we parted later, Dai Chunfeng gave the other party a poem. The poem said: You are riding in the car, and I am wearing a hat. When we meet one day, we will get off the car and bow to each other. This incident became a favorite story for a while.

 In the Huangpu period, Chief Hu was "uniquely discerning" and believed that Lao Dai was alert and flexible and had "exceptional talents", so he strongly recommended him to someone.

 Hence, Dai Chunfeng’s current status is largely thanks to Chief Hu.

 After they became successful, Dai and Hu acted like crazy every time they met. They talked too much for three days and three nights and often fell asleep after finishing their talk.

This is not nonsense, but Zuo Zhong saw it with his own eyes in Jinling. The two chatted until midnight. Dai sent Hu home to chat for a while, and then Hu sent Dai to home to chat for a while, talking all night long.

Every time Chief Hu came to the mountain city, Dai Chunfeng would invite him to stay at the Juntong Guest House, greeting him and asking him for warmth, which was more attentive than treating someone.

 To use a less elegant word to describe it, there is an unknown emotional bond between these two people, well, it's a very strong one.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong's eyes lit up, and he immediately walked to the corner where the documents were stacked and began to look for the official documents sent from the Second Hall of the Military Command Department.

To be honest, if it weren't for these documents and military pay, sometimes he would really forget that he also had a concurrent job as the director of the third division of the Second Department of the Military Command Department.

From the pile of official documents, Zuo Zhong quickly found a report on troop mobilization, which was related to Chief Hu's troops.

Two months ago, a group of wounded soldiers from the 34th Group Army returned to the mountain city from the front line to recuperate. As usual, the Second Department notified the military commander to monitor the relevant personnel.

 Other than that, there is nothing else in the report.

 The number of wounded soldiers, the places where they were recuperated, and the equipment they carried were not mentioned. This is completely inconsistent with common sense and relevant regulations.

The mountain city is a companion capital, and non-garrison troops entering the city are very sensitive. According to the rules, they must declare their number, equipment, and location for verification by the military police and intelligence agencies.

Of course, rules are rules, and they are definitely not so strict in actual operations. This is why Zuo Zhong didn't pay attention at the time.

 But things were different now. The last piece of the puzzle was put together. He finally understood one thing and what to do next.

Zuo Zhong slowly put down the report, then recalled the "Shenlong Materia Medica" and the word "father and son", and murmured to himself while standing there.

"Father and son?"

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