Cicada Moving

Chapter 355: Break-in

Chapter 355: Running-in

 Early the next morning.

The intelligence section operators finished their disguises, got into their cars and left the Secret Service. Wu Jingzhong followed Zuo Zhong into a car, and the car drove quickly towards the downtown area, but not towards the National Government.

Wu Jingzhong looked at the street sign outside and asked in a low voice: "Chief Zuo, are we going in the wrong direction? To go to the National Government, we should take Zhongzheng Road, and then turn to Lu Province Road after arriving at Xinjiekou."

"Oh? Lao Wu, you are very familiar with the terrain of Jinling. We are not going to the National Government." Zuo Chong said with a smile: "As for where to go now, you will know after a while, don't be so anxious."


Wu Jingzhong said respectfully: "I have been to Jinling several times before, and I also looked at some maps before coming to Jinling this time. If the section chief doesn't mind calling me Jingzhong, it's fine. I don't dare to use the word "Old Wu".

 It’s not simple.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the other party and knew that there were many people from the Investigation Division merged into the Secret Service, and how many of them would buy maps of Jinling and become familiar with the terrain. Sure enough, opportunities are for those who are prepared.

But he smiled and said nothing. Whether he calls him Lao Wu or Jing Zhong, that is his decision. Wu Jingzhong's brain is too lively, so he must be warned a little to avoid being clever.

Seeing that Zuo Zhong didn't answer, Wu Jingzhong knew that he had underestimated the young section chief. How could he be treated like an ordinary young man if he could secure his position in the Secret Service? He was too impatient.

The car drove on the highway for a while and suddenly stopped at the entrance of an alley. Zuo Zhong greeted Wu Jingzhong, then quickly opened the door and jumped out, disappearing into the alley.

Wu Jingzhong was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, but he didn't move slowly. He also got out of the car and ran into the alley. The car behind him immediately accelerated away from the place, leaving only a confused Wu Jingzhong at the scene.

What is Section Chief Zuo doing? Could it be that someone was following him just now? Wu Jingzhong could only think of this reason. He hurriedly hid at the corner of the alley, holding his hands on his waist and looked carefully towards the entrance of the alley.

He was secretly glad that after the Investigation Section was dismantled, all their weapons were turned in. The gun on his waist was a private gun he bought with his own money, otherwise he would be unarmed today.

At this moment, Zuo Zhong, who had already changed his outfit, came out and said with a strange expression: "Old Wu, what are you doing? Go to the back to disguise yourself. There are wigs and beards in the bag on the ground."


Wu Jingzhong was quite surprised. It turned out to be just a normal anti-tracking method, but they were in the capital of the Republic of China. Is the secret service too careful to do this? Who dares to follow the Kuomintang agents.

He thought of Zuo Zhong's words that he thought he was in enemy-occupied territory. The other party was not just saying it casually, but was really planning to do it. He thought about the actions of the investigation department, and his face felt a little hot. The gap was too big.

Thinking of this, he nodded quickly, ran to the depths of the alley, put on a fake beard, glasses, and a black civilized hat. In less than a minute, he changed his appearance.

Wu Jingzhong then walked to Zuo Zhong carrying his bag. The two stood harmoniously together. Zuo Zhong was dressed like a young boy. They were like the shopkeeper and his entourage going out to discuss business.

This made Wu Jingzhong a little uneasy: "If the section chief wants us to switch, you should be the shopkeeper. Wu actually spent a few days in a goods store when he was young. There is no problem playing a clerk. Don't worry."

 “Okay, be polite.”

Not wanting to waste time, Zuo Zhong stretched his head to look at the entrance of the alley, then looked back and said, "From now on I will call you the shopkeeper. We are not hiding in disguise, so we won't use false names and IDs."

 “Okay, shall I go first?”

Wu Jingzhong is still a little uneasy.

 “Let’s go and ask me to pick it up.”

After finishing speaking, Zuo Zhong took the leather bag and stood on the right side of Wu Jingzhong, slightly one step behind. He was standing in a very standard way for a servant. Considering his age and the clothes on his body, who would have guessed his identity.

The two of them walked out of the alley naturally and strolled on the streets of Jinling City. After making several large circles, Zuo Zhong stopped a rickshaw pretending to ask for instructions and told the driver to go to the National Government.

Of course, a rickshaw cannot accommodate two people, so Wu Jingzhong sat on pins and needles in the rickshaw and trotted behind the rickshaw with his bag on his shoulder. As for why the bag was not put on the car.

That requires extra money. An ordinary small businessman will not be so generous. This is where details determine success or failure. If a spy finds a guy running away empty-handed, it will easily arouse suspicion.

Moreover, the distance and weight-bearing were nothing to Zuo Zhong. He regarded it all as exercise, so he didn’t look red-faced and his heart wasn’t beating. On the contrary, Wu Jingzhong was sweating profusely from exhaustion while riding in the car.

This 31-year-old old spy has been hanging on the seat in a half-sitting and half-crouching posture since he got in the car. At the same time, he had to fight against the bumpy road surface and the centrifugal force when turning.

 It’s a **** thing if you’re not tired.

Zuo Zhong had noticed his movements a long time ago, but he was too lazy to say anything. This person was used to being cautious in the investigation department. Now that he was reminded that he should think more, it was better to take the opportunity to let him have a long memory.

Half an hour later, the rickshaw stopped slowly near the National Government. The driver lowered the hood and turned around to collect the money. He was shocked. Why was this guest's face so white? “Sir, you have nothing to do.”

The coachman thought he had met a cheater, so he asked in Northern Jiangsu dialect cautiously. He decided in his heart that he had really guessed, so he didn't want the car and was ready to leave at any time.

Wu Jingzhong felt his legs were weak. He finally got out of the car tremblingly. He took out the banknotes from his pocket and handed them to the driver: "It's okay. I'm prone to motion sickness. There's no need to look for the rest."

Zuo Zhong watched with joy in his heart. He immediately stepped forward to support him diligently and said without moving his lips: "Don't do these things in the future. You can still get promoted. We are different from the investigation class."

Wu Jingzhong was so moved that he almost burst into tears. If you had said this earlier, why would I have gone all the way? It turned out that I only called the wrong name, not the wrong nickname, Smiling Tiger.

"Okay, don't feel wronged. I'm going to teach you a lesson. Just work hard in the future. Don't do these useless things, otherwise you will only harm yourself and others in the end."

 Because our opponent is the Japanese, one more minute you spend on this kind of thing means one less minute spent on the enemy. This short minute may determine life or death. "

Zuo Zhong helped him cross the road and asked again: "Do you think I am exaggerating, or do you think we were a little too careful when we got out of the car just now to pretend?"

“No, Jing Zhong has absolutely no such idea.”

Wu Jingzhong immediately denied it and said without moving his lips: "Section Chief, you are also thinking about everyone's safety. If you are not careful in our profession, you will die without a burial place. I can understand it."

Zuo Zhong looked behind him to see if anyone was following them across the street, and said: "It would be better if you really understand. The Japanese are different from the underground party. They are very aggressive and have strong mobility.

I was followed by someone in some way. The other party also tried to kidnap me by hitting me with a truck and ambush me on the way. I was in the capital Jinling, the most beautiful place at the foot of the emperor.

In addition, the intelligence department's elite tracked and monitored a spy for several months, but was eventually followed back to the place where the target was. Have you ever experienced this in Nanchang? It is not uncommon here. "

How could this happen?

Wu Jingzhong felt a little solemn. Naturally, he had never encountered these things in Nanchang. In the intelligence war against the underground party, they had the advantage in manpower and weapons, so there was no need to worry about safety.

 So whether he went to the Secret Service was the right thing to do? If something happened to him, what would happen to his wife and children at home, and what would happen to those gadgets hidden in the beams of his hometown?

Zuo Chong saw that he realized the seriousness of the problem and continued to scare him: "Also, when you fight against the underground party, what weapons do the other parties use? I guess they are pistols and rifles at most.

Do you know what the Japanese have, light machine guns and grenade launchers? They dare to fight us in a street battle in downtown Jinling, so no matter how cautious you are, you understand what I said. "


Wu Jingzhong swallowed his saliva. Aren't grenade launchers used on the battlefield? How could a spy encounter such heavy firepower? He felt more and more that he shouldn't follow him to Jinling.

“You don’t have to worry too much. As long as you act cautiously and keep a clear mind, the Japanese have nothing to be afraid of. The Intelligence Division has never lost to them, and there are many benefits.”

After Zuo Zhong scared him, he expertly drew the pie: "The organizational model of Japanese spies is mostly single-line contact and independent action, which results in each spy having a certain economic foundation.

 After our Secret Service arrests people, it has the right to receive the cash and assets of the Japanese spies, and then divide the profits according to official rank and merit. Therefore, when you join the Secret Service, you are falling into a honeypot. "

After finishing speaking, he looked at Wu Chunyang at the door of a bank store in the distance and reminded: "When you arrive at the surveillance point, say hello to Wu Chunyang, and then we go in, and you act like someone is watching."

Wu Jingzhong, who was wandering in some kind of fantasy, was awakened by these words. He looked at Wu Chunyang, who had handed him his hand. The next moment, a commercial smile appeared on his face, and he started chatting with him enthusiastically.

Yea, very good.

 Zuo Zhong on the side was quite satisfied with Wu Jingzhong’s reaction. He was able to cope with so much information and was frightened and deceived by himself, which shows that he has good professional qualities.

Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong stood on the roadside talking and laughing for a while. Wu Chunyang raised his hand to make way. The three of them walked into the silver building one after another and climbed up the stairs.

As soon as he went upstairs, Wu Chunyang immediately reported in a low voice: "Section Chief, there are three surveillance points in total, each point is equipped with five to ten surveillance personnel, and there are more than two telephones for communication.

Slightly further away, there are two large support points. Gui Youguang's people are waiting there. If force support is needed, they can arrive at the surveillance point in three minutes at the fastest and five minutes at the slowest. Please give instructions. "

 (End of this chapter)

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