Cicada Moving

Chapter 279: trial

Chapter 279 Interrogation

“Zhu Jisheng? I don’t know him. I only know some colleagues and students in Jinling, and I won’t give my hair to any man at will.” Xiao Qingmin answered quickly and denied knowing Zhu Jisheng.

"Okay, let's just assume what you said is true." Zuo Zhong did not force her to admit it, and then asked another question: "Where do you usually live, in school or off campus? This question can always be answered."

Xiao Qingmin made no secret of this: "I like to be cleaner, so I rented a house near the school, No. 2 Yushi Street. The landlord is a colleague of the school. I told you that you can ask."

Zuo Zhong wrote down the address carefully. He was familiar with this street and alley. It was not far from the Central University. There were many schools and institutions nearby, such as the Judicial Yuan, the Examination Yuan, and the Executive Yuan. The location was good.

 What’s more important is that it is very close to one place—the Consulate General of Japan in China.

 It was a bit interesting. Zuo Zhong went through this piece of information in his mind and asked: "Miss Xiao, why do you have to come to Wutong Street from such a far away place? It probably takes more than an hour by rickshaw."

Xiao Qingmin wiped her tears: "I came to Wutong Street to drink coffee. Many people in Jinling like to come here to taste authentic coffee. Isn't it illegal to do so? Why are you wronging me?"

Are you going to turn against customers? Zuo Zhong smiled and knocked on the table with a pen: "We are interrogating you now. Be honest. The rent on Fish Market Street is not cheap. How much is your monthly rent?"


 “How much is your monthly salary?”


“It’s not low, but 10 yuan a month is not enough to live in Jinling. My family should give me a lot of money.” Zuo Zhong smiled and lit a cigarette, chatting with him about daily life like old friends.

Xiao Qingmin explained again: "My father wired the rental fee from Fucheng to Jinling. The receipt is in the house I rented. Fish Market Street is surrounded by schools and government agencies, so it is safer to live there."

"So that's it." Zuo Zhong flicked the ashes of his cigarette and said, "Why didn't Miss Xiao become your eldest lady in Fucheng? Why did you insist on running to Jinling? Could you be avoiding someone or have some purpose?"

Song Minghao sat up slightly after hearing this. This question was very critical. The other party had to give a logical reason, otherwise he could not explain why he came all the way to Jinling.

Xiao Qingmin kept sobbing: “The Chairman’s wife said that our country’s women have made immortal contributions to the progress of today’s society. Wisdom, independence, foresight and pioneering courage are not the exclusive preserve of men.

I wanted to lead the life of a woman in the new era and go to Jinling to educate the country's future. Fortunately, my family was enlightened and supported my idea. Is it wrong to do so? Or the Chairman's wife was wrong. "

The more she talked, the angrier she became, crying and questioning Zuo Zhong and Song Minghao, and even slapped a big hat on them, making it seem like the two of them had a problem with the madam. If word got out, it would affect her mother's career.


Zuo Zhong sneered: "Madam, how can people like you talk about it? Well, just think that you want to live a new life, but how do you explain the clothes and shoes? The shoes are a coincidence, and the tailor-made cheongsam is also a coincidence?"

Seeing that the road was blocked, he said that he had returned to the physical evidence at the scene, and then asked Xiao Qingmin: "It can't be that we have wronged you. This problem cannot be explained clearly. Miss Xiao can't get out for the time being."

Tailor-made clothes, as the name suggests, are clothes made according to the customer's preferences and sizes. Even if others can wear them, they will not fit so well, let alone a pair of high-heeled shoes that fit perfectly.

Xiao Qingmin looked aggrieved: "I don't know, maybe that person's figure is similar to mine. With such a population in Jinling City, it's not impossible. You can't take me back for this reason."

 “Oh, coincidence.”

Zuo Zhong smiled and closed the inquiry transcript casually: "Okay, that's it for today. Miss Xiao, have a good rest. We'll see you tomorrow. This game has just begun, and we have plenty of time."

After speaking, he turned to look at Song Minghao: "Old Song, let's go first and let Miss Xiao think about it."

 “Okay, Section Chief.”

 After saying that, Zuo Zhong and Song Minghao stood up and walked towards the interrogation room, leaving Xiao Qingmin with a confused look on her face. She seemed to be thinking that she would stay here for a long time, and she screamed in despair and collapsed.

 “Don’t go, I was really wronged.”

 “Please, let me go.”

 “You can go and check, go and check”

Song Minghao listened to the shouts getting farther and farther behind him, and wondered: "Section Chief, why don't you just torture her or put her in the electric chair? She can't stand it no matter how hard her mouth is. If that doesn't work, you can still use Veritaserum."

"Handle the case in a civilized manner." Zuo Zhong made a little joke, and then explained: "Because I need this woman to explain honestly, and to say it clearly and completely, come and take a look at Fish Market Street with me."

This reason is a bit far-fetched, but Song Minghao didn't dare to ask anymore. If he shouldn't know it himself, he shouldn't be too curious. He immediately ran back to the office and started summoning the secret agents to carry out the tasks assigned by Zuo Zhong.

Although it was already late at night, the advantage of living together was that it was easier to notify. Action personnel and vehicles were quickly assembled. Seeing this, Zuo Zhong sat in the back of one of the cars and signaled to set off.

Song Minghao asked if he wanted to be more secretive. Zuo Zhong shook his head. He was doing this search for certain people to see. The Secret Service convoy drove straight towards the target with bright headlights. So the people near Fish Market Street were unlucky. They were woken up by the roar of the engine while sleeping soundly. Some grumpy people opened the door and were ready to curse.

 Seeing the group of armed agents with dark faces outside, these people immediately bowed and nodded, turned around, closed the door and went home, lay down on the bed, and plugged their ears.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the common people who quickly closed the door, waved his hand, and several agents who were proficient in traps and searches climbed over the wall directly into the target's yard. After confirming that the yard was safe, they opened the door.


Looking at the open courtyard door, Zuo Zhong did not walk in immediately, but walked around the courtyard wall. There must be a reason why Xiao Qingmin chose to live in this place, and he wanted to find out the reason.

This is a typical Jinling residential house. The layout is similar to Zhu Jisheng's house, but the area is a little smaller. The front of the courtyard wall is a street, and the two sides are adjacent to the neighbors. What is interesting is the backyard wall.

From the backyard wall, there is a large bamboo forest, and further forward is a wasteland. You can easily go around Zhongshan Road. All the way to the north of Zhongshan Road is Ziwu Road, where you can go to Wutong Street.

Zuo Zhong squatted down, looking at the thick layer of bamboo leaves on the ground and thinking deeply. After a long time, he stood up, clapped his hands, and walked back to the door. Before entering, he pulled out his pistol and fired a shot into the sky.


At this time, the surrounding neighbors became even quieter. They covered their heads with quilts and did not dare to make a sound. The agents were also stunned. They did not know what the section chief was doing, so they stood quietly aside.

Three minutes later, when the agents drove away the spying Heipi, Zuo Zhong smiled with a smile on his face, waved to the hillside in the northwest of the small courtyard, then turned around and walked into the courtyard in a swagger.

Song Minghao asked in a low voice: "Section Chief, who were you greeting just now? There is no one over there. Did you see something unclean? Do you want to ask a master to take a look?"

"Master of the fart." Zuo Zhong finished scolding him and said meaningfully: "But I did say hello to a ghost just now. Old Song, do you know where that hillside is? Take a good guess."

Song Minghao shivered and said with a pale face: "It can't be a cemetery, section chief. Why don't we evacuate first and come back during the day tomorrow? Some things are better to be believed than not."

 Zuo Zhong suppressed his anger and coughed lightly: "That's the Japanese Consulate General in the Republic of China. Can you stop holding so many messy things in your mind? I'm talking about the Japanese devils!" ①

Song Minghao blushed and quickly changed the subject: "Section Chief, are you saying that the other party has contact with Xiao Qingmin and knows that she lives here? You waved to them to tell them that Xiao Qingmin was arrested."

"Well, I was finally smart. Last time they sent two people to greet me. As a country of etiquette, we must return the favor and stand those corpses in this courtyard during the day."

Zuo Zhong observed Xiao Qingmin's room and gave orders coldly. Song Minghao shuddered as he listened. A dozen **** spies' corpses stood in a row. The scene was so spectacular.

He suddenly had an idea and said: "Okay section chief, I will make arrangements when I get back to ensure that the Japanese on the mountain can see clearly. How about deploying some manpower nearby, maybe something can be gained."

Zuo Zhong pointed to the curtain and said: "Bring this thing back, don't worry about the manpower, the other party won't be so stupid. Besides, arresting the people from the consulate will be troublesome, and we can't give the Japanese an excuse to attack."

  Xiao Qingmin's room is very clean, and there is nothing that does not suit her status. As a senior latent agent, she will definitely not make mistakes in this regard, but sometimes the truth lies in the details.

Wu Chunyang asked someone to take down the curtains and made a suggestion: "Okay section chief, I think the written records and books in the house can be taken back and examined carefully. Maybe we can find some clues."

"Well, that's good." Zuo Zhong listened to the phone on the table and said, "Call the neighbor here. I want to ask about Xiao Qingmin's daily performance and see what this Chinese teacher does on weekends.

 After saying that, Zuo Zhong put down the phone, turned around and walked out of the house, and walked around the backyard. There were no low flowers and plants planted in the yard, but a lot of dense bamboos were planted against the walls on both sides.

 Looking very elegant, more importantly, it blocks the view of the neighbors on both sides from looking into the yard. As long as no loud noise is made, people outside cannot see what is happening inside. It is very private.

 “Section Chief, the neighbor is here.” A young spy brought a middle-aged man.

As soon as he saw Zuo Zhong, the middle-aged man asked: "Hello, sir, I am Miss Xiao's neighbor. I don't know what crime she has committed. This must be a misunderstanding. This girl is very honest and doesn't go out easily."

 Hehehe, he is quite sympathetic.

Zuo Zhongwen comforted: "It's okay, I just need to know something from you. You said she rarely goes out, so how do you know? Do you like her because you observe her every day?"

 “No, no, no.”

The middle-aged man's face turned red: "She and I are just friends. Every weekend, she plays the flute in the backyard. This can't fool anyone. How can such a quiet girl be a bad person?"

 Dizi? Produce proof of presence?

Zuo Zhong recalled it, smiled and nodded: "It's okay sir, maybe it won't be long before you know what this good girl did."

①Japanese devils, derived from the term "foreign devils" directed at Western invaders. After the Sino-Japanese War of 1884-1898, "japanese devils" was also used to refer to Japanese invaders.



 (End of this chapter)

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