Cicada Moving

Chapter 271: Dimensionality reduction strike

Chapter 271 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

He retracted his head and looked at the back row: "Brother, when the operation officially begins, I will ask you to guide the plane in the sky. You must not make any mistakes."

A plainclothes man in the back row nodded. It was his job to direct. Although it was his first time to provide guidance in a downtown area, and he had to avoid possible surveillance, it was not too difficult.

 Just find a secret corner and use signal flags to communicate. It is unrealistic to issue complex commands, but it is still okay to express the approximate direction and distance. The pilot can understand it.

Wu Chunyang received a positive reply and used the binoculars to look at the target in the distance again, secretly cursing the other party's cunning. Jiang Jincai deliberately found a deserted stall and observed the environment while eating.

This stall is located in the middle of a street, with pedestrians and vehicles on both sides clearly visible, forcing them to hide and monitor from a few hundred meters away.

With such a long surveillance distance, a professional agent can disappear into the streets of Jinling with just a few anti-tracking actions.

In the past, the Intelligence Section had to take risks and send people close to the target. But now with the help of aircraft, they only need to wait patiently.

Wu Chunyang finally understood why the section chief sent a plane to follow. Many seemingly unsolvable problems can be easily solved by changing the angle. Intelligence personnel must have this awareness.

He once again said to the air force guide in the back: "There is no commanding height nearby. You go to the alley behind to guide and tell the pilot that the target is 250 meters southeast of the front of the car."

Hearing his order, the other party got out of the car with his head lowered, walked quickly to the alley next to him, took out two pennants from his arms, gestured to the sky for a while, and the plane slowly flew over.

Perhaps the situation on the ground was too complicated and the guide did not dare to make too big a move. The plane flew back and forth over the alley three times before shaking its wings slightly to indicate that it had received the order.

Seeing the reply from the plane, the conductor put the flag in his arms, got back into the car, and whispered to Wu Chunyang: "Okay, the pilot in the sky will tell your people this information."

Wu Chunyang raised his head and secretly prayed that Gui Youguang would find the target. The traditional tracking method was too risky. Once discovered by the other party, all their previous work would be in vain.

 In the plane in the sky.

 The pilot turned his head and shouted at the top of his lungs: "The front of the car, two hundred and fifty meters southeast."

But the roar of the engine was too loud. Gui Youguang pointed to his ears and shook his head, indicating that he couldn't hear what he was saying at all.

The pilot shrugged, wrote a line in the flight manual with one hand, handed it to the back, then raised the altitude slightly and started a figure eight circle.

Anxious Gui Youguang took the notebook and was delighted when he saw the information on it. He looked southeast along the car and quickly discovered a few small black spots.

He took out his telescope and took off his goggles despite the strong wind. His eyes were instantly reddened by the wind, and tears flew out unconsciously. But at the moment, he couldn't care so much and carefully identified the targets on the ground.

The people in the intelligence department had long been familiar with Jiang Jincai's photo and figure, so when he appeared in the telescope, Gui Youguang immediately recognized him and patted the left shoulder of the pilot in front.

This is the agreed-upon signal, indicating that the target has been determined. The pilot shook the control stick, tapped the left wing a few times, and flew over the car.

The commander who had been observing looked happy: "The target has been found. You guys are monitoring it. I didn't expect the plane to be able to track the person."

Wu Chunyang leaned on his seat. It was God's blessing. The next second he stretched out his hand out of the car window and made a gesture. The eyes of the little spy in the distance lit up. He jumped on the bicycle and rode naturally towards the distance.

Ten minutes later, Zuo Zhong received a phone call reporting that his plan was successful. What followed was a long wait, hoping that Jiang Jincai would contact his accomplices while the plane was in the air.

But you have to make two plans, Zuo Zhong said: "High school, let the other two planes conduct cover flights in other airspaces, and the backup plane is ready to take off, and can pick up the tracking plane at any time.

  If the other party does not have a connection during the time in the air, the backup aircraft and our backup personnel must rush over to hand over in time. There must be no gaps in the tracking operation, otherwise the target will be easily lost. "

“Okay.” The high school senior replied simply and ordered the plane to take off.

He is an outsider in intelligence operations, and it involves the safety of the chairman of the committee. All he can do is cooperate fully, and as long as this cooperation is successful, there may be another stable source of oil.

It is said that the Secret Service is so fat that if you don't kill it, you won't kill it. Instead of spending the money on the secret service, it is better to increase the flying time for your own pilot students. Thinking of this, the high school principal glanced at Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong didn't know that his wallet had been targeted. He looked at the two planes taking off in succession with a smile on his face. He expanded the intelligence war to a three-dimensional perspective. He was the first to do so.

 In the past intelligence operations of various countries, the equipment used was nothing more than transportation and radio stations. The Japanese never dreamed that planes in the sky would follow them. This is a dimensionality reduction strike.

 “Buzz buzz.”

I don’t know if it was the first of its kind, but the people in Jinling City started to curse again. Three planes flew like a merry-go-round over the capital of the Republic of China, making the people below uneasy. Jiang Jincai handed the money to the stall owner, looked at the planes whizzing by, and frowned. The training of the Republic of China Air Force was too intense, which was not good news for the proud guys of the Army Aviation.

  It seems that we need to find an opportunity to inquire about the intelligence of the Republic of China Air Force. If necessary, we can assassinate the Republic of China pilots. Without pilots, the aircraft is worse than a rifle loaded with bullets.

He stood on the side of the road and looked around. It was quiet around him. There were only a few women who came out to empty the toilet. There were no suspicious vehicles or people. Jiang Jin walked towards the planned transfer point.

However, he did not take the wide road. Instead, he got into a narrow and winding alley. The complex terrain made it impossible for vehicles to follow him. It was also conducive to anti-tracking and made it easier to escape in case of danger.

With a calm face, Jiang Jincai walked quickly through the streets and alleys, throwing some peanut shells on the ground covertly, going east and west in circles, and even turned over some dead ends.

 So he had to go out so early. If he went out later, there would be more pedestrians nearby. Such behavior would be very conspicuous. If someone who is overly curious would notice it, something bad might happen.

After walking like this for a while, he turned a sharp corner and stopped. He leaned against the wall at the corner, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth without lighting it. He leaned slightly and listened carefully to something.


Jiang Jincai was startled when a faint cracking sound came from the alley he had just passed. It sounded like someone followed behind with deliberately lowered footsteps, but stepped on the peanut shells he threw down.

Have you really been targeted by Chinese intelligence agencies? He took a deep breath, put his left hand into his pants pocket, tightened a ring with his fingers, and put his right hand on his waist.

From the first day he came to China, he had no intention of returning alive. He was willing to sacrifice everything for the empire, and he must not implicate the team for his own reasons. Jiang Jincai's eyes were ferocious.

"Da da da."

As the footsteps got closer and closer, Jiang Jincai tensed up his nerves and decided to strike first. In the narrow alley, the Chinese's numerical advantage could not be used, so he might be able to fight his way out.

Just as he was thinking, the other party had already reached the entrance of the alley. Jiang Jincai suddenly stepped out and was about to pull out the pistol at his waist. But when he saw the person clearly, he immediately retracted to the corner.

The person who came was a child. He was carrying a small schoolbag diagonally and was probably going to school. When he passed by Jiang Jincai, he glanced at him curiously. The child was also startled just now and didn't know what the other person was going to do.

 Jiang Jincai relaxed physically and mentally, and put on a kind smile on his face. Seeing this face, the children were so frightened that they ran away and almost cried, thinking that they had bumped into Paihuazi.

 “Nasty little devil.”

Jiang Jincai put away his smile, once again confirmed that there was no one following him, turned back again, and headed towards somewhere through the small alleys extending in all directions.

 Unfortunately, all this effort was in vain. Gui Youguang on the plane saw his whereabouts clearly and marked them on the map of Jinling from time to time.

Gui Youguang rubbed his sore eyes and was glad that he didn't send anyone to follow him from the ground. No matter how elite the intelligence department personnel were, they couldn't withstand such trouble.

Normal people's action trajectories have a direction, but spies have no direction at all when they are counter-tracking. If they follow the opponent's abnormal route, it will be exposed.

Just like this, the target was walking on the ground, and the plane was tracking in the air. Wu Chunyang led the people to follow the plane, carefully keeping a certain distance from the target.

In the next three hours, Jiang Jincai took small trains and rickshaws several times to wander around the city. Finally, he walked to Taipingmen Pier in the east of Jinling City and boarded a small cruise ship on Xuanwu Lake.

Gui Youguang's eyes narrowed. This kind of cruise ship can dock at any time. Is the target at the joint, or is it carrying out special anti-tracking? He quickly raised his telescope and looked to prevent missing important clues.

Jiang Jincai on the boat was like a tourist, putting his hands on the fence and looking at the lake, with a smile of enjoyment on his face from time to time, but his eyes were scanning the lakeside, looking for something anxiously.

When the cruise was halfway through, he finally found what he wanted to see. A woman wearing a rose-colored cheongsam was sitting on a stone bench by the lake. She was wearing sunglasses and took out a white handkerchief to wipe her neck.

After the team leader checked for him, Jiang Jincai leaned out and took a dip in the cold lake water, then straightened up and sat down. It seemed that nothing had happened, and the people on the boat knew nothing about it.

 See his response.

The woman put the handkerchief into her bag, twisted her waist and got into a car, and quickly disappeared by the lake. The plane in the sky continued to roar loudly, and Gui Youguang frowned slightly.

 (End of this chapter)

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