Cicada Moving

Chapter 313: dumpling

Chapter 313 Dumplings

The fierce look of the other party really frightened the young man. After arriving in Jinling from the Northeast, he had been living in fear, otherwise he would not have traveled across the entire Jinling just to buy a bag of noodles.

After all, the span from an overseas student who returned from studying abroad to a spy in the Special Branch of the National Police Agency was too big. If it weren't for his family's demands, he would have really wanted to return to Europe and live a simple life.


The young man walked out of the station with a flour bag in his arms and an unhappy look on his face. He found a rickshaw and got on it: "Go to Qijiaqiao No. 23, hurry up."

The driver didn't say anything, picked up the cart and ran away. They were used to running around, so they naturally knew where Qijia Bridge was. It was a wealthy area with three archways.

 There are not only new-style residences, but also many villas in various styles. The guests who go there are always generous, and in addition to the fare, they also give a lot of reward.

The driver had a smile on his face and pulled the car quickly and steadily. He turned from the Three Archways to Zhongshan Road, and soon entered an exotic small street.

The walls on both sides were covered with green vines, and residents with different skin types came in and out. There were also a few red-headed men carrying batons, patrolling back and forth on the street corners.

The coachman narrowed his eyes and slowed down. These Asans were very bad and liked to engage in pranks. If he was blackmailed by them, his whole day would be in vain.

“No. 21, No. 22, No. 23.”

The coachman whispered the house numbers on the wall, and finally stopped in front of a three-story French villa: "Sir, here we are, the total is fifty cents. Please get out and pay attention."

The young man generously dropped a dollar, got out of the car with the coachman's gratitude, picked up the bag of flour and opened the courtyard door to go in, but there was a shout from behind.

“Mr. Ye, you are back.”

There was a beautiful woman standing in the yard next door, wearing a fashionable new cheongsam, holding flower scissors in her hand, and said hello to the young man with a smile.

The young man's eyes lit up, he put down the dough bag and walked to the courtyard wall: "Good afternoon, Mrs. Vanessa, has your husband gone to Shanghai to handle business?"

Mrs. Vanessa in his mouth smiled sweetly: "Yes, there are some problems with the business there in Shanghai, you know, because of the Japanese warships.

But where have you been? With such an old-fashioned bag, is our great engineer secretly working part-time at the dock? It's really curious. "

When she mentioned the word "we", Vanessa spoke softly and glanced at the young man secretly. Her thick eyelashes fluttered up and down, and her eyes were filled with water.

 “Go and buy some rice and noodles”

The young man wiped his hair and changed the subject with a flushed face: "Yes, as soon as the Japanese warships arrived, the Shanghai stock market fell. Many people lost their capital. How are you, husband?"

"have no idea."

Vanessa rolled her eyes at him and said lazily: "That's his business. In his eyes, I'm not as important as the dancers at Paramount in Shanghai. He always comes and leaves when he wants. "

“Well, I’m leaving first.” It was hard for the young man to accept these words, so he had to run away amidst Vanessa’s wanton laughter, grabbed the dough bag, ran into the villa, and then lay down heavily on the sofa.

 The moral education he received since childhood did not allow him to have any inappropriate thoughts about Mrs. Vanessa, but she was so charming that he couldn't extricate himself.

After a long time, he said to himself in frustration: "Ye Jinzhong, Ye Jinzhong, luckily you have studied abroad, how can you think of such a thing, despicable!"

After scolding himself, Ye Jinzhong was still angry and walked into his room again, took out a notebook from the back of the drawer, unscrewed the pen and started writing in it.

  June 1934.

“Today I see a beautiful woman again and my heart flutters. I can’t even overcome this small desire. Am I still a human being? What’s the difference between me, Ye Jinzhong, and a dog?”

 After finishing writing, his face looked better. He felt that his spirit had gained some resonance, so he turned the book back to the first page and read it carefully.

"Today my father told me that I will replace my brother and go to the Imperial Police Department to serve as a special spy. We are from the same family, so why not be too hasty or uncomfortable?"

 “x Feiyuan, you are really a **** raised by a mother-in-law. The son of my dignified deputy minister of culture and education of the empire wants me to do such an act as to drink hair and blood. I hate you so much!”

“X Dongfeng Army has evil intentions from top to bottom, pretending to support our banner people’s restoration of the country, but in fact they are establishing a puppet state. Why is Your Majesty willing to be a child emperor? It’s such a pity!”

Ye Jinzhong flipped through the pages of his diary, and his mood turned bad again. Especially when he saw the part where he was forced to come to Jinling, he became even more angry.

 Damn the Japanese.

He knew that it was very dangerous for him and others to lurk in Jinling. The Kwantung Army was unwilling to sacrifice Japanese intelligence personnel, so they sent them here as scapegoats.

 On the surface, they did receive the so-called training, but even a fool knows that it is impossible to train a qualified spy in a few months.

Moreover, the intelligence agencies of the Nationalist Government are not vegetarians. They were fine when they first arrived in Jinling. In the past two years, Japanese people were arrested almost every few months.

Subsequently they were publicly shot, and he even went to watch them secretly. Without exception, the victims were tortured to the point where they looked like humans and ghosts, and could not even beg for mercy.

Ye Jinzhong was self-aware. Those Japanese who died must have been more professional than him. They would inevitably die after all. He, a half-time spy, was even more dangerous.

So work is the real thing. Thinking of this, he cheered up. Following the instructions of the Japanese, he found a job in a power plant with a European university diploma.

 Monthly salary 300 yuan. The treatment is very generous, including this villa for him to live for free. As far as he knows, the other members of the group also do a very good job of covering up.

It's really ironic. They are all overseas students. Their talents cannot find a suitable position in the Northeast, but they have a place to be used in Jinling.

  Usually I only need to meet with the so-called offline people and pass on some fragmentary information to the Northeast. This kind of hidden life is not too difficult.

It would be great if it could continue like this. Ye Jinzhong sighed. Unfortunately, the Japanese are not good at opening charity houses. Now they have a dangerous mission.

  “Bah, bastard!

Ye Jinzhong smashed the table. The Japanese actually wanted to cause sabotage in the National Government Auditorium. This was simply a joke. Let alone sabotage, he would arouse suspicion even if he walked around a few times.

It was inaccessible, so what did he do to destroy it? When he was taking a small train earlier, he took a look at the outer wall of the National Government. He saw that it was not high but had a barbed wire fence on the top, and there were guards with live ammunition around it.

In this case, unless they choose to use human lives to pile up, some people attract firepower, and the other people take the opportunity to destroy, otherwise their team's operational capabilities will simply not be able to complete this task.

 “Batulu, haha.”

Ye Jinzhong sneered. The Japanese had no good intentions in giving their group such a name. In history, none of the former generals who received this title had good results.

 The biggest role of the team he leads is probably to be cannon fodder. What big things can be done with a group of engineers, staff and artists, the only one off the line is the navy.

He could not let the other party carry naval guns and shoot at the National Government. The more Ye Jinzhong thought about it, the more depressed he became, thinking about how to deal with the Japanese.

Malingering? No, it’s too much.

Including him, the members of the Batulu group had an average of three fevers, and countless cases of wind chill. The Japanese saw that their fathers did not hold them accountable, so they could not really treat them as fools.

 Insufficient funds? It doesn't seem to work.

The funds given to them by the Kwantung Army were enough to purchase a large number of dangerous goods or guns, but most of the money was withheld in Changchun, and in Jinling, it was probably only enough to buy two firecrackers.

Ye Jinzhong held his head in his hands and racked his brains to think of excuses for delaying, but he thought of several excuses in a row that were not suitable. Just when he was at the end of his rope, he accidentally saw the radio on the table.

 What if the Japanese cannot contact me?

If the Japanese cannot contact them, there will be two ways to deal with them. One is to treat them as if they have been arrested and actively cut off contact. The second is to send people to Jinling to reconnect, but this will take time to operate.

 What he wants is to delay time! Ye Jinzhong's eyes were bright and he looked up at the attic where their radio station was. As long as he broke this thing, he could be free for at least another month.

As for how to destroy it, it was not a problem for him as an engineer. He could burn out the tube of the radio station by just making a short circuit. Even if the Japanese inspected it, they wouldn't be able to detect anything. This was his expertise.

 Just do it.

Ye Jinzhong stood up and closed the curtains, jumped into the attic in a few steps, took out the secret radio station in the secret room, found two more wires, returned to the room, and squatted next to the switch and worked hard for a while.

Within a few minutes, several electronic tubes that were originally intact turned black and were obviously useless. Ye Jinzhong showed a proud smile on his face, and now he could finally be clean.

Finally, he very carefully put the two wires into his trouser pockets and threw the crime tools far away when he was about to go out. At this time, he regained the qualities that an intelligence officer should have.

"Ha ha."

Ye Jinzhong happily put the broken radio station back into the secret room, clapped his hands, and decided to reward himself in the evening. He didn't know how much of the pastry-sticking skills he learned from Na Na when he was a child were left.

Thinking about it, the smile on his face slowly faded. His family must be preparing for the Insect King Festival. It would be very lively by then. He could only rely on the food from his hometown to comfort his homesickness in Jinling.


Ye Jinzhong opened the curtains and looked toward the northeast. At this time, the stars were hanging high in the sky, just like the stars in the vast northeastern land. He had a lot of worries in his heart and didn't know who to talk to.

 “Mr. Ye, come and eat dumplings?”

Suddenly, a sweet cry interrupted his thoughts. Ye Jinzhong heard the sound and looked around, seeing Mrs. Vanessa standing in front of the window waving to him, looking even more gorgeous and moving under the light.


 “Come on, it’s just wrapped.”

Before Ye Jinzhong's polite refusal came out, the jade-like beauty spoke again, which one is more important, sticky pastry or dumplings? He swallowed, maybe he could miss his hometown later?

Anyway, he had been thinking about it for a few years, and it was no less than this time and a half, and as the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. After all, he could not resist the temptation of hot dumplings and replied with a trembling voice.

 “Okay, okay, here I come.”

 In a black car in the distance, Zuo Zhong frowned. Is this guy really an intelligence agent? Then he was quickly relieved. Xu Enzeng was not an intelligence officer, he was just the same guy.

 (End of this chapter)

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