Cicada Moving

Chapter 1131: farce and mutation

Chapter 1131 Farce and mutation

Since the Sino-Japanese War gradually entered a stalemate in 1939, and after the Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang, someone began to passively resist Japan and actively oppose the Reds, wantonly spread and undermine public opinion on the joint anti-Japanese war, and proposed a strategy of preventing the Reds, limiting the Reds, and dissolving the Reds.

  What is good above will be replicated below.

 The Kuomintang troops in the Kuomintang-controlled areas, especially around the border areas, repeatedly caused various friction incidents and tragedies in an attempt to eliminate the anti-Japanese armed forces in the northwest and under its leadership in exchange for Japan's concessions and consolidate its dominance.

 From December 1938 to October 1939, the Guo Army and the Shanxi-Sui Army caused more than 150 friction incidents.

For example, the "Boshan Massacre" and "Shenxian Massacre" occurred in North China, and the "Pingjiang Massacre", "Xinji Massacre" and "Queshan Massacre" occurred in Central China.

 A large number of underground party cadres, soldiers, and isolated people were arrested and killed. The situation of national unity in the war of resistance was in serious crisis. After hearing the news, overseas Chinese groups in Nanyang repeatedly inquired about the mountain city.

The other side stated that this was an active provocation from the northwest, and that the government did it out of necessity and had no intention of sabotaging the joint anti-Japanese war.

In order to find out the truth, after the Nanyang inspection and consolation delegation left Chang'an, they began to visit along the junction of the Kuomintang-controlled area and the border area, passing through Yaoxian, Tongguan, Henyang and other cities.

Xu Enzeng jumped up and down along the way, organizing local party investigators and members of the Central Unification Committee to have "talks" with relevant personnel in advance, in an attempt to cover up the Kuomintang's actions in provoking disputes.

Wu Chunyang also arranged for military commanders from various places to dispatch spies to create and destroy evidence at the friction site. Yiyi was an absolute expert in this regard.

Under the guns of the Guo army and spies, insiders in these places either remained silent or confuse right and wrong. The consolation group gradually believed the Guo party's statement.

Zuo Zhong looked on with a cold eye and did not make any statement, let alone undermine the Guo Party's cover-up.

 When they arrived at the border area and saw the situation inside the border area, Mr. Chen and others would naturally make their own judgment.

If the other party can become a rich man from the bottom, he will definitely not listen to one side or believe it. No matter how much others say, it is not as good as seeing it with his own eyes and hearing it with his own ears.

On this day, the condolence team’s convoy ended its trip in Henyang and was preparing to go to the last investigation site-Hancheng. Unexpectedly, the convoy was stopped by a group of people dressed as ordinary people just after leaving the city.

These people were kneeling in the middle of the road, each holding a letter in their hands and shouting something loudly. Seeing this, Mr. Chen quickly asked Gui Youguang to stop the car and rolled down the window.

“The underground party is so unfair to people’s lives. It’s unjust!”

“Robbing land in border areas is unacceptable.”

As soon as the car window opened, he heard voices shouting about injustice. This made Mr. Chen a little confused. He was not a government official, so what was the other party shouting about?

However, considering that the condolence group had a plan to investigate the policies of the underground party, he was still prepared to get out of the car and have a chat. Maybe he could get the truth he wanted from the people who blocked the way.

Xu Enzeng moved his fat body, opened the door and stood next to the car. He diligently blocked the upper edge of the door frame with his hand and made way for Mr. Chen.

Gui Youguang, Wu Chunyang and the accompanying small agents in the front row also got out of the car and quickly surrounded the crowd, checking their IDs and searching their bodies one by one to prevent any assassins hiding among them.

 Confirming that there was no problem, Mr. Chen chatted cordially with the blockers one by one, and then his face became increasingly ugly.

 According to these people, some of them are "good and rich farmers", some are "honest businessmen", and some are "respectable" village elders.

Without any reason, the border district government robbed them of their family property that they had accumulated through "hard work" over generations, and held a public trial to try them.

Hundreds of acres of fertile land have been given to ignorant people. This is simply a crime.

 At this point, the people blocking the road burst into tears one after another, as if they had been greatly wronged, and the members of the condolences group could not help but frown.

This is completely different from the underground party policy introduced by the Shancheng Northwest Representative Office and the consolation group. It can be said to be contrary to it.

Considering that they are also businessmen and landowners, and out of class standpoint, the members can’t help but have doubts about visiting the border area and don’t know whether they should go.

After hearing the "complaint", Mr. Chen was very angry, but he was not impulsive. He took the complaint letter from one of them and took a look at it with a stern face.

When he saw Mr. Chen Keci's letter on the envelope, he was stunned for a moment. Keci was his name and had not been used for many years. Only his relatives and friends knew it.

The other party claimed that he was just an ordinary rich farmer. How did he learn about this?

 Who told the other party the whereabouts of his group?

 Someone is causing trouble!

Mr. Chen seemed to realize something. He glanced at the Fruit Party members with a half-smile, and asked the blocker slowly.

“I already know what you are talking about. By the way, who told you that Chen’s name is Keci?”


The "ordinary rich peasant" with a shiny face was hesitating and speechless. He subconsciously looked up at Xu Enzeng, but was frightened by the fierce look in his eyes and quickly lowered his head.

Tsk, this job is too rough.

Zuo Zhong, who was watching the show, smacked his lips. If he wanted to frame him, he would have to find a few people to pretend to be underground party killers, and then some reporters would take photos and interviews, and finally publicly condemn him in the name of Mr. Chen. Just find a few people. There is a use for a fat man to complain.

 Confusing right and wrong, referring to deer as horses is a technical job, and it requires paying attention to methods. Zhongtong, Zhongtong, is really a weasel giving birth to cubs, and one litter is worse than the next.

Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang also looked sarcastic. If anyone in the military command behaves like this, a family law will be inevitable. Doesn't this treat people as fools?

Mr. Chen is a kind person after all, and he didn’t want to embarrass anyone who blocked the road. After asking, he got into the car without waiting for a reply, without saying anything.

Xu Enzeng, whose face turned red and white, followed him. After getting in the car, he lowered his head and pretended to be an ostrich. He hated the Central Unification agent who arranged the matter so much that he decided to send the agent to the enemy-occupied area when he returned.

Zuo Zhong also whistled and got into the car, and ordered Gui Youguang to drive with a smile. He had finished watching the show, so why not leave?

It’s not a bad thing to see such a farce in the quiet northwest.

The car drove along the rugged dirt road all day. When he was still more than ten kilometers away from Hancheng, Mr. Chen suddenly turned his head and said to Zuo Zhong seriously.

“Team Leader Xu, I don’t want to see what happened before happen again, otherwise Chen and the members of the condolences group will return directly to Nanyang.”

Mr. Chen only knew that the Major General of the Guo Army who had appeared next to the chairman of the committee was the team leader of the attendant room, his surname was Xu, and he was also the person in charge of this trip. He knew nothing else. Originally, he had a good impression of the low-key Team Leader Xu. Even though he did not want to get close to government officials due to staying away from politics, the two of them would chat for a while when nothing happened. He never expected that the other party would arrange such a meeting. out.

It's just a matter of framing the border district government, but the method is so clumsy. This is clearly treating the condolences group and the group as monkeys. Mr. Chen, who is calm on the surface, is already furious in his heart.

 “Haha, Mr. Chen misunderstood.”

Zuo Zhong, who was studying the route, put down the map when he heard this, looked at Mr. Chen with clear eyes, and could not see the slightest guilt, then raised his right hand and cursed.

“Xu swore in the name of his ancestors that if I arranged that matter, I would let Xu die under random gunfire and never be reincarnated.”

 In any case, it was Xu Enzeng who did the thing. No matter how vicious the oath was, it was fulfilled on the person named Xu. Zuo Zhong certainly had no guilty conscience.

Mr. Chen stared at Zuo Zhong’s eyes and nodded after a long time. His eyes could not deceive others. He asked himself that he had some skills in recognizing people, so the other party must not be lying.

Since this matter was not caused by Team Leader Xu, there is only one possibility.

He glanced at the deputy director of the Central Military Commission on the other side and snorted coldly. These agents just love to do dirty things. No wonder they have such a bad reputation.

Had it not been for the Chairman's repeated requests that the investigation required intelligence support, he would never have allowed such a person to join the investigation team.

Xu Enzeng, who was dead in society, continued to pretend to be an ostrich, huddled motionless in his seat, secretly praying to get to Hancheng quickly. He couldn't stay in the car for a minute, what a shame!

While talking, the convoy drove into the outer towns of Hancheng. According to the plan, they will stay here for one night and start the investigation of Hancheng early tomorrow morning.

Zuo Zhong leaned on his seat, tilted his head and stared at the seemingly peaceful street outside the window, but his pupils suddenly shrank when he looked at him, and he said coldly.

 “Leave at a steady speed, do not stay, and notify the brothers to be alert.”

As soon as he said this, the co-pilot Wu Chunyang slowly pulled out a Thompson and placed it across his knee. He gently pulled the bolt with his left hand and was ready for a firefight.

The driver, Gui Youguang, flashed his headlights several times. All the military commanders in the convoy were on alert. The convoy maintained its original speed and passed quickly, quickly leaving the town behind.

 Xu Enzeng was extremely nervous by this scene and looked around slyly. However, Mr. Chen was not afraid at all, but asked curiously.

“Team Leader Xu, are there any enemies?”

Zuo Zhong did not answer. This was a rare opportunity for practical combat, so he signaled Mr. Chen not to be anxious and asked Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang if they had seen the problem.

 Faced with this problem, not only Mr. Chen, but also Xu Enzeng looked confused.

This town seems to be no different from other towns in the Republic of China, except that it has more shops and a larger population than ordinary small towns.

Kehancheng is an ancient city with a history of thousands of years. It has been an important hub on the west bank of the Yellow River since ancient times. It is normal for there to be many people and shops.

Wu Chunyang carefully recalled the pedestrians, shops and vehicles on the street, his mind was running at high speed, and his eyes lit up after a moment.

“There is a problem with the fruit stall owner on the street corner. He doesn’t say anything when customers come. Instead, he looks at the road. Team leader, he is spying on us.”

Although it was just a quick sweep and the observation window was only a few tens of seconds, Wu Chunyang still found flaws among hundreds of suspicious persons.

 Following this, Gui Youguang also gave an answer.

The bald man didn’t find a specific target. He just felt that the atmosphere in the town was a bit wrong. This was an intuition developed through long-term field work.

There was nothing wrong with their answers, but Zuo Zhong was still dissatisfied. This was far from his observation, so he immediately scolded them with a sullen face.

"I see that you have gone back further and further, but only one of the many flaws has been found, which is worse than some trash. Come back and practice hard for me!"

After getting angry for a while, he ignored Xu Enzeng who was gritting his teeth, crossed his arms and spoke slowly.

“Besides the fruit stand, there were obviously three other people who were amiss. The first one was a middle-aged male customer sitting at the table in the middle of the hotel lobby.

This person ordered a table of wine and food, but only touched the food in front of him, leaving the other dishes untouched. Isn't this suspicious?

There is also the clerk standing at the door of the shop next door. There is nothing wrong with his disguise. The problem is what he was doing after the customer entered the shop. He did nothing.

Who would do this kind of business? Such a helpless guy would be fired after only one day of work. This is also very abnormal.

 The third one who is best hidden is the patrolman at the intersection. This man seems to have no flaws at first glance, but his expression betrays him.

Mr. Chen, you have lived overseas for a long time, mostly in the Republic of China, and have little contact with people in the market. Do you know what a real patrol officer is like? "

As he spoke, Zuo Zhong suddenly looked at Mr. Chen and asked, then continued without waiting for the other party to answer.

 “Impatient, irritable, muddle along, looking for every opportunity to be lazy, instead of directing traffic in a disciplined manner like just now.

Of course, this can be explained by the fact that the other person has not been a patrol officer for a long time and still has the heart to do things and has not infected other veteran police officers with bad habits.

However, the other person looked to be in his thirties, and there was no unfamiliar or nervous expression on his face. He was definitely not a newcomer. "

After Zuo Zhong’s explanation, Mr. Chen suddenly understood. Xu Enzeng was stunned, Wu Chunyang looked annoyed, and his bald head bared his teeth in embarrassment.

 Now that it is certain that the consolation group has been targeted, the only question left is how to arrange the following itinerary.

If those suspicious persons are enemies and their whereabouts have been exposed, they are likely to be attacked. You must make an idea as soon as possible whether to leave or stay.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while, looking at the vague outline of the city in the distance, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he immediately reported his address to Gui Youguang.

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