Cicada Moving

Chapter 1257: reap the consequences

Chapter 1257: Reap the consequences

The weather in the mountain city was still cold in April and May, and the temperature in the underground military interrogation room was naturally not pleasant. The scars on his body and the low temperature caused Miyagi Toyoji to lose consciousness several times, but he soon regained consciousness under the stimulation of the soldering iron.

When the wet quilt covered him, Miyagi Toyoji's face quickly turned pale, his body was trembling uncontrollably, and his teeth collided with each other and made a clicking sound.

Gu Qi returned to the interrogation table and sat down. He handed Zuo Zhong a cigarette and said, "Deputy seat, please wait a little longer. This guy has a very tough mouth. I estimate it will take another two or three days."

Zuo Zhong nodded in agreement. The suspect this time was indeed very tough and it would not be easy to obtain a confession, but he wanted to try a new method. To be precise, it was not a new method. The Japanese had already done this in Northeast China.

A few years ago, the military commanders and the Central Commander-in-Chief launched a raid on the Baoyinhe base on the outskirts of Harbin. In that raid, they successfully destroyed the Japanese biological and chemical weapons base. base, and the defense is tighter.

In order to prevent the destruction of the Fruit Party and the underground party, the Japanese established their base in the urban area of ​​Hancheng, attempting to use the lives of hundreds of thousands of Republic people as a shield to continue to engage in inhumane bacterial weapons research.

Regarding this new base, Ryosuke Hase, Fuichiro Hayashi, Fu Ling in Tokyo, and Xiao Qingmin who was lurking in the Koryo Restoration Organization have all sent relevant intelligence.

Intelligence shows that this new base is very large, perhaps in retaliation for the government's previous actions, and the experiments conducted by the Japanese inside have become increasingly cruel.

Not to mention "conventional" experiments such as vivisection, poison gas, and bacterial weapons, the ambitious Japs exposed prisoners in the base to extremely cold environments to conduct frostbite experiments to study the human body based on possible future combat needs in alpine areas. Response to extreme temperatures.

It is said that the Japanese researchers who participated in the experiment were very satisfied with the results and said that the pain caused by such experiments was unmatched by any torture.

Zuo Zhong has seen specific experimental data in his previous life, which can no longer be described as cruel (everyone is interested in watching "Black Sun".

Don't the Japanese like to conduct experiments? Then he will let the Japanese intelligence officers know what it means to reap the consequences.

Zuo Zhong put out his half-smoked cigarette, glanced at the suspect, and said coldly to the little agent: "Notify Dr. Ling and ask him to bring liquid nitrogen. Let's help this gentleman cool down today."

The mountain city is not as cold as the Northeast, and the natural temperature cannot meet the standards of freezing experiments, but the military commander can achieve the same effect with the help of science.

Liquid nitrogen is not a great technology. It can be produced on a large scale in the early 20th century, and Renxin Hospital has a lot of it in stock.

After arranging a surprise for the Japanese spy, Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi discussed the interrogation plan in a low voice. It didn't matter whether they could get a confession. They still had one person alive anyway. The important thing was to vent their anger.

Besides, after Ling Sanping received a call from the headquarters, he immediately set off excitedly with the liquid nitrogen and his assistant, without wasting a minute.

In the interrogation room, the Japanese spies added liquid nitrogen and used their heels to figure out what Zuo Zhong was doing. Not only him, but also his assistants were extremely excited.

What the Japanese did in the Northeast is not a secret. As long as there is any conscience, any Republic of China person will be angry about it. Now that the military commander is reciprocating tooth for tooth, eye for eye, how can they not be excited.

An hour later, Ling Sanping appeared in the interrogation room with wind at his feet. Looking at the dying Japanese spy on the interrogation chair, he frowned and muttered.

"With such a serious injury, a lot of medicine will be wasted. Lao Gu, can you be more careful in the future?"

These words seemed to be talking about Gucci, but in fact they were talking about Zuo Zhong. But who was Zuo Zhong? How could he care about such insignificant complaints? He picked up the tea cup and calmly drank the tea and pretended not to hear it.

Gu Qi did not dare to offend the military commander "Hua Tuo", so he quickly stood up and recounted the interrogation plan just arranged by Zuo Zhong. During this period, he kept a smiling face with him. It would be impossible not to accompany him. In this world, anyone can be offended, but the doctor cannot be offended.

"The deputy chairperson means to start with the fingers first. If the fingers are gone, then switch to the toes. If the toes are gone, there are still arms. What is Dr. Ling's advice?"

Ling Sanping nodded after hearing this and waved to his assistant. The assistant wearing rubber gloves immediately turned around and carefully opened the steel liquid nitrogen transport tank he had brought.

Although Miyagi Toyoji didn't hear clearly the conversation between Zuo Zhong, Gu Qi and Ling Sanping, but when he saw the newcomer wearing a white coat and the strange-looking jar, he suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"What are you going to do?"

"I am a civil servant of the Empire of Japan, and I demand the protection of the Geneva Convention!"

"Let me go! Let me go!"

Reminiscent of the experimental report of the Kwantung Army's water supply unit in the archives of the Cabinet Intelligence Bureau, Miyagi Toyoji finally admitted that he was Japanese. He struggled and screamed for his life, but it was all in vain.

Facing his shout, Zuo Zhong just replied lightly: "Sorry, as far as I know, although your country participated in the negotiations on the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War in 1929, it did not formally ratify it, and intelligence personnel are not subject to the Geneva Convention. Protect."

"No! If the national government signs a convention, it must be implemented, regardless of whether the Empire of Japan ratifies it. I am not a soldier, you can't torture me, and there must be a trial process." Miyagi Toyoji loudly retorted.

"Ouch, where does this legal expert come from?"

With a sarcastic look on his face, Zuo Zhong casually made a few strokes on the interrogation record, then tore up the page and threw it to the ground. "You want a trial letter, right? I am writing to you. According to the wartime regulations of the national government and the Military Council, I have the right to deal with any hostile intelligence personnel who endanger national security.

According to the above-mentioned regulations, I now sentence you to death. Before executing the death penalty, our ministry will strictly abide by the relevant provisions of the Geneva Convention and provide you with necessary treatment and humanitarian care.

If you have any opinions on this, you can report it to the top executive of the executive agency, that is, to myself. How about it? Is there anything else you want to say? "

Miyagi Toyoji opened his mouth wide. He didn't expect that the legendary Zuo Shige didn't follow any rules. Shouldn't the interrogation be a few rounds before getting to the point? What's going on if you just sentence me to death?

Before he could speak again, Ling Sanping's assistant transferred part of the liquid nitrogen to the storage tank. White mist overflowed from the opening of the tank, and the temperature in the interrogation room dropped a few degrees.

Ling Sanping walked up to Miyagi Toyoji, grabbed his left hand, spread its five fingers and put them into the storage jar.

"Ah!!" Miyagi Toyoji let out a shrill scream.

Liquid nitrogen with a temperature as low as -196 degrees Celsius quickly absorbs the heat in the skin and underlying tissues of the palm, forcing the water within and between cells to form ice crystals, blocking blood flow.

Under various effects, Miyagi Toyoji first felt a sharp pain, then his skin hardened and turned white, and finally gangrene appeared on the surface of his palms.

Ling Sanping held the watch in his hand and stared at the storage jar. He did not forget to pronounce various professional terms to his assistant, his voice was cold and there was no trace of emotion.

Dim yellow light bulbs swayed above the heads of several people, casting distorted shadows on the wall. Together with Miyagi Toyoji's screams, it made people shudder.

Gu Qi couldn't help but shudder. To be honest, after working as a spy for so many years, he had seen many interrogations, but this method of torture was beyond his understanding, and a lingering fear of the unknown lingered.

Because whether it is electrocution or tiger bench, there is always damage, and experienced interrogators can control it calmly.

Liquid nitrogen execution is different. The process is full of unpredictability. No one knows what consequences it will have on the human body.

Zuo Zhong noticed Gu Qi's discomfort and raised the corner of his mouth slightly. The biggest difference between medical or chemical torture and ordinary interrogation is psychological deterrence. To put it simply, human beings will always subconsciously reject things beyond their cognition.

"Okay, let's start the next step."

Ten minutes passed. Ling Sanping pulled Miyagi Toyoji's left hand out of the storage tank, took the small wooden stick handed by his assistant and knocked it on, as if knocking on wood.

The tapping sound echoed in the interrogation room, which was very similar to the sound of wooden fish, as if it was paying homage to the innocent souls of those who were murdered.

Miyagi Toyoji should have fainted at this time, but the continuous pain woke him up again and again. He was unable to struggle, and only the indistinct moans from his mouth proved that he was still alive.

The assistants in white coats stared intently, writing constantly with pens in their hands. It was a rare opportunity for them to observe with their own eyes the damage process of liquid nitrogen to the human body.


As Ling Sanping struck again, three of the five fingers on Miyagi Toyoji's left hand said goodbye to his palm and fell straight to the ground.

The pink muscles, white flexor digitorum superficialis tendons, and gray skin were so visually impactful that a newly hired agent rushed out and vomited.

Zuo Zhong frowned and said with dissatisfaction: "I can't even stand this scene. It seems that I still need to practice more."

"What the deputy said is that I will arrange for him to go to Manchukuo tomorrow." Gu Qi bowed slightly and replied, deciding this person's fate in one sentence.

The other agents were frightened when they heard this. Even if they were afraid, they did not dare to show it. They were afraid that like this unlucky guy, they would be kicked to the Japanese-occupied area or the local area station, and their future would be over.

Ling Sanping didn't pay attention to what Zuo Zhong said and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the experiment. When he saw that only three fingers were broken, he grabbed Miyagi Toyoji's hand with some disappointment and prepared to do it again.

"I recruit, I recruit"

Miyagi Toyoji said weakly, his head hung heavily, and he completely gave up resistance.

He had to give up. He really didn't want to have this feeling of life worse than death again. As for the so-called anti-torture training, it was a joke.

What is fake will always be fake. No matter how ruthless our people are, the most they can do is a few whips. Compared with the methods of the intelligence agencies of the Republic of China, they are not even scratching an itch.

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