Cicada Moving

Chapter 210: under the water

Chapter 210 Under the water

 “Did you record the time?”

On the roof of a building five hundred meters away from Renxin Hospital, Wu Chunyang held up a telescope, looked at Zhou Longyang who drove away, and asked the special agent next to him.

"Everything has been recorded. The brothers below have sent people to follow." The agent shrank his head, looked at the reflected signal of the agent in the distance, and reported in a low voice.

Wu Chunyang turned his attention to the gate of Renxin Hospital. A truck and a car were driving separately. No matter which direction Zhou Longyang went after going out, there were vehicles from the intelligence department accompanying him.

Fighting on his home court, Wu Chunyang did not choose the old tracking method of hanging from behind. Instead, he took advantage of the large number of people in the car to lay out a large net, changing tracking from behind to forward pressure.

There are vehicles from the Intelligence Division on standby on each road. After the other party turns, the vehicle drives in front of the target and uses a relay method for uninterrupted tracking.

This can greatly reduce the chance of being discovered by Zhou Longyang, but this method also has certain limitations and requires a large number of vehicles and personnel.

 You also need to be very familiar with the terrain, and auxiliary ground personnel need to be deployed at intersections. In short, it consumes a lot of manpower and material resources and cannot be used casually.

Wu Chunyang remembered what the section chief once said, if there is a mobile communication tool that can grasp the whereabouts of the other party with just one sentence, this tracking method will be suitable for large-scale application.

 Wu Chunyang shook his head as a mobile communication tool, feeling a bit fanciful. He put down the telescope and looked at the tracking record, which summarized the movement trajectory of each target.

He turned to Zhou Longyang's section. He shuttled back and forth between his workplace, home, and Dean Wang's house every day. It could be seen that he had a very good relationship with Dean Wang, and apart from that, he had few social activities.

 This is very unreasonable for a director of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the target is not an upright and upright official. This fixed course of action is obviously hiding something.

When night slowly fell, Wu Chunyang received the latest intelligence from the front. After Zhou Longyang left the hospital, he went directly to Dean Wang's official residence.

He thought for a moment and ordered: "Establish a surveillance point near the target's residence, contact Chief Fu, and install a listening device in the other party's home."

Director Zhou is a bit like a messenger, passing messages between the Japanese and Dean Wang. It seems that they also know that the phone is not safe, so they use human transmission to avoid possible monitoring.

 “MD, you are so cunning.” Wu Chunyang cursed in a low voice.

I don’t know since when, both the intelligence department and the opponent began to pay attention to the confidentiality of calls. The monitoring network that was built at a large cost lost most of its effect as soon as it was used.

  Intelligence technology is updating too fast. Maybe tomorrow the mobile communication device mentioned by the section chief will appear, and counterintelligence work will be even more difficult by then. Wu Chunyang frowned as he thought about it.

He had a headache, and Fu Ling also had a headache. It was not easy to install monitoring equipment at Zhou Longyang's home. There were many people at home, and there was very little time when no one was home. This was just one of them.

The second Zhou family lives in Meiyuan New Village. There are many residents in this new type of apartment building. They have to face the same problems that Jinjiang once encountered when moving around, which is that they may encounter curious neighbors at any time.

Thirdly, monitoring equipment consumes a lot of power. If the target is more careful, he can detect something wrong from the power consumption, so not only must he eavesdrop, but he must also set up hidden power lines in the other party's home.

 After Fu Ling analyzed it, she directly contacted Wu Chunyang. This operation required the joint action of the tracking team and the eavesdropping team, and the monitoring team could not complete it alone.

Wu Chunyang had no objection to this matter. Everything was for the purpose of solving the case. However, it was not easy to solve these three problems. He had long discussions with Fu Ling to no avail.

 “Chief Wu, Chief Fu, here’s the latest news from you.” The little spy came in to report.

The two people who were discussing the action plan were stunned when they heard this. Wu Chunyang waved, and the little agent whispered a few words in his ear, and Wu Chunyang frowned.

In the evening, Zuo Zhong continued to play and sing in the nightclub. After drinking for three rounds, he walked to the toilet to pour water. When he passed by a man with his head lowered, their hands touched lightly.

Zuo Zhong didn't react at all and walked into the toilet with a natural expression. The people from Jinjiang followed closely behind him and breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of running water. The task he received was to ensure that the target was in his sight.

As long as Mr. Shen doesn't notice him and makes sure that he has no contact with suspicious persons, the task is still very simple. Of course, except in this case, he can't go to the toilet to spy.

In the compartment, Zuo Zhong pressed his back against the door, rubbed a small ball of paper open with one hand, and saw the word "Lushan" under the light. He then lit a lighter, lit a cigarette, burned the note to ashes and threw it into the water.

 A minute later, Mr. Shen, smelling of alcohol, appeared again in the feasting lights. The surveillance staff were still huddled in the corner, tasting the lemonade, which was as light as water, and stared at him closely.

At three o'clock in the morning, Mr. Shen scattered banknotes all over the floor and left with the waiters cheering him on. The surveillance staff was really afraid that this guy would hit him with a car and kill him. Fortunately, his worries did not come true.

Watching the target staggering up the stairs, the surveillance officer sighed. He was going to have another sleepless night. It seemed that the target would not get up until tomorrow afternoon. There was no exception these days.

Zuo Zhong walked up the stairs with heavy steps, muttering something in his mouth, holding the wall with his right hand and walking up. When he got to the door, it took him five or six minutes just to find the key to open the door.

The neighbor next to him heard the noise and secretly opened the door to take a look. When Zuo Zhong found out, he cursed him harshly, which frightened him so much that he quickly closed the door.

The surveillance officer downstairs heard the noise and saw the lights on. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was a few minutes slower than yesterday. The target must have drank more than yesterday. Zuo Zhong stumbled into the house, drank a glass of water, glanced around the room with sleepy eyes, took off his clothes, and threw them on the bed.

Soon, slight snoring sounded, and the night wind blew into the room through the window, blowing the white curtains and blowing away the strong smell of alcohol in the room.

 “Ding, thump, thump.”

There was a rhythmic knocking sound on the wall next door, and Zuo Zhong, who seemed to be asleep, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes clear and not a trace of drunkenness.

He sat up slowly without making a sound, walked to the door barefoot and opened the door. An agent wearing the same underwear as him got into the room, and Zuo Zhong walked out quickly.

In the corridor, there were still a few agents staring at the neighbor's door. Zuo Zhong quietly walked into the next room. Under the deliberately blocked light, there were Wu Chunyang and Fu Ling with smiles on their faces.

"Section Chief, long time no see." Fu Ling said and put a pair of slippers under Zuo Zhong's feet.

Zuo Zhong stepped in and laughed softly: "This is not accurate. I can't see you, but you can see me every day. Let's get down to business. Is that guy named Wang really in contact with Lushan?"

Wu Chunyang handed over a telegram, which was written on the header as "Telecommunications Section of the Secret Service." Zuo Zhong took it and held it close to his eyes. He squinted and read it. Wu Chunyang turned on the flashlight and used his hand to cover the light to illuminate him.

It is a first-class message sent from Lushan. This is a high-level code used by Bald Man to control the war. Only Dai Chunfeng in the entire secret service has mastered it. The content above is very simple, with only six words.

 “Wang has called for confirmation.”

Zuo Zhong sneered, this Dean Wang really took great pains. In order to protect the Japanese, he even sacrificed his face and personally asked the bald head to confirm Mr. Shen's identity. He didn't know what excuse he used.

With this telegram, the person named Wang is inseparable from this matter. He must have understood the seriousness of this matter, but he still did it, which shows that Liang Yuandong is about to show his fox tail.

Seeing Zuo Zhong read the message, Wu Chunyang asked for instructions: "Section Chief, I think Zhou Longyang is the messenger of both parties, so I want to install monitoring equipment in his home, but now I have encountered several problems."

Before he could finish speaking, Zuo Zhong raised his hand: "Let's organize a lottery to lure Zhou Longyang's wife into the lottery. This woman is the daughter of a rural landlord. She is uneducated and loves petty gains. ①

 Prepare a luxury cabinet-type radio for her, with eavesdropping equipment inside, and let our people install it at her door. The monitoring line and circuit problems will be solved on site. The service must be attentive. "

Wu Chunyang and Fu Ling understood that Director Zhou's wife was indeed keen on winning the lottery. Every time merchants in Jinling City held such activities, she would participate.

Zuo Zhong added: "It must be installed when Zhou Longyang is not at home. The monitoring line must be disguised. If not, use the name of an antenna. It is best to set up your monitoring location upstairs."

 Wu Chunyang and Fu Ling replied in a low voice: "Yes."

 It’s easy to do it once you have an idea. The stand-up radio is large in size, has ample space for equipment installation, and can ensure good radio effects.

Moreover, radios are all electronic parts. Without certain radio knowledge, it would be difficult for Zhou Longyang to find the eavesdropping equipment inside even if he dismantled them and inspected them.

 In addition, radios are expensive appliances, and most families will choose to place them in study rooms and living rooms, where things are discussed, and the success rate of monitoring is very high.

Zuo Zhong yawned: "Okay, I'm going back first. You should pay attention to safety when moving. These people dare to sell medicine in Jinling, so they must be well prepared. They are all a bunch of desperadoes."

If it weren't for the purpose of tracing the connections behind Liang Yuandong, he would have chosen to destroy Renxin Hospital directly. None of these drug dealers were innocent.

The next day, when Zhou Longyang’s wife wanted to bring a big radio, Zuo Zhong also received a call from Liang Yuandong. The phone still smelled like scum.

“Secretary Shen, this is Liang Yuandong. Do you have time for the party I told you about last time? I would like to invite you to attend it with Director Li and Director Liu. I don’t know if it is convenient.”

Liang Yuandong's tone was very humble, and it seemed that he could be seen nodding and bowing on the other end of the phone.

Zuo Zhong tapped his foot on the desk and said in a disdainful tone: "Party? Shen seems to remember, forget it, we play different things."

Liang Yuandong laughed: "Don't worry, I have good stuff here. I guarantee that Mr. Shen will never forget it once he tries it. Many of his friends will praise it after enjoying it."

Zuo Zhong straightened up, his tone seemed a little doubtful: "Really, but Shen doesn't have time recently, I will let you know in a few days, that's all for now."

 Hang up the phone and he smiled. The fish was already under the water, so he had to stay calm.

①Businesses in the Republic of China already had the awareness of prize-winning guessing, and many organized prize-guessing activities. For example, in 1930, the Huashang Cigarette Company organized the "New Year's Eve, Guess the Prize for Cigarettes" event, which was a collaboration with Guangming and the Palace Theater. The specific method is to display a pile of his company's cigarettes in a large glass cabinet, and customers will vote to guess the number of cigarettes. The one who guesses correctly will get two hundred yuan, and those who guess the same will share it equally, but the voting must use Guangming or Imperial Palace. Tickets for the theater. Without tickets, you are not eligible to vote. Shanghai Tongchang Car Dealer also held a "big prize giveaway" event, claiming that "you only need to purchase one yuan to get a thousand yuan hope", which is quite tempting. Enterprises or institutions such as Zhongyuan Company and Shanghai Horse Racing Association also often organize such prize redemption activities. These activities enliven the festive atmosphere of the Gregorian New Year, stimulate private consumption, and enrich the economic life of society.



 (End of this chapter)

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