Cicada Moving

Chapter 438: Makeover

Chapter 438: Change of appearance

Within a few minutes, Gu Qi knocked on the door and walked into the office. As soon as they met, he smiled and said: "Section Chief, I just had a phone call with Dr. Ling. The children sent a few days ago have already passed the physical examination."

 “Oh? How’s the situation?”

Zuo Zhong stood up and walked to the sofa and waved to him: "Come and sit. These children must have been hungry for a long time. You can ask the hospital to pay more attention to them and just provide them with liquid food in the near future."

 Suddenly eating a lot after being starved for a long time can easily lead to death or cardiac arrest. We are accumulating talents for the future and also to do good things. We must not do bad things with good intentions. "

This is not alarmist. Porridge has been provided for disaster relief since ancient times. The scalding hot porridge allows the victims to eat slowly, gradually increasing various hormones in the body, and preventing sudden death.

“Don’t worry about this. Dr. Ling has personally taken care of the children’s diet. He is a doctor, so he must be more professional than us. However, these children are in good health, which is a bit strange.”

Gu Qi sat down and explained: "Of the more than a hundred children we brought over, only a few had colds and fevers. The others were very healthy and not even parasites were found."

After leaving Laohuqiao Prison that day, he went to a place where the military used to sell prisoners. Using the secret service and Dai Chunfeng's reputation, he bought most of the children back before the sale began.

The people in the military were originally reluctant, because Gucci said he was buying it, but in fact he didn't pay a penny, that is, it was on credit. However, due to the reputation of these gang of spies, they could only admit it with pinched noses.

"This is normal."

Zuo Chong said quietly: "Those with poor physical condition all died on the road, and the underground party has set up some kind of children's league in the southwest region, and the participating children have all received basic health education.

 According to the information I have received, there are requirements such as washing hands frequently and not drinking raw water. Parasites are easy to prevent as long as the infection route is cut off. The underground party has taken the lead in this regard. "

Actually, it’s not just getting to the front, it’s a thousand miles away. The so-called New Life Movement has these requirements, but no one is seriously implementing them, and there are many people who are taking advantage of the opportunity to make money.

 For example, Lao Bai and Section Chief Yang.

In addition, a survey by the Department of Health shows that the parasitic infection rate among children in Jinling is almost 100%. This is true regardless of economic status, even for children from wealthy families. It is fair.

 “So that’s how it is.”

Gu Qi suddenly nodded, and then leaned closer to ask for instructions: "Section Chief, when will the money be sent to the military people? My phone has not been disconnected in the past two days, so I'd better give the money earlier."

His opinion is very clear. Some people's debts can be relied on, and some people's debts cannot be relied on. The military belongs to the latter category. Some of them have guns and backing, and they can smash the Secret Service if they are pressed.

Furthermore, this business is very deep, and many troops rely on human trafficking for their military salary. If these military leaders and big shots are offended, it will be difficult for them to handle intelligence work in the military in the future.

Zuo Zhong knew this well and was prepared for it: "Money, this matter is easy to solve. Tell those people that because of the rampant Japanese spies, the protection fees for all their businesses will increase by 10% from this month.

 This money does not require cash, so let them use the children of the captives in exchange. If they are still not satisfied, then increase it by another 20%. MD, I am working hard with the spies, and they have to contribute. "

  Why should you pay back the money you owe based on your ability? Without the cover of the Secret Service, many businesses in the military will not be able to do business. Unless they dare to openly defy the government, the price they pay will only be greater.

Gu Qi thought for a moment and nodded: "I'm going to meet a few people today to talk about this matter. It's best to have Lao Song accompany me. He has a good relationship with the army, and the other party may give him some face."

 “Yes, I think it works.”

 Zuo Zhong thought this was a good idea. Song Minghao withdrew from the arms business, but his connections were still there. Even if they wanted to silence their old friends, they had to give in on this matter.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and turned to ask Gu Qi: "By the way, what's going on with Lao Song? Has the secret service headquarters discovered the underground party in the past two days, and has anyone sent anyone to investigate."

"No, just like the previous two days, only one person in charge of purchasing came in and out of the official residence. Neither the first office nor us sent anyone to follow. We just took a few photos from a distance." Gu Qi immediately replied.

 “Well, then I’m relieved.”

Zuo Zhong's eyes were solemn. There are two possibilities for this situation. One is that Old K did not notify the official residence, and the other is that the underground party has received the news and is just confused now.

 The second situation is naturally good, but the first situation will be troublesome. It seems that we need to test Old K and ask about the specific situation. If there is something wrong, we must clean up the other party as soon as possible.

As for the method of testing, he had already made a plan, which was to follow and monitor. It was time to tell Old K the address of the safe house in Tianfu. Three days had passed since he went there.

There is a reason for such a long notice. Someone might have seen his appearance and figure after disguise that day, but three days is enough to destroy all evidence, including the memories of eyewitnesses.

 Just like this, he had to stay near Zhuque Road for a long time, and he couldn't leave his contact information. Corey had no time to take care of his official duties, so he had to arrange these things in advance.

 “Lao Gu, there is something I want you to do.”

Zuo Zhong glanced at the door specifically, approached Gu Qi and said in a mysterious tone: "I have a task to perform during the next period. You are responsible for Corey's official affairs. I will call back every day. If Virgo asks, you Just say that I went to do the things I mentioned that night. Don’t ask any other questions. I can’t explain it. To the outside world, just say that I am slightly unwell and am recuperating in the dormitory.”

 Gu Qi was surprised that the task was so confidential and important that it had to be carried out by the section chief himself. He was afraid that it had something to do with the boss, and maybe it was a task assigned by the leader himself, so he nodded immediately.

"Yes, I don't think anything serious will happen with me. Section Chief, you must pay attention to safety. Do you want Wu Chunyang to come back to cooperate with the operation? I'm really worried about you going on the mission alone."

"No, it's not a dangerous mission. You should go back now. If Xu Enzeng attacks the official residence, you must arrest him before them." Zuo Zhong warned with a serious expression.


 Gu Qi understood the profound meaning of these words, and immediately stood up to say goodbye and returned to the office to take charge of the overall situation. He decided to live in the office from now on. The victory or defeat of the political struggle can be determined in an instant, so he cannot be careless.

The Secret Service has been fighting with the First Branch for several years, and it’s time for a showdown. They had previously beaten the other side to the point where they were unable to fight back, but this alone was not enough. The First Branch had to give up the competition completely.

 Lao Gu hurriedly left. Zuo Zhong put the documents into the safe, left a few secret notes, reset the password, and scrambled the password dial. Then he changed his clothes and left the office.

 “Yijun, I’m out.”

 “Yes, section chief.”

Hearing He Yijun's answer, he went downstairs, got in his car and disappeared into the Secret Service. Zuo Zhong will temporarily disappear in the next few days or even longer, and will be replaced by a man named Zhao Hao from Lu Province.

Zhao Hao was born in the 11th year of the Republic of China. He came to Jinling for two years and made a living by working. After entering the city, he learned some words but not much. His accent was deliberately slightly Jinling accent and he lived in the home of a distant relative in Jinling.

While driving, Zuo Zhong recalled the key information of his new identity. This was just like the character biographies written by actors in later generations, to flesh out a virtual character in his mind little by little.

 My personal profile information, basic information about my family, personality traits, how I laugh, how I cry, what I like to eat, what I am afraid of, and the reason for coming to Jinling must be completed.

 As the same saying goes, if you want to deceive others, you must first deceive yourself. Otherwise, with his current appearance, as long as he appears in front of Old K, the other party will definitely notice that something is wrong. There is no doubt about it.

After having been dealing with him for so long, leaving aside the issue of identity for the moment, Zuo Zhong was very sure that Old K was an experienced intelligence officer. To deceive such a veteran, there must be no loopholes in his identity.

In addition to information, this operation also requires the most professional disguise. He is now on the way to the Jinling Women's Makeup Mutual Aid Association, where there is an expert who can turn decay into magic.

 That is the big wave in the butterfly case.

When they arrested Xiao Qingmin, this person helped them expose Xiao Qingmin's conspiracy. The two parties have never lost contact since then. It is said that Song Minghao has a good relationship with her, and he was beaten by his wife for this.

They also handed over the camouflage filler on Tianfu’s face to Dabolang, and used his makeup experience to basically restore it. This is the first practical application of this thing.

With Dabolang's uncanny makeup skills and the magical fillers, his disguise must be more thorough than Tianfu's. As for his eyes, as long as he avoids looking at each other, there won't be much of a problem.

 A few hours later.

Zuo Zhong looked at the unfamiliar self in the mirror with a shocked expression. Although he could still see the shadow of his previous appearance in subtle ways, it was based on being very familiar with his facial features.

Those who are not familiar with him will never associate the shy young man with erratic eyes and dark complexion in front of him with the intelligence section chief of the Secret Service. The difference between the two is too big.

 Not only the appearance, but also the temperament.

“Mr. Zuo, please note that the tools you sent are not afraid of water immersion and are easy to shape. The only drawback is that they are afraid of high temperatures. When the temperature is high, they are prone to deformation.” Dabo Lang finally warned.

Zuo Zhong touched his face and nodded: "Thank you very much. Please keep it a secret for me, even from Lao Song. This is for his own good. I'll give him a long vacation after he's done with his work." ”

“Thank you very much, Mr. Zuo.” Dabolang covered his mouth and snickered: “Mr. Song is such an interesting person. I wanted to give him an American car, but he didn’t even dare to accept it. Your secret service has such big rules.”

 Hah, she is still a rich woman.

Zuo Zhong patiently chatted with the other party for a few words, then stood up with a smile and said goodbye. After returning to the car, he raised his hand to look at his watch, took out his mobile phone and sent a new message to Old K.

“No. 24, Lane A, Zhuque Road, receives supplies.”

The temples bouncing, sleeping, checking it again, and changing the wrong words tomorrow, sorry



 (End of this chapter)

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