Cicada Moving

Chapter 245: Impact (please vote)

Chapter 245 Impact (please vote)

 The evening of the day before.

Zhang Anren stood at the counter, fiddling with the abacus in his hands, talking to a few waiters, and scanning the outside carefully. Ever since the people from the New Life Movement Promotion Association came, he had been uneasy.

The young man's identity is mysterious. He seems to be eager to help and wants to help him find the owner of the rented warehouse, but he also seems to be testing. I wonder if he is a spy sent by Bai Gouzi to check out the location.

 So for the sake of safety, Jishi Pharmacy cut off the upstream and downstream communication during this period, concentrated on selling medicines, and found a cargo owner for the warehouse, completely cutting off hidden dangers.

 Only a few days ago, Xie Jiuwen took the risk to send a document related to the southwest. The situation on the front line is not very good now. The organization is in urgent need of these important information, and Zhang Anren must contact him.

The communication that day went smoothly, and the nearby observation post found no suspicious signs. After the intelligence communication ended, Jishi Pharmacy once again fell into silence, waiting for the situation to change.

  Repeatedly confirming that everything was normal outside, Zhang Anren fiddled with the abacus a little more lightly. He was not worried about his own safety, but about the radio station and the batch of arms, which were the lifeblood of the Jinling underground party.

 The radio station can receive and send important information. Traffic personnel do not need to break through the blockade and risk their lives to deliver the message. All the energy of the traffic station can be used to transport urgently needed supplies.

Arms are even more related to security. With this batch of arms, the Jinling Organization has been much more tenacious in carrying out its mission. Without these weapons, the comrades who fell into the hands of the enemy last time would have been in danger.

Qiu Chan, all of this was brought about by Qiu Chan. Since his help, Jinling's work against the enemy has been repeatedly praised by Southwest, so his most important task is to protect him.

As for Qiu Chan’s identity, Zhang Anren had many speculations in his mind. From the top officials of the Fruit Party to the top officials of the Fruit Party and the military, none of them seemed right, but it was not an exaggeration to say that he had great supernatural powers.

He has access to any secrets of the Party, and even the personnel information of the intelligence agencies. The information of the Deputy Director of the Secret Service is definitely not something ordinary people can obtain.

It’s a pity that others don’t have a clue, such as Zuo Chong, the intelligence section chief of the Secret Service. This person has repeatedly cracked the Japanese intelligence organization. He is definitely a dangerous opponent and must be dealt with in advance.

 Zhang Anren looked at the clock. It was time to close the door. He could contact Qiu Chan again tonight to see if there was any progress in the secret service personnel information. It was safe to only use the radio to contact him.

With a smile on his lips, he shouted: "Close the door. I asked the chef to cook some meat. Everyone has worked hard these days. Except for the gatekeeper at night, everyone can drink some wine. Everyone can be smart."

 “Okay, boss.”

 “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine in a while.”

The guys were very happy. They could rest after a busy day and have wine and meat in the evening. It was a great day. They talked and laughed and went about their business. The door panels and window panels were quickly put up.

 Zhang Anren winked at one of the waiters: "Go and take a look outside the door and clean up the dirty things outside, so that those people don't come to trouble you. These **** who eat people's food and don't do anything for others."

The clerk thanked him, took the broom and dustpan and walked out. He lowered his head and started cleaning. He occasionally raised his head to look at the surrounding pedestrians and shops. Ten minutes later, he returned to Jishi Pharmacy with the broom on his shoulders.

“Boss, everything is clean outside.” The clerk shouted loudly, but the other clerks didn’t take it seriously. The New Life Movement Promotion Association was really annoying. They came to the store every two days to find trouble.

Zhang Anren nodded. He was worried that he would not let anyone take a real look at it. This guy was an old underground party member and a qualified intelligence agent. Since he said it was clean outside, there must be no problem nearby.

The lobby of Jishi Pharmacy slowly became quiet. The guys went into the backyard and were doing their own thing before dinner. Zhang Anren and a guy walked into the warehouse with a flashlight and closed the door. After a long time, the two of them walked in tandem. leave.

"see it?"

 “I saw the section chief.”

“Remember his appearance for me. Anyone named Zhang must be a backbone of the underground party.”


A few hundred meters away from Jishi Pharmacy, in a high-rise building, Liu Guizheng, the intelligence section chief of the Secret Service Headquarters, led his people to closely monitor Zhang Anren, surrounded by a group of secret agents sitting neatly.

The special agent who had just spoken to Liu Gui suddenly asked: "Section Chief, that Xie Jiuwen just came here once and had no contact with Zhang Anren after that. Is Jishi Pharmacy really an underground party den?"

Liu Gui put down the telescope: "The fact that he only came once means there is a problem. Have you ever seen a patient who only needs to buy medicine once? If he is not here to buy medicine, why is he, an officer, here?"

The agent frowned and thought about it for a moment, then gave a thumbs up: "Gao, the section chief is really high. No wonder Virgo values ​​you so much. There is also such a method of long-distance surveillance, which the underground party must not have thought of."

After hearing this, Liu Gui Hei said angrily: "You guys are so useless, it's not like you guys are too useless. Monitoring the underground party at close range can easily expose you. You can only follow them like this. Keep an eye on me and don't make any mistakes."

The secret agent shut his mouth. Everyone knew that the section chief had been angry again in the past two days. The culprit was still the secret service. It was said that Section Chief Liu was beaten and beaten by more than a dozen big men. At this time, the door of the surveillance point was knocked, and an impatient voice sounded: "Hurry up and open the door. Why is there no one guarding the door? What if the underground party suddenly attacks? I am not cautious at all."

Liu Gui quickly stood up, opened the door and welcomed the people outside: "Director, just wait for the news of our victory in the department. Why did you come here in person? You must pay attention to your safety."

Xu Enzeng came over with a big belly and snorted coldly: "There are dozens of armed spies downstairs. If the underground party dares to come, this is their burial place. Why is there no one guarding the door?"

Liu Gui secretly complained. The director was familiar with intelligence operations, but now he was going to raid the secret stronghold of the underground party. The director brought people over so openly, and it was easy to alert the other party.

He thought about it and said tactfully: "The Secret Service also operates in this way. As long as we enter the surveillance point in batches and keep quiet, people around will not notice it. This can ensure confidentiality."

Xu Enzeng raised his eyebrows and said, "They are in two places, and we are in one place. I'm afraid that the power here is not strong enough, and I can't let anyone escape in this operation. Can you give me some excuses?"

 When he said the last sentence, his tone was filled with helplessness in anger, and a little hope in helplessness. In short, the emotions were very complicated. He had to make some achievements, otherwise his status would not be guaranteed.

Liu Gui grimaced: "Director, the target area is not large. A team of 20 people is enough. Any larger number will easily cause accidental damage. This is my experience in studying Zuo Zhong's several operations. Please rest assured."

Hearing what he said, Xu Enzeng felt a lot relieved. Although the little **** named Zuo was not a good person, he was indeed a talent. It was a good thing for Liu Gui to learn from his strengths.

"That's fine. You've done a good job of learning from the barbarians and gaining skills to control them. I'll leave this to you. The people from the 88th Division and I will go to Xie Jiuwen. We will have a double happiness tonight." Xu Enzeng was high-spirited.

Cracking an underground party intelligence team was enough to make Director Chen look at him with admiration. In the past two years, the blame has been placed on him one after another. If Director Chen hadn't taken care of him, he would have entered Tiger Bridge long ago.

The last arms smuggling case made Director Chen completely disappointed with him. If he lost such a backer, Xu Enzeng was not optimistic about the future. This underground party case was his last chance.

Liu Gui was dumbfounded when he heard this: "Director, didn't you say earlier that we should allocate ten elites from the army? In addition, the ten elite operatives from the department will form a joint action team. Now there are no people from the army."

This is different from his plan. The people of the 88th Division are good at attacking. In Liu Gui's plan, they are to be used as the main force. His men have no problem fighting with the wind, but it will be difficult for them to attack the enemy.

Xu Enzeng raised his hand and looked at his watch: "As I just said, there are dozens of good players downstairs. You can choose these people, but the people of the 88th Division must be used intensively. There is no room for error in capturing Xie and Gu."

 After speaking, Xu Enzeng turned around and left without waiting for Liu Gui to explain. Liu Gui opened his mouth and finally did not speak. He understood Xu Enzeng's intention. The risk of arresting Xie Jiuwen and his wife was low and it was easy to achieve meritorious service.

So Xu Enzeng wanted to personally direct the operations there, but it was not safe. He had to recruit all the elite troops, but the operation at Jishi Pharmacy was in trouble, and the offensive force was not enough.

Now he could only choose generals from the shortest. Liu Gui quickly selected ten people and formed an action team with the original ten people. He made some temporary preparations and waited for the time to act.

eight pm.

Liu Gui stood up and said: "Get ready to take action. Attack Zhang Anren and his assistant's bedroom directly. Be careful not to shoot casually. Make sure these two people are alive. If anyone goes wrong, I will kill him."


"Set off."

Xu Enzeng spent a lot of money this time. All operational equipment was the same as that of the Secret Service. Each person had a submachine gun. If there was no flash bomb, grenades were used, and there was also a Czech type for fire support.

The action team quickly assembled, went downstairs and got on a truck. The truck emitted a burst of black smoke and drove away. As for how to quickly enter the target, Liu Gui racked his brains to think of a good way and decided to give the underground party a surprise.

An agent looked at the truck going away and complimented: "Zhang Anren never imagined that if our people went in like that, there would be no casualties. After all, our people suffered heavy casualties during the prisoner robbery. I'm afraid, comrades Injuried."

Liu Gui shook his head: "No, someone has already installed steel pipes in front of the car. This time I am going to retaliate with others. They use trucks to kill our comrades, so we use trucks to rush into their Stronghold, **** for tat!”

While the two were talking, the truck roared and crashed into the door of Jishi Pharmacy in the horrified eyes of passers-by. The seemingly solid door panel was easily broken, and the truck drove directly into the lobby.


Zhang Anren, who was reading, suddenly stood up. The sound seemed to come from in front of him, and he casually took out a handful of Zi Laid from the secret compartment.

 (End of this chapter)

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