Cicada Moving

Chapter 337: spinning

Chapter 337: Drawing silk

Ye Jinzhong stood in the middle of the compound of the Secret Service Detention Center, looking at the agents passing by. His legs were shaking unsatisfactorily. He had imagined this day, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

 He racked his brains to remember what went wrong, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't find an answer. He felt that his actions were very cautious and he followed the instructor's instructions and never performed dangerous tasks.

 Even sitting separately from the offline connector, although he did not perform anti-tracking actions, it was not important. After all, his identity was very safe. If he rashly carried out anti-tracking, his identity would be exposed.

 Is there a traitor?

Ye Jinzhong was just thinking wildly when he saw Zhang Guiliang and Chen Rumin, two other members of the Batulu team, being dragged out of the house. They were covered in blood. They didn't know if they were dead.

 He swallowed, becoming more convinced of his guess, and secretly cursed who was the **** who surrendered without calling him, the dancing woman, or several other group members.

But it doesn't matter, his intelligence value as the team leader is higher, the Secret Service should look at him differently, probably, he was a little unsure after thinking about it, and his legs shook even more.

 After a while, two more people were brought out by the agents. Ye Jinzhong recognized them at a glance as Wu Xinyue, the team's ace, and her target and fiancé. This was good news.

 At least she didn’t surrender, and there was one less competitor.

  It's just that the other party's appearance is a bit miserable. Her originally thin and slender legs seem to be broken. This woman will never want to dance again in the future. Her fiancé is not that good either. His face is like a pig's head.

Oops, the Secret Service even sentenced people like Wu Xinyue's fiancé to death, so wouldn't he be finished? He wouldn't be shot directly. Big beads of sweat dripped from Ye Jinzhong's forehead.

 “With leaves in gold~”

 “With leaves in gold.”

Shouts came from the interrogation room, and the guard at the door followed suit. Ye Jinzhong, who was already unconscious, was so frightened that his legs weakened and he knelt down, shouting at the top of his lungs.

  “I say, I say everything.”

 The spies around me were just trying to pull their butts with a knife - my eyes were opened. It was the first time I saw a spy surrendering so quickly, even if he could deal with it, just like Zhang Guiliang and Chen Rumin before.

Ye Jinzhong didn't care about that. He was taken into the interrogation room after calling me to recruit him. Everyone in the interrogation room was shocked that there was such a cowardly intelligence officer, who was worse than a gangster.

One of them, Xiao Qingmin, had a hot face. It would be okay if this person was trained by the Intelligence Section of the Puppet Manchukuo Police Department itself, but these people were all trained by the Kwantung Army, so why were they so unprofessional.

Ye Jinzhong didn't care about other people's opinions. He saw Zuo Zhong standing in the middle at a glance and slapped Qian'er neatly: "My dear, I wish you good luck. I wish you good progress and a bright future."


Zuo Zhong, who was drinking water, spat out the tea in a mouthful. Ye Jinzhong was really a wonderful person. The previous dynasty had been dead for so many years, but a foreign student could bear to show such shame.

 Sure enough, a person who is shameless is invincible in the world.

He took out his handkerchief and wiped his mouth, pointed at Xiao Qingmin and said to Ye Jinzhong: "Ye Jinzhong, do you recognize this lady? You have to tell the truth, otherwise your accomplices will be your fate."


Ye Jinzhong suppressed his fear, looked at Xiao Qingmin for a while, and shook his head regretfully: "Sir, I have never seen this woman. If you need her, I have seen her in Japan."

He thought very clearly. The other party asked him to identify this woman, which meant that this person was either a puppet Manchukuo spy or a Japanese spy. From the perspective of the Secret Service, it was natural that he had done a lot of credit for catching the Japanese spy.

Damn it!

Song Minghao felt that he had met his opponent, a guy who could adapt to the changing circumstances.

Zuo Zhong frowned: "Put away your master-slave tricks. This is the Republic of China, and you are also a highly educated person. How can you open your mouth to talk about things that should have been thrown into the garbage dump long ago?

Since you don't know her, just stand aside until an acquaintance of yours comes. From now on, you are not allowed to speak. If you dare to make any noise, I will cut out your tongue. "

"Yes Yes."

Ye Jinzhong escaped for the time being and was carried to a corner by the agents. He secretly looked at the people in the room and guessed what was going on and whether the woman was a Japanese intelligence officer.

If it is true, apart from the Japanese instructors, this was his first time meeting a Japanese agent. He looked nothing special. He looked unscathed, so he might have surrendered.

Thinking of this, the only sense of shame in his heart disappeared. Didn't he see that all the Japanese were captured, and it was before him, which showed that the intelligence level of the Japanese was not as good as his own.

Zuo Zhong didn't care what kind of hysteria this waste had, so he asked Xiao Qingmin: "Miss Xiao, he is also a member of the Puppet Manchukuo group. You didn't happen to see him in front of any headquarters, right?"

"Of course not." Hearing his ridicule, Xiao Qingmin said disdainfully: "If you see such a shameless person once, you will never forget it. Mr. Zuo, do you think I will be an intelligence partner with such a waste?

 Such a person in my butterfly group, let alone becoming an intelligence agent, would be an insult to my character even if I look at him. As a former opponent, Mr. Zuo should not treat me like this. "

Everyone in the Intelligence Section agreed in their hearts that regardless of whether Xiao Qingmin faked surrender or not, she was a very clever opponent after all. It was indeed a bit inappropriate to compare her with Ye Jinzhong.

Zuo Zhong smiled: "Haha, Miss Xiao misunderstood. How can such a person be compared with you? Wouldn't this be an insult to ourselves? Don't worry, I have found a good partner for you."

Ye Jinzhong was blushing as he listened, and looked at Xiao Qingmin fiercely. After all, he was a professional spy, so he was still a little angry, and he cursed this **** ugly woman in his heart.

As he was thinking, he heard someone clapping their hands. When he raised his head, there was another person in the room. This person shocked Ye Jinzhong and shouted: "Vanessa, why are you here?"

When Vanessa saw him, it was as if she had seen a savior. She burst into tears and said, "I don't know, they broke into my home and brought me here. Mr. Ye, where is this place?"

 The person you like is in front of you, and you still ask for help.

Ye Jinzhong showed a rare courage and shouted to Zuo Zhong: "Sir, she is Ye's neighbor and has nothing to do with the case. I have never told her anything about the mission.

Don’t you want to arrest people? My group is called Batulu. Including me, there are ten people in total. I know you have arrested four and there are six more. I will tell you their names and addresses. "

  batulu, haha.

Zuo Zhong raised his hand and told the secret agent to shut up the excited Ye Jinzhong. He carefully looked at Vanessa, who was in bloom and with rain, she was indeed a beautiful woman. No wonder Ye Jinzhong was so obsessed with her.

A fitted white silk pajamas not only did not take away her brilliance, but made her skin as clear as white porcelain, glowing faintly in the dark room.

Even though Zuo Zhong was brought from home by the spies and had no time to put on makeup and dress up, Zuo Zhong was quite amazed when he saw her. Even compared with the female stars of later generations, this woman was not inferior.

If this were placed in a spy drama, Vanessa's appearance would be the heroine's look. Xiao Qingmin's appearance would probably not last more than three episodes, and she might not even be qualified to be used as a human flesh set piece.

Finding that she was being looked at unscrupulously, Vanessa's tears welled up in her eyes, her shoulders shrank, and I felt pity and said:

“Sir, Mr. Ye is an engineer at Jinling Power Plant. He will definitely not do bad things. Please let us go. I can give you money. I promise not to tell anyone about what I saw today.”

This woman is unusual.

Normal people should first ask why they were arrested when they arrived at the Secret Service. However, she seemed to be going forward and retreating with Ye Jinzhong, but in fact she attracted everyone's attention to Ye Jinzhong.

A very clever way of diverting attention, not an intelligence skill, just ordinary conversational skills.

However, a spy should not behave like this in front of counterintelligence agencies. She should try to keep a low profile. This may be the opposite. From this point of view alone, this person is very difficult to deal with.

Zuo Zhong did not look at her again, but looked at Xiao Qingmin: "Miss Xiao, let's see how the partner I found for you is. This Ms. Vanessa is not simple. I think she is worthy enough for you."

 Gu Qi, Song Minghao, Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang all frowned. It seemed that the section chief had determined that there was something wrong with Vanessa. He didn't know where this conclusion came from. There was nothing suspicious about the other party.

But after following the section chief for so long, they knew very well that Zuo Zhong always had a target in mind and never fought an unprepared battle. They immediately thought about what was wrong with Vanessa, especially Wu Chunyang.

He has followed Ye Jinzhong and Vanessa for so long, but found nothing suspicious about Vanessa, and has nothing to do with the Butterfly Team. What details did he ignore?

Over there, Xiao Qingmin heard Zuo Zhong's inquiry and looked away from Vanessa: "Such a beautiful woman is not suitable to be a partner. She is too conspicuous. If I work with her, I'm afraid I won't survive more than a week."

 “Hahaha, not bad.”

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong clapped his hands and laughed: "I have a subordinate, and I had the same worries when acting with him. We heroes have the same view on this matter. Such people should stay in the logistics unit."

"Mr. Zuo, you don't have to talk to me. I have never seen this lady before. It is such a pity that such an outstanding appearance is committed to such a man." Xiao Qingmin shook her head.

"Ugly woman! Who are you talking about!" Ye Jinzhong couldn't bear it anymore.

 “Knock him out and make him quiet.”

Zuo Zhong glanced at Mr. Qingsheng, and looked at Xiao Qingmin and Vanessa with a smile: "Who said you have to meet in person before you can cooperate? You can do it through the radio, right, ladies?"

 (End of this chapter)

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