Cicada Moving

Chapter 370: three people

Chapter 370 Three people

“Luo Ailing, Zhuang Meiyun, and Min Ping came with me to the side to prepare for the next batch of inquiries.”

Wu Chunyang stood in the yard and shouted, his right hand placed on his waist cautiously. If the spy was really among the three, he might jump over the wall in a hurry, such as kidnapping other people or committing suicide.

Fortunately, what he was worried about did not happen. Before he finished speaking, three women of different ages came out. Their faces were full of tension and they looked a little at a loss, but overall they were calm.

This is normal. The previous interrogation was carried out very quickly, and the people who were called were not tortured. These people naturally thought that this was just a routine interrogation. In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of.

 “Go in, turn right, and walk together.”

Wu Chunyang pointed to the road in a cold voice and followed behind the three of them.

He is still very cautious. If there is any problem with these three people, he may be attacked if he walks in front. Keeping a certain distance from them and walking behind the team is the safest way to **** them.

Luo Ailing and the other two obediently walked towards the interior of the detention center. On both sides were the sounds of torture and the guards with gloomy faces. This made them a little nervous and their steps became hesitant.

“Don’t tell me how you colluded with the assassins.”

 “Crack, snap, snap.”

“I said, I said, it must have been Liu Guina Wang Ba Dan who did it.”

Zhuang Meiyun, one of the three, was trembling and felt her legs were weak. She quickly held on to the wall beside her and looked up just in time to see a man hanging from the beam behind the bars, being whipped repeatedly.

By coincidence, the whip was struck at this moment, and a piece of flesh and blood flew out and hit her face. This woman, who had seen many high officials and felt that she had seen big scenes, fainted from the fright.

 “MD, trouble.”

Seeing this, Wu Chunyang frowned and said to the guard on the side: "Give your gun to someone else and carry her to the section chief. Pay attention to safety. Maybe this woman is pretending. Stay vigilant."


The guard handed the handy weapon to his colleague, then easily carried Zhuang Meiyun on his back and walked forward.

The other two women did not faint, but their faces turned pale with fear. They huddled up with their arms folded and walked fearfully in the middle of the corridor, heading towards the interrogation room honestly.

Wu Chunyang watched coldly from behind, his eyes moving around the three of them, trying to find flaws in each other's movements. However, everything was normal at the moment and nothing was wrong.

 Fear, avoidance.

These emotions are normal. If this is disguised, no wonder the other party can lurk in the National Government for so long. These are professional lurkers, and their every move is carefully considered.

So the section chief wanted to shock the other party face to face so as to find clues? Wu Chunyang felt that he understood that it was indeed difficult to catch the other party's flaws just by reviewing files and observing them.

So this inquiry should be different from the previous ones. The previous inquiry was to eliminate interfering factors as much as possible, but this time it is to increase interfering factors and affect the internal judgment and thinking.

 No wonder the section chief asked the section chief to make the voices in other interrogation rooms louder. I'm afraid the section chief wanted to tell the agent in this way that even if she didn't speak, the Secret Service had other ways to make her speak.

 “Go in and be honest.”

At the door of the interrogation room, Gui Youguang's voice rang out. He stared at the three women and looked at the three women fiercely. Several buttons of his jacket were unbuttoned, and the dark hair that protected his heart made people dizzy.

Wu Chunyang knew that this should also be the section chief's arrangement, so he winked with Gui Youguang, and the two of them walked into the interrogation room. Now there were a few more chairs in the room, forming a circle.

Zuo Zhong sat on one of the chairs with his legs crossed, a warm smile on his face. He turned his head and nodded to Luo Ailing and Min Ping. As for Zhuang Meiyun, she was still unconscious behind the guard.

 “Who is this lady?”

He looked puzzled at first, and then suddenly said with righteous indignation: "Did you take action? How many times have I told you that you must behave like a gentleman? How can you hit people easily?"

Wu Chunyang replied respectfully: "This is Zhuang Meiyun, who is in charge of supplies in the auditorium. He just fainted from fright. Do you want a doctor to come over? It should not affect the subsequent inquiries."

 “Oh, so that’s it.”

Zuo Zhong suddenly understood and pointed to the bucket on the side: "No need to go to such trouble. Youguang, please help Miss Zhuang wash it off with cold water. Finish it early and the ladies can go home early, okay?"

 He turned to ask Luo Ailing and Min Ping, as if he was thinking about them, but the cold water was not so pleasant, and the so-called gentlemanly demeanor had been thrown into Java by Section Chief Zuo.

Luo Ailing and Min Ping nodded helplessly. They knew that this smiling guy was not a good guy. If they really cared about when they would go home, why send someone to arrest them here.

Zuo Zhong smiled and looked at Yue Dawu, who was a little nervous at the side: "Mr. Yue, take a closer look. These three ladies are the right ones. If there is a mistake, you cannot bear the responsibility."

Yue Dawu wiped the sweat from his head. He didn't expect that Zuo Zhong would let them confront each other. Thinking of the dirty things he had done, this guy knew that he could only get away if he satisfied the other party.

So he hurriedly said: "Yes, it was the three of them who went to the women's bathroom this morning."

"Ah~" Zhuang Meiyun, who was unconscious, also woke up. Don't expect Gui Youguang to show mercy. He directly scooped a bowl of water and poured it on her head. The woman screamed at the top of her lungs before she even opened her eyes.

“Very good, everyone is here. Please find a place to sit down. Let’s talk about what the three ladies did in the toilet. Zuo Chong clapped his hands happily and looked around.

 Gui Youguang grabbed Zhuang Meiyun by the collar and threw her onto a chair. Luo Ailing and Min Ping had no choice but to sit down on either side of her shivering, straightening their bodies, looking very scared.

Yue Dawu retracted his straight legs. He felt that the smiling agent had changed. Although he didn't know the reason, he thought it was better to be careful and regretted that he had said too much before.

 Gui Youguang arranged Zhuang Meiyun, and then he and Wu Chunyang stood in the room with their hands behind their backs, staring at the movements of the three suspects to ensure that they could control the scene at any time if there was danger.

Let’s talk about Zhuang Meiyun who was sitting on the chair. She opened her eyes in a daze and looked at the scene in the room. She quickly covered her mouth and her eyes gushed out. She seemed to have a mental breakdown.

 “Everyone, please allow me to introduce you.”

Zuo Zhong looked at the clothes of the three people thoughtfully, and then pointed at himself: "I am Zuo Zhong, the intelligence section chief of the Secret Service. You should be familiar with the person next to me, Yue Dawu, who cleans the auditorium.

As I said just now, I want you to know only one thing, and that is what you did in the toilet this morning. Don’t lie. I have witnesses here, right, Mr. Yue.

Let’s start with Ms. Luo. You have been working in the general affairs department of the auditorium since the 15th year of the Republic of China. From this point of view, I believe you. Please tell me carefully what you have done. "

As soon as these words were spoken, the three ladies looked at Yue Dawu in shock.

They are not fools. There is only one explanation for why there was a male witness in the women's restroom, and that is that this **** was peeping. I didn't expect that there would be such a person in the National Government.

Yue Dawu broke out in a cold sweat, secretly cursing the **** secret agent that he didn't keep his word. He had promised to keep his secret secret, but he sold him in the blink of an eye. No matter what happened to the case, his job would definitely be gone.

His only way out is to help the Secret Service catch people. With the bounty, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t have to work. Thinking of this, he immediately bowed his waist and nodded to Zuo Qian, indicating that he would cooperate.

 “I can’t spare you.”

Luo Ailing glanced at Yue Dawu, and then replied with a cold face: "What can you do when you go to the toilet? Of course it is to use the toilet. Doesn't it seem too overbearing for your secret service to even take care of such things?

I, Luo Ailing, am not without foundation. The former President’s wife and I have been acquaintances for many years, and my husband is a counselor in the Executive Yuan. Don’t think of throwing **** on my head. If you are smart, let me go as soon as possible. "

Her attitude was very bad, which is understandable. When someone like Yue Dawu spied on her, she would have calmed down without taking action on the spot. Yue Dawu had offended her, and there was really no other way out.

Zuo Zhong was not angry, but stretched his hand behind his back. Wu Chunyang took out a document from his pocket and handed it over. This is the list of people brought back today. It records some information, such as these people's names, ages and experience.

Zuo Zhong unfolded the document with both hands and quickly found the names of Luo Ailing and the others. After reading for a while, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, coughed twice, and read the contents softly.

“Luo Ailing, born in 1900, 34 years old, native of Guangdong Province, graduated from Peidao Girls’ High School, was responsible for the daily life of the former president’s wife during the Great Rebellion, and was still a veteran. I am disrespectful.”

ˆ (not a typo, sorry)

His tone was a little flirty. Luo Ailing raised her neck with a sneer. She had nothing to say to such a dog spy. She was caught here for no reason. Is there any royal law in the Republic of China?

Zuo Zhong observed Luo Ailing's reaction and felt a little disappointed with her performance. Although the woman's suspicion was very low in terms of time, he still had to identify her. He moved his eyebrows and continued.

“Zhuang Meiyun, born in 1911, 23 years old, native of Shanxi Province, graduated from Datong Junior High School. In August of the 19th year of the Republic of China, he entered the National Government Auditorium and was responsible for managing related office supplies.

Min Ping was born in the first year of the Republic of China. She is 22 years old this year. She is from Min Province. She graduated from Fuzhou University with an accounting major. She also entered the Accounting Office of the National Government Auditorium in August of the 19th year of the Republic of China. "

Zuo Zhong raised his head after finishing reading: "What Zuo said is correct. The assassination occurred only a few hours ago. If there are any mistakes or omissions in a hurry, please point out the three of them. It will also facilitate our work."

Luo Ailing and the other three nodded expressionlessly. These matters were not confidential and could be found out by just asking anyone in the auditorium. They didn't know what the other party meant by these things.

“Hehe, Zuo said this just to tell you that we know you very well, your parents, and your friends. We all know it. In order not to implicate them, it’s best not to lie.”

Zuo Zhong raised his hand and pointed at the three of them gently, with a smile on his face: "Otherwise, not only will your lives be in danger, but these people will also die because of your mistakes. This is not a threat, but a fact."

As he said these words, the atmosphere in the interrogation room became solemn. Whether a spy or an ordinary person, the weak spot is often not themselves, but the relatives and friends with whom they have deep emotions.

Min Ping, who had been silent before, was the first to react, blushing and said: "I really just went to the toilet once, I didn't do anything, and I was in the office when the assassin came.

 Sir, my parents both work at the Fuzhou Party Headquarters. I am determined not to do such a thing. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Yue Dawu. He can testify for me that what I say is the truth. "

Zuo Zhong looked at Yue Dawu to see what he would say. Facing the youngest and kind-hearted woman here, this guy must have paid a lot of attention. If the case is solved, he will definitely give this **** a good meal.

Yue Dawu bared his teeth and said vaguely: "Miss Min only went in for a short time. I didn't see clearly what she was doing inside. It was no different from usual, and the time was about the same, sir."


Hearing this, Zuo Zhong nodded with a smile, and then looked at the frightened Zhuang Meiyun. He showed his white teeth and said, "What about you, dear Miss Zhuang, what did you do in the toilet?"

 (End of this chapter)

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