Cicada Moving

Chapter 1109: Add money! Add money!

 The sea outside the island city.

A wooden fishing boat was floating precariously on the sea, and the gas lamp on the top of the mast gave off a weak white light. The Japanese soldiers patrolling the shore a few hundred meters away glanced at this side and continued to move forward without paying any attention to it, because this Too common.

Fish in shallow seas like softer light sources such as moonlight and will actively approach them. Therefore, when fishermen are fishing, in order to catch more fish in one net, they will use the phototaxis of fish to concentrate them. a place.

The most important industry in the island city is fishing. Countless fishermen rely on the sea to eat. It is normal to see fishing boats at night. Even if talks are being held in the island city, people cannot make a living just for the sake of the talks. Besides, Xingyayuan Taxes were also needed, so the Japanese army didn't care.

The Japanese patrol slowly walked away. The boss on the fishing boat looked at his watch, then looked at the brightly lit International Club and Island City Hotel in the distance, and said expressionlessly to a few boys who were sorting the fishing nets. .

 “Prepare for action.”


The boys immediately threw down their fishing gear, jumped out of the cabin and pulled out a few wooden boxes from under a pile of fish catches, then carried them to the deck and started working. During this time, the boss of the boat kept a close eye on the movements on the shore to prevent his men from taking action. was discovered.

Five minutes later, the sea breeze gradually became smaller, and the fishing boat platform became much more stable. A dark cloud happened to block the moonlight, and the visibility on the sea suddenly became lower. The boss of the boat looked at his men who were ready and said nothing. He lowered his head to confirm the time again, and it seemed that he was wait for what.

 In front of the International Club.

Hase Ryosuke stood on the side of the road smoking a cigarette and staring at the lively venue. He was thinking about how much money he could earn from Fat Tiger with the information he obtained this time. Thinking of the life of a landowner after retirement, the look on his face He couldn't help showing a look of ridicule.

What kind of dog P Great East┴Asia co-prosperity, what kind of kingly paradise, no matter how nice it sounds, there is no fertile land. I really don’t know when this war will end. The **** military clearly can’t hold on anymore, but it insists on it. Gritting your teeth and holding on, there is no point in doing so.

As the adjutant of the Special Committee on China and the chief of the Hase Agency, he has access to a lot of information that ordinary people don't know. For example, as the war rages on, Japan has no more people of military age to recruit.

Moreover, there is a very serious war-weariness in the Chinese army. According to internal records of the military, no less than 500 riots and mutinies broke out in the army in 1939 alone. The purpose of the rioters was to demand an end to Returning home from the war.

In order to suppress the unrest in the army, the military even detained the wives and children of the troublemaking soldiers in the mainland, and clearly announced that these people would be sentenced for treason, and their wives and children would also be executed. Under such a high-pressure policy The army barely managed to avoid collapse.

 In addition, as the anti-Japanese forces in mountain cities and the northwest have increased, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain food from the occupied areas. This has led to the distribution of less than 300 grams of food per person per day for the troops in China, and some troops on the front line have also fled.

It is simply a daydream to rely on such an army to completely occupy the Republic of China. The big figures in Tokyo knew this very well, which is why they paid so much attention to establishing a puppet government and promoting the merger of traitor regimes.

The more Ryosuke Hase thought about it, the angrier he became. He really wanted to rush into the club and shoot someone Ji to death. If this person had not become a traitor and given the base camp the confidence to continue the war, he would have enjoyed a beautiful life under the South American sun. .

 “Hello, Mr. Changgu.”

At this time, a greeting interrupted Chang Gu's thinking. He looked up and found that Mou Zhiye, who was sent by Jinling to the island city to track down the mountain city assassin, was looking at him with a mocking smile.

 Hase Ryosuke is not interested at all in this guy. He is just a traitor. There are many such people in Shanghai. Even if he has been the intelligence director of the Central Unification Bureau, it will not bring him any benefit.

 What concerned him was Xing Hanliang who was following behind. Intelligence showed that this was Fat Hu's good friend. He needed to have a good relationship with Xing Hanliang both in public and private matters.

Yu Gong understood very well that the imperial intelligence agency had always paid close attention to Zuo Zhong. As the head of the agency responsible for intelligence work against China, if he was indifferent to this, it would easily arouse suspicion.

Personally speaking, although Fat Hu promised to let him go after the war, there is no credibility in the intelligence industry. Being on the line with Xing Hanliang is equivalent to an extra escape route. In this industry, one must be prepared for danger in times of peace, otherwise he will die without knowing how.

 Besides, he was very confident that Xing Hanliang's defection was a ploy. As an old friend and "old rival", he knew very well about Fat Hu's abilities. If the military commander really wanted to arrest him, Xing Hanliang would not be able to escape.

Hence, Hase Ryosuke nodded reservedly towards Mou Zhiye, assuming the posture of a director, but with a bright smile on the other side, he stretched out his hand to shake Xing Hanliang's hand vigorously.

“Xing Sang, you are welcome to abandon the darkness and turn to the light. If you encounter any trouble in the future, please contact me. Don’t be polite.”

Xing Hanliang was stunned for a moment. This Japanese was a little too enthusiastic. He heard from Mou Zhiye that he was one of the top secret agents of the Japanese in the Republic of China. He fought back and forth with the military commander. Could it be that the other party saw that there was something wrong with him and felt a little nervous immediately.

But on the surface, he still held Changgu's hand respectfully and gave him a round pat: "Thank you, Mr. Changgu. Xing has heard of your name a long time ago. I am lucky enough to meet you today."

 “It’s an award, it’s just a false reputation, it’s not worth mentioning.”

Hase Ryosuke said modestly, and then showed concern for Xing Hanliang's work with a smile: "Xing Sang, I heard that you have a close relationship with Zuo Zhong, the military commander, and you are very familiar with his situation. This is what our Changgu agency needs. Why don't you come to me? How about serving as a subordinate?”

Mou Zhiye's eyes turned red with envy. This was the Hase Agency. It was a high-level intelligence agency under the multiple leadership of the Japanese military, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was responsible for China's intelligence operations and internal counterintelligence. It had the power to target, including the military police. It is a good place to conduct loyalty checks on all members of Japanese institutions in China, including the team.

At present, no one from the Republic of China can enter. If Xing Hanliang becomes a member of the Changgu Organization, even Mr. Ji will have to give him some face. Seeing the fellow refugees who defected together turn around, he will be even more unlucky than himself.

Why, they are all traitors, why didn’t the Japanese invite him?

Not to mention the envious and jealous Mou Zhiye, Xing Hanliang hesitated for a moment and then politely rejected Changgu's kindness: "Thank you, Lord Changgu. It's just that Xing would rather do some small business than doing intelligence work. But if you need it, Xing is willing to serve the empire. "Xingxi, Xing Sang, I appreciate your frankness."

Hase Ryosuke laughed loudly and gave a thumbs up: "A man is born in this world, and he cannot be without power for a day, let alone money. Doing business and doing intelligence work are not contradictory, so be it. After the meeting, you can I will return to Shanghai together.”

Xing Hanliang didn't allow Xing Hanliang to refuse, so he made a decision directly. Now that the world is so chaotic, it would be better to keep Fat Tiger's friend by his side, lest some blind **** hurt him, which is related to his future life safety.

While the two were talking, fireworks suddenly rose over the city of Daocheng City. The gorgeous fireworks exploded in the air and lit up the night sky. The traitors and Japanese outside the International Club looked up to watch, and Ryosuke Hase even murmured to himself. language.

 “The fireworks are so beautiful, Xing Sang, you must go to Shizuoka to see them if you have a chance, the fireworks there are also very... Baga, enemy attack! enemy attack!”

Hase Ryosuke, who was preparing to learn about Japanese fireworks, suddenly pointed at a few "shooting stars" that were approaching quickly and shouted. He then grabbed Xing Hanliang and jumped up, rolling to the bottom of the car parked on the roadside. His movements were very agile, as expected. The flower of Imperial Intelligence.

Before the others could react, they heard several sharp whistling sounds approaching quickly. The faces of the Japanese and puppet personnel with actual combat experience changed drastically. This was the sound of large-caliber mortar shells, and they hurriedly looked for bunkers.

 In the chaos, the "meteor" got closer and closer. Under everyone's horrified eyes, the meteor finally hit the lawn outside the International Club on the first floor, and dazzling fire shot into the sky.

 “Boom! Boom!”

After several violent explosions, the surrounding bushes were swept away. Fire and shrapnel flew everywhere. The shock wave shattered the glass and knocked down all the people in the nearby room. A North China puppet government official was hit. Several pieces of shrapnel were found on the spot.

This sudden attack scared the attendees and fled in all directions. Screams and wails broke out one after another. The scene became even more chaotic as multiple artillery shells fell again a dozen seconds later. The Japanese troops who came to support were scattered by the crowd. , watching helplessly as the International Club turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Hase Ryosuke, who was lying under the car, swallowed. He really guessed it right. Yamashiro really used artillery this time, but why didn't Fat Tiger notify him in advance? Wasn't he afraid that he would be harmed?

However, the trick of using the sound and light of fireworks to cover up the traces of mortar firing is indeed very clever. If he hadn't observed carefully, the people present might not have realized that he was being attacked until the shells hit the ground.

While he was thinking wildly, the third round of artillery shells arrived as promised, but they exploded in the air before they hit the ground. Leaflets slowly floated down like snowflakes. One of them landed near the car. Changgu took it curiously. I got up and took a look.

“Traitors and scum should be punished by everyone. Meng Ting, the commander-in-chief of the Central Committee, pays homage to him.”


This attack was not carried out by the military commander. Hase Ryosuke was a little surprised. When could the commander-in-chief do such a beautiful job? This discovery made him more pessimistic about the future of Japan. His eyes inadvertently glanced at someone's lounge in the past. , a crazy idea flashed through my mind.

Everyone is running for their lives now. No one cares about Ji's life or death. If he takes the opportunity to kill the other party, will the war end faster? Fat Tiger should be willing to give him a large sum of money for this. You know, South America Land prices have risen a lot recently.

 Finding wealth and honor in danger, done it!

 An opportunity cannot be missed, it will never come back. It is almost impossible to find such an opportunity in the future. It must be firmly grasped.

Hase Ryosuke licked his lips, abandoned Xing Hanliang and Mou Zhiye, stood up suddenly and rushed out, running against the flow of people into the club, while taking out his gun and waving it to drive away those who blocked the way, mouthing Chanting "Protect Mr. Ji".

Hiss, are all Japanese so brave? The person named Ji is not your father!

When Mou Zhiye and Xing Hanliang saw this scene, they immediately took a breath and looked at each other. Both of them knew that now they had two choices.

 Either hide here and wait. This is very safe, but you may be held responsible later.

Either go in with Ryosuke Hase and gamble your life. If you lose, you will die. If you win, you will not only be reused by Mr. Ji, but you will also be able to make friends with Ryosuke Hase, a great spy.

Without hesitation for too long, the two rushed into the building in tacit understanding. Whether it was for glory and wealth or to obtain more information, they all had reasons to give it a try.

At this time, Hase Ryosuke had already arrived in the lounge. Facing Mr. Ji who was lying on the ground and not knowing whether he was alive or dead, he was just about to send him off when he heard the footsteps behind him and had no choice but to lift his hand that was reaching for Mr. Ji's neck. Putting it on the other person's shoulder.

 “Hurry, help Mr. Ji out quickly!” He secretly cried out for regret and turned to Mou Zhiye and Xing Hanliang to order.

Soon, the three of them worked together to help Mr. Ji up, and walked towards the door with difficulty, bypassing the broken glass and the fallen tables and chairs. As for Zhou Fushui and his secretary, who were also unconscious, they were ignored by the three of them intentionally or unintentionally. .

 But just as they walked out of the gate, the shrill air-raid siren sounded. In accordance with the air-raid regulations, the island city's power supply was immediately cut off, and the entire city was instantly plunged into darkness, except for the International Club, which was burning like a torch.

What's even worse is that the buzzing roar of aircraft engines came from above the clouds in the distant night sky. Hase Ryosuke's pupils shrank sharply. The next second, he pulled the dead Ji Mou and desperately moved towards the hotel air-raid shelter, roaring in his heart: Come on! money! More money, Fat Tiger!

 (My body has recovered a lot, but I am still a little breathless when talking and walking. Alas, what a sin!)

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