Cicada Moving

Chapter 239: can 1

Chapter 239 Can 1

Zuo Zhong walked into his office and thought about Dai Chunfeng's intention just now. The children of some military and political officials were relatives of underground party members. This matter was not a secret in Jinling, but did they really not investigate?

Doesn't he think that the premise of exchange is not affecting his own interests? Dai Chunfeng's core interest is the appreciation and attention of the bald man. Why should he give up his own interests for the interests of the Secret Service? Won't.

He judged that this was Lao Dai's test to test his attitude towards the underground party, but it should not be doubtful. If he was suspicious, he should let him continue to investigate the underground party to check whether he was reliable.

 “Niang Xipi.”

Zuo Zhong cursed silently, why did Lao Dai become more and more suspicious and deliberately set a trap for himself? Could it be that his recent performance was too much? Should he bully a man and dominate a woman to show his innocence?

"Section Chief, coffee." He Yijun walked in, holding coffee in his right hand and a thick stack of documents and materials in his left hand. These were the official business and correspondence accumulated by Zuo Zhong during his reconnaissance.

Zuo Zhong looked dizzy, so he picked up a few copies and looked at them. There were application reports for personnel and materials from the local district station intelligence team, tracking records of suspicious people in the Cao Gang, and the investigation results of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce. They were all thousands of things. A confusing job.

He read the document patiently for a few minutes, then pushed the document away and thought about the future work of the Intelligence Section. People who have no long-term worries must worry about the near future. They can't rest on their laurels.

The drug case was successfully solved. Osako Tsusada of the Aoki Mansion was probably very distressed. Without the intelligence and financial support of the East Asia Club, his intelligence operations would not be as efficient as before.

With Ryosuke Hase in Shanghai watching over him, the special higher education courses and special work classes could not make big waves. The intelligence warfare situation in Jinling had finally improved, and he finally no longer had to run behind the Japanese.

With this rare window period, the Intelligence Section and even the Secret Service must lay a solid foundation. Personnel must be trained, skills must be trained, and equipment must be overhauled and updated to await possible battles in the future.

Zuo Zhong asked He Yijun who was cleaning up his office: "Yijun, how is Ling Sanping's forensic training class going? He is staying at Renxin Hospital now. Is he still free to teach students?"

He Yijun wiped the lampshade and reported: "Basic training for forensic medicine is in progress. Dr. Ling asked these students to familiarize themselves with the structure of the human body. Now he is conducting experiments on Japanese espionage suspects from Laohuqiao Prison."

Oh, I see, it takes three months to cultivate a group of academic talents, and what the Secret Service wants is practical talents. Using Japanese spies as teaching materials can produce results as quickly as possible.

I didn't realize it, but Ling Sanping, who had a pretty face, could be so ruthless. Zuo Zhong touched his chin, and he thought of another thing. The canning plan has been going on for more than a year, what's going on now.

I don’t know if Dai Chunfeng arranged for those students to see blood. Otherwise, after a few years of training, it would be ridiculous to produce a bunch of greenhouse flowers. How could they do a good job in intelligence work even if they tremble when they kill people?

After thinking about it, he knocked on Dai Chunfeng's office again. Lao Dai was a little surprised by his arrival and pointed to the sofa: "Shen Zhong, sit down. Do you have anything to report?"

Suddenly, he frowned and said: "It can't be that things in the military have recurred. We must calm down the matter completely, otherwise it will be difficult for Director Chen to explain it. The matter is very sensitive to factional disputes."

Zuo Zhong shook his head and whispered: "Teacher, the student wants to ask you something. Did you arrange any **** training in the canned plan? Intelligence personnel must remain absolutely calm in the face of death."

Dai Chunfeng glanced at him and said nothing. Zuo Zhong also kept his mouth shut and stopped talking. The canned plan was very important in Dai Chunfeng's heart. He was the only one in the Secret Service who knew the specific implementation.

 Because the top priority of this plan is to keep it secret. The people involved, the location, the courses, etc. are all top secret. Only by ensuring absolute confidentiality can we surprise the Japanese in the future.

Dai Chunfeng thought a lot. Zuo Zhong was a student he brought back from the police academy. He had a clean background and never made any mistakes in his daily work. He helped him solve many difficult problems.

Although he does not pay much attention to the underground party, after several tests and investigations, he has no contact with the underground party. His daily activities are very clear, and the people he interacts with are all colleagues.

This time, through Song Minghao, Dai Chunfeng investigated and screened the staff in the department again. Zuo Zhong was the most reliable. Besides, the few shops in Jiangshan were enough to prove Zuo Zhong's loyalty.

 “You wait a minute.”

Dai Chunfeng stood up and walked to the safe. After some operations, he took out a purple document. This was a top-secret document. Zuo Zhong's heart skipped a beat. Was it about the canned plan? Lao Dai was testing it again?

Dai Chunfeng put the document on the table: "Just read it here. You are not allowed to record it. After reading it, you must completely forget it. You are the proposer of the canned plan. You just want to see if there are any omissions in the plan."

Zuo Zhong thought for a while, and opened the file without delay. He was upright and not afraid of the shadow. As long as it was about attacking the Japanese, Zuo Zhong would do his job. Dai Chunfeng should know this.

  Opening the file, the first thing that comes into view is a map. Zuo Zhong used the surrounding cities and place names as a reference. A blue mark and several lines in the mountainous area of ​​southern Hui Province are very conspicuous.

The blue mark should be the canned plan, and the lines are the passages for people or materials to enter and exit. Looking at the winding lines in the mountains, Zuo Zhong knew that Baldhead and Lao Dai had spent a lot of money.

 How much it would cost to construct a transportation channel in an uninhabited mountainous area, even if existing rivers and streams can be used, is probably an astronomical figure, but only in this way can it be kept secret. According to the scale of the map, Zuo Zhong measured it with his hands and found that the nearest village to the canned project was more than 100 kilometers away, and the nearest village along the route was also 30 to 50 kilometers away.

In this era, the range of activities of ordinary villagers did not exceed five kilometers, which was the distance to the market town. The range of activities of mountain people and hunters was larger, which was within fifty kilometers.

 Such a setting can ensure that local villagers do not witness large-scale sightings. Small-scale sightings are very simple for state power. There are many ways to silence people, such as life and death decisions.

In addition, Zuo Zhong found red marks in several dangerous places. These may be the security personnel of the canned plan, used to block and drive away people who inadvertently go deep into the mountains.

After carefully reading the map, Zuo Zhong continued to flip through the intelligence. The canned plan has been running for more than a year. The deployment of personnel is the top priority and is also the basis for future intelligence operations.

 The students are all elites carefully selected from various junior high schools. Their backgrounds are very clean, and everyone has a hatred of country and family against the Japanese. Their desire for revenge is very strong, and the training is very proactive.

 The selection criteria for instructors are more stringent, requiring at least ten years of stay in Japan, no problems with their background, and students must be able to live and study safely in an authentic Japanese environment.

With such high selection conditions, the scale of the Canned Project is not large, with only thirteen students and only fifty-four daily instructors.

 The ratio may seem very different, but it is actually very reasonable. Four instructors each teach one student the language, culture, customs, and skills. Only in this way can the student become a Japanese.

They need to be able to communicate with Japanese people from a certain region without any barriers. Even the jokes and stories that are only circulated locally, these students must also be involved in them without any deviation.

Zuo Zhong looked at the document and thought about the picture he sketched with pen and paper becoming a reality. He was filled with emotion. Only one country can support such a huge plan, otherwise he would never even think about it.

 How much are thirteen students plus fifty-four instructors worth, including how much the buildings are worth, and how much the supporting military and intelligence forces are worth? Zuo Zhong doesn’t know this question, but it must be expensive.

At the same time, he knew that his worries were unfounded. The documents showed that every half month, a group of bandits who were sentenced to death were transferred. They were asked to do whatever they wanted. Naturally, they were used to practice their courage.

The more Zuo Zhong looked at them, the more ashamed he became. Compared with these teenagers who were no more than teenagers, these people looked like half-baked intelligence officers. The training conducted by them was very professional and cruel.

 Shooting and fighting are just the basics. Rapid shooting under low visibility conditions is a daily routine. One-to-many bare-handed fighting training is done every day. They will be professional killing machines and the best agents.

   It's fatal.

To be honest, Zuo Zhong added some legends based on hearsay from later generations. He did not expect Dai Chunfeng to actually execute it. A sense of urgency lingered in his heart, and the waves behind pushed the waves ahead.

Measured by the standards of the canned plan, no one in the intelligence department is qualified, and they are all trash. Take fighting as an example, there are a few people who can defeat many, not even Gui Youguang.

The many people here are not ordinary people, but ordinary intelligence personnel who have been trained. Both sides are good at killing with one move. In this case, it is very difficult to fight one against many. The reality is not martial arts.

Zuo Zhong came up with an idea. The various skill training in the Intelligence Department needed to be strengthened. It would be a joke if the old man couldn't beat the newcomers. He should start with fighting training, starting with himself.

Dai Chunfeng looked at the shocked Zuo Zhong and felt a little complacent. He had put a lot of effort into the canned food project. Zuo Zhong and Chen Gongshu's plan had finally taken off, and he had to rely on him to raise the rest.

Zuo Zhong read it quickly, raised his head and asked Dai Chunfeng a question: "Teacher, why don't you see the student's Japanese identity record? If there is an error in the file, then the work will be in vain."

Since Dai Chunfeng showed him the plan, he would no longer hide it from him and revealed in a low voice: "The Japanese station is collecting some orphan information, but unfortunately the speed is very slow. The Japanese intelligence agency is very professional. If the other party notices it, it may be exposed. ”

This is indeed something to be wary of. Unlike the Republic of China, Japan has a very complete household registration system. In the second year of Meiji, household registration was compiled in all prefectures and counties across the country. In recent years, photos and fingerprints have been added.

Therefore, it is difficult to impersonate, and it is also difficult to disguise a person’s social traces. Through one’s teachers, classmates, neighbors and family members, one can piece together all the background information of a person.

As for the finished product of the canned project, if it is to enter important Japanese institutions in the future, it will face very strict background checks. Any omissions will lead to exposure. No wonder Dai Chunfeng is so cautious.

Please give me a monthly ticket, thank you.



 (End of this chapter)

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