Cicada Moving

Chapter 351: The truth comes out

Chapter 351 The truth comes out

“Then she became a die-hard loyalist to the British? Even if she died, she would hold the **** basin on the Japanese’s head?” Zuo Zhong didn’t believe it. Vanessa’s change was too big.

Wang Deyong shook his head: "Of course not. At first, she only agreed to cooperate and exchange information that both parties were interested in. There were two things that led to her complete betrayal of the Japanese.

One was that the British not only helped her retrieve the bodies of her family members, but also avenged her by killing all the members of the small headhunting tribe. More than 300 people were burned alive in the fire.

What’s more important is that Vanessa’s family did not die. Her youngest brother was rescued from an indigenous tribe, but he was missing three legs. If the Japanese were willing to come forward at that time, this would not have happened. "

Leo nodded. The headhunting tribe is not a good thing, but the Japanese pioneer group is not the White Lotus. This matter is dog eat dog. Maybe Vanessa's family did something first.

Thinking of this, he asked Gui Youguang to put Wang Deyong down from the shelf, and asked: "This is the first thing, where is Vanessa's brother now, and what is the second thing."

 “Thank you, sir.”

Wang Deyong rubbed his arm that was bruised by the rope: "Vanessa's brother should be in the UK now. MI2 is very careful about the placement of the agents' families. I don't know the specific location.

As for the second incident, it was also caused by the Japanese themselves. When Vanessa met her superior at the time in Greece, the guy insulted Vanessa without knowing what he was thinking.

What's more terrible is that he told Vanessa that the Kwantung Army cultivated and trained her as a tool, and a tool has no family, and is not qualified to ask the Kwantung Army to do things. "


 Revenge is natural.

Zuo Zhong shook his head. Vanessa must turn to the British, because personal power is limited. If you want to take revenge on a huge monster, the best way is to find another giant.

At this time, Wang Deyong continued: "From then on, Vanessa officially joined MI2. Two months later, MI2 agents killed the superior who insulted her and beheaded her in Barcelona."

 No wonder Vanessa is so devoted to the British. She compares the good with the bad. Compared with the ruthlessness and unrighteousness of little Japan, John Bull is simply as righteous as the sky. In two words, fastidious.

Zuo Zhong pointed to the stool: "Sit down, how did you get back to the Republic of China? What's going on with the Puppet Manchukuo group? As dead people who are destined to be pushed out, what is there worth paying attention to?"


Wang Deyong sat down politely: "Not long after, the Kwantung Army sent a secret message, asking us to go to Jinling as husband and wife to meet the Butterfly Group. Vanessa was responsible for commanding and I was responsible for sending the message.

We took advantage of this opportunity to obtain a lot of intelligence. Later, the Puppet Manchukuo group also came to Jinling from the Northeast. As you said, the direct contact person of the Puppet Manchukuo group was the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department.

The Japanese arranged this so that we would not be implicated when the puppet Manchukuo group was captured, but in this way we would not be able to obtain intelligence. The naval mole provided by the Kwantung Army to Ye Jinzhong was very important. "

 “Naval Mole?”

Zuo Zhong promptly lit a cigarette for him and asked: "Is this a request from the British? Aren't they known as the fleet on which the sun never sets? Why are they interested in these small sampans of the Republic of China?"

Wang Deyong was usually a heavy smoker. After being arrested, he enjoyed the electric chair and cold water a lot, but had no cigarettes. Now he saw that he took a few puffs of cigarettes, and his tense nerves finally relaxed a little.

He looked helpless and replied: “Because the British needed hydrological data on offshore waters, we persuaded the Japanese to place Ye Jinzhong next door for the convenience of monitoring and gave him a job.

It turns out that this guy is not a qualified intelligence officer at all. He either stays in the house or goes out for fun every day. He is very inactive in communicating with offline people. We have gained very little.

 Seeing that they were about to be thrown out as sacrifices by the Japanese, Vanessa prepared to move dangerously to instigate him, but as soon as she got on the line and before she could speak, MI2 notified me that I was being targeted.

Coinciding with the disputes in Southeast Asia, the British decided to go along with the situation and let the conflict between China and Japan break out. The plan was to use the Beidou and Nandou groups and the fruit party conference site with specific goals. . . Chairman. "

Wang Deyong secretly glanced at Zuo Zhong and saw that he had no reaction, so he continued to explain:

“We have divided the work. She is responsible for focusing your attention on the Japanese and using her life as evidence. I am responsible for providing the intelligence of the Nandou and Beidou teams, as well as the cable files.

As for the Beidou and Nandou teams, they were already lurking here before we and the Butterfly team arrived in Jinling. We usually only communicate through text messages. I don’t know their specific situation.

 The assassination order was given by us. Vanessa asked them to maintain radio silence in her last message. The Japanese are very disciplined and will not doubt it. This is also our last mission.

Once this incident broke out, Vanessa was no longer of use to the British. She was a little worried, and finally she decided to use her own death in exchange for the British to take care of her brother for the rest of his life. "

 Speaking of this, his tone was a little low. After all, he was a partner who had been working together for many years.

Zuo Zhong nodded slowly. The truth of the matter was a bit surprising. Vanessa chose not to say a word not because she was brainwashed, but because of her brother in the UK. Who would have thought of such a thing.

But she died unjustly. How much information her intelligence team collected in the Republic of China? How to calculate this matter? I can only say that hateful people must have pity, that's all.

"What is the code book for communicating with the Nandou and Beidou teams? If you want to frame it to the Japanese, those secret files must be unlocked for us. Also, you said that the leader of the Beidou team may be a male, and the method of generating electricity is decisive and straightforward. Nan Dou’s approach should be more gentle, isn’t it true?”

Zuo Zhong asked about the most important thing. No matter what the truth was in the past, the most important thing now is to find Nandou and Beidou, and then find the Japanese and the British to settle the accounts.

However, gentleness is a neutral word that can describe both women and men. It is more descriptive of character and behavior, so it has no actual meaning and can only be used as a reference.

"Judging from the technique, it should be, as for the code book." Wang Deyong replied awkwardly: "Wang originally planned to provide it in two days. It is the ninth-year edition of "Shen Yan" and "Zhuan Xi Lu" of the Commercial Museum."

Zuo Zhong knew about these two books. The ninth-year edition of the Republic of China was available on the market in small quantities and could often be seen in the Chaotian Palace ghost market. The Japanese really considered the difficulty of purchasing code books.

Unfortunately, the other party's radio is silent and knows that the password is useless. You can only check the previous electrical texts of the two parties. Look at there is no clue inside. It is best to catch these people before the meeting.

 “Thank you, Mr. Wang.”

After knowing the information he wanted to know, Zuo Zhong stood up and prepared to leave. He said to the guarding agent: "Give Mr. Wang some preferential treatment. The cigarettes and food are of medium standard and no deductions are allowed."

 “Thank you sir, thank you very much.”

Wang Deyong hurriedly thanked him and was then taken out of the interrogation room by the guards.

Only Gu Qi and others and the agents of the Investigation Division were left in the interrogation room. Some of them had not yet reacted to the conversation, while others were already thinking about how to get on this ride.

For example, Wu Jingzhong took two steps and said respectfully: "Chief Zuo, in my humble position in Nanchang, I have to deal with underground parties and foreign spies. This is the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair.

I would like to learn from you, so as not to panic when encountering the other party in the future. If we can have half of your eyesight, these Japanese and British spies will not be afraid. Please approve it. "

 The years have not yet started to run like a wild donkey, and Stationmaster Wu’s performance is very green.

Zuo Zhong looked at him with a smile on his face: "Old Wu, that's good. Your Majesty asked everyone to come to the Intelligence Section just to familiarize themselves with our case handling procedures. You can't learn from me. We should all learn from each other.

Let's do it this way. Those who are willing can walk, look, and listen to us in the courtyard during these two days, but we have agreed in advance that you must not step out of this courtyard. This is not to embarrass you.

The field missions of the Intelligence Section are very dangerous, and the personnel configuration is relatively fixed. If you join rashly, you will not only put yourself in danger, but you will also be more likely to implicate other people. Do you understand me? "


Wu Jingzhong shouted the loudest.

Left point nodded, glanced around and asked: "You just heard the conversation between me and the suspect, right? Now I'm going to test everyone on what to do next. Just raise your hands to speak."

  They started to talk about learning from each other, and within a minute they started asking questions, which made some cadres of the Investigation Section who were dawdling in their hearts complain. They came to Jinling to be officials, not to learn how to solve crimes.

 So the scene immediately cooled down.

 Gu Qi looked on coldly and took note of all the absent-minded old colleagues. This was what Zuo Zhong secretly told him. He didn't know the reason, but he did as the section chief said.

Zuo Zhong was also observing. He found that most of the people in the Investigation Section were young people who thought seriously, while those who were half-hearted were middle-aged people. These people cannot stay in the Secret Service, at least not in the Intelligence Department.

 After a while, a few people finally stood up and expressed their opinions. Their ideas were quite satisfactory and could not be said to be wrong. In short, some people did not seek merit, but sought a sense of moderation without any faults.

No wonder the Investigation Section was beaten by the underground party and was helpless. Compared with these guys, Xu Enzeng and No. 1 were considered elite divisions.

 For Wen Yi, being caught now is not a bad thing at all, lest he be implicated by these idiots in the future, which is really a blessing.

Wu Jingzhong, who worried Zuo Zhong the most, stood aside quietly at this time and said nothing. He had already made enough limelight before, and if he said anything now, it would offend others, so it would be better to say it later.

 But Zuo Chong was not as he wished, so he directly ordered his general: "Old Wu, tell me."

Wu Jingzhong was stunned for a moment, and then quickly expressed his opinion: "I feel that it is better to be still than to move. At least it is not suitable to make a big show on the surface. Facing the Japanese intelligence team, we need to wait.

What they have to do is not as simple as going out to buy groceries. It is indispensable to visit places and decorate. At this time, it is better to be a tree stump and wait quietly for the other party to come to their door. "

Meeting, typos will be corrected tomorrow



 (End of this chapter)

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