Cicada Moving

Chapter 250: confirm

 Chapter 250 Confirmation

Zuo Zhong asked: "Where is Xu Enzeng? He is putting his eldest cousin on the fire, but as long as he comes out in person to make a guarantee, the family members of the special agents should not dare to continue to cause trouble."

Gu Qi looked confused: "That's the reason, but Xu Enzeng hasn't shown up yet. It is said that he is busy with some big case, and people from the secret service headquarters cannot contact him. There may be something fishy about this matter."

Zuo Zhong knew in his heart that Xu Enzeng must be intensifying the interrogation of Xie Jiuwen and his wife. As for minor issues such as riots among his subordinates' families, Director Chen would not argue with him until the underground party was uncovered.

Of course, the person named Xu also means to be a coward. He may not have used the money in any way. It is said that he spent a lot of money on the sister-in-law of a certain second wife, which was quite generous.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong chuckled and beckoned Gu Qi to get closer: "When you go to do something, you must spread the news. Lao Song's affairs are not over yet. You have to give the chief of the department some memory."

After finishing speaking, he whispered in Gu Qi's ear. Gu Qi nodded while listening. After listening, he ran away with a smile on his face. Zuo Zhong looked at his back with a thoughtful look on his face. Maybe this is a good opportunity.

That night, the widowed and orphaned family members who were sitting in front of the Bureau of Statistics received explosive news that Xu Enzeng, the director of the Secret Service Headquarters, had embezzled funds from the foundation and ran away with his sister-in-law.

There have long been rumors about Director Xu's affair with the tall, fair-skinned sister-in-law. It is said that Xu Enzeng bought her a mansion and a car. Where did the money come from.

This incident completely ignited the anger of all the family members. Under the guidance of enthusiastic people, they broke through the obstruction of the guards at the door, rushed into the bureau headquarters building, and lit a fire inside.

Although the fire was not big and was quickly extinguished by the special agents, the news spread quickly throughout Jinling City. Director Chen, who had already returned home, became furious and ordered Xu Enzeng to come out and explain.

"I don't care what he is doing. Let him go to the bureau headquarters immediately to drive away those unruly people. If it is not done before work tomorrow, your office will be prepared to be inspected. This matter is not negotiable!"

Liu Gui was about to cry as he listened to Director Chen's roar on the phone. Because the mission at Jishi Pharmacy failed, Xu Enzeng excluded him from the interrogation team and asked him to answer the phone at the office.


“Director, that group of people broke into the bureau headquarters building and set fire to it. Director Chen asked you to go over there immediately to resolve the matter, otherwise an inspector will be sent to our department. Please see how this matter is handled.”

Liu Gui finished speaking in one breath and put the phone far away. As expected, there was a roar from the other end of the phone. After a long time, he put the phone to his ear again and nodded in agreement.

So at ten o'clock in the evening, Xu Enzeng, who was rumored to have run away, appeared at the entrance of the headquarters. He swore and promised, and finally persuaded the spy's family to leave, temporarily ending the farce.

 “Go, go back, follow carefully.”

Xu Enzeng got into the car and gave instructions to the driver. His face was livid. If it wasn't for the purpose of prying the underground party's mouth open, he would definitely show some shame to these cowardly family members.

 Being able to drive Xu Enzeng, one must have good mobility and driving skills. The driver skillfully drove circles in Jinling City and even passed through several large government offices and left through small doors.

 After wandering around for more than an hour, Xu Enzeng's car appeared on a concrete road. The license plate was different from before. He now wanted to control all uncertainties to a minimum.

 His heart was broken by betrayals and leaks again and again, so he decided to conduct the interrogation in person, using a borrowed venue and the smallest number of insiders, all to keep it secret.

With the exception of himself, no one who entered the interrogation room was allowed to leave without authorization. With such a foolproof preparation, if the secret could be leaked this time, his name, Xu Enzeng, would be written upside down.

The car stopped along the cement road in front of an imposing round gate. The driver did not press the horn and only flashed the lights twice. Someone ran out from the guard room and opened the iron door, and the car drove in slowly.

  The person who opened the door did not close the door immediately. Instead, he walked to the road and looked around to make sure there were no followers nearby. Then he walked back to the gate and locked the iron door. The lights in the guard room were quietly turned off.

Looking at everything in front of him, Zuo Zhong, who had been waiting nearby for a long time, put down the brown paper bag and dried sweet potatoes in his hands, and felt relieved. Xu Enzeng had indeed set the interrogation location here.

 His previous judgments were all based on intelligence reasoning. Now that the location was confirmed, what should be done next and whether rescue was possible? Zuo Zhong sat in a dark car and began to analyze.

 In terms of strength, there will definitely be no shortage of people in the interrogation room, and Xu Enzeng may have laid a dragnet. If he wants to forcefully rescue people, it will be like hitting a stone with an egg, which is not feasible.

Even if the Jinling underground party is contacted and the security near the Central Political School is discovered, once the rescue operation is discovered, facing the regular army of a regiment of the 88th Division, the result will probably be worse.

Zuo Zhong closed his eyes. He knew that he could not save Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan. He had not felt this helpless for a long time. He relied on the Secret Service on weekdays and had no scruples no matter what he did.

But this matter is different. He cannot mobilize the power of the Secret Service and can only rely on himself. After all, a person's power is limited. It is unrealistic to fight against an intelligence agency like the Secret Service Headquarters.

If he had just arrived in this era, he might choose to fight to the death, but after experiencing so many things, he knew that this would have no practical effect except to gain Xu En another harvest.

 Sometimes, you have to learn to give up. Zhang Anren probably chose to die with the enemy for his own sake. He could not let his sacrifice become worthless. He had to stay calm, Zuo Zhong started the car and disappeared into the night.

 In the following days, Zuo Zhong went to and from work normally, collecting all useful information and waiting for contact from the underground party. He knew that there would be no backup contact plan there.

 At the same time, he quietly inquired about information about the secret service headquarters, such as whether Xu Enzeng had returned and the number of people eating in a canteen. He wanted to judge the outcome of the interrogation based on these situations.

So these days, Song Minghao was eating, drinking and having fun every day, and sent back one message after another, but none of them were what Zuo Zhong wanted, until the morning of the seventh day after the explosion.

Song Minghao walked into Zuo Zhong’s office and said furtively: “Section Chief, Xu Enzeng went back to a certain place last night. It seemed that he didn’t do his job well. As soon as he came back, he found trouble and scolded a bunch of unlucky people.”

Zuo Zhong felt a pain in his heart. Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan did not speak. They were tortured by the secret service headquarters for seven days. During this period, what methods would the enemy use to force them to surrender.

Even if he didn't witness it with his own eyes, he could still imagine the scene at that time. Especially for Gu Lan, some of the punishments were terrifying even thinking about them. How did they persevere.

Zuo Zhong forced a smile and said: "Oh? It seems that their glorious tradition has not been lost. Even if Xu Enzeng personally leads the team to carry out the mission, it will be the same. Have you found out the specific situation?"

Song Minghao nodded: "A car came to Laohuqiao last night. There were two prisoners in it. They were sent to the highest security cell as soon as they entered. In addition, a restaurant is sending two meals to the prison today."

 “Eating on the road?”

Zuo Zhong slowed down his speech and tried to make his voice sound normal.

"should be."

Song Minghao lamented: "In the past, we always shot people directly, which is a bit strange."

The two chatted for a while, and Song Minghao left. Zuo Zhong sat at the table and thought for a while, then went directly to Dai Chunfeng's office. He felt that he could at least do one last thing for Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan.

When Dai Chunfeng heard what he said, he said with a strange expression: "What, you are going to Laohuqiao to see the prisoners at the secret service headquarters and see if you can persuade them to cooperate with us. Are you sure about this?"

Zuo Zhong explained: "I also got the information through Song Minghao's informant in one place. Xu Enzeng is so active these days, those two prisoners must be of great importance and worth a look.

If they can cooperate with us, Xu Enzeng will definitely be disgraced. However, only teachers with your level can enter the maximum security cell in Laohuqiao, so the students came to ask for instructions. "

Dai Chunfeng heard that Xu Enzeng's face would be tarnished, and he immediately made a decision: "Let's go and take a look now. This matter should be done sooner rather than later. There are still a few hours before the execution time, so we can't delay."

Zuo Zhong smiled slightly and hurriedly got into the car with Dai Chunfeng and drove towards Laohuqiao Prison. When he was approaching the prison, Dai Chunfeng suddenly said something, which made Zuo Zhong's heart skip a beat.

“Shen Zhi, I’m very pleased that you took the initiative to track down the underground party. Our goal is to satisfy the leader. Who is the leader’s biggest henchman now? It’s not the chaotic party entrenched in the southwest.

Therefore, the best way to be loyal to the leader is to start with the underground parties. After eliminating these underground parties, it is not too late to deal with the Japanese. You must keep these words in mind and understand them with your heart. "

Dai Chunfeng was very happy today. Zuo Zhong finally figured out that he would take action against the underground party. No matter what the outcome of this matter was, it was a good thing that he had such an intention, and he would be more at ease in the future.

Zuo Zhong lowered his eyebrows and said: "Teacher, now that the situation in the Southwest War has been decided, we have no chance to provide help in times of need. The icing on the cake is not bad. We can't let Chief Wen be more beautiful than Chairman."

Hearing this, Dai Chunfeng became depressed. He originally thought that the camp investigation department would suffer a setback in the Southwest Battle, so that he could take the opportunity to attack Wen Yi, but he didn't expect that everything went smoothly during the battle. Damn it.

 “Know yourself and know your enemy.”

He secretly cursed Wen Yi's bad luck, and felt that Zuo Zhong was right. If he could gain something at Laohuqiao, he, Dai Chunfeng, and the Secret Service could also gain some credit for assisting the Chairman.

“Virgin, Section Chief Zuo, we’re here.” The driver in front reminded him.

Zuo Zhong looked up and saw a towering wall and a large iron gate in front of him. Several old acquaintances were standing at the door. Xu Enzeng and Liu Gui also came to Tiger Bridge, which was a bit embarrassing.

 (End of this chapter)

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