Cicada Moving

Chapter 196: Basic information (three updates)

Chapter 196 Basic Information (Third update)

Zuo Zhong returned to the Secret Service after a meeting. He had not yet recovered from all the nonsense. His head was dizzy. He sat for a while before feeling better.

 He ​​tugged on his collar: "TMD, don't go to this kind of meeting too often. If you go too many, your life will definitely be shortened."

 Fortunately, something was gained. With an honest reason for reconnaissance, two "reliable" team members were found, although Deputy Director Bai was a little unhappy.

But as long as the goal has been achieved, Bai Wenzhi wouldn't dare to look down on Dai Chunfeng even if he had the courage to do so. If he really wanted to do this, Zuo Zhong would ask him to explain where the villa he just bought last month came from, and the heavy box of tea leaves from Shang Shang Yue. What's going on again.

He Yijun brought a cup of strong coffee. She had just seen Zuo Zhong come back with a tired look on his face and guessed that something might have given him a headache today.

Zuo Zhong picked up the coffee and took a few sips. The bitter taste invigorated him. He was completely alive now. The knowledge of mountains and rivers can kill people.

Seeing that He Yijun hadn't left, he said smoothly: "Thank you. By the way, have you seen Fu Ling today? Please ask her to come to me later."

He Yijun put the coffee pot on the table: "I saw it. She hasn't been back in the office for the past two days. She went to the interrogation room with a pile of breakfast in the morning."

Zuo Zhong touched his chin after listening. Fu Ling was really hardworking. Compared to that **** Song Minghao, she was just a model worker. It seemed like she was making progress.

There are not many continuous interrogations, unless you are preparing for sleep deprivation, but in that case, you don't need Fu Ling, the officer, to keep an eye on you. This situation should be caused by the other party giving up and taking too many notes.

He Yijun went out while he was thinking, and Fu Ling, who had dark circles under her eyes for a while, came with a thick stack of information in her hands, and she really gained something.

As soon as she saw Zuo Zhong, Fu Ling put down her things and reported: "Section Chief, in the past two days, we have asked the bosses of three large and two medium-sized pharmaceutical companies to come back for questioning, based on the account books and confessions."

At this time, the phone on Zuo Zhong's desk rang. He raised his hand to ask Fu Ling to sit down first and answered the phone.

"Hello, are you Section Chief Zuo? I am Lao Yang from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I have to ask you something. When will our three-person team start supervision and inspection?"

Section Chief Yang asked on the phone with a smile. He seemed to be in a good mood, but why was this guy so active? Zuo Chong had an ominous premonition.

He thought for a while and then tentatively said: "Let's study this further. What's wrong? Your Ministry of Internal Affairs has been so idle recently. After all, it's a first-class yamen."

Section Chief Yang laughed loudly: "You are really busy. I heard that many people have been arrested in the past two days. When did your Secret Service start to deal with counterfeit medicines?"

Zuo Zhong was stunned. This guy was very well-informed and had some knowledge. He reached out to open the information Fu Ling brought and found a page of personnel information.

At the same time, he also smiled and replied: "It seems that Section Chief Yang does not go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. If you have something to do, just say it. As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it."

 No wonder he was so active. It turned out that he just found a reason to call himself. Zuo Zhong read the files of the five people in the document at a glance.

He did not explain why he wanted to arrest the drug dealer, and Section Chief Yang did not ask further questions. How he was arrested was not important, but whether he could be released was important.

Section Chief Yang laughed even louder: "I have a relative who opened a trading house in Jinling, mainly dealing in medicines. You invited me back to the Secret Service last night. His mother came to me crying.

I have no choice. We have been relatives for many years. As a humble person, I can only ask Section Chief Zuo if you can show your favor. Of course, the premise is that the other party is not involved in intelligence. "

These words are extremely false. What do you mean by how many years a relative has? Are relatives divided into years? It is estimated that they are family members of some drugstore. Through various connections, they found Section Chief Yang and asked him to recruit people.

Chief Yang’s excuse, which is full of mistakes, is probably a sideways explanation of the real situation to himself. This person is very moral and must be contacted more often.

Zuo Zhong read the files and found that these five people were not considered good people. Their crimes would not lead to death. They definitely did not get a good deal from Fu Ling. It was not that they were incapable of being accommodating.

He turned the microphone to the other side and leaned back on the chair: "I see, it's understandable. We didn't come from the cracks in the rocks. It's really hard to refuse when relatives come to visit us.

 Well, you tell me your name, and I will go and find out the situation. To be honest, brother, we are arresting people under orders from the top. They cannot be released in the near future, but please rest assured about their safety. "

 Be accommodating by being accommodating, Zuo Zhong will not be a pig leader, Fu Ling worked hard to catch these profiteers, but he can't just let them go with a word.

When Section Chief Yang heard that it was Shangfeng's order, his heart skipped a beat. The only people who could be called Shangfeng by Zuo Zhong were Dai Chunfeng and more powerful people.

He had given up on earning this vote. He didn't expect Zuo Zhong to give him such face. It was not easy to ensure safety in a magical cave like the Secret Service.

He suddenly felt a heat in his heart, knowing that Zuo Zhong had given him enough face, he immediately said: "My name is Jia Gui, a relative from my hometown in the north. Thank you very much."

Zuo Zhong shook his head helplessly. Chief Yang's family belongs to the Hu Jian family. The Hu Jian people are famous for their clan unity and rarely move to other places. Where did Lao Yang come from relatives in the north? This lie is too clumsy. But the name is a bit interesting. He smiled and said: "I will go and make arrangements now. Give him a single cell, and let him eat and drink from our own canteen. You can ask his family to send some clean bedding. I will ask People were waiting at the door.

When the limelight subsides, let's find another opportunity to operate it. We want to give people a chance to change their ways. But you have to remind them not to sell fake medicines in the future. You might offend someone who shouldn't be offended. Jinling City lies The tiger hides the dragon. "

Zuo Zhong wanted to use his mouth to spread the word about the reason why the Secret Service arrested the medicinal merchant, even though the mysterious drugstore might not care about it.

Section Chief Yang said affectionately: "Don't worry, I will never cause trouble to Section Chief Zuo. I will ask his family to send him quilts now. In the future, there will be some kindness and favors."

Zuo Zhong chuckled and didn't say such a sensitive thing on the phone. He agreed to the accommodation because of the mission, but after receiving the money, the nature of the matter changed. Some things were agreed in person.

The two exchanged polite words and hung up the phone. Fu Ling had been sitting patiently aside. She understood that the action had been discovered, and the other party also called the section chief directly to plead for mercy.

Zuo Zhong put down the phone, thought for a while, raised his head and said, "Send someone to wait at the door later. Jia Gui's family members will come to deliver things. You can accept the things, but you can't give them to him. I'll give them another set."

 The section chief understands them. This will neither offend anyone nor affect the investigation work.

Fu Ling smiled: "Okay section chief, I'll make arrangements when I get back. I want to report to you the results of the investigation over the past few days. Do you have time?"

 Zuo Zhong took out a pen and paper and nodded: "Tell me, I called you here just to ask about the progress. I'm not rushing you, it's just a normal work report. Don't feel pressured and speak slowly."

Fu Ling calmed down and said: "Through account books and five confessions, and after many cross-references, we have confirmed the addresses, owner information, and business status of 102 large pharmacies, 285 medium-sized pharmacies, and 423 small pharmacies.

These 810 pharmacies account for four-fifths of the total number of pharmacies in Jinling, including both Chinese and Western medicine pharmacies. The remaining pharmacies are undergoing on-site reconnaissance and confirming known intelligence. "

She only slept for three hours in the past two days and devoted herself to the case. The other agents couldn't bear it at all. They rotated three groups of people in succession before they could keep up with her pace. After comparing a large amount of data, the number End of amazing pharmacy statistics.

Zuo Zhong looked at the Jinling military map in the file. The information was densely marked on it, and he sighed at Fu Ling's intentions. With this map, he could start the next step of the investigation.

 He patted the map and said: "Well done, the case is over. I will personally ask for credit from you!"

 Fu Ling stood up: "It's all arranged by you. Fu Ling doesn't dare to take credit. So, please let me know clearly, section chief, how to carry out the next step of the work."

His words are nice, but he is too blunt, and his way of handling things is immature. It seems he is still too eager to prove himself and needs further training.

"Sit down and speak slowly." Zuo Zhong smiled and pushed the information to her: "We have known each other for a long time. We have experienced life and death together. As for me, I have something to talk to you about."

Hearing what the section chief said, it seemed that he had not done well in some areas, Fu Ling couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She pursed her lips and sat motionless in her chair.

When Zuo Zhong saw this scene, he did not persuade her, but continued: "You have worked very hard these days, but the way of civil and military affairs is relaxed. Have you considered other brothers when you do this? I don't think so?"

He picked up a pencil: "My subordinates are like this pen. You can bend them out of the arc, as long as you use less force and let them slowly adapt to the intensity of your work. What if you just use all your strength?" You see, this is the result."

 After saying that, the pencil in Zuo Zhong's hand broke with a sound, which made Fu Ling frown. She understood what the section chief meant. Looking back on the past two days, she was indeed a little demanding on her subordinates, or harsh.

Seeing that she was aware of it, Zuo Chong said, "Just go back and invite everyone to have a dinner and let them know that you, the commander, are not a bad person."

After getting the solution, Fu Ling smiled and said: "Yes, I promise to entertain everyone well, then the next step will be delayed for two days before continuing."

 Zuo Zhong nodded appreciatively: "Well, next I will use the name of the New Life Promotion Association to inspect all pharmacies in Jinling. We will cooperate with each other overtly and covertly to find the target.

  Other comrades in Corey are also involved. You have a good discussion with them. I don’t care about your specific division of labor. I only care about the final result. Sometimes handling relationships is as important as doing a good job. "

 Fu Ling knew that Zuo Zhong was teaching by words and deeds. She used to work at the grassroots level, and the deputy chief was only in name, so she was not familiar with the leadership. With today's dialogue, her future work will be smoother.

She stood up and saluted: "Yes, I will definitely remember the section chief's words and negotiate with everyone."

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 (End of this chapter)

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