Cicada Moving

Chapter 1219: Bian Jichao and Zhong Xiao

Chapter 1219 Bian Jichao and Zhong Xiao

 Gu Qi looked at the dejected Bian Jichao and said coldly: "What is your girlfriend's surname and occupation? Have you ever disclosed your encirclement and suppression plan to her?"

These three questions made Bian Jichao's expression change again and again, but looking at the grave-faced military secret agents, he had no choice but to tell his name honestly.


 Subsequently, he told the story of how the two got acquainted, and the content was quite romantic.

“She and I met when we were invited to attend a student reception in Shancheng. At that time, she was a student representative of Shancheng Normal Girls’ School. I saw her in the crowd at a glance.

It was a sunny day, and the sun was shining in the auditorium. Zhong Xiao had long black hair and looked great in his navy blue student uniform.

At that time, many guards and guards were peeking at her. After the meeting, I found a reason to ask her for her contact information, hoping to get to know her better.

Perhaps my behavior was too reckless, Zhong Xiao was so frightened that he hid behind his classmates, and it took a while before he dared to talk to me.

 Sir Zuo, a timid girl like her cannot be a spy. Really, I can vouch for it with my reputation and future.

I have also met her father, and we had a good chat. I was about to find an opportunity to report the matter to the superior, but Bian would have to leave the attendant's room at worst. "

 At the end of the story, Bian Jichao's expression became gentle, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised unconsciously, as if he was caught in some wonderful fantasy.


Zuo Zhong slammed the table hard, with a gloomy expression. He was a lieutenant officer in the Guo Army and someone's personal guard. When the country was in danger, he indulged in his children's affair. It was simply ridiculous.

He glared at Bian Jichao and shouted: "I'm not in the mood to listen to your dog P love story. I just want to know whether you have disclosed any information to her. Lieutenant Bian, please don't lie. Otherwise, it will not only harm you, but also harm others." Got her.

This matter has reached heaven. Without the permission of the leader, do you think we dare to bring you people back? Don't take chances. Your only way out is to tell the truth. Only in this way can you save yourself.

If not, I will immediately issue an order to go to the girls' school to find Miss Zhong. You know the methods of our military command. What will a beautiful female student face when she enters the interrogation room? You don't need me to tell you, do you? "

Juntong is an institution of violence. Even though Zuo Zhong repeatedly emphasized discipline, the military discipline of the Juntong is much better than in history. Without those dirty things, there are all the necessary means.

  To deal with female suspects, methods of coercing confessions such as sitting on ice cubes and taking leech baths are just appetizers. There are also more cruel methods, and there has been a lot of discussion within the government about this.

The lady even specifically questioned Lao Dai about this matter, but the military commander still went his own way, and someone turned a blind eye. After all, compared with rules, intelligence is the most important.

Bian Jichao, who was already panicking, heard that the military commander was going to arrest Zhong Xiao. When he thought of the inhuman torture that the other party would suffer, he immediately panicked and quickly defended Zhong Xiao and himself.

“Sir Zuo, Zhong Xiao has never asked me about secrets. She is a simple student who is not interested in politics or military affairs. What we discuss most when we meet is literature.

I also always remember the discipline of confidentiality and will never tell anyone about the information I heard in the official residence. If you don’t believe it, you can check the letters between Zhong Xiao and me. They are in my dormitory. "

“Come here, go to Lieutenant Bian’s dormitory and keep it confidential.”

 Gu Qi immediately arranged for special agents to collect evidence, but the purpose was not to prove Bian Jichao's words, but to extract information from Zhong Xiao's letters, such as handwriting, fingerprints, writing style, word choice, etc.

ˆBy analyzing this information, analysts can determine a person’s personality, education level, daily language, and writing habits.

The above results, combined with archives and past history, can maximize the military commander’s understanding of the target, and this understanding will help with the next step of investigation.

Zuo Zhong was very satisfied when he saw Gu Qi's actions. After all, he was an old man who had cooperated with him for many years. He knew what to do without his reminding.

Immediately, Zuo Zhong slowed down his tone and asked Bian Jichao about Zhong Xiao’s family background, trying to find out anything suspicious about it.

The purpose of slowing down the tone is to give Bian Jichao a positive feedback. For a young man with little social experience like this, blindly being tough will only cause him to completely collapse or trigger rebellion. A combination of soft and hard tactics is the correct way to pry open the other party's mouth.

Sure enough, finding that Zuo Zhong was no longer so aggressive, Bian Jichao sat back on his chair and told everything he knew about the situation.

“Zhong Xiao is a native of Shancheng. She is 19 years old and has an older brother and older sister. She is the youngest child in the family and has a cheerful personality that makes her very popular with her parents.

The Zhong family is also a well-known large family in the city, with thousands of acres of fertile land, dozens of shops in the city, and several goods stores and docks.

Uncle Zhong told me that the Zhong family donated tens of thousands of dollars to the front line, so Zhong laughed at how she could be a spy. You must have made a mistake, sir. "

Bian Jichao's expression was sincere. In his opinion, it was impossible for a female student with a clean background and such a good family background to have anything to do with a spy.

 Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang, and Song Minghao all frowned when they heard this. They were actually locals from the mountain city, and they came from wealthy families. They really didn't look like spies.

 Intelligence work is not about buying groceries and eating, and the personnel must be trained. However, girls from wealthy families usually rarely go out, and their whereabouts are easy to track. This is somewhat contradictory.

 Unless the Zhong family is the same as the Pang family they checked in Jinling, the entire family is a nail planted by the Japanese many years ago (section 654) and has only been activated recently. Song Minghao was the first to ask, with a very polite attitude: "Lieutenant Bian, how many years have the Zhong family settled in the mountain city? Are all the relatives here?"

Bian Jichao didn't understand the purpose of asking this question, so he thought about it carefully and replied.

“I heard from Zhong Xiao that the Zhong family came to settle in Shancheng City at the end of the Ming Dynasty. I don’t know where they were originally from. Of course they have relatives.”

The military commanders were silent. This was wrong. First, if the Zhong family were Japanese spies, the only possibility was to impersonate them, but lurking for hundreds of years was simply not realistic.

Second, Japanese spies pretended to be members of the Pang family and lurked in the Republic of China. The first thing they did was to eliminate relatives and friends of the Pang family. To this end, they even did not hesitate to use bacterial weapons to kill people.

But the urban area of ​​Shancheng City is not a remote countryside, and there are many people with mixed eyes. It is impossible for Japanese spies to occupy the magpie's nest and hide it from the Zhong family's network.

After a long silence, Gu Qi discussed with everyone in a low voice: "Let's send someone to check the Zhong family first and see the results. These are just Bian Jichao's words. The facts need to be verified.

I'm sure that we have met an old rival. To put it bluntly, the underground party is very aloof and does not engage in seduction. It is the Japanese who like to use this little trick the most. "

Finally found a clue, Gu Qi didn't want to let it go easily. Besides, why a young lady like Zhong Xiao would date Bian Jichao? It couldn't really be because of love.

Even though Bian Jichao is the leader's personal guard, he seems to have a bright future. However, the guard is not a bodyguard. He will definitely leave the official residence when he reaches his age. With the Zhong family's background in the mountain city, they can definitely find a son-in-law with better status and better future.

From this, it can be inferred that the Zhong family is indeed suspected of being involved in espionage. It does not matter whether the other party is an underground party or a Japanese. Gu Qi just wants to catch the mole who leaked the secret and secure his position as deputy director.

Wu Chunyang nodded after hearing this: "Yes, the Japanese spies have kept a low profile for the past six months. Most of them are traitors and minor characters. When things go wrong, there must be monsters. The Japanese can't be so honest.

 So Zhong Xiao and other members of the Zhong family not only need to be investigated, but also investigated for several generations. Shancheng City was a big city in the previous dynasties, and the relevant household registration files should be complete, so we can start from this aspect.

Zhong Xiao’s ideological trends at school, political leanings, and social networks must also be included in the scope of the investigation. Even if she is fine, it does not mean that the people around her are fine. What Japanese spies are best at is building relationships. "

Song Minghao next to him agreed. Judging from past experience, once the Japanese become honest, it won't take long for something to happen, and it will be a big deal.

While listening to the opinions of the three people, Zuo Zhong looked at the anxious Bian Jichao. He thought about the other person and Zhong Xiao in his mind, and inexplicably felt that the process of getting acquainted with the two looked familiar.

 After a while, he said in a deep voice: "Let's do this, be it dissidents or Japanese, wait until we catch them.

But first, we need to let the outside world know that Bian Jichao is going to the front line for official business, so as to stabilize Zhong Xiao temporarily and not surprise the only suspect. "

Having said this, Zuo Zhong turned around and asked: "Lieutenant Bian, could you please write a note and tell Miss Zhong that you are leaving the mountain city for a while, is that okay?"

Although it was a question, there was a hint of refusal in his tone. Of course, Bian Jichao understood that Zuo Zhong was not negotiating with him, so he nodded hurriedly in agreement.

“Okay, Lieutenant Bian, please go back to your room and rest first. We will call you if necessary.”

Zuo Zhong waved his hand and asked people to take Bian Jichao away. He quickly interrogated the remaining suspects, but no valuable clues were found. Zhong Xiao is still the only breakthrough at present.

 After seeing off the last interrogation target, a small agent came into the room, cleaned up the cigarette butts on the table, and opened the window. A cold wind blew into the room through the window, and the four drowsy people instantly became energetic.

Tightening his collar, Zuo Zhong divided the investigation work. Just like the previous arrangements at the headquarters, Wu Chunyang's first branch was responsible for tracking, monitoring and other investigative operations; Song Minghao's second branch was responsible for personnel screening and information review; Gu Qi Taking charge of the overall situation, he sits at the rear.

 With the clear order, the military's huge intelligence machine began to operate. A large number of spies and informants launched an extremely detailed investigation around the Zhong family and Shancheng Normal Girls' School.

All of Zhong Xiao’s experiences since birth, including family, educational background, social relationships, daily words and deeds, have been unearthed one by one, awaiting investigation and verification.

Multiple old servants of the Zhong family, old neighbors, and classmates of Zhong Xiao were secretly brought back to the military command. Their confessions will be cross-referenced with the investigation results to find out the flaws.

On the other side, the Jiangnan incident is also coming to an end.

 Northwest proposed 12 measures to deal with the aftermath, including revoking the disbandment order, restoring the freedom of many military chiefs, releasing all captured personnel, punishing relevant responsible persons, and providing compensation for casualties and casualties, etc.

These conditions are obviously political means, and we do not really expect the Guo Party to accept them in full. This is also the case. The two parties immediately fell into a stalemate, and the situation in the Republic of China became increasingly unstable.

At this time, the Japanese's short-sightedness occurred again. Taking advantage of the confrontation between the northwest and the mountain city, they jumped out and launched an attack on the Guo army in the north.

At this point, cooperative resistance became the mainstream again. In the end, although someone did not agree with all the aftermath measures, he did agree on minor issues such as no longer targeting the "Xinhua Newspaper" and issuing road tickets to underground party members entering the border area.

In response to the request to expand the army in the northwest, someone vaguely said, "As long as you obey the order, everything will be easy." But he never mentioned the supply of food, wages, and weapons.

The dust of this matter has settled, allowing someone to focus on the internal affairs of the government. The military commander's investigation of Zhong Xiao and the Zhong family has gradually deepened. It is time to settle accounts after the fall.

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