Cicada Moving

Chapter 1144: didn't see anything

 Chapter 1144 I didn’t see anything

Zuo Zhong didn't know how those parents who were called to school by their teachers to be criticized felt, but he probably felt similar to him at the moment.

 Shame on you! How embarrassing!

It is normal for state agents to be arrested, because this is not the first time, and everyone is used to it.

 However, Xu Enzeng’s performance has directly exceeded the lower limit of the intelligence industry, and he can be said to be the best in the spy world.

I have never heard of anyone bringing a code book to join the conversation. This cannot be described as stupid. The prerequisite for stupidity is to have a brain.

What Xu Enzeng did was simply performance art. It was so abstract. How dare he!

Zuo Zhong really wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. His face turned red and his ears turned red for a while. He forced a smile and approached Vice Minister Li and handed the two notebooks back.

“Mr. Li, this visit to the northwest with the condolence delegation is a joint operation between the Attendant’s Office and the Central Military Commission. I have no control over Deputy Director Xu’s affairs.

How about you execute this guy on the spot and tell the public that Xu Enzeng was unfortunately killed in an air strike? Don't worry, we didn't see anything. "

 A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. In order to draw a clear line between him and his pig teammates, Zuo Zhong not only did not ask for the code book back, but also made a thoughtful suggestion.

Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang, who were eavesdropping on the sidelines, were eager to give it a try and seemed willing to do the work for them as long as the underground party agreed.

 “You bastard! I&&¥&¥.”

Xu Enzeng was so angry that he cursed and his words were very indecent. Unfortunately, his mouth was quickly covered by several Eighth Route Army soldiers, struggling like a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered.

Vice Minister Li felt that he was well-informed, but he was also confused by the fighting among the Kuomintang agents and did not know what to say. After a long silence, he waved his hand and asked people to let go of Xu Enzeng.

Looking at the old boss who was rolling and crawling into the government team, he ordered people to take the people dressed as traders down, and finally sneered.

“Team Leader Xu, please don’t make such jokes. You are our guests anyway. Let’s forget it this time, but we won’t do it next time.

Now that the Japanese are rampant in our land, you and I should join hands to defend against the enemy. We must not do things that please our relatives and our enemies. Anyone who does this is a sinner of the nation. Do you think that is right? "

Zuo Zhong secretly screamed a pity, and nodded seriously on the surface, then turned his gaze in the direction of the guest house, and decisively changed the topic.

“Today’s air raid was a bit strange.”

Vice Minister Li tapped his chin and agreed with Zuo Zhong's statement. This matter was indeed a bit strange, because the Japanese bombing was so accurate.

Night air raids depend on luck and rely on intensive bombing to make up for accuracy. But this time, the Japanese directly targeted the guest house in the dark, and their accuracy was surprisingly high.

As for whether it was a coincidence, two old pieces of information ruled out this possibility. The Japanese came sooner rather than later, but the consolation group came to bomb the border area as soon as they arrived. There is no such coincidence in the world.

There is one more thing that Deputy Minister Li did not mention. At the same time that the guest house was bombed, the area where the residence of the important chief of staff was located was also hit by air strikes.

 Thanks to the early warning issued by the air defense posts, the leaders evacuated in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. Obviously the Japanese were coming for the leaders and the condolences group!

 The noise of firefighting in the distance slowly disappeared. Vice Minister Li looked sideways at Zuo Zhong and asked, "Team Leader Xu, you mean, someone is guiding the Japanese bombers?"


Zuo Zhong folded his arms and talked about the air raid on the Huangshan official residence. He also told all the radio guidance technology used by the Japanese in the operation.

Someone was almost blown up to the sky by the Japanese. This matter is not a secret, many people have heard about it.

 But not many people pay attention to the specific process, especially the technical aspects. Some people still think that the Japanese stood on the wings of the plane and dropped bombs.

This of course does not include Zuo Zhong. No one understands the importance of technology better than him, and no one understands the difficulty of night bombing better than him.

Like today, he could not think of any other possibility except radio guidance for precision bombing in a station with such low visibility and complex terrain.

As for fire guidance, the border area garrison is not a mountain city like a sieve. I am afraid that the Ministry of Social Affairs and the militia will arrive before the spies' fire is ignited.

Vice Minister Li took what Zuo Zhong said to heart and decided to go back and study how to defend against this invisible and intangible new guidance method. This was a new problem for them.

However, he immediately realized that no matter what the enemy used to guide the plane, it needed people to operate it. It seemed that there was an enemy spy inside the station. If the enemy was not found, what happened today would happen again.

“Team Leader Xu, I heard that you are a famous counter-espionage expert in the military... attendant’s room. Do you have any clues?”

Aware of the seriousness of the problem, Vice Minister Li thought about the origins of the person next to him. It was not the style of underground party members to have such a brilliant intelligence expert.

So they simply made it clear that they already knew Zuo Zhong’s true identity, so if they had anything to say, they could just say it without hiding it.

Zuo Zhong is not surprised by this. Who is not famous in the world is not just talk. There will always be channels to get whatever information the underground party wants.

However, he can't act too calm. He still has to do a good job in appearance, otherwise it will arouse suspicion.

Henceforth, he glanced at his subordinates with suspicious eyes, as if he wanted to find the traitor who had revealed his identity. After finding nothing, he denied that he was a counterintelligence expert.

"Well, Mr. Li may have misremembered it. I am not good at counter-espionage, but I would like to ask, has your station been subject to such precise night bombing before?" Upon hearing this question, Vice Minister Li immediately shook his head. It has happened before that the border area will never centrally arrange condolence group members.

"That's right."

Zuo Zhong clapped his hands and gave his own judgment: "The answer is obvious. The Japanese spy is among the members of your army who escorted us to the border area. This is the first time for him to come to the station.

Follow this clue to identify, I think you will get the result soon. They say that you are well-disciplined and good at mobilizing the people, so why are you a mere spy? "

“What about your personnel? This is your first time here.” Vice Minister Li asked immediately, but deliberately ignored the Shannan guerrillas.

The party can doubt the border area party, but it cannot doubt its own comrades without reason. In this matter, the lessons of the Southwest period are too profound.

Zuo Zhong understood his concerns, spread his hands and said helplessly: "If my people and the guerrillas had spies, it would be impossible for the condolences group to reach the border area safely.

You can start with the few Japanese prisoners who attacked us and were stunned by grenades. There should be some connection between the Japanese spies and these people.

In addition, Mr. Li can also send people to search for the remains of the radio guidance equipment near the guest house. It is impossible for the fire to destroy all the parts. "

He didn't even mention the joint interrogation. No intelligence agency would allow outsiders to participate in daily work, not even friendly forces, let alone former life-and-death enemies.

The Ministry of Social Affairs is not a vegetarian either. With Vice Minister Li here, the Japanese prisoners will have to be surrendered sooner or later if they fall into the hands of the other party, and it will not be their turn to interfere.

 After saying that, Zuo Zhong leaned close to Vice Minister Li’s ear and whispered something to him, which was related to a certain guess in his mind.

After hearing what he said, Vice Minister Li was noncommittal. He glanced at Xu Enzeng, who was shivering, and was about to leave. Before leaving, he asked Mr. Chen and others if they wanted to suspend their schedule tomorrow and have a good rest.

The overseas Chinese in Nanyang said no, they wanted to have a deeper inspection of the border areas and understand the underground party’s domestic policies and implementation.

Mr. Chen also made a soft request. He hoped that tomorrow’s inspection could be conducted freely, and that the border area could send a few staff who were familiar with the local conditions to accompany him.

The reason for this is obvious. The consolation group is worried that the underground party will commit fraud, and the people will not dare to tell the truth when they see them.

Vice Minister Li immediately agreed, and then accompanied the condolences delegation and the government delegation to the new accommodation location. After confirming the departure time for tomorrow, he took the people away.

 Such a big thing has happened. As the actual person in charge of the Ministry of Social Affairs, he has a lot of work to do and must seize the time.

 After the border area personnel left, Zuo Zhong chatted with Mr. Chen and others, turned around and went back to his room to rest, ignoring the sullen Xu Enzeng.

 Early morning the next day.

Several border area staff went out with the condolence group. Everyone wandered around the station and saw everything they went without any advance preparation.

During the inspection, Mr. Chen discovered that the underground party attaches great importance to education and has opened many universities. In addition to domestic college students, there are also overseas Chinese students from Siam, Malaya, and the Netherlands and India, and the trend of learning is prevalent.

Not only that, there was originally only one primary school in the settlement. After the establishment of the border area, the number increased to seven. There were countless literacy classes, and the people's intelligence was initially enlightened.

At the same time, the underground party pays great attention to maintaining public order and good customs, and strictly prohibits bad habits such as foot binding and smoking. The social atmosphere is healthy and upward, and young people walk around, sit and talk in an orderly manner.

When he came to a market in the city, Mr. Chen saw more than a hundred small and large shophouses on both sides of the road, all opened by traders. He curiously asked how much capital each of these shops had and how much tax they levied.

 The staff in the border area answered that the capital was more or less, more than 10,000 or 20,000 yuan, less than tens or hundreds of yuan, and the taxes were very light and very small, no more than 20% at most.

Such a low tax rate made Mr. Chen a little skeptical, but after checking the store's past account books, he had to believe it. Then he asked the farmers about the tax rate.

The other party frankly said that agricultural taxes are determined based on the quality of the harvest. Those whose income exceeds 400 kilograms in the current season will be taxed at seven and a half kilograms for every 100 kilograms. Those whose income is less than 400 kilograms will be exempted from payment.

 Hearing this, the Nanyang overseas Chinese who had land at home were shocked and became more curious about the border area. In the next few days, they walked around the streets and conducted in-depth investigations. Zuo Chong and others were also eye-opening.

One day, a condolence delegation came to the Shaanbei Public School in the border area to hold a symposium. The students in charge of the reception talked about the implementation of democratic politics in the border area, and the people elected the village chief, township chief and county chief themselves.

Mr. Chen raised a question after listening.

 Most of the villagers are illiterate and cannot even write the candidates’ names, so how can they elect? Is there any formalism involved?

The students told him that during the election meeting, the candidates sat behind a long table with their backs to the crowd, with a bowl placed behind each person, and the specific process could not be seen.

The supervisor will give each voter a few beans according to the number of places that should be selected. Whoever the voter chooses will put the beans into the bowl of the person he trusts.

 At the end of the voting, whoever has more beans in the bowl is elected. This is a secret ballot. It doesn’t matter whether you can read or not, as long as you know the person.

Mr. Chen couldn’t help but laugh after hearing this. He humorously called it a “bean election” and believed that this method was fair and true democracy.

After speaking, he asked Zuo Zhong how the various elections in the mountain city were conducted and whether ordinary people participated.

How to answer such a fatal question for Zuo Zhong? To be honest, it would be a slap in someone's face. Fortunately, Vice Minister Li, whom he had not seen for several days, came to visit unexpectedly.

The purpose of the other party's trip was, firstly, to formally invite the national government to participate in the investigation of the air raid case, and secondly, the matter entrusted by Zuo Zhong had also made progress.

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