Cicada Moving

Chapter 1171: Surrender

  11 hours before the lockdown is lifted.

 “Have you heard? The deputy’s reward for Japanese spies has been doubled.”

“Of course I’ve heard of it, but money is outside of the body. The most important thing is the favor of the deputy. Do you understand?”

 In the bathroom of the Military Command Headquarters, two spies stood in front of the urinal, draining water and talking in low voices.

Someone nearby heard the conversation between the two and showed disdain. He buttoned up his pants and stretched his head to join in the conversation.

“You know what, I heard from my fellow villagers at the Central Party Committee that the deputy chairman was appointed as an alternate executive member by the committee. This is a huge favor!”


People in the toilet took a breath of the smelly cold air, and began to dream about finding a spy, receiving awards for meritorious service, being promoted to deputy seat, and reaching the pinnacle of life.

After finishing the dream, everyone shook their heads and went to the water table to wash their hands. Someone else interrupted.

"Yesterday, Division 1 and Division 2 arrested two suspects. One was dead and the other was injured. Director Gu led a team to interrogate overnight. There was a lot of crying and howling in the interrogation room. Not long after that, news of the reward and the favor of the deputy came out. .

I'm afraid the officers are in a hurry. Don't forget that today is the last day of the three-day deadline. If no one is arrested, the blockade will be lifted tomorrow.

Those of us who are small businesses must be careful and don’t make mistakes when the storm is at its peak. That’s the end of what I just said. No one should say anything when you go out. "

 The secret work of intelligence agencies is like the waistbands of those girls in the study apartment. It exists and only exists.

Think about it, a bunch of spies who are good at sniffing out information and extracting intelligence are squatting together, and it would be a **** thing to expect them to keep their mouths shut.

A group of people talked and went out. After another group of people came in, a person walked out of the toilet cubicle.

This man frowned and thought, his expression was gloomy and uncertain, as if he was making a decision.

 Two large offices.

 Gu Qi wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief in one hand, holding the microphone in the other hand, and sternly asked the other person on the phone to increase the search for Japanese spies.

While speaking, he kept glancing at the clock on the wall. Various expressions highlighted a sense of tension and urgency.

Song Minghao is also doing the same job, contacting the military and police, and putting pressure on various agencies.

Beside the two of them, there were more than a dozen little spies who would communicate "passionately" with the local brothers. They kept hearing all kinds of fragrant words, and kept saying the same thing over and over again: The person must be found immediately.

There are many good men in Qiaohu who want to work for the military commander. If they can't reflect their value, then what use does the military commander have for them? Are they going to keep their offspring?

At this time, a person stopped in front of the big office door and waved to Gucci. Gucci was a little confused when he saw the other person, but he still put down the phone and walked over.

“Lao Qiu, why are you free to come to my place today? Is it possible that your inspection office is coming to check the accounts again?”

As soon as they met, Gu Qi said rudely that the person coming was Qiu Buting, Li Qiwu's confidant, and he would naturally not give him a good look.

Qiu Buting still had a smile on his face and seemed to be unwilling to fight back or scold him. He greeted Gu Qi and then said sternly.

“Director Gu, please don’t get me wrong. Director Li is Director Li, and I am me. Everything Qiu did was for official business and was not a personal grudge.

Today I came here to inform Director Gu about the results of the wasting of public funds by the brothers in your department during their mission. "

There was a slight pause. Qiu Buting, who wanted to let it slip, saw that Gu Qi had no reaction, so he had to continue.

“After investigation by the inspection office, this matter was purely a misunderstanding. The brothers took risks outside to perform their tasks and just ate a few more dishes. There is no need to nitpick.”

After listening to his words, Gu Qi's expression finally changed, a smile appeared on his face, and he invited the other party to his office to chat for a while with a warm attitude.

The important thing about making a living in the public house is that you respect me one foot, and I respect you one foot. Since the inspection room is provided with steps, the two places must be connected.

Half an hour later, Qiu Buting left with a smile. Song Minghao, who was hiding at the corner of the corridor, saw this guy walking away, pushed the door open and found Gu Qi.

“Lao Gu, what tricks does Qiu want to play? He is Li Qiwu’s lackey. Why did he suddenly come to us today?”

Behind the table, Gu Qi lit a match, lit a cigarette, threw another one to Song Minghao, and recounted what had just happened.

Knowing that the inspection office was no longer holding on to the two places, Song Minghao frowned and felt something was wrong. Did the other party give up so quickly? But after thinking about it, he nodded.

“Qiu Buting probably heard that the Japanese spy had been caught and the code book had been recovered, and he knew that you were more likely to become the deputy director, so he came here to express his goodwill.

This is normal. This kind of person is just a grassroots. He will fall in whichever way the wind blows. He has no loyalty at all. You have to catch him, Lao Gu. "

Seeing Qiu Buting, Song Minghao thought of himself a few years ago. The same thing was that they both had the ambition to climb up, but the difference was that he had the support of noble people.

Sighing for a moment, he thought of the clue about the safe house door and asked how the safe house key went and whether he found the mole.

Gucci flicked the cigarette ashes and replied helplessly: "No, everyone who has touched the key has been checked, and there is nothing suspicious. But why do you ask about this?"

Before he finished speaking, his hand holding the cigarette suddenly trembled slightly. He couldn't help but raise his head and said suspiciously: "No, do you think..."

Song Minghao did not answer, but nodded slightly, so the Riddler is the most detestable thing, just like a broken dog, everyone will kill it.

Both of them stopped talking and smoked silently. If their guess was correct, then big news would come out of the military command, and the high-level structure would also undergo major changes.

 10 hours before the lockdown is lifted. Qiu Buting walked outside the office door, paced back and forth for a long time, and finally raised his hand and knocked on the door under the watchful eyes of the guard.


A steady voice came from inside the room, and then the guard stretched out his hands to signal him to hand over his weapon. This was a normal security measure.

Hearing the sound, Qiu Buting took a deep breath, handed over his gun and strode into the office, saluting Zuo Zhong who was lowering his head while reviewing documents.

“Reporting to Deputy Director Zuo, Qiu Buting, a humble official, has come to see me.”


 Deadly quiet.

Zuo Zhong continued to deal with the official documents without even raising his head. The atmosphere in the office became solemn. Qiu Buting's back gradually became wet, as if he could hear his own heartbeat.

I don’t know how much time passed, Zuo Zhong put down his pen, looked at the other party expressionlessly, and said coldly: "I am not in charge of the inspection office. If you have any questions, go to Director Li."

Qiu Buting was not frightened. Instead, he mustered up the courage to step forward and said something loudly, which immediately aroused Zuo Chong's interest.

“Report, I know where the Japanese who attacked the safe house are. You are handling the case, so I naturally have to report to you.”

Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows slightly, leaned back, crossed his arms and looked at the other person with interest, and let out a chuckle.

“Hehe, okay, tell me where the Japanese are and how you know them.”

 “Thank you, Deputy Director Zuo!”

Qiu Buting politely thanked him, and then said word by word: "The humble post is a mole instigating rebellion by the Japanese intelligence agency, and is affiliated with the Intelligence Department of the Japanese Cabinet."

This sentence is truly shocking. An unexposed mole actually turned himself in. This is the first time in the history of military unification.

But Zuo Zhong’s reaction was very calm, and he didn’t seem to care about it at all. He knocked on the table to signal him to continue. Qiu Buting felt a little relieved and told him the whole story.

“I joined the Secret Service when I was still in Jinling. I have been working in the Supervisory Office and have made several insignificant achievements, but my official career has not been smooth.

 After arriving in the mountain city, I met a female student who was considerate, gentle and beautiful. I made a private commitment to her for life and decided to get married after we drove away the Japanese. "

Having said this, Qiu Buting looked happy, as if he was remembering something, but he soon gritted his teeth again.

“It’s just that I didn’t expect that all this was a Japanese conspiracy. The acquaintance between that woman and me was completely planned.

The Japanese want to know the intelligence of the bureau through me. If I don't agree, they will report me and kill my family.

Humble job finally managed to gain a foothold in the bureau, and the lives of his family were also at stake. He had no choice but to agree to the other party and provide information several times. "

Qiu Buting's voice suddenly rose, tears instantly overflowed from his eyes, he patted his chest in great pain, and at the end of the sentence, he knelt on the ground with a plop.

“But Ang Beizhi can guarantee that what I provided is some general information and does not involve military secrets. I am by no means a true traitor, and I am not willing to be a dog of the Japanese.

 When you and Mr. Chen went to the northwest, I only handed over the route of the condolences group. I didn’t mention a word about your identity. This is proof.

 A few months ago, the Intelligence Department of the Japanese Cabinet contacted me and asked me to find a place that could accommodate a large number of people to hide, and also asked me to check which places in the bureau were more tightly guarded.

Not long ago, someone from the second branch made a mistake during a mission and was targeted by Director Li, so I took the opportunity to use my authority to check it out, and found out that there was a problem with one of the safe houses.

I thought it was a secret office, so I told the Japanese without thinking much and even gave them the key. Who knew so many brothers had died in the safe house! "

Chapting in tears, Qiu Buting knocked his head heavily to the ground, making a thumping sound, his forehead turned bright red, and his voice was hoarse.

"I am guilty! I am guilty, Vice-President. I am willing to accept all punishments. I only ask that you give me a chance to atone my sins."

I have chosen the resting place for the remaining Japanese. They will escape tonight. Please give me your approval. I will lead them personally..."

 “Pah, pah, pah”

Zuo Zhong clapped his hands together, interrupting Qiu Buting's remorse. At the same time, he stood up slowly and gave a thumbs up with a smile.

"Your acting skills are much better than that of idiot Li Qiwu, and you are also very smart. You are considered a character, but why do you treat Zuo as a fool?"

The more he spoke, the colder his tone became. From a smile on his face to a frosty expression, his eyes were like a sharp sword piercing people's hearts. After he finished speaking, he shouted outside.

 “Let there be light! Bring people in.”

 Qiu Buting turned his head blankly and came face to face with the scarred Japanese spy who was pushed in by Gui Youguang. Both of them were lying on the ground with their chins stuck out, in a somewhat awkward posture.

Wu Chunyang, Gu Qi, Song Minghao, Wu Jingzhong and Gui Youguang walked into the room. They gradually clenched their fists as they looked at the Japanese spies and traitors prostrating themselves on the ground.

 “How could this be, how could…”

Qiu Buting was mumbling in disbelief, why did the remaining Japanese spies appear in front of him? Shouldn't the other party be there...

 (To be continued, not maliciously broken, the rhythm requires it)

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