Cicada Moving

Chapter 367: Soldering Iron Tiger Stool

Chapter 367: The Iron Tiger Stool

“Let me tell you that the surnamed Zuo, Shaote Niang’s slanderous person, the secret service headquarters has nothing to do with the assassins, as evidenced by the fact that so many of us died, and Wang’s death has nothing to do with us.”

Liu Gui is really anxious. This **** Zuo Zhong is too cruel. If these words get out, they will be dead. Whether it is to take the blame or to calm the anger of the superior, there is no more suitable place than one place.

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong's smile did not change and he said to Song Minghao: "It seems that our Section Chief Liu is very brave. Okay, I like tough guys like you, Old Song, so don't be polite and keep fighting."

 “Yes, section chief.”

Song Minghao nodded to the little agent next to him, and Liu Gui was immediately half-suspended again, but perhaps because he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Zuo Zhong, this time he kept his mouth shut and remained silent.

                                          ifies .

The wire whip was swung in the interrogation room, and flesh and blood flew in the air. Song Minghao just beat Liu Gui without asking any questions. Now that everything was said, there was no need to pretend. He made it clear that he wanted to beat Liu Gui to death.

Zuo Zhong shook his head and walked around several interrogation rooms with his hands behind his back. Inside, people from the First Division were being tortured. The Secret Service had been in conflict with the First Division for a long time, and now they naturally wanted to seek revenge.

Moreover, those who can be sent by Xu Enzeng to perform security tasks must be the core force of the secret service headquarters. Their hands must have been stained with the blood of underground party members, so it is best if they all die to save him from taking action.

Zuo Zhong walked slowly to Wang Deyong's cell. The guy was lying on the bed with his feet up, looking quite leisurely. When the other party saw Zuo Zhong's arrival, he quickly turned over and walked to the bars of the cell.

"Chief Zuo, if there is anything you need Wang's help for, please just speak." This guy is very knowledgeable and knows that the better he cooperates, the greater his chance of survival and the easier his life will be in the future.

Zuo Zhong had no time to talk nonsense with him and directly asked the secret agent to find him a new room and a radio station that could only receive but not send. Wang Deyong's next task was to wait for the telegram.

The Kwantung Army Intelligence Department, Nandou Team, and Beidou Team may all send him telegrams, especially after the assassination. It is estimated that the old spy Doihara is also confused now.

  After making these arrangements, he walked to an interrogation room deep in the detention center. The only survivor at the assassination scene was interrogated here. It was a very important matter, and the corridor was full of heavily armed agents.

Gu Qi in the interrogation room saw Zuo Zhong walking in and stood up from the interrogation table: "Section Chief, this is the captured assassin alive. This guy has closed his eyes and said nothing since he came in."

Zuo Zhong waved his hand for him to sit down, and then carefully looked at the man on the torture rack. This man was about forty years old, short and stocky, wearing a suit, and there was nothing wrong with his appearance.

 This is for sure, otherwise they would not be able to sneak into the National Government. Seven assassins who could hide their identities perfectly would suffer a lot of losses. The Japanese, especially Doihara, knew they would vomit blood.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong turned around and asked: "Have you checked your body, clothes and mouth? These Japanese spies are die-hards. To prevent this guy from committing suicide, the breakthrough in the case is on him."

“After checking, there was wax-sealed poison on the collar. Fortunately, it was controlled in time. There was also the same jailbreak tool as Xiao Qingmin in the skin on the inside of the wrist. It has been removed. Everything else is fine.”

While reporting, Gu Qi handed over the dossier, which recorded the details of the exchange of fire between the two sides in the auditorium, the preliminary inspection results of the casualties, and the process of arresting the person.

Zuo Zhong took over and checked carefully. At that time, three two-person teams attacked the auditorium, but they were all wiped out by the Intelligence Department. The other person was responsible for covering behind the tree and suppressing the waste of the secret service headquarters.

He nodded. The assassins were Japanese spies, and they were spies of the Japanese military. These people were more professional than those in higher education. They even had jailbreak tools as standard equipment, and their actions were full of aggression.

 In the future, we can use this method to distinguish the background of the spy, and the identity of this living person is also interesting. I am afraid he is not an ordinary spy. This can be seen from their division of labor.

If this was the national army, the officer would naturally be the first to flee, but the spy is different. Judging from past cases, in most cases the spy responsible for the follow-up is an important figure in the team.

Zuo Zhong looked at the man on the shelf and suddenly asked in Japanese: "Are you Tianshu?"

The other person took a slight breath and then continued to remain silent, as if everything was normal.

A smile appeared on Zuo Zhong's face. He knew that he had guessed correctly. This person was Tianshu, the leader of the Beidou team. The other person only looked calm now, but he was probably already confused in his heart.

“Yes, you are indeed Tianshu.”

He smiled and said: "I know you and your group, you have been lurking in Jinling for many years, and you were killed by us today. This result is already very lucky for them.

Because if they are caught by us, what awaits them will definitely be worse than death. It is a pity that they have lost six good torture textbooks. Fortunately, Mr. Tianshu is still there. Please enjoy it slowly. "

 Gu Qi was stunned. It turned out that this person was the leader of the Beidou team. The assassins in the auditorium were indeed Japanese spies. The British plan to make the Japanese scapegoats really succeeded.

To be precise, half of the success was achieved. The Japanese power was indeed consumed, but the attempt to trigger a dispute between China and Japan was shattered. These British guys fanned the flames everywhere, lest the world would not be in chaos.

Zuo Zhong glanced at him: "Why are you still standing there, Lao Gu? Please ask our guests to get on the tiger bench. Just put four bricks on it. Maybe Mr. Tianshu can challenge the limits of human physiology."

Gu Qi smiled and nodded, waving his hand. Immediately, several spies put Tianshu down from the torture rack and pressed him onto the tiger bench. They tied him up skillfully and put up bricks one by one.

 “Creak, creak.”

Soon Tianshu’s knees made a creepy sound. The purpose of the tiger bench was to stretch the joint ligaments of the victim’s legs and cause the knee joints to dislocate, which was very painful.

Generally speaking, putting three bricks on it will make life worse than death. But when four bricks were put down, Tianshu's reaction was very calm, he just sweated a little, and even showed a look of disdain.

 “Add more.” Zuo Zhong said expressionlessly. Based on the intelligence department's torture experience, after laying five bricks, the victim's knee joints will be completely dislocated and the person will quickly faint. He really wants to see if the other person can really endure it.


Tianshu groaned, and finally couldn't help but let out a scream. He couldn't help but bend forward, trying to relieve the pain in his joints, but the ropes on his body prevented him from moving at all.


With a crisp sound, his joints were broken. Tianshu sat on the tiger bench and struggled. This had nothing to do with whether he had been trained or not. This kind of pain had exceeded the limit of the human body.

But even so, Tianshu still gritted his teeth. After a while, the man's head dropped heavily, and he fainted from the pain. He didn't open his mouth like this, which was considered cruel.

Zuo Zhong didn't care how cruel the other person was, he just wanted to pry open this person's mouth and immediately ordered: "Wake him up, change the iron bricks and heat them red, just pay 6 yuan, MD, pretend to be a tough guy with me here ”

 Use a soldering iron instead of bricks, and the pain suffered by the victim will be doubled.

When the agent next to him heard his order, someone immediately lit the charcoal fire in the interrogation room, put a few iron blocks in, and poured a bottle of kerosene. The flames suddenly shot up.

 Five minutes later.

The agent picked up a bucket of cold water and poured it on Tianshu's head. Tianshu slowly woke up, opened his closed eyes for the first time, gasped and observed the surrounding situation, and seemed to be a little distracted.

Gu Qi was a little worried: "Section Chief, will this cause the other party to collapse directly? We are just a living person now. If we kill him and make him crazy, it will be difficult to solve the next case."

Zuo Zhong crossed his arms: "Don't underestimate the endurance of Japanese spies. The anti-torture training they receive is more intense than this, and they will die immediately. Some clues have been found at the scene."

 That’s it.

 Gu Qi was relieved, so there was no need to hold back. It was good if the other party could speak, but it didn't matter if he didn't. It was just a good idea to see the endurance limit of Japanese military spies, so he could do some data accumulation in advance.

 In the smoke and fire, the charcoal fire gradually became stronger, and the iron pieces were burned red.

Zuo Zhong walked over and picked up a piece, and said with a smile: "I admire you Japanese people very much. Really, you know that you are helping the evil, but you still insist on showing a loyal and unyielding appearance.

 In Chinese terms, this is to be both a watchman and a memorial arch, a branding iron tiger stool. Since the opening of our Secret Service, no one has enjoyed such treatment. I hope you like it. "

After saying that, he directly put the iron block against the other person's chest. After a nauseating burnt smell, Tianshu's skin was completely burned, the skin and flesh at the wound were separated, and blood slowly dripped.

 “Let’s get started.” Zuo Zhong blew on the soldering iron, and sparks suddenly flew everywhere.

 Several agents cooperated, raising Tianshu's deformed legs, and stacking the red-hot irons on top of each other. The temperature in the interrogation room was a little higher, making everyone present sweat.

 “Put it down.” Zuo Chong said with a cold face and asked the agent to put down the target's legs.


Different from movies and TV shows, when the hot iron comes into contact with the skin, it does not make a hissing sound, but a sharp whistling sound. This is the sound caused by the rapid evaporation of blood.

Tianshu’s eyes widened, and his mouth opened wide. He wanted to roar but had no strength. He was like a fish that landed on the beach. After more than ten seconds, he fainted again. This was because his brain was protecting itself.

However, even if he fainted, Zuo Zhong did not let anyone take away the soldering iron. He just looked at him quietly until he smelled the smell of teppanyaki and felt that it was enough, so he waved his hand.

The little agent quickly stepped forward and removed the soldering iron, but the top soldering iron stuck tightly to the carbonized skin. He pulled it several times before pulling it off, and a large piece of flesh came off with a squeaking sound.

Zuo Zhong clicked his tongue twice when he saw this: "Old Gu, please remember to use the soldering iron tiger stool with caution in the future. Burns and wounds of this level will definitely cause infection. This guy won't live for long."


 Gu Qi was also a little frightened. He didn't expect that the branding iron and the tiger stool were so powerful. They could kill someone if they weren't careful. They really had to use it with caution. After all, they wanted a confession.

“Use the method provided by Xiao Qingmin to slowly stimulate him and gradually increase the critical point of his coma.” Zuo Zhong snorted coldly: “While this guy is still alive, seize the time to pry open his mouth.”

He patted Gu Qi on the shoulder: "You have worked hard these past two days, completely destroying his will and causing him to slowly collapse. I only want an answer, how did they contact the Nandou team."

“Don’t worry, Section Chief, even if he has a sharp mouth and copper teeth, he still has to speak obediently in my hands.” Gu Qi glanced at Tianshu: “But the location of Xiao Qingmin’s whipping is only effective if it is the lower abdomen, man.”


Zuo Zhong said nothing and glanced at his waist.

Hearing this, Gu Qi shrank his neck. The section chief was really cruel.

   Two chapters of 6500 words, the reason why 361 is stuck is unknown, but I’m sorry to affect everyone’s reading experience. I have been very careful.



 (End of this chapter)

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