Cicada Moving

Chapter 1107: exposure

Chapter 1107 Exposed

The second day after Ji arrived in the island city, at about 10 a.m., a preparatory meeting was held at the International Club. Zhou Fushui, on behalf of Ji, held secret consultations with Li Shouxin, who represented the Mongolian puppet government.

Li Shouxin introduced the basic situation of Mongolia after the July 7th Incident, and specifically mentioned the concerns about the anti-Japanese forces in Outer Mongolia and Xinjiang Province led by the northwest. Zhou Fushui explained the established policy of the puppet Central Committee.

The two people have completely the same views on the so-called detour to save the country and opposing the underground party. Li Shouxin said that the puppet Mongolian Xinjiang government will send representatives to attend the puppet Central Committee meeting and share the responsibility of cleaning up the "mess".

In order to ensure the smooth integration of the soon-to-be-established puppet state and Mongolia, the mayor of the puppet island city and the director of the Xingyayuan Island City Branch Office responsible for the administrative management of the Japanese-occupied area held a grand banquet that night to entertain Mr. Ji and Wang Kemin , Liang Hongzhi, Li Shouxin and other traitors.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Shouxin and his party, who were full of wine and food, hurriedly returned to Mongolia on a Japanese military plane. He needed to report the matter to his master, King De┴. Other traitors gathered on the first floor of the International Club after dawn and began to held formal talks.

 Speaking of which, the Japanese and Mr. Ji chose the island city as the meeting place carefully for the following three reasons.

The first is political factors. At the end of last year, the first traitor talks were held in Jinling, controlled by the Japanese army in central China. In order to appease the Japanese army in North China and Wang Kemin's group in North China, the Japanese decided to hold the central government preparatory talks led by Ji's group. Arranging to be held in the island city is the most acceptable plan for all parties.

The second is the propaganda factor. The island city was invaded twice by Japan. The Japanese immigrated in large numbers to the local area and tried their best to expand their economic power. In addition, the urban style of the island city has always been praised by the world, and the damage caused by the war was limited. It is difficult to hold a meeting in the relatively prosperous island city. Show off Japan's governance capabilities to the world, especially foreign journalists, and whitewash its acts of aggression.

 The third is the geographical factor. The transportation from Daocheng to Jinling and Beiping is convenient, and the location is moderate, making it easy for people attending the conference to travel.

On this day, the weather in the island city was gloomy, with the north wind howling and heavy snow falling. Ji, Wang Kemin, Liang Hongzhi, Zhou Fushui and others took a group photo in front of the International Club, and then went to the conference room one after another, where the traitorous talks between the traitors began. Curtain.

First, Mr. Ji explained to everyone the methods and program of the puppet central government. The traitor giants had no objections to this. Then everyone started discussing the name, capital, and national flag of the puppet central government. .

Hase Ryosuke, who was watching the meeting, sat drowsily. After yawning, he saw that no one was paying attention to him. He gently kicked a small leather bag towards someone who was talking. There was a latest tape recorder in the bag. Run slowly.

In order to be able to save enough pension money before retirement, the director of the agency also worked hard, but even if he was discovered, what could Ji, as the "Emperor Locust," do, he could only play the tape recorder with a smile on his face. near-point.

Listening to the serious discussion of the traitors, Hase Ryosuke wanted to laugh a little. For some reason, he thought of the idiom of the Republic of China, "Watching the Monkeys and Crowning the Crown". Thinking about the power of Fat Tiger's men, he felt that these people would fall sooner or later. Big mold.

No. If the military commander really takes action, will he be harmed?

Hase Ryosuke suddenly realized a serious problem. He immediately glanced around nervously. He always felt that the conference room would be blown into rubble by a bomb at the next moment, or a group of government agents would rush in and shoot everyone present. It was like a hornet's nest, and no one knew the cruelty of military commanders better than him.

The other party dared to use anti-aircraft guns to punish two little traitors in the downtown area of ​​Shanghai. Today, so many big traitors were here and they were making a fuss. He thought with his heels that the military commander would definitely react to this. For a moment, he was on pins and needles and wanted to leave immediately. This is a place of right and wrong.

Ji and others knew nothing about this, and continued the heated discussion. Finally, they decided that the full name of the puppet government was still the "National Government", and once again confirmed that the capital was located in Jinling, and that the national flag was the same as that of the mountain city, with the addition of A triangular strip of cloth with the words "Heping anti┴Red Jianguo" written on it.

At this point, the talks came to an end. In the afternoon, Mr. Ji met with reporters from Reuters and the Associated Press to report on the progress of the talks. In the evening, there was another banquet. Ryosuke Hase hid in the corner, watching the drunken traitor from a distance. They secretly pressed the shutter of the spy camera.

On the fourth day, the second meeting was held. Different from the first meeting, this time the meeting was full of gunpowder. The gangs quarreled and became chaotic. If the Japanese had not been present, the traitors might have staged a full-scale martial arts show.

The reason is very simple. The content of the talks involves their own vital interests. For example, how is the puppet government organized? What kind of jobs do people have? Several forces refused to give in to each other, and the debate was extremely fierce.

Mr. Ji attempted to merge the various traitor regimes and make him the leader, but his idea was rejected by Wang Kemin and others on the spot. Everyone was a traitor, why should you, surnamed Ji, be the leader? In the end, Mr. Ji could not Make no compromises.

 After the establishment of the "unified" puppet government, the puppet Mongolian government still retained the government because it was located on the front line of defense against the Red Army;

The puppet provisional government in Beiping was renamed the puppet "North China Government Affairs Committee" due to its special status, and was nominally under the leadership of the puppet government.

 The pseudo "Reformation Government of the Republic of China" in Jinling was abolished and merged into the puppet government.

Regarding the issue of personnel arrangement, the traitors were also very careful about it. After some fierce bargaining, they finally came to a conclusion. In order to fight for the orthodox status, the puppet government appointed Mr. Xilin, the head of the distant mountain city government, as the chief executive, and Mr. Ji as the executive president. Also on behalf of the Lord Xi.

Mr. Lin also suffered from bad luck for eight lifetimes. He became the "leader" of the traitors without knowing it. How can this be justified? Therefore, sometimes high prestige and seniority are not a good thing. It is easy to Be represented.

The structure of the puppet government is basically the same as that of the Shancheng government. It has five departments: administration, legislation, justice, supervision, examination, and a military commission, with several ministries and commissions under it.

According to the will of the Japanese master, Ji was rewarded based on merit, Liang Hongzhi was appointed as the Supervisor, Wang Kemin was appointed as the Chairman of the North China Political Affairs Commission, and Zhou Fushui was appointed as the Secretary-General of the Central Committee. Other puppet military and political personnel served as usual, and traitors, big and small, had their own place. .

The infamous Island City Talks came to an end. Later, Ji met with Chinese and foreign reporters again at the International Club to report on the results of the talks. He brazenly said that the Island City Talks could indeed be called a major step forward in the "Peace Movement" movement. and development.

The Locust Emperor of the pseudo-Island country supported by the Japanese was not willing to be left alone. He called the gang members who participated in the "Island City Talks" and said that he "looks forward to the early establishment of the new central government of the neighboring Republic of China", which greatly enhanced his sense of presence. However, he did not want to think about what the Republic of China relied on. If it openly colluded with the puppet Manchukuo, the puppet government would lose its legitimacy. Therefore, the traitors kept silent about this telegram and pretended not to see it.

But in general, in this island city talks, the Japanese still achieved the set goal, which was to temporarily ease the contradictions and conflicts between the various traitor regimes. Only when the traitors stop, can the Japanese army, which is tired of the security war, let go. Completely defeat Shancheng and Northwest.

Let’s talk about Ji. After seeing off the reporters, he and Zhou Fushui returned to the lounge and sat down. The two of them had smiles on their faces when they thought about the difficult-to-reach meeting results. They defected from the mountain city to Hanoi, and then negotiated with the Japanese in Shanghai. , the puppet government finally took hold.

"Fu Shui, when you return to Shanghai, you must organize it as soon as possible, and the ceremony must be more grand, so that the people in the mountain city cannot watch the joke."

Ji, who was leaning on the sofa, wiped the sweat from his head and said with a tired look. The overt and covert fighting in the past few days really made him a little unable to hold on.

At that time, the Japanese assassinated someone at the entrance of the National Assembly. As a result, he accidentally hit the passenger car and seriously injured him. Although he escaped with life under the full treatment of doctors, his body never recovered, leaving serious sequelae.

Zhou Fushui nodded lightly and replied respectfully: "Okay, sir, I will immediately organize people to plan the government relocation and celebrations when I get back. Please rest assured that the Japanese have promised to provide necessary help."

 “Well, it’s better to rely on yourself than to rely on others, Japanese.”

Ji was hesitant to speak. He didn't know what the Japanese were planning. Of course he knew. After all, he was a veteran who participated in the overthrow of the previous dynasty. But if he didn't rely on the Japanese, who could he rely on?

The lounge slowly became quiet, and neither of them said anything further. The island city is the territory of the Japanese, and there is probably a monitoring device in the room. If the other party hears their complaints, the puppet government may have to change the subject. And the Secretary-General.

After a moment of silence, Ji suddenly thought of something: "Fu Shui, I heard that Chongwu and Xisheng were dissatisfied with the government's personnel appointments, so they refused to accompany me to the island city on the pretext of being unwell. Do you have any questions?" This is the case."

 Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng are important think tanks of the new government and know many things. Mr. Ji still attaches great importance to their state of mind. If these two people have different intentions, it will not be good news for him.

Zhou Fushui was delighted when he heard this. The relationship between Tao Xisheng and him was very bad. The reason was that the three million silver dollars allocated by the Japanese to the new government every month were all at his disposal. The other party had expressed opposition many times. This time he naturally wanted to give it to Tao Xisheng. Please give me some eye drops.

So he sighed and pretended to be cool: "Sir, I have also heard about this matter, but it is not yet clear whether it is true or not. Chongwu and Xisheng are your old subordinates, so they shouldn't be so ignorant, right? "

After some skilled tea talk, Mr. Ji on the opposite side smiled coldly and said that interests are touching, so what about the old subordinates? Their own interests are really involved. There is no guarantee that these two people will not do anything they shouldn't. thought.

 “Let the Secret Service Headquarters pay close attention”

 “Dong dong dong.”

Just when Ji was about to ask Zhou Fushui to let No. 76 monitor Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng, his secretary knocked on the door and walked into the lounge. He handed over a telegram and reported the report with a fearful expression.

“Sir, Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng ran away. They announced our secret agreement with the Japanese in the Hong Kong newspaper! This is the content of the news.”


Ji was shocked. He stood up and snatched the telegram from his secretary. After a glance, his body was shaking. The telegram fell lightly on the carpet. Zhou Fushui quickly picked it up and read it, only to see that it read:

 "The full text of Emperor Gaozong's Wu Tao Xisheng's conditions for treason was published in Hong Kong: the culmination of many years of dreams by the Japanese invaders, and the ultimate crime of treason in Chinese and foreign history! Sell ​​from now to the future, from materials to ideas! 》

Zhou Fushui's hands were trembling. It was over. Once the secret agreement was announced, the legitimacy of the new government would be gone. The merger consensus just reached would also become a joke. Even the main body of the regime was an illegal and traitorous organization. Who would listen to the orders of the new government.

After thinking quickly in his mind for a moment, he felt that he could never admit the so-called secret agreement, but just when he was about to speak, there was a faint whistling sound outside the window, and then a loud bang exploded next to his ears, and a wave of air knocked over the three people present. On the ground.

 (I’ll say it again, it will be updated from time to time, and I will never be a eunuch. In addition, book friends who can edit can contact me, thank you)

 (End of this chapter)

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