Cicada Moving

Chapter 1103: lobbyist

 Shancheng Military Command Headquarters was as busy as ever, with vehicles driving in and out from time to time. Zuo Zhong, who had nothing to do, stood in front of the window and looked at the yard, leisurely holding a cup of hot tea to pass the time.

Since the time of the Secret Service, the military commander has established a complete set of organizational structures and rules and regulations. Each department has the ability to independently investigate and handle cases. He does not need to personally supervise and direct cases. It has its own division chiefs, section chiefs, and team leaders. They follow the process.

 Being able to operate on its own is a characteristic that a qualified organization should have. If the entire intelligence operation of the Republic of China had to be decided by the highest level, even if it had the ability to double up, it would not be enough.

After taking a sip of hot tea, there was a knock on the door behind him. Zuo Zhong did not turn around and said in a deep voice. With his current status, the only people qualified to visit him directly were his old subordinates and He Yijun. As expected, He Yijun's voice came out a few seconds later. Ringed slowly.

“Vice-in-Chief, there is an urgent message from pangolin.”


“According to the cable, Gao Chongwu is currently in Nagasaki, Japan, Tao Xisheng is participating in negotiations with Japan in Shanghai, and Pangolin and Mou Ni have left Jinling two days ago. According to his judgment, the destination is likely to be the island city.”


Zuo Zhong slowly turned around, looked at He Yijun and frowned: "What do you mean it may be an island city? What did Jinling do? I want accurate information. Pangolins are not professional agents. Are they also newcomers?"

It's not surprising that he was angry. Whether at work or in training in many training classes, he always required that the information must be accurate and not vague, because if a mistake was made, human life would be needed to make up for it.

He Yijun's face remained normal, and he answered calmly while holding the telegram: "Jinling reported that the person who went to hand over the information this time was not the pangolin himself, but his cousin. According to analysis, there should be Japanese and puppet intelligence personnel around the pangolin.

Our people conducted a survey of the docks, ports, and stations in Jinling and found that a Japanese Army traffic boat was heading to Shanghai that night. Because the dock was extremely heavily guarded, the appearance and number of the personnel could not be determined.

At the same time, a Japanese mail plane temporarily took off from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport the next morning and landed at Cangkou Airport in the island city. Jinling requested instructions from the Daocheng Station to take over the next step to verify the authenticity and reliability of the pangolin information. "

 At the end of the report, He Yijun closed the telegram, raised her head and raised her chest, waiting for orders. From beginning to end, she did not express any subjective opinions, but simply recounted the content and background of the telegram from an objective perspective.

Behind the table, Zuo Zhong folded his arms and sat back in his chair. He knew what it meant to verify the authenticity and reliability of intelligence. Jinling was afraid that Xing Hanliang would have problems. This was not because the other party was frightened by what happened last time.

There are strict and precise steps and procedures for intelligence handover. It is rare for someone to deliver the message on your behalf. There are generally two possibilities for this to happen.

 First, intelligence personnel really cannot escape.

 Second, intelligence personnel rebelled, which was a trap.

Jinling did not send a report to the mountain city immediately. I am afraid that in addition to side investigations, security inspections were also conducted. When operating in enemy-occupied areas, caution and caution are the most important ways to survive.

  Island city, island city.

Zuo Zhong was thoughtful, if Xing Hanliang and Mou Zhiye really went to the island city, the Japanese should have received the sanctions action intelligence reported by Hase Ryosuke, and sent them to the island city to hunt down the assassins.

As for disclosing someone's sanctions order to the Japanese, it is also part of the plan. Doing so can help Hase gather KPIs, and secondly, it can divert the attention of Japanese intelligence agencies.

Although the military commanders had the upper hand in previous battles, they must not underestimate the other side. Only by diverting the attention of the Japanese can we carry out the second step of the plan, otherwise it will be easy to steal the chicken but lose the rice.

The Japanese must have placed spies around Ji and his party members. If they directly contacted Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng, not only would they not be able to achieve the established strategic goals, but they would also lose frontline personnel in vain.

 After thinking for a few minutes, Zuo Zhong asked He Yijun to leave first, and then reached out to press the button on the desktop: "Notify Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong to come to my office and ask them to bring the information of Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng."

 The first department is responsible for intelligence operations, and its work includes instigating rebellion. Therefore, Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong are the executors of this operation. He wants to hear their specific plans.

Since ancient times, instigation of rebellion has been common in wars. For example, in the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion in the Western Han Dynasty, instigation of rebellion played a great role in helping the central government of the Western Han Dynasty quickly put down the rebellions of princes and kings.

In terms of means, they can be divided into money bribery, beauty temptation, coercion, emotional attraction and ideological assimilation. The most important thing at the moment is what method Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng adopt to instigate rebellion. Not long after, Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong came to Zuo Zhong’s office. The three of them sat down in the reception area and discussed the issue. Wu Jingzhong was the first to express his opinion.

"Deputy Chairman, Gao Chongwu, I have never dealt with him before, but I have heard something about this person. He is a standard elite official, a well-known Japanese expert in the government. This kind of person is willing to give up his future and join in rebellion. It is very difficult to instigate rebellion. Very high.

Tao Xisheng's situation is similar. This guy studied in the Law Department of Beiping University in his early years and served as the chief political instructor of the Central Military Academy. He is very clear about our ideological and political strategies, and ordinary methods of instigating rebellion are difficult to achieve.

  So, I think it is possible to start from their network and contact their relatives first. Compared with these two people, these people are more easily influenced and have a higher success rate of plans. The disadvantage is that it requires a longer preparation time. "

Wu Jingzhong made suggestions in a leisurely manner. It must be said that the intelligence teaching quality of Sun Yat-sen University in Red Russia is very high. Among the many middle-level personnel in the military command, King Jin's ability is definitely outstanding.

The smile on Zuo Zhong's face remained unchanged. He neither agreed nor objected, but he had already rejected this method in his heart. What they lack now is time. God knows how long it will take to instigate Gao and Tao relatives and friends. Someone probably can't wait that long. , thinking of this, he signaled Wu Chunyang to continue.

Wu Chunyang nodded slightly, pondered for a moment and said: "Deputy Chairman, Lao Wu just said it very clearly. Although this method is good, it takes too long. If Xu Enzeng's bunch of losers get the upper hand, the bureau chief may not be happy.

So can we change the idea and instead of inciting people close to the target to rebel, we can instead find loyal people who are loyal to the government from people close to the target and let these people persuade the target. We even only use to instigate one of the targets.

The information is very clear. Both of them are veterans of the reform faction. They both joined Ji Ni's low-key club. They are very close and are in similar situations. I think we can try our best to fight for one. "

The low-key club he refers to is a small organization within the Kuomintang Party that advocates compromise and surrender to Japan. Most of its members are members of the reorganization faction. The more famous ones include Zhou Fushui, a member of the puppet government, a famous writer and Xiao Chen.

Before the war, this group of people often gathered in the air-raid room underground of the Fushui Garden house in Jinling to discuss current affairs. They believed that the country would be defeated if the war between China and Japan started, and that surrender would not necessarily lead to chaos. High profile.

This organization, with Mr. Ji as its spiritual leader, advocates the cessation of fighting, and "crying each other's hands and completely repenting and awakening" with the Japanese invaders in order to achieve "peace" between China and Japan, and provide suggestions for Mr. Ji's conspiracy activities. , trying to end the war through diplomacy, was the backbone of Ji's group that surrendered to the enemy.

Such an absurd and "reactionary" small group is naturally under the surveillance of the Secret Service. In fact, the other party held several meetings. What was said at the meeting and who participated, someone knows better than Ji.

Had it not been for the fact that many of its members were in high positions and had great influence, an "accident" with heavy casualties would have happened long ago. Zuo Zhong would not have any psychological burden to attack such people, but he was afraid that the "accident" was not tragic enough.

Hearing what Wu Chunyang said, Zuo Zhong picked up the information on the coffee table and took a look at the relationship network between Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng. He was a little dazzled by the densely packed names.

Gao and Tao, one is a diplomat and the other is a good dancer. Their communication is very complicated. With whom they have a good relationship and who among them is opposed to surrender, the relevant screening work is a big project.

Throwing the information back gently, he touched the stubble on his chin, suddenly turned his head to look at Wu Chunyang who was sitting upright, and with a thought in his heart, he pointed at him and cursed with a smile.

“Chunyang, seeing how confident you are, you must have a specific goal. Let’s talk about it.”

Wu Chunyang has mastered Gongmen's survival rules. Faced with Zuo Zhong's teasing, he showed no complacency. He lowered his head slightly and replied softly.

"Deputy Gao Ming, I did have some immature ideas. After our investigation, we found a person - Huang Qiu. This person may be able to help us instigate Gao Zongwu. Even if the instigation fails, Gao Zongwu will not turn to the Japanese." Report.

Because Huang Qiu was a fellow villager of Gao Zongwu and an old friend of Gao Zongwu, Gao regarded him as his father. As early as when he was the director of the Department of Asia, Gao often traveled from Jinling to Shanghai to meet Huang Qiu. In 1936, the other party's business After going bankrupt, he lived in seclusion in Kohama Village, Nagasaki, Japan.

Moreover, Huang was a veteran of the Xinhai Revolution. He participated in the recovery of Hangzhou, the War to Protect the Country, and the War to Protect the Law. He advocated patriotism and anti-Japanese resistance, opposed surrender, and had a reliable political stance. The information sent back by the pangolin said that Gao Zongwu was also in Nagasaki. After comprehensive consideration, Huang Qiu is the most suitable lobbyist. "

From the time the telegram was sent from Jinling to the present, it only takes one hour to find a breakthrough among so many people in one place. This shows that Pingshi's intelligence collection work is solid, and Wu Chunyang is a good director.

Zuo Zhong glanced at Huang Qiu's information with a smile, stood up and issued an order: "Notify Fu Ling, immediately find a way to find Huang Qiu, contact Gao Zongwu, I will see the results within three days, if you don't surrender, then I will give away the surname Gao went to see the first president.”

 At the end of the sentence, his expression slowly turned cold. Instigating rebellion is to give Gao and Tao a chance to survive, and also to give them a chance to be decent. If the other side doesn't want to be decent, the military commander will help the other side get decent!

(Mycoplasma pneumonia, I’m recovering. I didn’t expect a small cold to be so severe. I still have chest pain and can’t breathe. I’ve coded two chapters in the past few days. Let’s read it first. I’m not an eunuch.)

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