Cicada Moving

Chapter 1085:

Chapter 1085

  January 1940.

The long-awaited Lunar New Year for the children is about to arrive. Even during the war and being bombed by Japanese aircraft from time to time, the streets and alleys of the mountain city are still full of Spring Festival atmosphere.

However, with Ji's defection to the enemy and treason, and Japan's blockade of the coast of the Republic of China, the Anti-Japanese War entered its most difficult period. Under various bad news, the morale of all parties was somewhat low.

In order to show its determination to fight the war to the end, the National Association to Commend the Soldiers of the Anti-Japanese War decided to launch the "Spring Festival Labor Gift Conference" around the Spring Festival, the country's most important holiday, to reward the soldiers who participated in the war.

Major newspapers also stated that during the Spring Festival of the Republic of China, compatriots from all walks of life would send gifts to each other to enhance friendship. This practice is very ancient. Although the Anti-Japanese War has reached the difficult stage today, the old habits have been deep-rooted and difficult to change.

Therefore, I hope that compatriots across the country, considering the financial and material difficulties during the war, will use the gifts to give to relatives and friends, and transfer them to frontline soldiers, wounded soldiers, young recruits, and family members of anti-Japanese war soldiers, etc., so as to express gratitude and condolences to the anti-Japanese war soldiers on behalf of the compatriots in the rear.

They also hope to raise cash through the "Spring Festival Labor Gift Conference" and donate it to the soldiers who are fighting bravely at the front as military pay and pensions, and followers gathered for a while.

All agencies in Shancheng City and the Northwest Representative Office participated in it. They set up multiple gift platforms in the urban area and performed patriotic civilized dramas and dances to attract the public.

The Japanese Anti-War League also actively participated in the opening ceremony, organizing a "makeup and gift-giving team" to work with the people of the mountain city to publicize their opposition to the Japanese invaders, and donated money and materials to the anti-war effort on the spot.

After the opening ceremony, various participating groups also held publicity activities. The streets were crowded with people, and eye-catching slogans supporting the Anti-Japanese War were everywhere. The sound of gongs and drums from the military band was endless. At the same time, Air Force pilots flew planes over the parade to celebrate the victory. During the Spring Festival, the labor force cheered, and the scene was spectacular.

In the office building at No. 29 Luojiawan, Zuo Zhong stood by his office window, looking at the fighter jets flying overhead and shaking his head helplessly. He turned back to the table and looked at Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi who had come to pay New Year's greetings.

"Come just come. Whatever you bring, it belongs to your brothers. You don't have to be polite. Now is the cusp of the storm, so be cautious."

He pointed to the two gift boxes on the table and motioned for the two of them to take them back. The dignified deputy director of the military command was in the office to accept the gifts. If word spread, there would definitely be some scoundrels slandering someone and Lao Dai.

Who doesn't know that Zuo Zhong has always been upright, has a breeze on his sleeves, and is pure and pure. It is really not worth ruining his reputation for some worthless gifts.

Besides, the small gifts sent by many old friends in the past two days have piled up in two rooms. He can't eat them all by himself, and he can't use them all. He can't throw them all away, otherwise they will be struck by lightning.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while, picked up the phone and called He Yijun, asking the other party to organize these things and send them to the labor gift conference. His signature should be written as Dai Chunfeng and all colleagues in the military command, in brackets, the words Dai Chunfeng should be made larger and darker. The parenthesis ends.

I don’t want to, when Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi heard this, they quickly stood up and winked, patted the gift box, and Lao Gu said softly.

“Secretary, the cakes Chunyang and I sent are filled with lentils. They are golden and shiny. It would be better for you and Secretary He to taste them yourself.”


 Why does this pastry with lentil filling sound familiar to you?

Curious Zuo Zhong took the microphone, glanced at the two old subordinates, and reached out to lift the gift box. Hey, it only weighs seven or eight kilograms, but this pastry filled with lentils is different.

With a faint smile on his face, he picked up the phone again and ordered He Yijun to count the previous gifts in person to avoid "omissions". Alas, being an official is so difficult.

 After handling the small matter, Zuo Zhong said that he would not make an exception next time, and then asked the two of them to sit down. He also sat on the chair and asked the two of them if they had anything else to report besides delivering cakes.

Wu Chunyang nodded, took out the briefcase he carried with him, took out a document from it, and reported the intelligence about Japan with a slightly excited tone.

“Deputy Chairman, the Japanese are no longer able to fight the Japanese. Adult men in Japan are basically being recruited to serve as soldiers, while almost all military production and infrastructure in the rear are completed by women, the elderly, and children.

In order to ensure the supply of military supplies to the front line, major Japanese factories also implemented a "joint logistics system", working 24 hours a day, and many students without any training were herded onto the shelves.

According to information from the Tokyo Intelligence Group, last year alone, no less than 7,000 frontline women died on the job due to ultra-intensive work, not counting those who were disabled or sick. "

 When he said this, his joy was beyond words. Through these data, anyone can see that Japan's national strength has reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the dawn of victory is not far away.

But Zuo Zhong is not so optimistic. The closer to the sunrise, the darker it becomes. Just like at this moment, although it is not far from the spring when the flowers are blooming, we still have to be prepared for the occurrence of "late spring cold". This battle still has to be fought. .

 Hase Ryosuke received intelligence a few days ago, saying that the brilliant minds of the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters conducted a strategic deduction. The result of the deduction was that there were only two ways to solve the "Republic of China Incident".

 The first is to attack the mountain city.

  The second is to withdraw troops from the Republic of China. However, if you want to attack the mountain city, you need to reinforce the battlefield of the Republic of China with at least 15 divisions. Under the premise of implementing a warning against the Red Russia, the Japanese army obviously does not have this ability.

Withdrawal from the Republic of China was impossible for the cabinet and the Ministry of War to accept. For the Japanese who were addicted to feeding on the weak and taking advantage, spitting out the meat they had eaten was even more uncomfortable than killing them.

Since we cannot win by force in a short period of time, we can only continue to waste it until the mountain city government can no longer hold on and sue for peace or surrender, and see who can persist to the end.

 After reviewing the current situation, Zuo Zhong took the document and put it away. He praised Wu Chunyang with a smile and put forward stricter work requirements for one place to avoid underestimating the enemy.

Then he nodded to Gu Qi and signaled the other party to start reporting. Unexpectedly, Gu Qi broke a big news at the beginning, which related to the latest trends of certain officials within the government.

"Deputy Director, the situation of the Japanese is not good, and we are not much better. Recently, the secret intelligence personnel of the second branch have discovered a lot of strange things, and some people are afraid that they are going to do something evil."

Zuo Zhong was a little speechless. At this time, there are still people coveting that position. It is really life-threatening and infighting. Is that position more important than the future of the country?

Without waiting for him to speak, Gu Qi also handed over a document and said slowly: "After the war in Europe, the commissioner once said that the purpose of our war of resistance was to end at the same time as the world war. In other words, the Sino-Japanese issue To be solved simultaneously with world problems.

The world problem cannot be solved, nor can the issue of the Republic of China be solved. We still cannot break away from our colonial status. Therefore, the time of the War of Resistance, especially the resolution of the final problem, must be linked to the world war, so that the wars in East Asia and Western Europe will end at the same time.

The most effective way to achieve this goal is to get closer to Britain and France and alienate Germany and Italy. However, with Germany's successive victories in the European battlefield, many people have wavered in this policy. For example, President Sun of the Legislative Yuan seems to be preparing to take the lead in the Supreme Court. Exploded at the national defense meeting.

Materials provided by President Sun’s secretary show that Minister Kong of the Ministry of Finance, President Ju of the Judicial Yuan, Vice President of the Executive Yuan, and Mr. Zhang, director of the Mountain City Operations, all agreed that a new strategy of pro-Red Russia and Germany should be adopted. , relying on the power of Germany and Russia to resist the Japanese. "

 (The above content is very important and is directly related to the following content, not hydrology)

    , Dean Sun.

Hearing this name, Zuo Zhong had a toothache. Why didn't this person stop? Doesn't the other person know that the era of him and his family is over? No wonder some people say that the father is a tiger and the son is a dog.

After pondering over and over again, he ordered Gu Qi's Second Division to continue to monitor, and if necessary, to warn some of the lower-level secret conspirators. As for others, the military commander had no control over them.

 He ​​didn’t believe that someone didn’t know these things. Without this political sensitivity, the other party wouldn’t be able to sit in the current position. This matter might be a situation, and it would be better for them to get less involved.

Making up his mind to pretend to be deaf and dumb, Zuo Zhong put away the second document and suddenly thought of something. He took out his cigarette case and scattered two cigarettes, and asked with a smile.

“By the way, our Director Li has been touring various war zones for some time, what are the results?”

 When mentioning this matter, both Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi laughed. After some negotiation, Gu Qi, as the representative, reported Li Qiwu's "magical" journey to Zuo Zhong.

“Deputy seat, starting from the team led by Li Qiwu, so far, the supervision team has encountered a total of 3 shipwrecks, 2 aircraft failures, 4 car accidents, and 2 encounters with bandits, resulting in a total of 3 deaths and 8 injuries.

There were fires in the logistics warehouses of 11 division-level units. Five military-level logistics leaders died of illness and four committed suicide. The mortality rate of senior officers was much higher than that of the Battle of Songhu and the Battle of Jinling. "

 “Cough, cough~”

Zuo Zhong, who was smoking, was shocked by the news and coughed several times. Good guy, the legendary fire burned Longcang 11 times in a row. It is indeed a long time since he was alive.

 Whether this was careless, intentional, or intentionally careless, this matter is worth pondering.

If someone knew that his anti-corruption impulse had killed so many "pillars of the party and state," he would probably scold Xipi again. It seems that Li Qiwu will be back soon.

 If we continue like this, the army will collapse on its own before the Japanese come over. The other side will definitely be able to distinguish between the issue of face and the foundation of rule, which is more important.

After taking two strong puffs of cigarette, Zuo Zhong looked at his watch and realized that it was getting late, so he stood up, picked up two gift boxes, and said something to Wu Chunyang and Gucci.

“Let’s go to the hospital to see Dong Xin together. I’m busy finishing cases these days and don’t have time to visit him. Today I borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha and let him try the lentil-filled pastries. It will give him a lot of experience.”

Wu Chunyang and Wu Chunyang naturally had no objection. Anyway, the "gift" had been delivered, and it was the superior's business to deal with it. They followed Zuo Zhong out of the office with a smile.

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