Cicada Moving

Chapter 424: shop

Chapter 424 Shopping

Liu Gui died. He died quietly. The Secret Service notified the First Branch. When it was learned that Liu Gui had escaped from prison and was shot dead, the First Branch did not send anyone to collect the body. Instead, he let the Secret Service dispose of it as he pleased.

This thing was done a bit unethically. In any case, Liu Gui was the intelligence section chief of Division 1, but he ended up dying without a burial place. This incident made many secret agents at the secret service headquarters feel chilled.

In the end, Zuo Zhong paid for the burial of the other party. Anyone who heard this must say a word of benevolence. Killing the escaped prisoner was a duty, and burying his former colleagues was a matter of love. The two should not be confused.

After this incident, Section Chief Zuo, who was originally not well-liked in the intelligence system, inexplicably gained the reputation of being a timely helper at the Bureau of Statistics. These words may sound familiar, but isn’t this **** really harmful to others?

When Zuo Zhong found out, he went back to the office angrily. Even the souvenirs sent by Bai Wenzhi's parents-in-law couldn't make him happy. He never expected that the stubborn Liu Gui would not stop after his death.

 “Section chief, coffee.”

At this time, He Yijun slowly walked in. Looking at the gloomy section chief, he was a little curious. The Japanese spy case was successfully concluded. Why was the section chief unhappy? Is there something hidden behind the case?

Zuo Zhong closed his eyes and pointed at the table. Now he was not in the mood to drink coffee. He only thought about one thing, and that was whether he should drag the man named Liu out of the grave and kill him again to vent his hatred.

 Forget it, it’s probably all boring. If you have the time, it’s better to find out another problem, but you have to keep it secret. After thinking for a while, he opened his eyes and said something to He Yijun who was sorting the documents.

"We haven't been out for a long time. Let's go shopping in Jinling together. I heard that there are flower shows in many places in the city and magic shows from Nanyang. Remember to put on casual clothes and leave in ten minutes."

 “Okay, Section Chief.”

He Yijun was pleasantly surprised. Since the Miyamoto Hideaki case, the Intelligence Department has been in a state of flux, with no chance to take a vacation. When she heard that she could go out, she immediately ran back to the suite to pick out clothes.

But ten minutes later they still didn't leave, because Wu Chunyang knocked on the door of the office, then sneaked in and put a document with a seal on the table.

"Section Chief, the action report from Shanghai has been sent. A total of 4 British people were killed and 8 seriously injured. The head of the Special Department left for the UK today to report on his work. He should have been made a scapegoat."

Wu Chunyang smiled and told the follow-up of the revenge operation, killing and wounding more than a dozen intelligence officers at one time. It seems that the British military intelligence department will be quiet for a while, unless these John Bulls are not afraid of death.

Zuo Zhong walked to the clothes rack and adjusted the collar of his suit: "Have the British contacted the government through diplomatic channels to seek explanations, or asked about Vanessa, Wang Deyong, and Sha Luxun."

"No, this matter involves the chairman of the committee and the person named Wang. The other party will not bring it to the table, let alone ask about the whereabouts of Vanessa and Wang Deyong. There is something going on with Sha Luxun."

Wu Chunyang said this with disdain: "The British are planning to send Scotland Yard detectives to China to investigate Saluxun and the car accident case in Shanghai. After suffering such a big loss, they still don't want to give up."

 Scotland Yard?

Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows when he heard this. This name often appeared in various novels and film and television dramas in later generations, and it was so popular that Scotland Yard was actually the name of the London Police Department.

I am afraid that there is something wrong with the British brains. Normal people would not be able to think of using local police agencies to deal with intelligence agencies. Is there something wrong with this, such as using a trick to cover up Chen Cang?

But this is leading the British, no matter how unreasonable things are done to the other party, it becomes reasonable. Perhaps the John Bulls think that it is just a piece of cake for the famous Scotland Yard to clean up the Secret Service.

“Pay close attention to Scotland Yard personnel coming to China and find out whether they have any relationship with the Special Department and the British Military Intelligence Department. If so, find an opportunity to send him back to his hometown. If not, let him go.”

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and felt that a detective could not make big waves, so he could just keep paying attention. If he deliberately targeted someone, he might play into the opponent's plan. He also wanted to see if Scotland Yard was that good.

Wu Chunyang took back the document: "I will make arrangements. The police station has already buried people. Once the British appear, they will not leave our sight. So I will not disturb you and Miss He. I will leave first."

After saying that, he smiled secretly and ran away. It seemed that his operational skills were well practiced. If he could maintain this high level during the mission, Gui Youguang's reputation as the top expert in the intelligence department would not be guaranteed.

Zuo Zhong looked at the slightly swinging door and rubbed his head. His subordinates were becoming more and more unruly. What's the reason? As the saying goes, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Doesn't that mean...

 No, definitely not.

He immediately rejected this extremely ridiculous guess, and went downstairs to the car with He Yijun. When he got in the car, he found that Dai Chunfeng's car was not parked downstairs. Could it be that he had gone out?

 Would there be any problems here?

A doubt flashed through Zuo Zhong's mind, and then he smiled hoarsely. He was getting more and more suspicious. Lao Dai must have gone back to rest. Not only were they tired these days, but the other party was also not relaxed.

He smiled and shook his head, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out of the gate. The two of them spent the whole day walking around various scenic spots and had a lot of fun. Autumn is indeed the most beautiful season in Aurous Hill.

Until the evening, the car stopped in front of a small Cantonese restaurant near the National Government. Now is the time when funds are tight and we are practicing economy. There is no need to go to too luxurious places to eat.

Besides, last night Zuo Zhong just went to Dehe Tower with Lao Bai and his wife. There is no point in eating fresh seafood every day. It is better to change to a fresh place and try the delicacies of Guangdong Province, the hometown of local tycoon Zheng.

More importantly, he could see the road in the residential area next to the Construction Committee. The purpose of his trip was to explore the background of the suspicious official residence, and going shopping and eating with He Yijun was just a cover.

Zuo Zhong deliberately chose a seat by the window on the second floor. After sitting down, he glanced at the two small roads while lighting a cigarette. The cement road had very little traffic, while the charcoal road had pedestrians passing by from time to time.

The roads that are not far apart are like the clear line between black and white. Common people will never cross the border, and officials will not condescend to walk with the people at the bottom, even if they live very close to each other.     Then the question is, that Guo Party official understands anti-tracking technology and has a strong sense of vigilance. For such a professional intelligence officer, he should have taken a cement road that is more consistent with his status.

But the fact is that he took the charcoal road that easily exposed his identity. There is only one possibility. It may be the first time he went to the official residence that day. He was not familiar with the surrounding situation, so he chose a small road at random.

Another point, looking at the way the other party jumps over puddles and avoids muddy ponds skillfully, it seems that they often take this kind of broken path. This is even more incredible, and it also illustrates a problem.

Having the habit of walking on muddy ground means that the person’s previous working and living environment was not in a city, at least not a big city with complete infrastructure, but most likely in a remote place such as a rural area or a county town.

 A reassigned agent?

 Did he be passively transferred to Jinling due to a sudden change in his cover status?

 Or did you take the initiative to transfer to Jinling because you had to complete an important task?

 “Sir, ashtray.”


 Zuo Zhong was thinking when the waiter in the restaurant brought an ashtray and opened the window a little, making it easier to observe. He flicked the ashes and continued thinking.

If it is just a change of work location, both possibilities are possible. Combined with the fact that the other party goes directly to the official residence, it is unlikely that this person will be transferred to Jinling due to a change in cover status.

The official residence of the Construction Committee is either an intelligence base, a connection point, or a safe house. In short, due to the special attributes of the official residence, it has high security and concealment.

Such an important place is a valuable asset for any intelligence organization. It must be used with great care. There must be a reason for allowing a new person who is unfamiliar with the place to go there.

Either the new person is an important person, or the new person has an important mission, but if the other person is an important person, he will not be in the countryside all the time. What kind of high-level intelligence can be obtained in that kind of place.

With such exclusions, it is easy to guess the identity of the suspicious official. An intelligence officer with an important task has just been transferred to Jinling from other places. He went to the official residence for contacts or reports.

Zuo Zhong put out his cigarette butts, looked at the plates of cold dishes brought by the waiter and picked up his chopsticks. While eating, he chatted with He Yijun, but his eyes were always paying attention to the situation in the residential area opposite.

He Yijun seemed very happy today when he rarely came out to lie down. He was chatting about gossips in the office, such as a certain section chief who lost thousands of yuan playing cards, and another section chief who was afraid of guilt.

Zuo Zhong secretly laughed in his heart, knowing that she was reporting the internal information of the Secret Service in this way, so he listened carefully, but he did not expect that there was tidbits about Dai Chunfeng.

He Yijun was heard whispering: "Section Chief, I have reliable information. I sent people to buy a lot of cosmetics and women's clothes from several department stores in Shanghai, nailed them in wooden boxes and transported them back to Jinling."

cosmetic? Women's clothing?

Zuo Zhong took a sip of tea and suddenly thought of Yue Dawu who peeked into the toilet. This guy also said that Dai Chunfeng secretly met with a woman from the National Government and made it very mysterious.

 Could it be that I have a cheap wife? It is unlikely. Lao Dai is very obsessed with power, and now that his career is on the rise, there is no reason why he suddenly loves beauty but not the country.

He was moved in his heart, and he pretended to be doubtful and asked: "Yijun, who told you this? It can't be a rumor. Don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing in the future. The most common people in the Secret Service are inquisitors."

"I know the section chief is the operator of the Telecommunications Section. They helped Secretary Li translate the message. The message is absolutely accurate. I have verified it many times." He Yijun nodded. She knew the importance of this matter.

Zuo Zhong fell into deep thought. Based on his understanding of Teacher Cheap, that woman was probably Lao Dai's spy. So who was she? Underground party? Japanese? Local warlord?

He thought about it and felt that the possibility of an underground party was higher, and the two parties should be in preliminary contact, otherwise there was no need for Lao Dai to keep it secret. Dai Chunfeng was just trying to catch a big fish.

 While the two were chatting, the food was served piping hot. Cantonese cuisine pays attention to pot qi. The dishes need to be stir-fried quickly, and customers have to eat them hot to taste the caramel aroma. This is called pot qi.

Zuo Zhong smelled the aroma of the vegetables, but felt that some things should not be rushed, so he smiled and said: "Eat, don't talk to those people in the telecommunications department in the future, leaks will definitely be blamed on you, so be more careful."

"Oh, I see."

He Yijun's heart warmed slightly when he heard Zuo Zhong's concern. He glanced out the window unintentionally, and then a look of confusion appeared on his face, and he pointed at the car passing by in the distance.

“Section Chief, that’s Xu Enzeng’s car, right?”

 Xu Enzeng?

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong looked along her hand and happened to see a Buick car drive quickly into the gate of the Construction Committee. He couldn't see the license plate clearly, but it was indeed the model of the first-class special car of the director.

   I am not feeling well, so I will publish it automatically. If there are any typos, please point them out and change them tomorrow. Sorry.



 (End of this chapter)

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