Cicada Moving

Chapter 218: Ruhuang

Chapter 218 Ruhuang

Looking at the excited expressions on his men's faces, Jin Jiang secretly cursed Shen for being cunning, and quickly retorted: "Young Master Shen said it lightly, can you bring these people here?"

Zuo Zhong did not answer, but looked at everyone, his voice neither high nor low: "Who does the club rely on to develop to this point? Is it some big shot far away?

Who is responsible for maintaining order, who is on duty late at night in the cold wind, and who is working in Jinling at the risk of beheading? It is none other than you. "

The guards had mixed feelings after hearing this. They were the ones doing the work, but others were eating the meat. The big shots could take away countless wealth with just one order, and they had to rely on charity to drink even soup.

After finishing speaking, Zuo Zhong walked up to one of Jin Jiang's men, put his hands on his shoulders, and looked at the man with his eyes. The man was a little at a loss and chose to lower his head, not daring to look into his eyes.

Upon seeing this, Jin Jiang angrily yelled: "Master Shen, what are you doing? Do you think you can persuade them with these nonsense? I'm asking you if you can attract guests."

Zuo Zhong glanced at Jinjiang and asked the guard softly: "What's your name and where is your hometown?"

The guard hesitated for a moment and replied in a low voice: "Koichi Muranaka, from Tokyo Prefecture."

“So you are from Tokyo.” Zuo Shige seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Muranaka Koichi and said with certainty: “Then your home must be in Shitaya Manen Town.”

Muranaka Koichi was stunned and asked in disbelief: "Mr. Shen, how do you know that my home is indeed in Shitaya Manannien Town? Have you ever heard of it?"

Zo Shige let go of the other person's hand on his shoulder and nodded with a smile: "I heard a friend say that Shitaya Manannien Town is a famous slum in Tokyo. The young people there have no way out except joining the army."

Muranaka Koichi's face turned red. The people living in Shitani Manen Town were all Burakumin. They were a pariah class whose various interests were restricted. Their lives were naturally very poor.

Zuo Zhong pointed at him and asked everyone: "Do you know how I guessed Hao Yi's hometown? Because only children from poor families will be sent here."

The people present were in an uproar, wondering what Mr. Shen meant when he said this. Some were unconvinced. They were not pariahs like Koichi in the village.

Zuo Zhong sneered: "Oh, am I wrong? Is one of you from the Chinese ethnic group? Do you have a Wu family? You are a bunch of lowly poor ghosts."

The guards were speechless, because Mr. Shen was right, but what kind of young man would lurk in an enemy country? But the facts are facts. After being insulted like this, some people immediately showed a fierce look on their faces and were ready to move.

Zi Yao looked away and said proudly: "Mr. Jin just asked me if I could attract customers, but does this have anything to do with me? Even if I don't do anything, I can still enjoy the best of everything."

This is a good thing. Many guards have followed him and know what kind of life he lives. It is appropriate to describe him as extravagant and extravagant, but who makes the other party's elder be the chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party of China?

Jin Jiang said sarcastically from the side: "Who are you without the chairman? If you can't attract new guests, stop talking nonsense. It's useless."

Zuo Zhong sneered: "Of course I can invite you. Director Li and Director Liu outside are proof. Not only them, I can invite anyone who is the chairman's subordinate. No one dares not to give me face." What the **** is that?

But is it useful for me to invite people here? Seeing your internal strife, can the guests come and play with confidence? Of course you don’t have to worry. After driving Boss Liang away, you can leave at any time after you have done a great job, but what about your subordinates? Can you take them all away? "

He dragged Koichi Muranaka over: "Just like this guy from the slums, without his adventures in the Republic of China, would his family in Tokyo be able to have enough to eat? Where would you put them?

Deliberately creating conflicts, causing internal strife, and gambling your future with your hands. Jinjiang, do you have any conscience at all? You can do this kind of thing that benefits yourself at the expense of others. You have such a vicious heart! "

The guards realized, yes, what's the point of following Jinjiang? The other party has made a meritorious service and left, and they still have to be here without any change. Maybe it will be worse than now.

 Jin Jiang was anxious: "I won't leave."

He was interrupted by Zuo Zhong before he finished speaking: "That's your business, and even if you regret it, they can do anything to you, but Boss Liang is now the person in charge of the East Asia Club. I have suggested to him that in the future he will give all Members have one share.”

 A dry stock? Everyone looked at Liang Yuandong.

Liang Yuandong naturally understood the importance of winning over people's hearts, and immediately vowed: "Master Shen did say it, and I agreed to his suggestion. We who are on the front line are going through life and death, why should we let those fat-minded bureaucrats take most of it?" Benefit."

 As long as this matter is handled well, a little dividend is just a small thing. At the same time, he is well versed in business operations and knows that having dry shares can stimulate the motivation of his subordinates, and he will not suffer losses in the end.

Zuo Zhong also raised his right hand: "When the time comes, I will invite more guests, the development of the club will only be better, and the income of you people will only be more. It is not a charity, but a real dividend.

 Also, don’t you envy me for having a good elder? Why can’t you be the supporter of your family’s children? Money can buy many things, including official positions and status, right? "

 Jin Jiang knew that he could no longer let this **** guy confuse people. When he told Liang Yuandong, some people's eyes lit up. As long as Mr. Shen was killed, the advantage would still be with him.

 He ​​quietly pulled out the gun, but before he could fire, a gun was pressed against the back of his head. The owner of the gun was none other than Koichi Muraka from Shitaya Manen Town, Tokyo. "Put down the gun! I want you to put down the gun! I want money, I want my son to be able to spend the day and night doing nothing, I want my parents to enjoy the best things, don't force me!"

Muranaka Koichi's eyes were red, and his angry saliva spattered Jinjiang's face. Browning opened the insurance in his hand. He and his family had had enough of the days in the slums. Their ancestors had lived in contempt and oppression for generations, and now they were able to turn over. Opportunity, no one can stop him, not even Jin Jiang.

Jinjiang didn't dare to move. Koichi Muraka was a master of shooting. No one could escape if he wanted to kill someone at such a close range, but he couldn't move. His confidants would not let the commander be held hostage. Seven or eight pistols were placed on the Various locations on Muranaka Koichi's body.

“In the village, let Mr. Jin go immediately.”

 “Baga, don’t move in the village!”

Zuo Zhong walked back and stood side by side with Liang Yuandong watching the show. He smiled and said, "See, Boss Liang, as long as you make money, everything will be no problem. Do you want the scene to be more lively?"

 Liang Yuandong was overwhelmed by the sudden change in front of him and nodded subconsciously, but how could it still be lively like this? He couldn't really let Muranaka Koichi shoot, as the other party wouldn't be so reckless.

Zuo Zhong clapped his hands, attracted everyone's attention, and said: "I will reward each person with a reward of 10,000 yuan for catching the Jinjiang gang that is plotting to rebel. Anyone who catches Jinjiang will get a 1% bonus. I will never break my promise!"

Well, more than a dozen people brought by Jinjiang, dozens of guards watching the fire across the shore, you pulled a gun to me, I pulled a gun to him, the scene was extremely chaotic, but in general, Jinjiang's people accounted for a small part.

"Jinjiang, I advise you to surrender immediately and stop making unnecessary resistance." Liang Yuandong looked proud. The situation has now reversed. Jinjiang has become the target of public criticism. Mr. Shen has a good plan.

He admired: "Young Master Shen is indeed the junior who is favored by the chairman of the committee. He has a good family background and is really proficient in the art of governing people. He easily exposed the conspiracy of this Jinjiang careerist."

 “Hey, don’t say that.”

Zuo Zhong waved his hand and said: "This is also the result of your kindness to your subordinates, Mr. Liang. Otherwise, how could they believe my empty talk? So as I say, you have to be kind."

 “Yes, be kind.”

Listening to the two people complimenting each other, Jin Jiang's teeth were almost broken. He was a colluding **** who betrayed the interests of the empire for money. How was this different from the officials of the Republic of China in the East Asia Club?

He shouted loudly: "Stop being stubborn. Do you have the money to spend it? The people named Shen and Liang Yuandong are lying to everyone. Don't be fooled. Seizing them is your last chance."

Liang Yuandong jumped up: "Don't worry, everyone. To tell you the truth, I have connections in Jinjiang, the Kwantung Army Headquarters and the Army General Staff Headquarters. If I say you are a traitor, you are a traitor.

They are doing this to eliminate harm to the country. Do you think anyone will speak for you? Stop being so naive. From the Locusts to the Ministry of War, no one will care about you. They only care about interests. "

 Perhaps they had thought it through. The people involved in the confrontation were not affected by the words, and the weapons in their hands remained motionless. One side did it out of duty, the other side out of interest, and their positions were very firm.

Zuo Zhong breathed a sigh of relief. The provocation was finally successful, but he had to add fuel to the fire. He whispered to Liang Yuandong: "We must continue to be disturbed by him. You can't do big things with the kindness of a woman. I will buy a piece of Jinjiang for 100,000 yuan." Is life enough to smoothen the relationship?”

Liang Yuandong was a decisive person. He knew that one of him and Jin Jiang had to die now, otherwise nothing could be done. He suddenly shouted.


At the same time, he held Zuo Zhong, who seemed to be frightened, and nimbly rushed into the office next to him. He kicked the heavy door shut with his feet.

The gunshots outside immediately rang out like firecrackers. Koichi Muranaka fired the first shot. Jinjiang was hit in the neck while dodging with all his strength. Blood flew more than one meter away like a fountain, instantly dyeing the ground red. The battle started from It was at a fever pitch from the very beginning, with no room for hesitation or hesitation.

 “Bang bang bang.”

In the chaos, an unknown bullet knocked out the hanging lamps on both sides of the corridor. In the dim light, intelligence personnel belonging to the same agency started a **** fight. In the dazzling gunfire, there were familiar ferocious faces. No one would Show mercy.

 Muraka Koichi is indeed a sharpshooter. After he fired the first shot, he immediately kicked off the wall and lay on his back on the smooth ground. The Browning in his hand sprayed deadly Colt automatic pistol bullets.

 “Bang, bang, bang, bang.”

Within a few seconds, four bullets hit two old colleagues immediately, one in the head and one in the chest. There was no chance of survival. Muranaka Hiroshi didn't even blink, with a cold look on his face.

 (End of this chapter)

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