Cicada Moving

Chapter 431: Safe House (Thanks to the leader of Feng Liang Wenyue)

Chapter 431 Safe House (Thanks to the leader of Feng Liang Wenyue)


At five o'clock in the morning, the officer on duty of the Secret Service blew the whistle. This was not a special situation, but it was time to change the shift. Each armed guard walked to the middle of the compound and began to form a team.

Zuo Zhong opened his eyes on the sofa, stretched while sitting there, stood up, walked to the window and looked down, then looked at his watch. He felt that the time was almost up and it was time to go to the safe house.

 Setting out during shift time was not to cover up his whereabouts. He was considered a senior officer in the Secret Service. It was simply unrealistic to leave secretly. He was afraid that he would be saluted all the way to the door.

 This point was chosen because the people who make a living at night have already gotten off work, and other people are either in bed or preparing breakfast. There are the fewest pedestrians on the street, making it easier for him to move next.

Zuo Zhong checked his briefcase again, put on his windbreaker and hat and walked out of the office. The dark corridor was empty, with only the clusters of light left by the light bulb on the ground.

"Da da da"

His footsteps were extremely loud in the silence. A small agent quickly came out of the duty room of the Intelligence Department. When he found out that it was his own section chief, his originally vigilant eyes disappeared and he immediately saluted at attention.

 “Hello, section chief.”

 “Well, thank you for your hard work, let’s continue.”

Zuo Zhong nodded casually and walked downstairs without deliberately chatting with the other person. There was no 300 taels of silver here, and there was no need for a section chief to greet ordinary agents.

At this time, there were already some staff members in the Secret Service building, such as members of the telecommunications section who worked three shifts around the clock. When these people saw the serious smiling tiger, they all stopped and saluted.

Zuo Zhong waved his hand, not even bothering to answer. He quickly left the building and walked to the car, opened the door and got in. He looked at the rearview mirror with his peripheral vision and started the engine. ①

The car made a roar, then slowly drove out of the gate of the Secret Service, entered the road without any vehicles or pedestrians, and quickly disappeared into the complicated streets within a few minutes.

In such a situation without cover, stalking behavior is easily exposed. Jiang Jin in the Butterfly case was a good anti-stalker. He used the empty streets to confirm safety.

Had it not been for long-distance surveillance by planes, they wouldn't have been able to catch this guy, but the sky above Jinling was very quiet today, and Captain Gao's children should still be in the hangar.

Zuo Zhong did not use too many anti-tracking techniques on the way, which was suspicious. After he drove out of the secret service office, he just circled a few remote locations nearby and then sped towards the south of the city.

There is a reason why he is so cautious. Dai Chunfeng is a very suspicious person. The revelation about Yu Hong to him last night may be a test and a test. He must be more vigilant in this operation.

 Be cautious and you can never go wrong.

 While paying attention to the movement behind the car, he thought about the address Tianfu wrote on the table before his execution, No. 24, Lane A, Zhuque Road, where there was a secluded courtyard hidden in the downtown area.

The yard is only more than a hundred meters away from the Jinling Party Headquarters, and only two or three hundred meters away from the Jinling City Hall. The more dangerous the place, the safer it is. Tianfu just likes to be clever.

However, there is a bank, station, telegraph office, railway station on Zhuque Road, and there is also a Muslim restaurant on the corner. People in Jinling are used to going there to order two dishes or set up a table when they have weddings or weddings.

Therefore, the flow of people here is very large. Tianfu’s safe house is located here, which is in line with the saying that the great hermit is hidden in the city. In case of danger, you can leave from the station or send a telegram to the Kwantung Army.

Zuo Zhong turned the steering wheel while thinking and drove towards the planned location. He planned to park nearby and then walk to the safe house. After all, it was easier for people to hide their movements than cars.

A few minutes later, the car stopped in an alley. The back wall of the bank was on the left side of the alley, and the wall of the residential area was on the right side. There were no windows or doors, so it was very suitable as a transit place.

He carefully observed the movement around him, got into the back row, changed into a set of clothes, put on a fake beard, stuffed facial camouflage stuffing into his mouth, and soon transformed into a different look.

 After doing this, Zuo Zhong locked the car door and walked around the alley. After walking behind a wall, he looked around to make sure there were no pedestrians. He stepped on the wall and climbed over easily.

To an intelligence officer, an ordinary wall is no different from flat ground. After jumping off the wall, he landed on his toes and rolled forward, hiding behind a piece of tarpaulin and looking outside.

This is Zhuque Road Alley A, and the place of landing is a tea shop. The boss usually only comes in the afternoon, and tables, chairs, benches and other things are piled up in the corner, which just covers his movements.

As soon as he got the address of the safe house, he made a detailed survey of the surrounding terrain and buildings. Yesterday when he went shopping with He Yijun, he even walked around. All this was for safety.

Zuo glanced at his watch again. It was five-thirty, so we had to hurry up.

He has at most thirty minutes left to act. Six o'clock is the wake-up time for many families. Even if he disguises his face, he must try to avoid being directly seen in the face.

 Fortunately, Zhuque Road is still very quiet at present. There are only two houses with smoke rising from their chimneys. As long as you move quickly, you can evacuate before the number of pedestrians increases, and there is no big problem. Zuo Zhong straightened his clothes, stood up and walked out of the shelter, leading his handbag to No. 24. The safe house was still some distance away, and it took almost five minutes to walk.

He has deduced in his mind countless times where to turn and where to take detours on this road. He even checked out the dangerous people in Zhuque Road Alley through relevant channels.

The so-called dangerous persons include, first, members of the military and police of the Fruit Party, second, gangsters, and third, businessmen. These people have certain powers of observation and may remember his appearance.

Unable to use the power of the Secret Service, he must consider all possibilities. Perhaps one look at each other can determine the success or failure of the action. It is better to be cautious than to make up for mistakes after discovering them afterwards.

Zuo Zhong was recalling the steps when a resident who got up early opened the door. He turned slightly sideways, lowered the brim of his hat and walked quickly over, with a calm expression on his face, without a trace of nervousness.

The other party was startled by the sudden appearance of the person. He obviously didn't expect that someone would pass by so early, so he curiously looked out and found that he was familiar with the road, and then turned around and returned to the house.

This is one of the disadvantages of moving in an old residential area. There are many people and the people are very familiar with each other. The appearance of strangers is very conspicuous. Zuo Zhong quickened his pace slightly and finally arrived in front of Gate No. 24.

There is a large copper lock hanging on the door. The nameplate is from the legendary German product, but the structure of this marble-type padlock is very simple. The biggest effect is that it wasted dozens of seconds of his time.

Zuo Zhong took off the intact door lock, looked back at the movement next door, walked in gently with his feet and closed the door with his backhand, and then observed the normal-looking small courtyard in front of him.

Like all the houses in Jinling, there is a row of main rooms to the north of the small courtyard, a kitchen to the east, and a small courtyard at the front and back. The water well and townhouse tree are in the west corner of the front yard. The layout is clear at a glance.

 He ​​knew that every next step might encounter a trap. Tianfu was very vigilant and had a suspicious personality. It was impossible for such an important safe house to be without safety measures.

Moreover, the fact that the other party revealed the address of the safe house is very strange. Would an agent who can commit suicide without hesitation care about his family? This is doubtful, at least the credibility is not very high.

Perhaps Tianfu revealed the address to lure him to a safe house and kill him with the help of a trap. This is in line with the style of Japanese spies. These beasts have no humanity at all, they are just a bunch of lunatics.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while, and looked past the courtyard to the main house. There was no need for the other party to set up a trap in the courtyard, because there were too many uncertainties. In case of accidental damage, Tianfu would be easily exposed.

This is also true. He checked the yard and found no dangerous items except some living tools. However, he found a deflated rubber boat in the corner of the backyard.

It seems that Tianfu is not lying. Even if this place is not a safe house, it is also a storage point for mobile equipment. However, the other party cannot rent a house just to put a boat. Now it depends on what is in the house.

Zuo Zhong kicked the outer shell of the rubber boat. This thing is just right for the underground party. To the west of the construction committee is the moat. It may be used during the retreat. Xu Enzengqian will be stunned when the time comes.

He turned back to the main door, which was equipped with a Spilling lock. It took more than ten seconds to open it. Instead of pushing the door rashly, he took out a dagger and slowly inserted it into the crack of the door and began to check.

To use this method to detect traps, you need enough courage, patience and sensitive touch. If you use a little more effort, the trap may be triggered and the small yard will be blown up into the sky.

He held the dagger in both hands and moved it up and down along the crack of the door. When he checked the top of the door panel, he suddenly froze, and then retracted the dagger at an unusually slow speed.

 MD, there are real traps.

Zuo Zhong wiped the cold sweat from his head, replaced the dagger with pliers and reached into the crack of the door again, pinching something hard, but it was not over yet. Then he found three more mine traps.

Four powerful grenades were fixed at the four corners of the door frame and connected to the door with four steel wires. If he pushed the door directly, he would definitely be blown to pieces. The little devil really had no good intentions.

It would be too unjust to die here. A killing intent flashed in Zuo Zhong's eyes. It seemed that he really wanted to give some big gifts to his family and friends in Tianfu. Reciprocity should be reciprocated.

After confirming that there were no traps on the door, he slowly opened the door and raised his right foot to enter the room to search for the radio. But the moment he landed, he seemed to have thought of something and retracted his foot.

These traps are too crudely set. Experienced intelligence personnel will check them before entering. So what is the point of doing so? Based on Tianfu's previous performance, the traps should be more concealed.

More importantly, what if someone breaks in through the window? The trap on the door will not play any role, so it cannot be ruled out that these are just deceptions, and the real killing move is still there.

In 1911, in a laboratory in a garage in Dayton, Ohio, a historic milestone in automotive engineering technology was born, that is, the first electronic starter in the history of the automotive industry developed by Kettering. Cars at that time were commonly equipped with cumbersome and dangerous manual crank starters.



 (End of this chapter)

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