Cicada Moving

Chapter 241: Can 3 (please vote)

Chapter 241 Canned Food 3 (please vote for me)

 One year? Dai Chunfeng was a little surprised. He felt that it took two or three years to prepare. With so many rigorously trained elites, what if they were discovered just after they were put into use? He had to be cautious about this matter.

Of course Zuo Zhong wanted to take more time to prepare, but in three years a full-scale war would break out. If Can Can enrolled in school after one year, he would be able to catch up on the promotion opportunities at the beginning of the war after graduation.

He thought about whether one year was enough. After all, Can Can had been training for more than a year and had a certain foundation. It would not be too exaggerated to spend another year to reshape and learn.

He said firmly: "Teacher, I read the records in the materials and found that these students no longer have much problem with their accent. The only thing lacking is Japanese writing and local customs.

 In the next year, in addition to plastic surgery, they need to strengthen cultural studies and practice Japanese writing by imitating the target handwriting. These two points can work together to get twice the result with half the effort and enough time.

 Intelligence training should be placed after the plastic surgery, such as a short-term high-intensity special training. As for action training, it can be appropriately reduced to prevent the formation of training traces. Just let the Japanese teach them. "

Dai Chunfeng thought about it. If the time for operational training is reduced, one year is indeed enough. The key now is whether the Japanese station can work. They suffered a lot when they took care of Nagano Satoshi and his family last year.

Now that a large-scale investigation is being conducted, Dai Chunfeng cannot rest assured, regardless of the number of people or capabilities. Regarding the canning plan, any uncertainty must be taken into account to ensure that everything is foolproof.

Dai Chunfeng gathered the documents of the canned plan together and sat back on the chair: "The situation at the Japanese station is not optimistic. I think they do not have the strength to carry out the task. Shen Zhong, you came up with the plan. Do you have any good ideas? ”

Zuo Zhong was silent for a while: "The Japanese station suffered a lot of losses last year, and the Japanese intelligence agency has not given up on the investigation until now. If we want to carry out this task, we can only send other people to Japan."

  It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a narrow escape from death when engaging in intelligence on Japanese territory. Those who can persist in the Japanese station until now are all warriors, but courage cannot be eaten for a living, and the gap in strength must be faced squarely.

 Send another person? Then we can only redeploy manpower from the Intelligence Department.

Dai Chunfeng touched the pen. If it was a domestic station, he would never agree. This is related to his control of the Secret Service, even if Zuo Zhong is his student, at least not now.

 For overseas stations

He lightly patted the table: "What candidate do you recommend? This person may not be very capable, but he must be loyal. The mountain is high and the emperor is far away. Whether he can still be obedient when he is out of control is a big question."

This was the first time Dai Chunfeng taught Zuo Zhong how to be an official. Zuo Zhong knew in his heart that this kind of feudal officialdom dregs was of no use. If you want to make others give up, only eternal benefits can be achieved.

Zuo Zhong thought about the Intelligence Section, and finally said: "I recommend Sergeant Fu Ling, the deputy chief of the Statistics Unit. Although she is a lesbian, she has a tough work style, can endure hardships, and is very careful. She performed well on the Liang Yuandong case. , very capable.”

"Fu Ling, oh, I remember her. She was from the special training class in Hangzhou. She killed several gunmen in the security point shooting incident. She was promoted from corporal to sergeant in the Japanese Spy Radio case, right? Her ability is indeed good."

Dai Chunfeng had a good memory. He recounted Fu Ling's achievements and then asked: "What is her composition like? Although she is abroad, there must be no problem with her background. You have to consider this."

Zuo Zhong’s answer was affirmative: “She did a detailed investigation before entering the special training class. Her words and deeds after arriving in the Intelligence Section were not abnormal. I think she is a trustworthy comrade.”

Dai Chunfeng smiled: "In that case, let's do what you suggest. Let Fu Ling lead some capable personnel to perform tasks in Japan, and remain independent from the Japanese station, so that everyone does not interfere with each other."


Zuo Zhong breathed a sigh of relief. Teacher Cheap was on guard against him. The team led by Fu Ling could be regarded as an expatriate organization of the Intelligence Section. It had no affiliation with the Japanese station. Naturally, it could not interfere with the work of the Japanese station. This was exactly what he wanted. .

You are not afraid of your opponents, you are afraid of your pig teammates. I don’t know if they are pig teammates in the Japanese station, but they have been active in Japan for so long, and they will inevitably leave some clues. The Japanese are tracing them again. It is a good thing for the people in the intelligence department to keep a distance from them. .

 Finally, Dai Chunfeng warned: "Except for peripheral tasks, don't talk too much. Think about the problem with the worst possible outcome. If Fu Ling is captured by the Japanese, you must ensure that the can is not affected."

This is what it should be. One line can only know the tasks and situations of one line. Zuo Dian nodded and said goodbye to Teacher Cheap. He wanted to talk to Fu Ling first. This task was very dangerous. If Fu Ling didn't want to, he didn't want to. Force your subordinates to do things.

The Secret Service is a military organization, and they are also soldiers. It is their bounden duty to obey orders. However, this depends on place and time. Fighting behind enemy lines is completely different from their current way of working. From the moment you open your eyes, all you encounter are enemies. .

 There is no support, no backup, and you have to solve problems on your own. You will be surrounded at any time. This kind of huge psychological pressure is unbearable for ordinary people. Zuo Zhong must find a group of volunteers, otherwise the task will not be completed.

Fu Ling arrived at Zuo Zhong in confusion. Seeing the serious face of the section chief, she realized that there must be an important task for her to perform. However, the drug case was solved and there seemed to be no other cases in the Intelligence Section.

Looking at the anxious Fu Ling, Zuo Zhong smiled and pushed a cup of tea over: "Sit down, today I will ask you something on behalf of Virgo. No matter what the outcome of this matter is, I hope you can keep it secret."

As soon as Fu Ling sat down, she straightened up when she heard these words: "Yes, we must keep it a secret."

Zuo Zhong looked into her eyes and said after a long silence: "We have known each other for a long time. Now there is a very dangerous mission that needs to be completed behind enemy lines. I recommend to you that you lead the team to execute it. I want to hear something. Listen to your ideas."

 After saying that, Zuo Zhong pointed to the chair and asked her to sit down and think about it slowly. This is not a small matter. Fu Ling did not hesitate and saluted directly: "I obey the order."

Her tone was very firm. If you want to get ahead in a male-dominated department like the Secret Service, you have to work hard. Working behind enemy lines is dangerous, but it is also an opportunity to stand alone. This opportunity is rare.

The intelligence department is full of talents, Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang are proficient in intelligence operations, Gui Youguang is a master of operations, and Song Minghao is good at finding out information, not to mention that there will be top students from St. Cyr Military Academy in the future.

With these people around, Fu Ling felt that it was difficult for her to have a chance to make great contributions. She might as well find another way to work behind enemy lines and give it a try. Even if she lost, she would have sacrificed for the country and the nation. She had no regrets.

Zuo Zhong did not reply immediately, but lit a cigarette and started smoking. He could guess what Fu Ling was thinking, and he also knew that Fu Ling was an ambitious person. He was not afraid of ambitions. As long as he dared to fight hard, he was willing to give her An opportunity to rise to the top.

 When a department has more talents, it is inevitable to develop outwards. The flow of water does not rot, and the rational flow of personnel is beneficial. People who stay in one position for a long time will become useless, like Chen Gongshu and Yu Xingle, who are drunk and dreaming all day long.

 It’s just her.

He nodded: "Okay, the mission location is Japan, and the target is students from high schools in certain areas. The time is tentatively scheduled for one year. You can choose the personnel, the equipment, the equipment, and the funds will be reimbursed. How? Sample?"

Fu Ling's eyes lit up: "Section Chief, do you have any specific goals? How many people can I choose? Can the group have its own independent radio station? The situation at the Japanese station is very complicated. My subordinates think that we should act independently to avoid being beaten by them. Implicated."

Her questions were all on point, and she was still sober. Zuo Zhong was half relieved. She was not afraid of losing results when fighting behind enemy lines, but she was afraid of making mistakes.

Zuo Zhong pointed outside: "You can choose from everyone below the section chief. Thirty people. I suggest you find some who are fluent in spoken Japanese. I will find a way to give you two radio stations, one as a backup. As for the target, I will give you an approximate area. , the rest is up to you.”

Fu Ling was a little excited. This was already the configuration of a first-level station. It only lacked an action team, but thirty intelligence section elites were enough. Fighting on the battlefield behind enemy lines was only the last option.

That would not be far from annihilation of the whole army.

At the same time, she felt a heavy weight on her shoulders. With so many personnel and materials, the task must be very important, but since the section chief did not elaborate, she would not ask. This is intelligence discipline.

Fu Ling saluted again: "Yes, my subordinates will definitely complete the mission, so I will prepare now. I need to think carefully about the personnel and equipment."

Zuo Zhong gave her a piece of advice: "You have to do a good job in terms of personnel. If there are people who are unwilling, don't force it. The nature of this mission is very special."

Fu Ling smiled and said yes, then turned and left. As a woman, she understood the importance of emotions better. She was naturally willing to fight behind enemy lines with a group of comrades who worked together, rather than being forced to join together by orders. .

Zuo Zhong tapped his feet on the table, leaned his hands on the back of his head and closed his eyes. If the canned plan succeeds, the Secret Service will not only be able to obtain military intelligence, but also Japanese military education materials.

There were many people studying in Japan during the Republic of China, but the Japanese retained a few skills. Military research treatises and certain majors were not open to the Republic of China, such as the intelligence major. It would be great if you had the opportunity to read a few textbooks.

With Shen Dongxin's information, plus the Japanese information, it is better than the manuscript Dai Chunfeng got from nowhere. It would be better if the canned people can penetrate into the military intelligence system.

Hase Ryosuke is affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is not familiar with the Japanese military intelligence system. As the war gets closer, the Japanese military intelligence forces will gradually become more active, and the enemies of the Secret Service will become more ferocious than before, just like the East Asia Club. That way.

Those professional soldiers are still full of aggression after becoming spies. If rigorous intelligence training is added, they will definitely be more difficult to deal with than the "pacifists" in the Higher Education Department. Zuo Zhong felt that he could not wait any longer, so training at the Intelligence University was urgent.


Zuo Zhong was thinking about training when the phone on the table rang. Who could it be?

Reply to reader Dong Hailin’s suggestion:

I checked relevant information and found that in the 1930s, there was a gap in the average height of people between China and Japan. Then I checked the height of some celebrities who lived a good life and were high school students in that era. For example, Yasuhiro Nakasone (former Prime Minister of Japan), who was born in 1918, was 178cm tall. Therefore, nutrition is the key to height. At that time, people who could reach height People who are in high school generally have good families, which can ensure the rationality of sudden height growth.

As for bow legs, the Japanese bow legs we see are more common in cavalry. For example, our family is a fisherman. We always cross our legs when eating and resting. We have not seen any relatives with bow legs. It is more of a stereotype (the author has been to Tokyo , most people are normal, short legs are true).

Clogs, here I watched some old documentaries. The young students in the videos rarely wear this kind of thing that represents old ideas. In one sentence, it means comprehensive westernization - restoring the Japanese style. It was a matter of the post-war economic boom.

As for teeth, the teeth of Japanese people at that time were different from those of modern Japanese people. They were not that messy. You can see some old photos for comparison. The specific reason is unknown. I speculate that there was a problem with their tap water treatment.

   Thank you Dong Hailin for your suggestion, because some things become Baidu Encyclopedia replicators as soon as you write them, which is a waste of everyone’s subscription money, so I didn’t expand it. Thank you for your support.



 (End of this chapter)

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