Cicada Moving

Chapter 1105: Akira Ichijo

Chapter 1105 A clear path

Putting aside the intrigues between the Japs and the small business of Konoe Fumiya and Hase Ryosuke, the famous scenic spot Inasa Mountain in Nagasaki, Japan is crowded with people. The Japanese who are far away from the war are enjoying the life of Heping at the cost. It was the countless people of the Republic of China who were wailing in the flames of war and death.

 In a luxury hotel at the foot of the mountain, Gao Chongwu, who was sent to Japan by someone Ji, sat cross-legged at a low table. Doihara, who was wearing a kimono opposite, pushed several documents in front of him and spoke softly in Japanese.

"Gaosang, here are photocopies of the secret clauses such as the "Outline of the Adjustment of New Relations between Japan and China" and the "Annex of the Outline of the Adjustment of New Relations between Japan and China". Please take it back to Shanghai and submit it to Mr. Ji for review. The empire is willing to help the new government become a The real ruler of the Republic of China.

Our two countries are separated by a strip of water and share the same species. Nowadays, European and American countries are aggressive and want to permanently enslave Asian countries. At this time of critical survival, we should join hands to establish a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. This is what Prime Minister Konoe Fumiya has always been advocated. "

Gao Chongwu squeezed out a smile, took the document, opened it, and looked at it. He immediately felt as if he had fallen into a hole in the ice. The Japanese conditions were so greedy and harsh, not to mention compared to the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Plan announced by Fumiya Konoe. It is also far from the previous consensus reached with Japan.

In the document, the Japanese government "hopes" that the new government will recognize the country, ensure Japan's diplomatic, educational, publicity, cultural and military interests in China, and recognize Japan's rights in Mongolia, North China, the lower reaches of Changjiang, Xiamen, Qiongzhou Island, etc. rights to develop and use local mineral resources, recognize Japan’s security jurisdiction and garrison power in these areas, hire Japanese consultants in the new government and institutions at all levels, etc.

Even though he had become a traitor, Gao Chongwu was furious in the face of such excessive demands. If these terms were implemented, the new government would not have any actual power. What is the difference between this and total surrender?

But the new government needs the support of the Japanese. If there are no benefits, how can the Japanese agree? According to Mr. Ji's theory, if you want to take it, give it first, and save the country through twists and turns. Surrender is only a means, and saving the country is the goal. So It seems that it is not unacceptable.

The problem is that these days, after experiencing the Japanese bossy, the internal strife in the new government, and the distribution of power, he has lost confidence in the theory of national salvation through curves, and even regrets giving up his great future and defecting with Ji.

After thinking for a while, Gao Chongwu felt that he could not take this document back by himself, otherwise he would be in a desperate situation once the incident was revealed, so he solemnly pushed the document back, put his hands on his knees and bowed his head slightly, expressing his apology to the other party. .

"Sorry, Mr. Doihara, Gao is here to contact some old friends who care about the Republic of China. I have no right to accept such important documents on behalf of Mr. Ji. However, when I return to Shanghai, I will try my best to promote the relationship between the new government and your country. cooperate."

Doihara, who had just returned to his hometown from the Northeast, smiled at the rejection. He did not try to persuade Gao Chongwu, nor did he get angry. Instead, he talked with him about his personal interactions with high-level officials of the new government.

For example, when he was in Shanghai, he would go to Zhou Fushui's home every night to chat. As soon as Zhou Fushui's wife heard the sound of the car stopping, she came to the door to welcome her, and soon brought brandy and Hunan-style snacks to the dining room.

Speaking of this, Doihara couldn't help but sigh: "Every night when it rains non-stop, I have an indescribable feeling. Mrs. Zhou's warm hospitality, delicious Hunan cuisine, and intoxicating brandy, these scenes all make me Lingering."

Gao Chongwu had a strange look on his face, wondering why you always mention Zhou Fushui's wife, but he still smiled and nodded, casually echoing a few words, until Doihara left with the document, and the two bowed to each other at the door of the hotel.


With a deep sigh, Gao Chongwu, who felt increasingly that his future was bleak, returned to his room, thinking about how to escape from the complicated whirlpool. Suddenly, the accompanying guard pushed open the door and reported something.

“Sir, an old gentleman named Huang Qiu called and said he was an old friend of yours. He left an address and invited you to a banquet at his house tonight.”

Gao Chongwu slapped his head, how could he forget this? His family friend Huang Qiu settled in Nagasaki a few years ago, but he never had time to visit. This time he came to Japan to meet the old gentleman and listen to his opinions. , maybe something can be gained.

Without further ado, he immediately asked the guards to prepare some gifts, got in the car provided by the hotel, and set off for the address left by Huang Qiu. Several Japanese agents responsible for "protection" reported to their superiors and followed him in the car.

The Japanese still attach great importance to Gao Chongwu, an important official of the new government. Especially when they learned that the government was preparing to assassinate him, just half an hour later there were some mysterious people near Huang Qiu's residence, and they looked at them with vigilance. Pedestrians coming and going.

Gao Chongwu, who was full of worries, didn't pay attention to these situations. After getting off the car, he entered the Huang Mansion under the welcome of the housekeeper. He quickly came to the study and saw Huang Qiu, who was splashing ink in front of the desk.

“Uncle, how are you always in good health?”

Seeing the old gentleman whom he hadn't seen for many years, Gao Chongwu stood in front of the door and bowed and said hello, but he didn't hear a reply for a long time, so he had to keep bending down and wait, smiling bitterly in his heart.

He knew why the other party did this. This was not the first time that this happened. After becoming a traitor, many old friends who used to greet him with a smile had cut off contact with the Gao family, and some even came to the door of the Gao family and cursed.

After a long time, Huang Qiu put the brush back into the pen holder, took the towel from the maid beside him and wiped his hands. He looked at Gao Chongwu with a cold face, said angrily, "Follow me," and then turned around and walked towards the garden. go.

Although the business was bankrupt, Huang Qiu's mansion was still extremely grand. The gardens covering several acres were lush and green, filled with evergreen plants, and dotted with some rockeries and rocks. It was a standard replica in Nagasaki, thousands of miles away from the Republic of China. Changnan Garden. "Chongwu, why do you want to become a traitor with the surname Ji? Have you forgotten the humiliation you suffered when you studied in Japan?"

Walking on the cobblestone path, Huang Qiu scolded him in the unfamiliar dialect of his hometown, with a look of hatred on his face. The younger man who once had high hopes became a traitor, and the old man was angry and resentful.

Gao Chongwu gritted his teeth. When he was studying in Japan, it happened to coincide with the Jicheng Incident. Japanese students in the school humiliated him in public. How could he forget such a shame and humiliation? But even if he hadn't forgotten, so what, he had no way back.

As if he had guessed what he was thinking, Huang Qiuyi continued without mercy: "It is absolutely wrong for you to follow the man named Ji. Haven't you woke up yet about saving the country through curves? This is the other party's excuse for betraying the country and seeking glory.

If you follow this group of people all the way to the dark side, you will be scolded by future generations like Qin Hui. The good reputation accumulated by your Gao family for generations will also be destroyed in one day. When that time comes, I will see how you show up to others. Ancestors explain! "

These words were like a sharp knife piercing Gao Chongwu's heart. Regret and annoyance filled his heart. In a daze, he slowly opened his mouth and gave a pale explanation for his surrender to the enemy.

"Uncle, my nephew is doing this to save the country. The gap between us and the Japanese is too big. We can't win. We really can't win. If Mr. Ji's idea can be realized, it might be a good strategy to save the country."

 “Humph, you still don’t know how to repent!”

Huang Qiu suddenly turned around and glanced around, pointed at him and shouted: "Save yourself first before saving the country. You should think about yourself first. I heard that you only got the position of deputy minister under Mr. Ji. He is obviously going to take it." You are the scapegoat.

Do you think it is a good job to be responsible for negotiating with the Japanese? If the Japanese lose in the future, Mr. Ji can push you out to vent the public's anger. Chongwu, you have been in the government for so many years. This simple truth is Do not understand? "

Gao Chongwu was shocked when he heard this, as if he had been struck by lightning. Some things that he had not understood before were immediately clear. Yes, it makes no sense why he, the first subordinate who followed Ji, did not enter the core of the new government.

It now seems that the reason why Ji chose to give up on him is also very simple. It is precisely because he has been following him for the longest time that he knows too many dirty things. This is dangerous for a leader, and a leader should be pure. , perfect.

Aware of the tragic outcome of his future, Gao Chongwu looked horrified and quickly grabbed Huang Qiu's sleeves and begged: "Please show me a clear path. My nephew is willing to abandon the darkness and turn to the light."

“Of course there is a clear path, but you alone is not enough anyway, it is necessary”

 Huang Qiu nodded slightly, and Fu Er discussed with Gao Chongwu in a low voice for a long time. Then the two went to the restaurant to have a meal together, and parted under the supervision of Japanese agents. Everything seemed normal and did not arouse the suspicion of the Japanese.

After Gao Chongwu left, Huang Qiu, who was originally calm and composed, returned to his residence and slumped down on a chair. After a while, he looked at the maid who had appeared in the study before and asked slightly nervously.

 “Is there something wrong just now?”

“No, Mr. Huang, you are doing very well.”

Fu Ling smiled and shook her head. For an old scholar who had never been exposed to intelligence, the other party's performance was impeccable. He was worthy of being a figure who had made a name for himself in the changing times of life.

Hearing what she said, Huang Qiu breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. If it delays national affairs, I will be blamed for my death. In addition, I hope that your military commander can keep his word and let me, this junior and his family go free." His family is small.”

"Please rest assured that the military commander is true to his word. As long as Mr. Gao turns back in time, we will help him and his family leave Shanghai and start a new life."

Fu Ling gave a guarantee, and then reminded her sternly: "Mr. Huang, once Mr. Gao escapes Ji Ni, your situation will be very dangerous, so I suggest that you leave Japan and return to the Kuomintang-controlled area as soon as possible. The military commander is willing to provide all help.

You don’t have to worry about your livelihood after returning to China. Our Deputy Chairman said that the government will give you a sum of money and fully compensate for your losses, and rebuild the manor at our feet around the mountain city. The military commander will never let his friends down. . "

 Huang Qiu smiled casually and said nothing. If it was for money, he would not risk cooperating with the military to convince Gao Chongwu. What supported him in doing so was his patriotic enthusiasm that had never cooled down, nothing more.

At this point, the island city meeting was like a whirlpool that involved the government, the Japanese, and Ji. The underground party, which had always been well-informed, did not make any move. Zuo Zhong, who was in the mountain city, put down a personnel file and thought thoughtfully. .

  (I am resting, and will be updated from time to time, but as long as I can write, I will not stop)

 (End of this chapter)

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