Cicada Moving

Chapter 380: carbine

 Chapter 380: Return of Carriage

  Appearance identification.

The techniques often used in case detection are difficult to say and easy to say. It is simple because anyone who is not face-blind can do it, but the difficulty lies in finding the target among hundreds or even thousands of people.

Those who can enter the Intelligence Section will naturally not be face-blind. Performing this kind of task is more like a kind of rest. You can stay comfortably without any danger to your life, which is very comfortable.

But this identification is a bit special.

 The first is that the number of identifications is very large. The printed photos alone involve more than a thousand people. Counting the undeveloped photos, there are probably five to six thousand people. This is a test for those who participate in the identification.

Second, the identification time was very tight, and the identification had to be completed before dawn. Therefore, not only the agents who had no tasks from the Intelligence Section came, but also the investigation section personnel were temporarily recruited.

This made those people who were dawdling full of opinions. They came to Jinling to be officials, not to see the photos. But in the face of the murderous Zuo Zhong, these people could only hold their noses.

More than a hundred people quickly gathered in the conference room. Zuo Zhong wanted to rely on the advantage of numbers to go through all the photos. More photos would be sent next, and he would remove a batch after identifying them.

The four walls of the conference room are covered with dense photos of people who have appeared near Min Ping's residence. The Tianfu hidden in the dentistry of the Central Hospital may be among them.

Zuo Zhong stood in the middle of the conference room, with his hands on his hips and said: "Go and take a look at the photos in the file first, remember the faces of these people for me, and then compare them one by one with the photos on the wall.

 Some people don’t know the situation, so let me say it again. This matter is related to an assassination case. It is a serious case assigned by the Chairman of the Generalissimo personally. Whoever discovers it first, I will immediately take credit for him.

You must do your job seriously. You are not allowed to go out until the photo identification is completed. Even after the identification is completed, you will not be able to leave the Secret Service in the near future. I don’t need to explain this, right? "

His words were naturally meant for the agents of the Investigation Section. They were the same trash as the secret service headquarters. If he didn't explain clearly, these **** would definitely slack off in their work.

However, there are only seven dentists in the Central Hospital. No matter how useless they are, they will not be able to remember the appearance of seven people. After all, they graduated from Huangpu and have been working in intelligence work for so long.

If even this cannot be done, Zuo Zhong also has a way, which is to send them to the northeast to fight alongside the Korean warriors and fight against the Kwantung Army. If they cannot kill the Japanese, they will be disgusted to death.


The people present were really refreshed when they heard this, and the investigation department was no exception. It turned out to be a case that the chairman of the committee was concerned about. If this was a successful case, he would definitely go straight to the top.

Perhaps there will be a chance to see Tianyan, which would be a great honor. Thinking of this, some people who had previously looked unhappy rushed to the file and almost got into a fight to compete for position.

 “If you get hit with, get out of here.”

 “I came first, I will see first.”

Zuo Zhong sneered in his heart when he saw this scene. He pushed back and forth when doing business, and ran away faster than anyone else when he heard there was a benefit. This group of people must be removed as soon as possible, and they must not ruin the atmosphere of the Secret Service and the Intelligence Division.

He is observing others here, and others are observing him.

For example, Wu Jingzhong stood aside and did not participate in the fight, but carefully peeked at Zuo Zhong. The chairman sounded powerful but was far away. Zuo Zhong was the one who could decide their fate.

After all, no matter how great the credit is, it must be reported by Zuo Zhong. The Spring and Autumn writing skills in Gongmen can hurt people invisible. If the other party's pen is slightly off, not only will he have no merit, but he will have faults.

He took a few steps forward and walked to Zuo Zhong, and said respectfully: "Section Chief, if there is anything you need to do in a humble position, whether it is squatting or follow-up investigation, Wu is willing to participate. Please don't worry."

oh? Here comes a wise man.

 Zuo Zhong smiled when he heard what the other party said about section chief and humble position. This is right. Those idiots have been in the officialdom for so many years. Does promotion in the party depend on merit?

You all do things like this, so why should the chief do anything? This is breaking the rules.

He looked at Wu Jingzhong with a smile: "Old Wu, that's good. Let them do the work. You and I can talk about it. How about we stay here these days and do we have any plans for the future?"

Wu Jingzhong felt happy when he heard this, and his attitude became more respectful: "If the section chief doesn't dislike it, I would like to learn more from you. Even if I am an ordinary clerk, Jing Zhong will have no complaints."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Zuo Zhong patted him on the shoulder and said with a hint of meaning: "It's a waste for a lieutenant officer to be an ordinary clerk. In the future, you should communicate more with Deputy Chief Gu. After all, you are old colleagues.

 When this case is over, I will take credit for you. I heard from Chunyang that you performed well when sealing off the scene on the day of the assassination and responded quickly. I am a person who will reward you for my merits. "

"Thank you, section chief. Jing Zhong will work seriously in the future and live up to your expectations." Wu Jingzhong was ecstatic when he heard this. A stone fell in his heart. He finally found a new supporter.

And this backer is still very strong. The chairman's fellow countryman and Dai Chunfeng's favorite disciple is said to have a teacher-student relationship with Minister Zhu Jiahua. This means that Zuo Zhong will never stop at being a major. In the future, a major general will not be able to escape. Now that I am on this big ship, although I am not as good as close friends like Gucci, I still have the opportunity to enter the core layer, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

 Many people think that he has the eldest son as his backer and can rest easy. However, the other party cannot protect him in the north now and cannot protect him at all. At this stage, relying on this man is the best choice.

 It is difficult to get along in officialdom, and even more so in the officialdom of the Republic of China.

Zuo Zhong looked at the busy agents and knew very well what Wu Jingzhong was thinking. He pulled Wu Jingzhong to the Intelligence Section out of two considerations, that is, for consideration and for precaution.

The reason why he is valued is that this person has studied intelligence in the Red Giant Bear system, is proficient in intelligence, is shrewd and capable, does things vigorously and resolutely, and is thoughtful, hidden, and extremely skillful.

Such a person is an indispensable helper in the war against Japan. Many people in the intelligence department, including him, are half-way monks. More people with a professional background can learn from each other's strengths.

As for the reason for precaution, it is simple. We cannot let this person keep an eye on the underground party. The damage that an experienced professional intelligence officer can cause is too great, so we have to be on guard.

 More importantly, this person has a bottom line.

According to Gu Qi's reaction, when Wu Jingzhong was in the Investigation Division, he paid more attention to evidence when handling cases. He had records of torture but rarely killed anyone, and he never did anything worse than a beast to a female suspect.

Of course, this does not mean that he is a good person, it can only mean that his humanity has not been lost. If he is like Wang Aofu and Liu Gui, no matter how talented he is, he will have to be killed. People with talent but no virtue are often more dangerous.

Not to mention that the other party has a good classmate, through whom he can get acquainted with the eldest son in the future. You must know that the corrupt elements in the fruit party are very deadly. If you don't have long-term worries, you will have immediate worries.

 This is not from the heart, but from caution.

 Zuo Zhong and Wu Jingzhong were chatting, while others went around the conference room to compare the photos with the archive photos in their minds. This kind of cross-recognition by multiple people can ensure the accuracy of the results.

One person may be wrong in his identification, but it is impossible for more than a hundred people to be wrong. Even if a dentist from the Central Hospital disguised himself when he went to Min Ping's residence, he could not hide it from so many pairs of eyes.

 Because everyone has a different focus when observing their appearance. Some people focus on the nose, and some focus on the mouth. Unless the other person changes their facial features into something else, they will not be able to escape.

 Then he is no longer a spy, but a god.

“Jing Zhong, if you are the leader of the Nandou team, after the assassination operation, will you doubt yourself as a member of the internal response? Tell me your opinion.” Zuo Zhong looked forward and asked.

Wu Jingzhong thought for a while and said with certainty: "It will definitely happen. No matter whether the assassination is successful or not, there is a risk of the insider being exposed. My instructor once told me to treat the possibility as a certainty."

 “Perhaps as a yes?”

Zuo Zhong nodded in agreement. Just like Murphy's law, bad things that may happen will definitely happen in the end. When it comes to intelligence operations, it means to be vigilant about everything.

As a senior lurker, Tianfu should have this awareness even if he has not heard this sentence. Then his actions today are understandable. He is screening Min Ping.

But using dead mailboxes to fish is at best an indirect proof, and there are still various uncertainties. There is a lack of conclusive evidence. If you want to thoroughly prove a person, you must use a more direct method.

 A more direct method, directly?

He suddenly thought of something, his expression suddenly changed, he immediately threw Wu Jingzhong aside, ran back to his office, and then called the surveillance point near Min Ping's residence.

 “I am Zuo Zhong, is the target normal?”

“Reporting to the section chief, everything is normal now.”

"Okay, you must be vigilant. Japanese spies may show up. If you find the other party, you must not act rashly. Your Chief Wu and I will be there in a moment. Now repeat the order."

"Yes, stay vigilant and don't act rashly."

Zuo Zhong squinted his eyes and put down the phone, almost letting the other party take advantage of the opportunity. Everyone felt that Tianfu should be hiding somewhere now, quietly observing Min Ping until he thought of another possibility.

Tianfu may respond by directly questioning Min Ping. This person has led Min Ping for so many years and knows enough about him. It is difficult to deceive such an old spy.

Zuo Zhong's face was uncertain. According to the deal between him and Min Ping, the Intelligence Department had to ensure the safety of the other party, but this was a rare opportunity. It seemed that he could only say sorry to her.

 Fortunately, he had considered the possibility of this happening before and allowed Min Ping to tell her about being investigated by the Secret Service. Since there were no torture scars on her body, Tianfu would probably not silence her.

 Spies are not a cabbage that can be bought as much as they want. A spy lurking in the National Government has enough value. Before it is determined that there is a problem with Min Ping, all the other party can do is test.

 (End of this chapter)

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