Cicada Moving

Chapter 315: prey

Chapter 315 Prey

"Chunyang, go and arrange monitoring of Vanessa, and report to me in time if there is any situation." Zuo Zhong said with a dark face, and walked out of the car angrily.

“Yes, section chief.” Wu Chunyang glanced at Gui Youguang, who was stunned, and drove away in the car with a playful smile, thinking that Lao Gui might be scolded this time.

Looking at the section chief walking over with a frown on his face, the little agent beside Gui Youguang stood upright, not too nervous. Anyway, there was a tall man holding up the sky if it fell.

  Little people have their advantages. They just follow orders and they are not to blame if the task is not completed. However, the team leader will be unlucky now.

Zuo Zhong walked up to the stunned Gui Youguang, relaxed his brows, and said with a smile: "Hey, isn't this team leader Gui? It's really hard to meet you."


Gui Youguang and the little agents took a breath of cold air. They were not afraid of the section chief's anger, but they were afraid of the section chief's laughter. The reputation of the Smiling Tiger was not for boasting, and now they were in trouble.

"You guys go back first." Zuo Zhong glanced at the little agents. His task was given to Gui Youguang and had nothing to do with the people working underneath.

The agents ran away as soon as they were granted amnesty. They were so angry that Gui Guangguang was half dead. They secretly cursed a group of unloyal **** and had no choice but to explain to Zuo Zhong pitifully.

“Section Chief, through the internal relations of the Police Department, I found the person who delivered the documents that day. I followed the driving route and found the location where the documents were handed over, which is at the Agricultural Experimental Ground of Central University.”

When Gui Youguang said this, he gritted his teeth angrily and said: "Those **** at one place are too cunning. There is not a single ghost near the agricultural experimental site, and no witnesses can be found at all. The clues have been cut off as soon as they are found."

 Central University Agricultural Experimental Ground.

Zuo Zhong knew where this place was. It was near the west bank of Xuanwu Lake, not too far from Wutong Street where the butterfly catching team was, and the Sanpailou. There were no residential or commercial places, so it was really deserted.

 However, there are many cement roads around, allowing you to travel to various places in Jinling very quickly. Once the vehicle transporting documents merges into the traffic flow, it is impossible to track the car to find clues.

Xu Enzeng acted very cautiously this time. He seemed to have a lot of confidence in the traitor, otherwise he would not have gone to such great lengths to keep it secret. This old boy wanted to eat the Jinling underground party in one bite.

 It is understandable that after repeated blows and scapegoating, if the Secret Service Headquarters fails to produce results, it may be abolished. Xu Enzeng may be extremely anxious.

But there is no point in rushing, intelligence is a step-by-step process, unless...

Zuo Zhong asked: "In addition to some household registrations from the police department, what other agencies' personnel files have been used? You must have found these information, right?"

Gui Youguang nodded quickly: "The report has been found. The files of the Legislative Yuan, Executive Yuan, Judicial Yuan, Examination Yuan, Supervisory Yuan, and Military Commission have all been transferred."

 Having a huge appetite, I’m not afraid of being stuffed to death.

Zuo Zhong sneered in his heart, he would definitely start the investigation from the staff of these agencies, because the small number of these staff means they are easy to identify, and it also means that he can claim credit as soon as possible.

He crossed his arms and thought for a while, then raised his eyes and asked, "What are you going to do next? You can't lead people to search every house in Jinling City."

"Is it really possible?"

 Gui Youguang is looking forward to it: "With so much archival information being used in one place, it is inconvenient to place it in ordinary houses. We only have to search warehouses and commercial places. There are not many of these places in Jinling."

Zuo Zhong was so angry that he was itching his teeth. This **** really wanted to do this and conduct a large-scale search. Then wouldn't his purpose of searching for underground party traitors be exposed? This is why he hates himself to death, bastard!

He stared at Gui Youguang, only to see that Gui Youguang felt guilty, and then he said: "This matter is not only related to the dispute between Chuli and Yiyi, but also related to Lao Song, so the actions must be more secretive."

Gui Youguang's mind was spinning very quickly, and he immediately understood that the section chief wanted to use a place to secretly hide documents to make a fuss about, not only to teach the secret service headquarters a lesson, but also to avenge Lao Song.

Then his movements can't be too big, otherwise even a fool will know that this is the secret service seeking revenge. But what should he do next? Gui Youguang shrank his shoulders, and his tall body looked pitiful.

Seeing that he was silent, Zuo Zhong pointed to his head and said, "Can you use your brain? Since you can't find them, can't you let them come to you? Don't say they are my men when you go out in the future."

 Let them find me? ?

Gui Youguang glared at him, looking like he was lacking in intelligence. He was full of doubts. Didn't he just say that he couldn't search for documents publicly? Why did it change in the blink of an eye? What did the section chief mean?


Zuo Zhong put his hands on his hips and explained helplessly: "What do you want most in one place?"

Gui Youguang scratched his head and thought for a moment: "That should be the underground party."

Zuo Zhong glanced at him: "So, do you know what to do now?"

Gui Youguang blinked: "Forge a clue about the underground party and let No. 1 investigate it. The investigation will definitely require the use of files. I will lead people to keep an eye on the people in No. 1 and follow the clues to find the storage location of the documents?"

"At last, I'm not hopelessly stupid. Are there any problems?" Zuo Zhong breathed a sigh of relief. If he couldn't figure it out anymore, Gui Youguang shouldn't go to the Northeast to die, and just go back to the special training class to be an instructor.


Gui Youguang frowned: "The files of our forged underground party must be among the documents taken away at one place, otherwise this plan is meaningless. Section chief, the candidate must be selected. I think we can only choose from among the agency personnel. After all, tens of thousands of household registration information were taken away from one place, and there are millions of people in Jinling. It’s hard to say who is in those documents, but they have complete information on agency personnel. "

 Children can be taught.

Zuo Zhong showed a satisfied smile: "Well, remember to look for people with neither high nor low status. If they are too high, they will not dare to investigate. If they are too low, they will not be motivated to investigate. Look for corrupt officials who usually have a lot of public resentment."

 Speaking of this, he said with a slight regret: "It's a pity that Bai Wenzhi knows Xu Enzeng, otherwise he would be a qualified candidate. This old bastard, shooting him a hundred times would be considered light."

Zuo Zhongke can remember that Bai Wenzhi went to meet Xu Enzeng even though he knew he was not compatible with Yiyi. What kind of behavior was this? This was Chi Guoguo's betrayal and must be dealt with properly.

Gui Youguang glanced at him secretly and said with confidence: "Section Chief Gao Jian, I will go and select suitable personnel now and let the news out that the other party is the Communist Party as soon as possible. Please wait for my good news."

"Very well, go ahead. If you need me to come forward, just say it." Zuo Zhong patted him on the shoulder: "I only have one request. Find the location of the file as soon as possible. I want to make a big embarrassment to the secret service headquarters!"

“Yes.” Gui Youguang walked away with a smile on his face.

Zuo Zhong also smiled. After the bait was released, he could take action. In fact, there was little hope of finding the location of the documents by following people in one place, because it was impossible to confirm who was accessing the information.

Xu Enzeng has been so careful recently. When the time comes, he will send out ten or twenty people at once to decide whether to follow or not. Besides, in a large courtyard where people are coming and going, it is difficult to be foolproof.

And he also has other ways to contact the traitors. As for the method, he already has some guesses, so what he counts on is not tracking the person who accessed the documents, but the contact between the two parties.

One department must be frantically screening agency personnel files right now. What will be your first reaction after getting this news, ecstasy? Suspect? Doubtful? You may have all of these reactions.

As for the traitor, he betrayed Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan, but they did not reveal any information. What would the traitor think? He must have wanted to find another underground party to prove his worth.

 One is not sure, the other is eager to prove himself, what will they do?

Zuo Zhong squinted his eyes. With Xu Enzeng's eagerness for success and the eagerness of a traitor, he would definitely contact the other party frequently to confirm relevant information. This was not gambling but simple human nature.

 Because this is in line with the core interests of both of them, and he just needs to wait patiently on the sidelines. The most skilled hunters often appear as prey, so what about the more advanced ones.

Naturally, he stayed out of the action and just watched the show leisurely. Zuo Zhong hummed a little tune and walked into the Secret Service building. The secret agents coming and going stood at attention.

 “Hello, Section Chief Zuo.”

 “Section chief.”

 “Okay, everyone is doing well.”

Zuo Zhong smiled and waved to the agents. You can't be too Zhao Lijun. That's not good. When he looked up, he saw Lao Dai's secretary Li Weixing hurriedly coming downstairs and said hello.

“Secretary Li, it’s late at night, where are you going in such a hurry?”

Li Wei saw Zuo Zhong, ran all the way to his side, pulled him aside, with a mysterious look on his face: "My Section Chief Zuo, don't you know? He was scolded by the chairman of the committee."

Dai Chunfeng was scolded by Baldhead?

It shouldn’t be. Not long after Miyamoto’s incident happened, Lao Dai was at the time when he was very popular. Even Mr. Wen was polite to him. Why did the bald man scold him for nothing? Nothing happened recently, right?

Zuo Zhong organized his words: "Is this a misunderstanding? Teacher is loyal to the country and always obeys the leader's orders. Where did you hear about this? It's not someone who is sowing discord."

Li Wei whispered: "There was an accident in Nanchang. The plane we just bought and the airport we just built were burned down by a fire! There was news that it was done by the Japanese, so the leader called the leader."

 “That’s nonsense!”

Before he could finish speaking, Zuo Zhong immediately raised his hand to stop him from continuing: "Why did the Japanese burn the plane in Nanchang? If they wanted to burn it, they would also burn North China and Jinling. Someone must be setting this up."

He knew very well that the Japanese were eager to continue fighting in the southwest, and were even willing to provide war loans. If they had lost their minds, they would not be able to start in Nanchang. Someone was digging a hole for Lao Dai.

 “That’s right!”

Li Weiyi said angrily: "I don't know what that **** made up. The news has spread all over the sky while Virgo is still in Qilu. I'm going to wait outside Qilu. Do you want to come with me?"

He is really a qualified secretary, but there is no chance for him to show his courtesy.

Zuo Zhong shook his head violently, moved his facial muscles, and then showed an extremely anxious look on his face. He rushed to the door of the building and shouted to Dai Chunfeng who had just got off the car.

 “Teacher, someone wants to harm you!”

 (End of this chapter)

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