Cicada Moving

Chapter 215: There is a saying in China

Chapter 215 There is a saying in China

Liang Yuandong did not expect that Shen was so ambitious and wanted to become a partner like Dean Wang. After all, Shen Dongxin was only a second-generation ancestor and was not on the same level as Dean Wang.

He thought for a moment and said tactfully: "Master Shen, please sit down first. It is understandable that you want to become a partner of the East Asia Club, but this requires long-term consideration. After all, it is not a trivial matter."

 He ​​felt that these words were reasonable and well-founded. Mr. Shen should understand what he meant. It would be a bit fanciful for you to become a partner before you have done anything. It is not too late to wait until you have achieved merit.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Shen felt as if he had been deeply humiliated after hearing this. He hit the water with both hands, and the hot water splashed on Liang Yuandong's face. Before he could recover, Shen Dongxin said loudly.

"Boss Liang, the person named Wang is nothing. He's just a dead bone in a grave. He doesn't have any real power now. He can't even get his secretary into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You still need to beg me to run this thing. He Why be a partner?

It is simply overestimating your capabilities to rely on a bunch of clowns to compete with the Chairman. But I am different. I have deep connections in Jinling and can help you expand your business and provide protection. You cannot refuse this.

Don’t think that you are so secretive about selling those medicines. I have people from the Secret Service Headquarters, Jinling Police Department, and the Police Department. As long as I think about it, your Renxin Hospital will be in ruins tomorrow. Please don’t waste me. time. "

Zuo Zhong stood upright with his head held high, his eyes fixed on the bewildered Liang Yuandong. He had just given the opponent a fatal blow and thrown out the opponent's most important secret. It was up to him to see what Liang Yuandong would do.

Director Li and Director Liu were sitting upright in the pool, as if this was not a bathhouse but a party meeting. Sweat dripped down from their foreheads and backs and fell into the water. It was hard to tell whether it was because they were hot or because they were scared. , or both.

When Liang Yuandong heard about the medicine, his fists in the water were clenched tightly and his pupils were weak. The transportation, storage and sale of the medicines were very secretive. How did Shen Dongxin know about it? Did he really have anything in the secret service headquarters? Eyes and ears?

Although this old intelligence department was beaten black and blue by the Secret Service, it is still a well-informed behemoth. Maybe they found some clues, and ended up being connected by Mr. Shen and discovered the secret.

Even in the hot water, Liang Yuandong still felt cold in his heart. How much did the Chinese know about them? If the secret service headquarters knew about it, would the secret service also receive the news? Facing the intelligence power of a country, was he really safe? ?

Seeing that Liang Yuandong remained silent, Zuo Zhong sat down again, and the splash of water hit the other party's face again, but Liang Yuandong didn't react at all, and his face didn't look good. Zuo Zhong said with disdain on his face, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. One sentence.

"Don't worry, I have arranged for people from the Secret Service Headquarters to destroy this information. In the future, you must be more careful in dealing with those drug bugs. This time they were discovered by the Secret Service Headquarters. What if it is the Secret Service next time? My hands Can’t reach there now.”

Liang Yuandong, who was wandering in the world, suddenly came back to his senses. Has the information been destroyed? Were they discovered because of those crazy poisonous bugs? Is this Mr. Shen really so powerful?

But he also figured it out. He was not the only one selling medicines in the Republic of China. The Chinese did not know the specific effects of that medicine, so the problem was not as serious as imagined. The only thing that worried people was whether the Secret Service might have something. .

He hesitated and said: "Thank you Mr. Shen for your help. The secret service headquarters may have some misunderstandings about our club. As for tobacco, it is sold in many places. We mainly do it to meet the needs of the guests. It is not a big crime."

As for the Secret Service, Liang has heard about the tyranny of this department many times in the past. Could it be that they don’t even give face to people like you, Mr. Shen? This is a bit too much. It is said that there is an intelligence expert named Zuo Zhong inside, who is very insidious. sinister. "

Director Liu, played by Gu Qi, was heartbroken. What did Liang Yuandong mean by this? Did he recognize the identity of the section chief? Director Li almost screamed out in fright. Fortunately, Gu Qi touched his leg. Only then did he hold back in time.

Zuo Zhong's face was as normal as he ironed the handkerchief, then twisted it half dry and applied it to his face. He said vaguely: "But those soot will not make people crazy. I don't know what little calculations you Japanese have.

You don’t have to lie to me. I’ve heard of the Zuo Zhong you mentioned. He is loyal to the chairman of the committee, but he has a clean slate and a righteous attitude. It’s hard to do anything about it. This matter needs to be handled slowly. "

Liang Yuandong nodded awkwardly, once again marveling at Mr. Shen's connections. He was able to penetrate the National Government's intelligence system.

In this comparison, Dean Wang has no advantages other than being well-known within the party and having seniority. It seems that he can be considered as a club partner.

It was difficult to speak to the head of the agency. Liang Yuandong felt a little headache thinking about his stubborn boss. Instigating rebellion and bribery were not reliable in that person's eyes.

 Only complete control and control of a person is the correct method, otherwise it will easily cause huge losses to the empire. He can even give specific examples.

For example, he stretched out seven fingers again and again and said sadly: "That's seven million. How many imperial warriors can be armed, but in the end, they all benefited from the Northeast Republican Army. I have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter, and I will never shirk it." We can no longer have mercy on the Chinese, and we must control them!” Liang Yuandong didn’t know what the director had been through, but if Dean Wang hadn’t been well-known in Japan, he would never have agreed to accept Dean Wang as his deputy. The business partner has long since turned the other party into an obedient drug bug. If he is replaced by the unknown Mr. Shen, I'm afraid...

Thinking of this, Liang Yuandong smiled bitterly: "I'll tell you the truth, I can't make the decision on the matter of partners. People who can make the decision probably don't have much favorable impressions of powerful children like Mr. Shen."

Zuo Zhong glanced at Liang Yuandong, straightened the towel on his face and stopped talking. It seemed that he was too lazy to communicate with such a small character anymore. The bathtub became quiet, and the only sound left was the sound of gurgling water.

Liang Yuandong's face turned red. Of course he understood Mr. Shen's thoughts, but there was nothing he could do about it. All matters of Renxin Hospital and the East Asia Club had to be determined personally by the head of the Osako Agency.

Including the guard leader Jin Jiang, most of the guards are retired soldiers of the Kwantung Army, and they are also the spies sent by the director of the agency to supervise him. His every move is under the surveillance of others.

The scene became cold. The expressions of the four people present were different. Only they knew what they were thinking. The maid outside heard the silence in the bathroom and walked in with fruits and drinks.

"Put down your things, you go out first." Liang Yuandong didn't want his subordinates to see his current embarrassment, so he waved his hand irritably and drove the maid out.

Finally, looking at the gloomy Liang Yuandong, Director Liu of the Ministry of Internal Affairs broke the silence: "Boss Liang, there are some things that Mr. Shen is inconvenient to say, but I can say more.

As long as everything is done in a political and professional manner, it is quite inappropriate for you Japanese to act like this. What sounds good is called prudence, and what is not so good is called rigidity. This will harm big things. "

After Liang Yuandong listened, he looked at Director Liu with unusually kind eyes. Finally, someone understood his difficulties. No one knew what it was like to have his accounts checked three times a year. Without the constraints of Osaki Tosada, the East Asia Club would be stronger than it is now. .

Director Li didn't want to speak at first, but Liang Yuandong seemed to be dissatisfied with his boss, so he suddenly became energetic. He was not good at providing information, but he would not accept anyone's opinions on fanning trouble and sowing discord.

He immediately said: "Boss Liang, we Chinese have a saying that generals will not accept military orders abroad. When Li was in the army, if he had obeyed Shangfeng's orders in everything, he might as well have stopped fighting."

Liang Yuandong nodded unconsciously. The situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly. Of course, frontline commanders must have a certain degree of autonomy. This was similar to intelligence work, but the agency director just couldn't understand it.

Seeing that he agreed, Director Li spoke in a more cordial tone: "We also have a saying in China that princes, generals, and ministers should have their own kind. You have your resources and channels. Mr. Shen has broad connections and strength. Why can't we do it ourselves?" What about cooperation?”


Liang Yuandong felt that something in his heart had sprouted. Yes, why couldn't they cooperate? With Shen Dong's new relationship, he could completely start over and build his own big stone mechanism!

But this will definitely anger that idiot Daxu. When the superiors investigate, he may not have good results. Liang Yuandong was excited and worried about gains and losses, and could not make up his mind.

Director Li whispered in a low voice: "If Boss Liang is afraid that your boss will embarrass you, then Li will tell you another Chinese saying: Money can help the gods. If you have money, don't let the ghosts push you around. You can even push the ghosts around!" "

Zuo Zhong listened to Director Li bewitching Liang Yuandong, a smile slowly appeared on his face. After all, he was an elite who had participated in the Hangzhou special training class. There was no trace of performance in his persuasion with great emotion.

When he heard about the money, he spoke again: "Director Li is right. If you need it, I can personally provide you with cash support of no less than one hundred thousand US dollars to open up the joints. If it's not enough, I can ask the central bank to provide a long-term interest-free loan, what about Brother Liang?”

Liang Yuandong no longer had any doubts at this time, and said with tears in his eyes: "Thank you Shen Sang for your help. I will definitely make our business better. Here I formally invite you to join the ranks of East Asia Club partners, and you are also the only partner." people."

Mr. Shen spent such a large amount of money, naturally he did not want to be one of a group of partners. Liang Yuandong also heard a few Chinese sayings. He was reluctant to let go of his children and could not trap the wolf. If he gave up, he would gain. He was willing to share the power of the East Asia Club. come out.

“Hahaha.” Mr. Shen stood up again, and the smile on his face showed his happiness: “Okay, then I wish us a fortune. Lao Liang, show me the account book. The money will be available at any time.”

Liang Yuandong nodded happily. This is what should be done. When doing business together, it is natural to check the accounts first. Mr. Shen is really a happy and professional partner.

 (End of this chapter)

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