Cicada Moving

Chapter 317: Secretary Xu Enzeng and his friends (please vote and subscribe)

Chapter 317 Secretary Xu Enzeng and his friends (please vote and subscribe, thank you)

 Dai Chunfeng left, and it was inappropriate for Zuo Zhong to stay alone in his office, so he told Li Wei and drove slowly back to Bingdi's dormitory.

Passing by the playground, he saw the newcomers practicing their mobile skills under the night. Shen Dongxin was also among them, and he was not absent because he was the deputy chief.

Zuo Zhong was very satisfied. Friends are friends. It is a good thing that Shen Dongxin can strictly demand himself. Otherwise, people will definitely gossip and it will be difficult to be a leader.

But seeing that they were practicing in full swing, he also noticed that his hands were itchy and was about to show them, but as soon as he opened the car door, his heart beat suddenly.

 The mobile phone in the space has responded!

He had waited too long for this day. Zuo Zhong immediately closed the car door, drove downstairs to the dormitory in a hurry, and walked back to his dormitory with a normal expression.

 Opening the door and closing the door, he did not take out his cell phone immediately. Instead, he carefully checked the room to make sure there were no monitors or listening devices.

The scene after the explosion at Jishi Pharmacy was taken over by the secret service headquarters. Maybe they found some clues inside and secretly laid a trap.

If his identity was really exposed, he didn't think that Dai Chunfeng would let him go so easily just for the sake of the so-called teacher-student relationship. He expected no one else as much as himself.

 After checking the house, Zuo Zhong used a chair to block the door, so that even if someone bumped into the door, he could buy more time to react. After doing this, he walked into the toilet and closed the door tightly with his backhand.

 Sitting on the toilet, he took out his cell phone from the space, took a deep breath, and lit up the screen of his cell phone. A text message message appeared in front of him. ①

Ever since Zhang Anren's death, Zuo Zhong has lost contact with the organization for several months. During this time, he was a little confused, but he was still subconsciously collecting intelligence.

 Because this is his mission, the mission given to him by Zhang Anren, Xie Jiuwen, and Gu Lan. It is the only mission they gave themselves with their own lives.

 He must finish.

Zuo Zhong resisted the sudden sadness in his heart, took out the code book, and decrypted the code as quickly as possible. The message was decrypted, and there was only one sentence on it.

 “Qiu Chan, let me know if it’s safe, old K.”

 Old K?

Is he his new contact person? Zuo Zhong immediately realized that the other party was a professional intelligence officer, and that the organization was about to establish formal contact with him.

 This code name is proof.

In intelligence activities, the code name is the name of the intelligence personnel. They are called by the code name when communicating or operating to hide their identity and ensure safety.

More importantly, to facilitate communication, many intelligence agents only have one code name throughout their lives, so the other party will never reveal the code name unless necessary.

 Zhang Anren did not sign when he contacted him before, which is due to the caution required in intelligence work. Now that Old K has signed it, it shows that the underground party is willing to give him a certain degree of trust, which is a good thing.

Zuo Zhong also knew that the underground party should have confirmed that Zhang Anren's sacrifice and the arrest of Xie Jiuwen and his wife had nothing to do with him, otherwise they would not have done so, because if something happened to them, he would be the most suspected.

Who told him to hand over the radio station through Xie Jiuwen and his wife? If something like this happened, normal people would be suspicious. Fortunately, the underground party did not act arbitrarily.

 “Safety, Qiu Chan.”

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and sent this message back in a secret code, but did not mention establishing formal contact. The other party might be testing.

If he answered, Old K would know that he was a professional intelligence officer, otherwise he would not be able to detect the deeper meaning through just one sentence.

This new partner is a bit interesting. Compared to Zhang Anren, the opponent seems to be a little more "cunning". At least Zhang Anren will not use this method to test him.

“The organization has learned about the incident in Jinling and is very sad. Please take care of me, old K.”

Just when he was guessing the character of his new partner, Old K, a call back came. The message vaguely mentioned that the organization knew what happened in Jinling.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the time. It was less than a minute before he responded. Old K should be operating the radio station himself and translating at the same time, otherwise it would not be so fast.

He rubbed his chin. He had a code name, a radio station, and could send reports. Combining the three conditions, Old K should be an old intelligence agent of the underground party.

Then the question arises, what is the Jinling incident? Is it Zhang Anren’s or Xie Jiuwen’s and his wife’s? Why did an old intelligence agent say such vague things in precious communication time?

 The key to telegrams is accuracy.

But this made him think of another thing. Since the underground party's intelligence agent could reply so quickly, it seemed that there was still something wrong with it, but now was not the time to think about that.

Zuo Zhong had a sudden change of thought and judged that the other party wanted to verify whether he knew about the explosion and the circumstances behind it. For example, Zhang Anren was the underground party who communicated with him. Was the other party worried about him?

 “I have lost contact for several months and I am very worried. Please tell me the reason, Qiu Chan.”

 He did not hesitate and sent a new message. No matter how you looked at it, he should not have known the relationship between the bombing and the loss of contact.

Zhang Anren’s identity is top secret. If he reveals this matter, he will inevitably face troubles. It is better to pretend not to know and explain it when he has the opportunity later.

“The contact person died, the culprit Gao Er has been executed, and Wang Lizhong, the former director of the Southwest Political Security Bureau, has rebelled. We hope to find out his whereabouts in Jinling City.”

 Lao K's reply was very fast. He briefly introduced the reason for the loss of contact, but did not give a specific name. It was obvious that he was a very cautious person.

 The second grade of high school and Wang Lizhong! Zuo Zhong repeated these two names silently, with murderous intent written on his face. It would be fine if he died in the second year of high school, but after finding this Wang Lizhong, he would definitely entertain him well.

However, this information confirmed his previous guess. Xu Enzeng's trump card may be this person. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be an officer of the Political Security Bureau.

The Political Security Bureau, a professional counterintelligence agency in the southwest, is an old rival of the Camp Investigation Section, and has also suffered a lot at their hands.

It consists of the Investigation Department, the Implementation Department, the General Affairs Office, the White Area Work Department and other agencies. Among them, the person in charge of the Investigation and Execution Department is an old friend of Xu Enzeng.

Well, they are the "friends" among Secretary Xu Enzeng and his friends. They played the fruit party's intelligence system around and over, and finally evacuated gracefully. This shows how powerful this organization is.

 There is a traitor in such an organization. No wonder Lao K wants to ask for a search. The worst case scenario is that Wang Lizhong works in the White Area Work Department and knows many people lurking in Jinling and other places.

Coupled with Xu Enzeng's recent suspicious actions, I am afraid that the worst case scenario has already happened. No wonder he has to go to such trouble to call personnel files. The situation is a bit serious.

Zuo Zhong frowned and tapped his finger: Waiting for news, Qiu Chan.

We have just started to establish contact. There is no need to ask for emergency contact information and dead mailboxes. If Lao K takes the initiative, it means that it is a trap and the underground party will not be so impatient.

 The underground party has been fighting against the Fruit Party for so long, so they must be patient. He and Old K will exchange intelligence in the same way as he and Zhang Anren contacted for a long time. This is to protect each other.

 Sure enough, the other side immediately replied: Keep yourself safe, old K.

Consistent with his judgment, Old K did not say anything else. Although the organization believed in itself, Old K, as a front-line intelligence agent, had the freedom to choose how and when to contact.

 This is the valuable experience gained by countless martyrs with their lives. Rigid execution of orders will bring no benefit except bringing danger to yourself and your companions. The old intelligence officer understands this better than anyone else.

Zuo Zhong thought of something and immediately sent a message: fixed contact hours are 9 am, 2 pm, and 6 pm. Contact at any time in case of emergency. Be careful of new electronic detection equipment.

There are three contact windows in the morning, noon and evening. He does not have to worry about not being able to report important information in time, and he is just turning on the phone to receive messages. As long as it doesn't take long, the people in the telecommunications department can't find the location.

Less than a minute later, the text message came back: Got it, thank you.

Zuo Zhong smiled and put away his cell phone. He was finally no longer a disconnected kite. It felt uncomfortable to fight alone, but this new partner was a bit complicated. Sometimes he was cunning, and sometimes he was happy.

 Hope we can get along happily.

He thought to himself, turned around and pulled down the water tank rope, stood up and prepared to leave the toilet. Unexpectedly, his legs were numb after sitting for a long time, and he almost somersaulted into the opposite wall. It would have been hilarious if he had hit it.

The intelligence section chief fainted in the toilet. This news headline was very attractive just thinking about it. Zuo Zhong supported the wall and walked out of the toilet. He had just sat on the sofa for a while when he was blocked in the room by Song Minghao.

"Chief, you said last time that as long as I do what you said, not only will Liu Gui be unable to eat and walk around, but Xu Enzeng will also suffer a big fall." Song Minghao asked with great anticipation as soon as he came in.

"Yes what's the matter."

Zuo Zhong rubbed his legs and glanced at him: "Don't be anxious. Lao Gu and Gui Youguang are both busy with this matter now. Don't care or ask. I don't trust your mouth, which is like a cotton waistband.

All you have to do is keep your mouth shut and wait for Lao Gu and the others to be ready. Then you can do whatever I tell you to do. By the way, send someone over in the auditorium to keep an eye on it. Don’t let me get into trouble. "

Song Minghao bared his teeth and smiled. You can't blame him. He is a businessman. Of course, he can tell other people's stories and ghosts' lies. Being well-informed is a symbol of strength in the business world.

He quickly poured a glass of water for Zuo Zhong: "No way, section chief, I have sent the most elite personnel in my unit to the National Government. They are all experienced old people, and they are entering in batches.

However, there is a situation now. Liu Gui is wandering around the compound with his people all day long, checking this and asking whether this will arouse the vigilance of the Puppet Manchukuo spies. Do you want to remind him? "

Zuo Zhong took the water and took a sip, thought for a while and said: "Wait for me here, don't move around, I'll go to the study to make a phone call, don't let me eavesdrop sneakily, this is related to official business."

“Yes, I, Old Song, always only have a mouth, not eyes and ears. Section Chief, don’t worry, I happen to be mopping the floor. I have practiced it.” Song Minghao ran to get the mop.

  MD, this flattery is absolutely amazing.

Zuo Chong was too lazy to care anymore, so he put down his cup and walked to the study. His dormitory was a room reserved for himself by a Yankee who ran a school. It had a perfect layout and complete facilities. The most important thing was that it didn't cost any money.

He walked into the study, closed the heavy solid wood door, picked up the phone and called Gui Youguang who was busy in the office. He suddenly discovered that sometimes things can really have the best of both worlds.

“Hey, Guiyouguang? You haven’t decided on the goal yet?”

 “That’s good, let’s take a good look at it in the National Government.”

“Okay, then go ahead and do it quickly. Once you have set the goal, come to me at C. I want to listen to your report.”

Zuo Zhong finished talking to Gui Youguang on the other end of the phone, hung up the phone, and began to plan the next step in his mind. Once the plan was successful, not only would the traitors be eliminated, but one place would also be eliminated.

While he was thinking about it, he was about to make a long-distance call: "Hello? District Chief Yu, this is Zuo Zhong. There is something you need to communicate with the concession authorities. The specific situation is as follows."

Liang Shiqiu studied at Tsinghua University for 8 years. In 1922, he finally moved into a dormitory with a flush toilet and said with emotion, "The year before graduation is the most comfortable year." The Nanjing National Government Office Building renovated in the late 1920s, such as the bathroom in the Office of the Chairman of the National Government, is also equipped with bathtubs, wash basins and toilets imported from the United States.



 (End of this chapter)

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