Cicada Moving

Chapter 1095: Confession (there is a book club today)

Chapter 1095 Confession (there is a book club today)

Mark heard Meng Ting say the word "confession", he squeezed the fist hidden behind his back, snorted coldly, and stared at the man with a sinister gaze.

“Chief Meng, don’t you think it’s too late to confess now? I’m afraid your accomplices have already left the mountain city and headed to the northwest.

 Let me tell you, there is nothing so cheap in the world. Since you have no use value, you should be very clear about what is waiting for you. "

 Meng Ting had a smile on his deformed face and replied nonchalantly: "Haha, Mark, we are all professional agents. There is no need to explain this kind of thing clearly, right?"


The furious Mark pointed at Meng Ting with his eyes spitting fire, but there was nothing he could do. After all, Xu Enzeng needed a living person. He was silent for a long time and slowly put down his hand and said coldly.

“Then tell me about your superiors and subordinates, as well as what you know about the underground party’s intelligence network in mountain cities and other cities. I will verify whether it is true or false.

I advise you not to play tricks. Although Director Xu doesn’t want to kill you now, it doesn’t mean he won’t kill you in the future. I don’t care if you fake surrender. If you don’t want to die, it’s best to tell the truth.

In this way, I can make a contribution, you can survive, and everyone can get what they need. After leaving this interrogation room, we may have a chance to drink at a wine table. "

 Speaking of this, Mark's tone was full of resentment and unwillingness. It seemed that there was really nothing he could do about Meng Ting, even false information that had passed the time limit and had no value.

Meng Ting opened his swollen eyelids with force, took a deep look at him, and read out some names and addresses expressionlessly. He read this for more than ten minutes.

What he revealed at this moment was the list of underground party personnel lurking in various places in the Kuomintang-controlled areas and the locations of their agencies. Each item was priceless. Of course, this was before.

However, being able to remember so much information through memory alone shows that Meng Ting is a qualified agent. It is indeed a bit unfair to be stuck on a pair of shoes this time.

the other side.

Mark lazily pressed the switch of the wire recorder. He sat behind the interrogation table, picked up a pen and wrote and drew on the paper nonchalantly, as if he really didn't care what Meng Ting said.

 When Meng Ting finished speaking, he slowly tightened the cap of his pen, looked up at his old boss, suddenly smiled, smiled very happily, and then raised his hand and clapped it.

With the sound of clapping, the setting sun outside the ventilation window suddenly disappeared, and the outside became dark. After a while, a ray of midday sunlight came in, and the interrogation room became extremely bright.

be cheated!

Meng Ting's face turned dark instantly. As a senior intelligence officer, he naturally knew what happened. The Central Commander actually used lights to simulate the sunset, creating the illusion that a long time had passed to confuse him.

 After a moment of silence, he gritted his teeth and nodded to Mark: "Very good, I haven't seen you in a few years. Mark, your skills are getting better and better. Xu Enzeng is also blind, so I leave you alone."


Before he finished speaking, a beaming Xu Enzen walked into the interrogation room. He laughed twice and came to Mark's side. He patted the other person's shoulder hard and sounded very excited.

“Okay! Okay! I only used a few pieces of black cloth and a few lamps to deceive a die-hard dissident. If this news gets out, I don’t think anyone will say that our Central Commander is not as good as the Military Commander.

  Don’t worry, the case is over. I will immediately go to the top to ask for credit for you. The position of Director of the Intelligence Division will be yours. You will immediately lead a raid on the secret stronghold of the underground party in Shancheng. "

 “Yes! Bureau seat.”

Mark's face flushed with excitement. It was no wonder that he racked his brains and came up with this clever plan. When he became the director of the intelligence department, he wanted to see how the despicable people who had bullied him would react.

Just when he was fantasizing about revenge and grievance, Meng Ting spoke on the interrogation chair, and the other party sent him back to **** with just one sentence.

“Director Xu, I want this Intelligence Director!”


Xu Enzeng asked in return, with a look of disbelief on his face. Listen, is this what people say? What do you mean by this director? What is the director of the central government? Cabbage? If you want it, you can have it.

But before he could reprimand him, Meng Ting smiled softly: "Director Xu, you don't think I will really tell you all the information. As a human being, it's better to keep a trump card for yourself."

Hearing the trump card, Xu Enzeng narrowed his eyes and swallowed back the curse words he was about to blurt out. A disgusting smile appeared on his fat face, and he asked Meng Ting with a smile if there was any important information that he had not told.


Mark was anxious now. Seeing that the director's throne he had obtained was about to fly away, he quickly took a few steps forward and came to Xu Enzeng, wanting to tell Xu Enzeng that he couldn't believe what the other party said.

As a result, Xu Enzeng's face changed faster than flipping through a book, as if he had completely forgotten the promise he made a few seconds ago, and immediately raised his hand to interrupt him, speaking in an official accent skillfully.

“Xiao Ma, don’t be anxious. You are still young and cannot be the director. You can still be the deputy director. The most important thing now is to deal with the underground party. As for your personal future, let’s put it aside first.”

 Let it go, these three words are easy to say, God knows how long it will last.

 One year? ten years? Mark looked sad and wanted to say a few more words, but Xu Enzeng didn't listen to his nonsense at all. He strode to Meng Ting and bent down to listen, wanting to hear what the opponent's trump card was.

Judging from the Jiujiawei incident and the recent confession, Meng Ting must be an important member of the underground party, and he is very interested in the secret that can be regarded as a trump card.

Meng Ting looked at Mark, who was mourning for his heir, and smiled and said to Xu Enzeng, who was approaching him: "You only know that Zhou Yujun is the secretary-general of the China-Belgium-France-Switzerland Association. Didn't you know that he is also the head of the underground organization in the mountain city in the northwest? !”


These words were so shocking that Xu Enzeng jumped up when he heard this. They actually captured the person in charge of the underground party's mountain city underground organization, and even beat him to death?

Thinking of this terrible result, he felt that his legs were a little weak, and he had the urge to hold his head and cry. The fat in his mouth could even fall off. Why was he always the one who got hurt?

However, despite feeling regretful, Xu Enzeng did not believe what Meng Ting said. After all, the other party had a criminal record. If he had not believed the other party's lies a few years ago, the loss to the secret service headquarters would not have been so great.

Mark even fanned the flames and suggested that Xu Enzeng kill Meng Ting on the spot. His purpose was simple - if Meng Ting died, the position of director would naturally still be his.

Faced with the suspicion of the two men, Meng Ting's response was simple: "Director Xu, among the addresses I just mentioned, there is the party committee of the Shancheng Underground Party. If you go quickly, you should be able to block the staff inside. , some of them must have seen Zhou Yujun."

 Yeah, just find the witnesses.

Xu Enzeng suddenly understood. After thinking quickly, he decided to be on the safe side. He picked up the phone and notified the garrison headquarters, asking the military to send support to avoid encountering something like Jiujiawu again.

 Subsequently, he asked a doctor to treat Meng Ting. He took the mournful Mark and all the Central Unification agents who could be mobilized and got into a car to go to an address in the confession.

 According to the information provided by Meng Ting, this place is the secret stronghold of the Shancheng underground party, with about 20 staff members and a large number of documents, weapons and ammunition hidden.

It took half an hour for the group to arrive near a pickle factory in the Shaci District in the west of the mountain city. Support from the garrison headquarters also arrived. The two parties briefly exchanged intelligence and immediately prepared to arrest people.

 The more careful the planning, the more likely things will go wrong.

Xu Enzeng took this sentence to heart. After coordinating with the military personnel, he ordered Mark to lead the team to direct the raid as compensation for being the director of the intelligence department.

Mark cheered up and led agents and military elites armed to the teeth to surround the pickle factory. Then he personally led the team to open the factory door and rushed into the factory area.

But as soon as he entered the door, he knew that they were late, and only one step late.

 In the corner of the factory, several empty oil barrels were seen emitting black smoke. What was burned in them was obviously not fuel such as firewood, but secret documents or important materials of the underground party.

Without any time to think, Mark limped over to the oil drum, kicked one over, and used his hands and feet to extinguish the flames on the document, regardless of the still burning flames.

Seeing him working so hard, the agents could no longer paddle, so they had to follow behind and use the same method to kick over other oil drums. This scene made Xu Enzeng, who was observing secretly, nod slightly, and couldn't help feeling that the military morale was at its service.

More than an hour later, the agents turned the pickle factory upside down. All papers with writings and suspicious items were searched by Central Unification technical personnel. At the same time, no one was found in the factory.

Xu Enzeng, who was ashen-faced, bent down and took out half of the unburned document from the ashes on the ground. He looked at the "reactionary" remarks on it and said coldly to Mark.

"Immediately compare the handwriting of these documents. Go to the China-Belgium-France-Swiss Association to find samples. Zhou Yujun is the secretary-general. There must be documents written by him there. Remember, you need to find more samples. You must not problem appear."

  “Yes, Director.”

Mark nodded knowingly. This was all he could do now. Once the handwriting comparison was successful, it would corroborate Meng Ting's confession, and they would be able to explain to them.

Zhou Yujun could not survive the sentence, or he could be shot dead on the spot.

The key depends on how to write the case-closing report. In this regard, the Central Committee tends to confuse black and white, referring to deer as horses. It ensures that the report can be written in a colorful way and that Shangfeng can't see anything wrong.

A large-scale arrest that was supposed to yield huge gains ended hastily like this. The troops from the garrison headquarters were the first to leave, but halfway through, a lieutenant quietly left the team and moved toward Luojiawan.

Soon, Zuo Zhong received the relevant information. After sending away the hidden line buried by the military commander in the army, he stood in front of the window and looked at the crowded streets with a mysterious smile on his face.

  (This plot is just a foreshadowing)

Today, September 12th, is the author’s birthday. At 8pm, I will have a voice chat with everyone in the group and draw a prize. The prize is six hairy crabs (homegrown, very delicious).

If you want to participate, please add book friend Jun Juan. Number 1 is full, add number 2, Jun Juan number is 14383┴8279, or go to the homepage of the book page to read the introduction, click "...expand" to join directly.

 Let’s talk about the creative process and future outline. If you have any good opinions, you can tell me. I hope to make more friends.

Disclaimer: People who are allergic to crabs and fresh water are not allowed to participate in the lottery. Although crabs are delicious, they cost more in life. The next book will be replaced with other prizes.

 (End of this chapter)

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