Cicada Moving

Chapter 1073: Good people cry, bad people are rampant

Chapter 1073: Good people cry, bad people are rampant

Dai Chunfeng stood in the open space of the industrial school, looking at the corpses of veterans of the 34th Group Army and the wounded with weak breaths. He was so angry that he was trembling all over, and he was ready to kill Xu Enzeng.

These veterans are all grassroots non-commissioned officers of the 1st Division. They are the backbone of the army's combat effectiveness. Each one of them is Commander Hu's treasure and heart.


Thinking that he had failed Chief Hu, Lao Dai walked slowly to Xu Enzeng, grabbed his collar, and spoke every word with his face close to his face.

“Xu, do you know what you have done? This is a training camp for our military commander. It is related to the tasks assigned by the commission. I will shoot you with one shot, Wang Ba Dan!”

As he spoke, he took out his gun from his pocket, turned off the safety, pulled the hammer and pressed it against Xu Enzeng's forehead. His finger was on the trigger, as if he was ready to fire at any time.

Feeling the cold muzzle of the gun, Xu Enzeng panicked, but it was impossible to beg for mercy in front of so many men, so he could only bite the bullet and start quibbling.

"Dai Chunfeng, what do you want to do? I tell you, I am the deputy director of the Central Military Commission and not under the control of your military commander. What authority do you have to deal with Xu?"

Besides, how do I know this is your training camp? There is no sign outside. I received a tip that there is an underground party stronghold in Geleshan, and I brought people over to check it out.

Who knew that suspicious people in the school suddenly opened fire? Of course we had to fight back. They did not reveal their identities during the exchange of fire. I cannot blame them for this. "

He became more and more energetic as he talked, and he downplayed the responsibility to the military unification side, and finally blamed Dai Chunfeng in a weird and sinister way.

“I would like to ask Director Dai why there are books and symbols of the underground party in your training camp. Could it be that you are a dissident placed inside the national government?

If you have the ability, let me go and put the gun back. I want to fight you to the death. Let's fight with real swords and guns in front of so many people. "

Perhaps he felt that Lao Dai did not dare to shoot, so Xu Enzeng acted like a rogue in public, and took the initiative to put his head close to the muzzle of the gun, acting as a tough guy, but his legs were shaking a bit.

Dai Chunfeng laughed angrily. Killing such a person was just dirtying his hands, so he gently let go of Xu Enzeng's collar, and then sharply raised his foot to kick the opponent's stomach.

Even though he was pampered in Pingping, he was from Huangpu after all. As soon as Xu Enzeng was kicked off, he flew two or three meters away, fell to the ground and howled in pain.


When the little secret agents of the Central Military Commission saw that Director Dai had lost his temper and that they were safe, they swarmed around their immediate superiors, helping others and dusting them off. They were very busy.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. The deputy director has no responsibility and can only shirk responsibility and make clever words. Naturally, the people below him will follow the same example.

Dai Chunfeng retracted his legs and sneered in his heart as he watched the farce, until Xu Enzeng stood up with a pale face and continued to ask two more questions.

“It was the committee’s decision to train intelligence personnel lurking in the northwest here. Those books and objects are training tools. No one knows about this except the participants.

You said you received a tip, where is the informant, or are you secretly monitoring the committee member and Dai? If you can't tell me anything today, Deputy Director Xu, you have to come with me.

Also, where are the students in the training camp? Mr. Xu, don’t blame me for not telling you. Many of these people are relatives and friends of important officials in the government. You can think about it carefully before telling you. "

He was not trying to scare Xu Enzeng, but it was the truth. There were indeed relatives and juniors of prominent officials among the students. This was related to the needs of the mission.

In order for lurkers to gain the trust of the underground party as quickly as possible, providing false information is one way, which requires lurkers to have a certain identity.

This is easy to understand. Between an ordinary student and a relative or friend of a Fruit Party official, it is obvious that the latter has easier access to information and is more trustworthy.

For example, the reason for choosing Xing Hanliang was that he had a good relationship with Zuo Zhong and could sneak into the northwest in the shortest possible time by using false information related to military command.

On the other side, when Xu Enzeng heard what Lao Dai said, he was anxious and afraid. What was anxious was that it turned out that this place was really a military training camp, and it was also a training camp for lurking northwest intelligence personnel.

What I'm afraid of is the phrase "secret surveillance of the commission." If such words spread, I don't know how big a storm it will cause, and even the entire Central Government will have to pay a heavy price. Damn Dai Chunfeng!

Thinking of the serious consequences of this matter, Xu Enzeng pushed away his men, pointed at Lao Dai and cursed: "Dai, please don't slander others. My loyalty to the commission is well known.

As for the identity of the informant, this is the top secret of our Central Command. I’m sorry I can’t tell you. All those students have run away. Don’t think of putting the blame on me. "


Dai Chunfeng asked back, and then ignored the matter. With such a big movement today, given the confidentiality level of the government, the news that the military commander sent people to lurk in the northwest will definitely be leaked.

So it doesn't matter whether the student is dead or alive. Anyway, the culprit is Xu Enzeng. As the saying goes, the blame has nothing to do with the military commander or him.

Compared with a plan that has gone bankrupt, he cares more about the "informant", the old friend who betrayed him and the military commander.

Lao Dai let out a long sigh, and then nodded to the secretary Li Wei beside him. Li Wei received the hint and immediately turned around and walked back to the convoy, taking out a person from one of the cars. I saw Li Qiwu, the usually high-spirited chief secretary, with his hands tied behind his back and a smelly sock stuffed in his mouth. Under Gui Youguang's push, he stumbled towards the crowd.


After seeing Dai Chunfeng, Li Qiwu struggled to run to him and knelt down with a bang, grabbing the ground with his head and kowtowing in an attempt to beg for mercy. Unfortunately, his mouth was blocked and he could only whimper.

Dai Chunfeng looked at him coldly, then raised his head and stared at Xu Enzeng who was sweating profusely. He suddenly smiled and said in a calm tone.

“Deputy Director Xu, look who is here, this must be your informant, but you really have one. He is not capable of dealing with the underground party, but he is very capable of dealing with his own people.

Even the closest and most trusted people around me can instigate rebellion. I have to admit that I underestimated you before. Come on, say hello to Director Li quickly. "

Xu Enzeng smiled awkwardly, closed his mouth tightly and refused to answer. He was not the only one to monitor political opponents, but he must not put it on the table.

Therefore, even if he wanted to throw the blame on Li Qiwu, he must remain silent. Even the fact that the other party told him the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" cannot be disclosed. This is a matter of principle.

Facing the silent Xu Enzeng, Lao Dai snorted coldly, stepped over Li Qiwu, who was still kowtowing, walked to the old opponent again, and said something with a half-smile.

"Why don't you say anything? The two of you had a good chat in that small courtyard. Would you like me to have someone take out the surveillance records, so that others won't think that Dai has framed you?"

Li Qiwu on the side suddenly collapsed to the ground when he heard these words. He knew that he was finished. It turned out that his every move was being monitored.

Aside from despair, he was also a little resentful, resentful about why Dai Chunfeng did this. They were old friends for decades.

There is a kind of person who always blames and blames others when things happen, never looking for the reasons within himself, and even less willing to face his own possible mistakes. This is Li Qiwu.

 “Return to the light, take it off.”

After Dai Chunfeng captured Xu Enzeng's army, he motioned to the bald man to remove the smelly socks from Li Qiwu's mouth, hoping to hear what the other party would say and make him understand.

As soon as the socks were taken off, Li Qiwu seemed to see hope of survival. He quickly lay on the ground and crawled to Lao Dai's feet, crying bitterly and starting to explain.

"Secretary, please spare me this time. People named Xu are threatening me with the accusation of Deputy Director Zuo. Although the informer is not me, I don't dare to bet once the incident in Shanghai District comes out. !

I had no choice but to agree to him. Two days ago, I heard Deputy Director Zuo calling and talking about the underground party and Geleshan. Since it did not involve our internal intelligence, I dared to disclose it to Xu Enzeng.

Looking at the kindness of the past, just give me a chance to start a new life. I will leave the mountain city immediately and go to various war zones to crack down on corruption. If this matter goes wrong again, you will kill me directly. "

The person responsible for escorting him is Gui Youguangle. How long has it been? He still wants to be a new person. Go and be a ghost. Who doesn’t know that the one the bureau hates the most is the mole?

 But the strange thing is that Dai Chunfeng frowned after hearing this and said nothing. He seemed to be really considering whether to let Li Qiwu go.

The military is very sensitive to anti-corruption. If you do well, you will offend the military, if you do poorly, you will offend the committee. In short, the left and right are not human beings, so Lao Dai is ready to put Zuo Zhong in charge of this matter.

It's not that he wants to trick the students, it's just that among the many high-ranking military officials, the only ones who can flexibly grasp the situation are Zuo Zhong and himself. If Zuo Zhong can't handle it, he can't go into battle personally.

From this point of view, it is a good idea to let Li Qiwu plead guilty and make meritorious service, and treat it as waste. After all, even a piece of toilet paper has its own uses.

Besides, the other party is quite capable, he just likes to be clever, and he even comes up with a plan to avoid past mistakes and save others, and he doesn't want to be the one who stands out.

But the situation is different now. As a "traitor", Li Qiwu must fight corruption with all his strength if he wants to survive.

Dai Chunfeng squinted his eyes and made a decision in his heart. Then he moved his eyes to Xu Enzeng's face, and his legs tended to be raised again.

In the final analysis, what happened today was all the fault of this bastard. Not only did he destroy the mission assigned by the commission, but he also let the military commander reveal a spy and made himself embarrassed.

You must give the other side some clues, otherwise cats and dogs will dare to plot against the military commander in the future. After thinking about it, Lao Dai waved his hand and uttered three words.

 “Hit me!”

As soon as the director gave the order, the military secret agents immediately put their guns back into their holsters, took bricks and wooden sticks, and rushed towards the Central Unification Party.

Gui Youguang rushed at the front and rushed towards the stunned Xu Enzeng. With a strong step on his feet, he jumped up high and kicked Deputy Director Xu away again.

Xu Enzengfei burst into tears in the air. Why is he always the one who gets hurt? God, why do you make "good people" cry and bad people run rampant~

Just when the entire Zhongtong army was receiving "massage" from the military command, two people emerged from a cave in Geleshan. It was Li Ya and Xing Hanliang who had escaped from the secret passage.

The two people, who were in a panic, helped each other climb up the mountain path and prepared to go down the mountain. But before they could take a breath, they heard a joking voice coming from the woods.

 “Why is it so slow? The sun is almost setting~”

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