Cicada Moving

Chapter 387: beat

Chapter 387 Beating

 “Oh? Let me see.”

Zuo Zhong took the document and read it, and was immediately attracted by the clear and coherent content. To be honest, the clerical quality of the Intelligence Section was not very good. After all, he was the section chief who set an example.

 But some documents must be written, such as statements in files, case closing reports, etc. In the past, he would put it off as long as he could. If he couldn't, he would hand it over to He Yijun. It was impossible to code words.

Now that he saw Wu Jingzhong’s report, he felt that he could put down his writing work in the future. These writing and drawing things could be completely left to Old Wu. Tsk, this writing is so beautiful.

 “Don’t trust everything a person says.”

He put down the report in his hand and said with emotion: "They say that the Investigation Section has no talents. I think this is pure nonsense and jealousy. At least you, Old Wu, are an outstanding intelligence talent.

 Using the method of investigating other cases as a breakthrough is very clever. I was originally worried, but now it seems that it is unfounded. Well, other people have performed well. "

 “Thank you, section chief.”

Wu Jingzhong replied concisely and concisely, without any trace of pride. He still sat respectfully aside, waiting for the next question. He knew that Zuo Zhong's test for him was not over yet.

At this time, He Yijun came in with coffee. He quickly stood up to express his gratitude. The last thing to offend in officialdom was the chief's cronies, let alone the cronies of the opposite sex. Who knows if there is a pillow trend.

Zuo Zhong took the coffee and nodded, motioning for He Yijun to go out first and then said with a smile:

“I just took a look. Your screening criteria for suspicious persons are very good, but the scope is still too broad. You can try to stay closer to the Central Hospital. Do you understand what I mean?”

“Would this alert the enemy?” Wu Jingzhong asked hesitantly: “Section chief, I apologize for asking, what happened at the Central Hospital and why did you need to identify the dentist there?”


Zuo Zhong stopped patting the sofa with his hand, and said calmly: "You are also a veteran of the intelligence department. Don't say what you shouldn't say, don't read what you shouldn't see, and don't ask what you shouldn't ask. There are no rules at all. Don’t you understand?”

When he said that he should not ask questions, he looked at the other person with sharp eyes. Wu Jingzhong had to give himself a reasonable explanation, otherwise he would initiate internal screening. This is a standard procedure.

 “It’s a shameful thing to say.”

Wu Jingzhong was so frightened that he stood up directly: "It's just related to the investigation mission. If the overall operation fails because we startle the other party, I will die without mercy, so I asked more questions."

After Jing Zhong returned from Zhongshan University, he cut off contact with the underground party and had nothing to do with other parties. What he said just now was indeed just for work considerations and had no other meaning. "

The King of Golden Sentences was stared at by Zuo Zhong, and sweat kept pouring from his forehead. He felt that Section Chief Zuo's nickname should not be Smiling Tiger, but Smiling Dog.

No wonder the people in the Intelligence Department obeyed Zuo Zhong so much. They were often frightened like this unexpectedly. Who could bear it? He had a moody boss, so he had to be more careful in the future.

Zuo Zhong looked at him for a long time, and after a long time he pressed his hands expressionlessly: "This is just this time, it won't be the same next time. In the Intelligence Section, you can be curious about the Japanese, but you can't be curious about yourself or official business.

I will definitely tell you what I can let you know. What I can’t tell you is because of the needs of the case. Then you can lead people to continue to secretly investigate the use of buses. You don’t have to worry about anything else. "

 The reason why he said these words is not that he is unkind, but that these people have just arrived in Jinling, and their behavior and thinking are still the same as those of the Investigation Department. Their loose style must be corrected in a short period of time.

  If you don’t say ugly things in the first place and let them get used to doing things on their own, then when this group of people take it upon themselves to arrest the underground party, what will they do and kill their own comrades?

His ability to lurk in the Secret Service is the greatest help to the organization. All the big storms have happened before. It would be an injustice if the identities of these dog agents were exposed.

Here Wu Jingzhong nodded repeatedly: "Yes, I will tell everyone that the investigation will also be started around the Central Hospital. If there are any problems, we will report to you in time. This kind of thing will never happen again."

He felt Zuo Zhong's slapping intent, which made him want to slap himself. Now that he had the appreciation of Wen Yi and the support of Zhang Yifu, the head of the investigation unit, he had to be careful in his words and deeds.

If he couldn't position himself correctly, he would be squeezed out. He made up his mind to come to Section Chief Zuo's office every day to report, not to flatter him, but just to understand the spirit.

Finally Wu Jingzhong left in trepidation.

Zuo Zhong waited for him to walk out of the office, narrowed his eyes, stood up and walked to the desk, put the investigation report just now into the drawer, and then took out a new document from it.

 This is a survey report on the secret passage in Tianfu, as well as witness testimony.

From the place where the drag marks were found to the trestle, the distance measured on foot is almost one kilometer, which is 1,000 meters. This distance is not close on land, but it is nothing on waterways.

The small river runs east-west. The place where Tianfu launches the water is in the west, and Min Ping's residence, Tangzi Lane, is in the east. Therefore, Tianfu flows down the river, and with the use of paddles, the speed of movement will not be too slow. The reason why I didn’t hear any sound at the surveillance point near Zhongshan Road was probably because when I passed the bridge on Zhongshan Road, the other party stopped paddling and relied on the current to carry him to the trestle.

As for going back, the moat is not a large river with fast currents. As long as you move slowly, the noise will not be too loud. From any angle, it is safer than approaching Min Ping's residence from the land.

So Tianfu has two more characteristics: he is good at sailing and knows the water properties.

It is not as easy as imagined to keep a boat in the right direction in a river. Without professional training, the boat will just drift with the current or spin in place, even if the current is not fast.

And if the boat capsizes, rescuing oneself without being able to call for help proves that the water in Tianfu is not bad. No spy wants to be drowned by water. This way of death is too uncomfortable.

 But except for the naval intelligence agency, ordinary intelligence personnel rarely receive boating training because it is not necessary. Spies are human beings and their energy is limited. They can only pick up important things and learn them.

Zuo Zhong scratched his head and asked, does the Kwantung Army have a navy? Apart from the Puppet Manchuria's inland gunboat fleet, the Kwantung Army does not seem to have a systematic naval force. Where did Tianfu learn how to operate a boat?

  is a question.

He picked up the second document, which was the testimony of an eyewitness. The other party saw a car without headlights last night, getting onto the highway from the dirt road next to Jinling Middle School and driving south.

 The specific time is unknown, and you can’t expect a duck farmer to have a watch. According to the witness, it was about after eight o’clock, because the school turned off the lights at eight o’clock, and the witness saw the car after the lights were off.

The color of the car is unknown. There is nothing we can do about it. The witness often eats the offal of poultry so that he can see the car. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably only hear the sound but not see the car.

As for the identification of the car model, after seeing the photos of most Jinling models, the witness only said four words, "big and long". This was his impression of the car, and the specific model could not be identified.

 It’s big and long, what a clue.

 Except for the Ford Model T, all the cars that are popular in Jinling now meet these two characteristics, because the aesthetics of this era are like this, the bigger the better, the more imposing the better.

Zuo Zhong took out a pen and circled the four words. Regarding the car itself, the testimony seemed to confirm only one thing, that is, the car Tianfu drove was not small, and small cars could be eliminated by touching the platoon.

He thought for a while and did not inform Wu Jingzhong of the news. The reliability of witnesses and testimonies was not great, and small cars could not be easily excluded. God knows what the duck farmer used for comparison.

Maybe it was a horse-drawn carriage, as all cars are big and long.

Other than that, the only function of the testimony is to tell them the direction of the car. From Jinling Middle School to the south is the direction of Xinjiekou, the busiest intersection in Jinling, leading to everywhere in Jinling.

You can go to the National Government to the east, to the Secret Service to the south, and to the outside of the city to the west. It is unrealistic to find driving tracks. Tianfu is indeed very familiar with Jinling.

Zuo Zhong stared at the map of Jinling and fell into deep thought. The other party should not go west. The road out of the city was very desolate and there were very few vehicles at night. This was not conducive to hiding the movement track.

The direction of the Secret Service is quite lively, with Chaotian Palace and dense residential areas, but there are too many people, the roads are often congested, and cars cannot take advantage of their speed, making it difficult to conduct counter-tracking.

At the same time, the slow speed and large flow of people will allow more people to see the driving track. Tianfu’s caution determines that it is unlikely that he will take this path, so there is only one path left for him to take.

 Go east to the National Government.

The main road going east from Xinjiekou is called Lu Province Road. There are the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture and other agencies on both sides. There are also many private residences, but they are all large and new-style residences with a small number of residents.

The road construction nearby is in good condition. The streets are wide enough for cars to drive on, and the cement pavement will not leave wheel marks. If you drive around there a few times late at night, it is easy to find out if there are any stalkers behind you.

After thinking about this clearly, Zuo Zhong suddenly came up with a guess. Not only was Tianfu's work related to the Central Hospital, but he probably also lived near the National Government, and the other party was lurking in the heart of the Republic of China.

Although we don’t know the status of the other members of the Nandou Team, the dead mailbox, the other party’s possible workplace or haunt, and the retreat route all revolve around the National Government. This is not a coincidence.

He put the two documents back into the drawer, locked it, stood up and stood in front of the window, looked at the plane trees in the yard and thought about it, then turned around and picked up the phone on the table: "Help me pick up Section Chief Wu Chunyang."

· During the mission, the calls of the Intelligence Section were all connected through internal lines. Even if the lines themselves were set up within the municipal telephone network, people from the telephone company did not have the authority to monitor them. This is progress.

 The two sides have been fighting for so long. The Japanese are making progress, and the Secret Service is also making progress. After defeating the Nandou Group, they should be able to rest for a while, just in time to deal with the people from the First Division and the Investigation Section.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wu Chunyang's voice rang on the other end of the phone: "Is it the section chief?"

 (End of this chapter)

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