Cicada Moving

Chapter 1069: cut off

Chapter 1069: Cutting off the Hu

 “Teacher, it’s not good!”

Zuo Zhong trotted outside Dai Chunfeng's office. He didn't have time to say hello to Li Wei and opened the door, shouting anxiously.

Lao Dai, who was browsing the intelligence updates, was startled, but not angry. He knew the character of his disciple, and something big must have happened if he did this.

He quickly put down the document, frowned and asked, "Shen Zhong, what happened? Has the situation on the frontline changed?"

 With the extension of the front, the Japanese troops became more dispersed and their morale continued to decline. However, they still had an advantage in weapons and still had the ability to attack.

On the other hand, when the fighting stopped for a while, the Guo army's combat effectiveness decreased instead of increasing. If the Japanese made a sudden attack, the result would not be very good.

Hearing Dai Chunfeng's question, Zuo Zhong shook his head, walked quickly to the desk and leaned against Lao Dai's ear, lowering his voice.

“Teacher, one thing was discovered during routine internal screening. Director Secretary Li Qiwu and Xu Enzeng met secretly many times. This is a surveillance record.”

 After stabbing Director Li hard, he handed over the document in his hand, with an expression of hatred, regret, and confusion, and performed a textbook-like acting.

What he hates is that the other party betrays the military commander.

What a pity is that the chief secretary colluded with outsiders.

 What I don’t understand is why the other party would do this.

If this is left to future generations, it can at least help Zuo Zhong get a Best Actor trophy. No wonder some people say that the best actors are not in the film and television industry, but in the officialdom.

It's a pity that Dai Chunfeng was not in the mood to appreciate his performance now. His head was buzzing and he subconsciously took the document and read it. Then he was so angry that his whole body was shaking and veins popped out on his forehead.

Lao Dai knew that Li Qiwu was not very capable, but after all, the two had been friends for many years, so when something happened in Shanghai District, Lao Dai did not severely punish the other person, but let him serve as the chief secretary, just like raising an idle person.

Who would have thought that the other party would actually hook up with Xu Enzeng, and his good intentions really ruined the dog!

As for whether Zuo Zhong would deliberately frame Li Qiwu, Dai Chunfeng never thought about it. With so many signatures on the surveillance records, you can tell whether they are true or false at a glance.


“Animals are born! Animals are born!”

Dai Chunfeng clenched his fist and slammed it on the table. His eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and cursed twice. It looked like he wanted to tear Li Qiwu alive.

Also, the person you trust the most betrays you. This kind of thing would be uncomfortable for anyone, even the future "King of Spies".

As the teacher’s caring little cotton-padded jacket, Zuo Zhong naturally had to offer words of comfort, and his loyal character should be refreshed frequently, so that his holy love would not fade away.

“Teacher, don’t be angry. The most important thing now is that you have to think about how much confidential information Li Qiwu has. I’m afraid that the other party will disclose this information to Xu Enzeng.

  Since the days of the Secret Service, the person named Xu has always been in trouble with us. Be careful that this person uses Japanese hands to deal with you. This despicable villain will definitely do it. "

Zuo Zhong pretended to be thinking about Lao Dai and Juntong, and gave a reminder from the perspective of intelligence work, as if he was really worried that Li Qiwu would betray Juntong.

Dai Chunfeng quickly regained his composure, threw the surveillance record aside, frowned and thought for a long time, then shook his head and said with a thankful face.

“Don’t worry, Shenzhu, Li Qiwu is just the chief secretary. He mostly comes into contact with ordinary official documents and has no chance to master important information.

For example, the location of intelligence stations in various places and the list of lurking personnel, he has no right to interfere with these. This can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

You let me continue to monitor you, but I want to see what this **** wants to do. If he really dares to betray the military commander, I will personally send him away. "

 When it came to the last four words, Lao Dai's tone was full of murderous intent, and he obviously had murderous intentions for this old classmate.

The more suspicious a person is, the harder it is to trust others. At the same time, once someone they trust betrays them, they will be more ruthless.

Zuo Zhong secretly guessed what would happen if Lao Dai knew his true identity. He probably would not let him go even if he chased him to the ends of the earth.

Aware of this, he felt a chill in his heart. He once again reminded himself that he must be careful in his words and actions, and then he immediately straightened up and promised.

“Yes, the student will make arrangements immediately and try to collect as much evidence as possible.”

“Well, I can rest assured that you will do things carefully. You can go down first.”

Lao Dai sat in a chair and replied, looking extremely tired and looking much older. He seemed to have been hit hard by Li Qiwu's incident.

 But this kind of thing happens once and becomes familiar twice. Once it happens more often, you will get used to it.

Just like Xu Enzeng, he was stabbed in the back so many times by his men, but he still lived well, and even married a third wife. This shows how important a good mentality is.

In order to help his dear teacher become stronger, Zuo Zhong pretended to be excited and spoke again, but this time he said "good news".

“Teacher, in addition to this, the student also has one more thing to report. You will definitely be happy after listening to it.”

"Oh? Tell me." Hearing this, Dai Chunfeng became more energetic. He sat up straight and looked at his proud disciple expectantly, ready to hear what would make him happy.

Zuo Zhong licked his lips, silently prayed for Lao Dai's heart, and then told the two findings without hesitation.

“Teacher, after Xing Hanliang’s defection, the students conducted a secret investigation on him and discovered the dissidents who were in contact with him and were hiding in Geleshan!”

Hearing Geleshan, Dai Chunfeng, who was sitting there with a smile and waiting for the good news, changed his face drastically, stood up and let out an exclamation.


While Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong, the master and apprentice pair, were talking, the bamboo processing factory where the Zhongtong secret office was was in a commotion, with little spies running around everywhere.

Today, the mountain city encountered a rare good weather. Xu Enzeng stood with his arms akimbo under the rising sun, looking at his men who were busy, with an indescribable sense of pride on his face.

 Gele Mountain has land┴Xiadang.

He did not expect that Li Qiwu could obtain such important information, and it was a case handled by Zuo Zhong personally. The target must be an important figure of the dissident.

As long as the Central Committee can intercept Hu in advance, it will not only eliminate the negative impact caused by the police trouble, but also help him regain the trust of senior officials.

Having fought against the military commander for so long and lost so many times, this time we finally have a chance to avenge our shame. How can we not be excited?

Xu Enzeng couldn't help but regret a little. He should have found a partner a long time ago, otherwise there would be no need to suffer so many losses and he still neglected intelligence work.

After pondering for a while, he turned around and looked among the crowd, and found that Mou Zhiye, the acting intelligence chief, was not there, and immediately lost his temper at the cronies around him.

“Where’s Mou Zhiye? Wasn’t this guy still here just now? It’s really mud that can’t support the wall. When the critical moment comes, there will be no one. It’s a waste!”

The confidant has long been accustomed to the virtues of his deputy director. After hearing this, he first took a step back and left the attack range of Big Ear Guazi, and then replied calmly.

“Director Mou will return to the headquarters to retrieve information after finding out the target location. Should we wait?”

 “Wait for P, let’s set off immediately! I will lead the team myself this time!”

Xu Enzeng's eyes widened, and his troops were very fast. When Mou Zhiye came back, the military commander might have taken action, so how could he intercept Hu and grab the credit?

 After saying that, he slapped his hands regretfully, walked to the back seat of a car and sat in it, stretched his arm out the window and waved to start action.

Immediately, more than a dozen trucks rumbled into action, and the compartments of each truck were filled with heavily armed agents, driving toward Gele Mountain in a menacing manner.

To be sure, Xu Enzeng mobilized all the troops he could this time. What he wanted was to fight the lion with all his strength and not give the underground party a chance to resist.

Sitting in the back seat, he turned around and looked at the huge motorcade. He turned back to the front with satisfaction and began to review the action plan in his mind.

Yesterday afternoon, he learned from Li Qiwu that there were underground gangs in Geleshan and that he could follow the phone lines to find people. He ordered Mou Zhiye to put on makeup and investigate overnight, and soon discovered a suspicious target.

 This place was originally an industrial school. It was bombed into ruins by the Japanese at the beginning of the year. Students and teachers suffered heavy casualties. It is currently in an abandoned state.

Since there are no residential buildings within half a kilometer of the school, and there are unexploded aerial bombs inside, very few people pass by, let alone enter, the location is very remote.

But according to the villagers’ confessions, a group of mysterious people suddenly appeared nearby more than two months ago. When the weather is good, you can still see smoke rising from cooking stoves, which seems to be inhabited.

Mou Zhiye took the risk to conduct a close investigation and found that there were indeed people moving around in the target courtyard, and there were a lot of them, and their actions were secretive.

 Because of this, Xu Enzeng brought so many people, preparing to quickly control the scene with the advantage of numbers. He did not want another defeat at Jiujiawei.

The reason why we did not wait until night to take action was that we were afraid that the military would close the network early, and we were on the territory of the national government and within the capital, so there was no need to be too nervous.

Xu Enzeng thought about the action plan, leaned back comfortably in his chair, imagining Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong's reaction after knowing this.


Thinking about it, he couldn't help laughing. The military commander worked so hard to investigate the case and finally made wedding clothes for the central commander. It was wonderful.

 The only trouble is that Li Qiwu may be exposed because of this matter, but it has nothing to do with him. He will just find another partner then.

One has to believe in fate. If the opponent dies, he is unlucky. If the opponent does not die, he has another advantage. No matter how he counts, he wins.

Looking at the Geles Mountain getting closer and closer in the distance, Xu Enzeng took out his gun and pulled the sleeve, his eyes were shining and he was mumbling words as if he was nervous.

 several kilometers away.

Xing Hanliang reassembled a disassembled Zilaide, loaded the magazine and placed it on the table. He put his hands behind his back and shouted the sentence.

A masked man next to him heard the sound and pressed the timer. Looking at the results above, he nodded slightly, walked over, and started chatting in a low voice with Xing Hanliang.

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