Cicada Moving

Chapter 363: Found on site

Chapter 363 On-site discovery

Walking to the garden near Taiping Lake, the little agent pointed to a bush and said: "This is where the first body was found. If you don't open the bush, you can't see what's hidden inside."

Zuo Zhong didn’t speak after listening. He walked around near the grass first, then stretched out his hand to pry through the dense woods and looked inside. Except for dead branches and leaves, there was nothing special.

He patted the dust on his hands, looked at the unobstructed garden, and turned around to ask: "Is this a patrol point? How many people usually there are, and where is the specific patrol position."

“Yes, there are four people in total. The patrol route is in the garden. There is a set of fixed posts and a set of mobile posts. According to our observation, there are no fixed positions. The people in one place are still very vigilant.

 In addition to the body in this bush, we found three other bodies behind the pavilion, in the bamboo forest and in the gardener's room. "The little agent stood respectfully and introduced the situation seriously.

 All dead?

Zuo Zhong raised his eyes and saw that the pavilion, bamboo forest, and gardener's room mentioned by the other party and the bushes around him were located at the four corners of the garden, about twenty or thirty meters away from each other.

  After killing someone, the murderer did not hide the body nearby, but moved the body everywhere. This once again proves that there was more than one person who did it, and they had sufficient manpower to move the body and deal with the scene.

But it’s not without its problems.

Zuozhong looked at the pavilion in the corner. It was a dilapidated four-corner pavilion with only one step entrance and low shrubs growing on both sides. Under normal circumstances, no one would walk behind it.

 Hide the bodies there without deliberately looking for them. It is really difficult to find them in a short time, so why not hide all the bodies there, but hide them separately to increase the risk of exposure.

With four bodies hidden in four places, the possibility of exposure increases fourfold. Unless they are sure that they will not be discovered, the other party will not take such a risk. What gives them the confidence to do so.

 There is only one reason, they are familiar with the situation in the garden.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong slowly walked around the garden and asked, "How often is the gardener's room used? Has the background of the gardener been checked? Do they have a fixed time to come to the garden?"

The little agent recalled briefly: "There are three gardeners, all from Jinling. The background information seems very clear. They usually take turns pruning flowers and plants. According to the records, the next working time will be tomorrow.

The gardener's room is not used very frequently. In addition to tools, it contains retted flower fertilizer. The smell is very strong. Few people go in. The guards patrol here just to see if the door lock is intact.

  The door lock was good when we searched. We used technical skills to unlock the door and found the body. The murderer either had the key to the garden or knew how to unlock the door. Now we have sent people to find the three gardeners. "


Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. The murderer was indeed very familiar with the situation in the garden and knew that no one would go to the flower room. As for the gardener, the suspicion was not high. No one would be stupid enough to hide a body in his workplace.

As for technical lock-picking, if it is the Beidou team that does it, it is natural to open a greenhouse door lock with the ability of professional intelligence personnel, but you cannot rush to a conclusion, you have to take another look.

 “Let’s go and see other corpse hiding places.”

 “Yes, section chief.”

Zuo Zhong and the little agents then walked around Taiping Lake for a while. Not only did they look at all the corpse hiding places, other agents also found more corpses, adding to the previous ones, there were more than twenty.

These people are all special agents who follow Liu Gui to perform security tasks here, and the section chief doesn't know what he does. Without so many subordinates, he didn't even notice. As expected, he will be scared.

 As before, the fatal injuries were all caused by bare hands. The guns and ammunition on the body were plundered, and then the body was dumped in the corner. Xu Enzeng had to pay a large sum of pension.

Furthermore, Zuo Zhong became more and more certain that it was the Beidou team that took action. The opponent's actions were crisp and decisive. It was a standard intelligence operation style and definitely not an ordinary gangster method.

For example, the other two teams that were only separated from the garden by a wall did not discover the abnormality in the garden. This requires high speed and intensity of action, and an accident may lead to the failure of the action.

 A person with good skills is bold.

This is Zuo Zhong's evaluation of the murderer. Judging from the known scenes, the other party carried out the attacks in batches one after another. There were at least six people, because there were three groups that could see each other.

Zuo Zhong stood in front of a long row of corpses for a moment, then suddenly asked the little agent next to him.

 “There are some assassins over there in the auditorium.”

“Seven, six dead and one alive.”

 The little agent was the person who rushed out of the auditorium and knew the number of assassins very well.

 Seven, which is roughly consistent with the number of murderers. It cannot be such a coincidence. The assassin may be the murderer, that is, the Beidou team, and the insider did not participate in the attack on this place.

Zuo Zhong frowned and thought for a long time, then waved his hand: "Immediately carry out a comprehensive registration of the personnel who are in the National Government today. Not only do they need to check their documents, but they also need to provide direct witnesses and take photos."

He is still not sure that the murderer and assassin are the Beidou team. Just in case, the basic intelligence collection cannot be stopped. Now that the National Government is closed, it is just a good time to conduct an investigation.

If no suspicious persons are identified, the two cases can be handled together. As long as the living assassins are allowed to speak, many things will become clear, such as whether they are the Beidou team. After hearing this, the little agent ran away to execute the order, leaving Zuo Zhong looking at the dead body in deep thought. He confirmed that the assassin and murderer were Beidou, and also confirmed that Nai should be Nandou.

 These two groups work together, one is responsible for intelligence and the other is responsible for operations. It seems that Tianfu, the person in charge of Nandou, is more cunning and chooses to hide behind the scenes to promote the development of the whole thing.

Suddenly, the voices of Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang were heard not far away.

“Section Chief, no suspicious persons have been found in the surrounding areas for the time being. Lao Song has taken the assassin back with the people from the same place. Youguang and I came over to see if we can help. Who are these corpses?”

Wu Chunyang asked, looking at the corpses on the ground.

 “No need to ask the section chief, I know him.”

Gui Youguang next to him took a look and said with a smile: "These people are all **** from the same place. I have seen them here before. Tsk, tsk, this was done by an assassin? How cruel is this? ah."

"People from the secret service headquarters? How come there are so many dead?" Wu Chunyang bent down and looked at it, shaking his head: "It's not a gunshot wound, it should be a sneak attack or assassination. Is the assassin clearing out the guards on the perimeter?"

Left Point nodded: "Yes, the guns used by the assassins in the assassination were snatched from them. One of them was exposed in front of the Chairman. Did you see that kid Liu Gui?"

Gui Youguang suddenly realized: "No wonder Lao Song handcuffed him and tied him tightly with ropes. I thought this was to punish him for not being able to protect him well. Bah, he really deserves it."

Then he gloated: "MD, they were unkind last time in the arms case. Don't blame us for being unjust this time. When we get back, I will loosen up his muscles and give this guy a good meal."

As he spoke, he twisted his neck as if gearing up.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the bald man and continued to explain: "There were at least six murderers who killed one person, and a total of seven assassins were killed and captured. Judging from the number of people, they may be a group.

However, we still need to screen the people here before we can be sure. You are here just in time. Let your people help and screen everyone. Check carefully. This matter is shocking. "

"Section Chief, we saw a man named Wang at the checkpoint. I'm afraid he is in danger." Wu Chunyang looked around and said mysteriously: "He was shot three times in his body alone, and I think he looks wrong."

 “You don’t look right?”

Zuo Zhong didn't understand what he meant. Wang was shot three times in a row and lost so much blood. It would be really bad if he looked good. Maybe he would have to accompany Dai Chunfeng to a banquet in two days.

Wu Chunyang whispered: "I saw that his lips were black, he was sweating all over, and he was shivering. I guess the assassin put poison on the bullet. The other party was really afraid that he would not die."


Zuo Zhong was a little confused. Even if the assassin really applied poison to the bullet, the high temperature of more than 1,000 degrees and the pressure of at least 20,000 Pa during the shooting would cause any poison to be destroyed and vaporized.

However, the lips were black, trembling and sweating, and they were indeed symptoms of poisoning. Could it be that these assassins were just trying their luck. It happened that the person named Wang was unlucky today. That was really unlucky.

But where did the poison come from? They were searched when they came in, and there must be no dangerous goods. The time between grabbing the gun and the assassination was not more than an hour, and the bullets were processed somewhere.

Zuo Zhong thought about it and issued a new order.

“Continue to search, toilets, bushes, and every room must be searched. If the assassin uses poison, there must be a place to dispose of bullets. They cannot smear poison on the roadside openly.

 In addition, I suspect that there is an insider within the National Government. Someone hid the poison somewhere in advance. The other party snatched the gun, obtained the poison, processed the ammunition, and carried out the assassination. This was a complete process.

 The two of you will lead people to investigate for signs of excavation and hiding of items nearby. Once found, immediately seal the scene and conduct detailed evidence extraction. Seize the time and act immediately. "

Wu Chunyang agreed in his heart that applying poison is a delicate job, and the operator can easily be injured if he is not careful. At the same time, the poison requires a certain amount of drying time and definitely requires operating space.

He thought so in his mind and saluted with his hand: "Yes, then Youguang and I will search separately. I will be responsible for finding the place where the poison is hidden, and let him find the place where the poison is handled. I will bring it with me."

 “Report! A suspicious person was found!”

Just as Wu Chunyang was about to tell the number of people he had brought, he heard someone shouting in the distance.

Zuo Zhong was so excited that he found the person who was responsible for the assassin? The next second he pulled out the pistol from his waist, and followed the sound of Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang, who were also holding guns, and ran over quickly.

Not only them, the intelligence agents present cooperated extremely well. Some went to support, some looked for bunkers to block the passage, and some looked for commanding heights to prepare for cover.

 In less than a minute, the place where the sound came from was completely surrounded. More agents on the outside automatically formed a second and third encirclement circle. The long-term training finally took effect.

 (End of this chapter)

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