Cicada Moving

Chapter 297: Find Miyamoto (thank you everyone for voting)

Chapter 297 Finding Miyamoto (Thank you for your votes)

After walking, the other party is not an ordinary person who opens a noodle restaurant. It must be a member of the Republic of China, or the staff of the intelligence agencies, which is exposed by themselves.

Miyamoto Hideaki's face turned pale, he squeezed his trembling thighs, and wanted to run away, but before he could turn around, he heard heavy footsteps outside.

He couldn't leave. He had no weapons. Faced with being surrounded by so many people, the only thing he could do was to stand still. Miyamoto stood stiffly on the spot.

The shop owner wiped his hands with a towel, then patted the seat next to him: "Mr. Miyamoto, please sit down. You've given us a good meal, haha."

 While he was speaking, he kept a warm smile on his face. I don’t know why, but this made Miyamoto even more nervous, feeling like he was facing a ferocious beast.

Miyamoto had no way out, so he could only say stubbornly: "You have recognized the wrong person. I am not Miyamoto. I am Chinese. My surname is Zhao and I am from Shenyang."

The shop owner nodded after hearing this and pointed at him: "You are dishonest. Let me introduce myself. My name is Zuo Zhong. You should have heard of me.

You should also know what will happen if you fall into my hands. Should you go back to the Secret Service with me to talk, or should you just talk calmly here. "

"right here."

Miyamoto Hideaki immediately shouted that although he was a marginal figure in the consulate, he did have certain authority, such as reporting on Chinese intelligence agencies.

 The name Zuo Zhong appears frequently in the notices. For this person, the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave only four words, which is extremely dangerous.

More imperial spies died in the hands of the opponent than in the entire Jinling Consulate. If he was taken away, he would really sacrifice his life for the empire.

Zuo Zhong smiled with satisfaction: "As long as you are willing to cooperate, sit down and talk slowly. We have enough time to do some small communication before your warships fire."

Miyamoto didn't dare to speak. He sat down cautiously and secretly looked at the young man in front of him. He looked very gentle. Is he really that scary?

As for the warships, he smiled bitterly in his heart. He really couldn't wait. He was not dead yet. The empire had even sent warships to Aurous Hill. Do you need to be so anxious?

They never thought about what would happen if something happened, just like now, once the news of their survival spreads, the empire will become a joke.

He was uneasy there, while Zuo Zhong was greatly relieved. He finally found Miyamoto, and it was worthwhile that he and He Yijun stayed here all night.

  It is not an easy task to close all the snack shops in the market towns near Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, leaving only a few shops with staff to wait and see. It is not an easy task to complete in such a short period of time.

In addition, it is related to the livelihood of many people. The Secret Service spent a lot of money just on compensation. All this is because of this man who looks like he crawled out of the garbage heap, Miyamoto Hideaki.

“Ahem.” Zuo Zhong coughed, which brought Miyamoto out of his thoughts: “Zuo wanted to ask Mr. Consul why you suddenly disappeared on the way to the train station and secretly hid here.

 Could it be that you want to do something shameful? Tell me honestly, are you ordered to damage the mausoleum and destroy the feng shui of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in order to achieve your ulterior motives? Say! "

At the end of the story, Zuo Zhong glared angrily and slammed the table. Since the Japanese said that Miyamoto was killed by the Nationalist Government, they could certainly say that he was a villain who came to destroy the mausoleum area.

 To deal with a shameless enemy, you have to be even more shameless than him.

Miyamoto turned pale with fright when he heard what he said. As a qualified diplomat, he naturally knew the prestige of the former president in the Republic of China. If he was found guilty, the empire would never save him.

He hurriedly explained: "This is a misunderstanding. I am planning to commit suicide here. I have no ill intentions towards the tomb of the late president of your country. Please trust me, Mr. Zuo."

 He could only use suicide as the reason for his disappearance, and hoped that the other party would not investigate further. Unfortunately, he met Zuo Zhong, so naturally he would not believe such nonsense.

Zuo Zhong sneered: "You can commit suicide, but why are you hiding like this? You are not even afraid of death. Are you still afraid of being seen?"

Miyamoto was speechless and could only say vaguely: "I want to find a quiet place to spend the rest of my life. I don't want my wife and children at home to be harmed."


Zuo Chongle spoke up and continued to ask without exposing his clumsy lie: "Mr. Miyamoto, why did you commit suicide? Life is precious."

He would like to hear what this guy can fart. The disappearance has developed so far. Not only must Miyamoto be found, but the Japanese conspiracy must be completely exposed before the matter can be resolved satisfactorily.

Miyamoto lowered his head and thought for a while after hearing this. When he raised his head, tears were streaming down his face: "I originally wanted to send Minister Ariyoshi back to Shanghai, but because the consulate car could not fit in, I had to take a rickshaw to the train station alone.

Since it was getting dark at that time and the coachman didn’t want to go any further, I got off the car near Zhongshan Gate and walked to the road to Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. Before reaching Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, I turned onto the mountain trail and went straight up Purple Mountain. "

Zo Shige listened carefully, and somewhere where Miyamoto could not see, a tape recorder was quietly recording the conversation. This was ironclad evidence to refute the Japanese remarks.

He became more and more sad as he talked, and then he cried loudly: "Walking on the mountain road, looking at the vast world, I just felt aggrieved in my heart, and the accumulated annoyance in my daily life suddenly burst out.

I have been working in the imperial diplomatic community for more than 20 years, but my position is still the deputy consul general. It is really a shame and humiliation that I can't get a seat in the farewell car this time. The idea of ​​committing suicide suddenly arose. When I reached the top of the mountain, I saw the lights of thousands of houses in Jinling City. I thought of my relatives at home and that I was about to say goodbye to this world. I was filled with emotions. "

Well, Zuo Zhong understood the vice consul somewhat. Even the consulate staff had seats. He, the second-in-command of the consulate, could only take a rickshaw to see him off. It was hard for anyone to accept this.

So wanting to commit suicide is fake, but the frustration should be real. After all, Miyamoto even had runny nose. If he had such realistic acting skills, he would not have such difficulty in his official career.

He Yijun brought warm water to the two of them. Miyamoto stood up with sobs, bowed to her, took a few sips of water, then held his forehead with his right hand and continued to talk about the day he disappeared.

“I saw a wooden frame on the top of the mountain, so I nailed the photos and business cards in my wallet to the wooden frame as a souvenir. I had never been to Purple Mountain before, and I thought there must be many giant beasts in the mountain, so it would be better to be buried in its belly.

In the middle of the night, I heard the roar of wild beasts approaching from far away, so I took off my clothes and buried them in preparation for being devoured. Taking off my clothes and burying them was to make it easier for the wild beasts and to avoid leaving traces. "

 “Hmph, you are thoughtful.”

Zuo Zhong raised his hand and shouted outside the house: "Go to the top of the mountain to look for evidence. Remember to take pictures. If it has been taken away by the villagers, immediately offer a reward to find it."

"Yes." Gui Youguang's voice sounded outside.

Miyamoto seemed not to have heard Zuo Zhong's sarcasm, and continued: "But the beast came back several times and did not come, so I randomly found a cave to shelter.

The next day I felt hungry and thirsty in the mountains, so I went to the mountains to find water. I found a spring on the mountainside of Purple Mountain, drank the water and took a nap.

 When I woke up, I wanted to dig a big hole, bury myself in it, and kill myself. However, I was so weak after two days of fasting that I had no choice but to give up. I still slept in the hole that night. "

Zuo Zhong wanted to laugh when he heard it. Miyamoto Hideaki was just as Xiao Qingmin said, he was a loser. He even made suicide look like a joke. He dug a hole and buried himself, but he could not think of it.

And where do the wild beasts come from in the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum? Tens of thousands of people have built the cemetery here over the years, and any wild beasts have long been scared away. The so-called roars of wild beasts he heard on the first night were probably wild dogs in the mountains.

“Today, I was really hungry, so I wanted to find some food here. I have no ill intentions towards the cemetery of the late president of your country.” When Miyamoto Hideaki said this, tears welled up in his eyes again.

 He knew that he had been discovered by the Chinese and had destroyed the empire's plot. Tokyo and Suma Yoshiro would never let him go. No one could save him. He was dead this time.

Looking at the howling Miyamoto, Zuo Zhong did not ask any more questions, but asked him to take him and others to the cave. Regardless of whether what he said was true or false, he had to go and see the scene. This was the key evidence.

The traces in the cave can prove that Miyamoto was alone on the mountain, so as to prevent the Japanese from trying another plan and falsely accusing the Nationalist government of detaining diplomats. They could do such a thing.

Miyamoto Hideaki had no choice but to take Zuo Zhong and the agents up the mountain and found the cave where he had lived for several days. There were only his footprints in it, as well as the bedding he made from weeds and leaves.

Zuo Zhong asked people to take photos of everything inside and outside the cave. Even the spring where Miyamoto drew water and the hole where he attempted suicide were protected to deal with possible trouble from the Japanese side.

After doing all this, he said to Miyamoto: "Since the news of your disappearance was announced, I heard that your old mother has been crying in tears all day long in her hometown in Nara. Don't you miss her?"

After hearing this, Miyamoto was stunned. He immediately fell to his knees on the ground, raised his hands above his head, clasped his hands, and called his mother. His face was filled with tears, his expression was full of pain, and he repeatedly beat the ground with his hands.

Zuo Chong looked at him coldly. He had not yet decided how to deal with Miyamoto, but it was obviously not possible to just send the people back like this. The Japanese must be taught a lesson so that they would remember it for a long time.

The best way is to persuade Miyamoto to tell what happened personally, especially the Japanese high-level conspiracy to force the other party to commit suicide and blame China.

He said coldly: "Miyamoto, you should know that your current situation is very dangerous. If you want to survive, you can only cooperate with us. There is no other way."

Miyamoto was crying while thinking about his poor old mother. Of course he wanted to live, but would there be a way to survive if he told everything? That cold voice seemed to ring in his ears again.

"For the benefit of the Japanese Empire, you must die in the same way that diplomats were killed by the Chinese, so that we can liberate the oppressed people of the Republic of China. In short, you must die..."

Thinking of this, he murmured to himself: "I can't say it. If I say it, I will die. I can't say it. My mother, Qingzi and the children are still here, so I can never say it."

 Zo Zhong looked at his appearance, walked slowly to his side, put his hands on his shoulders, and said with a warm tone and a kind attitude: "Miyamoto-kun, I know you have been greatly wronged.

The only one who can save you now is yourself. Tell everything. Let us work together to find a way to rescue your family, expose those despicable conspiracies, welcome a new life, and start over. "

Miyamoto Hideaki's thoughts were confused. Hearing these words was like grabbing a life-saving straw. He grabbed Zuo Zhong's sleeve and asked pitifully: "Are you telling the truth?"

Zuo Zhong smiled slightly: "Miyamoto-kun, you can rest assured. Zuo is famous for keeping his word. You should cheer up, we have to save your family."


 (End of this chapter)

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