Cicada Moving

Chapter 444: workers power

Chapter 444 The Power of Workers

"Xiao Zhao, come to the shop early tomorrow at noon to prepare to open the door and boil the water. Remember to use the well next to the party headquarters. That well is deep and clean. These real ladies who are officials will enjoy it.

  If someone asks you, just say it's from the tea shop. I've already paid for the water. You can't get more than three buckets a day, otherwise those scoundrels should curse again. Did you hear that? "

At about eight o'clock in the evening, the guests gradually dispersed, and as the moon rose to the west, the tea shop owner quickly counted his income, stuffed the money into his mantle, and gave instructions to the boy who was clearing away the tables, chairs, and benches.

The most tiring work of opening a shop and selling tea is nothing more than fetching and boiling water. In the past, he did these tasks himself, but now that he has free labor coming to his door, of course he has to use it to death.

 “Okay, palm turtle.”

The boy replied vaguely, put the benches one by one into the corner, covered them with oilcloth, and quickly **** the ropes to prevent the wind and rain from getting wet in the middle of the night.

Hearing the answer, the boss always felt that something was wrong, and there was no conclusive evidence, so he had to snort and turn around and leave. Anyway, this person had a guarantee from the police station, so he was not afraid of being accused.

 Speaking of this guy named Zhao Hao, he is actually very satisfied. He is very discerning in what he does, his eyes are full of life, and his tea making skills are precise, but the smile on his face is a bit scary.

In addition, he always talks in a weird way, and I don’t know if he is deliberately looking for trouble. No wonder he looks like a human being and ends up in his own tea shop. Working in a factory is better than being a clerk.

The boss thought about it and thought that if Zhao Hao said something nice in one month, he would stay, otherwise he would just resign. Jinling lacked everything except people looking for jobs.

 “Play the drum hard and play the gong slowly.

 Stop the gongs and drums and listen to singing.

 All idle talk is also accompanied by singing. "

Humming an unknown tune, the tea shop owner wandered away. He had a lot of money on him. It would not be safe on the street if he was late. If he was robbed, the day would be in vain.

Zuo Zhong packed up his things and locked the teacups and kettles in the cabinet. This is now. If he puts his things out in the open in two years, not to mention the teacups, even the cabinet will probably be carried away.

 Half a peaceful year is already rare.

He checked the tea shop one last time, and then walked up Zhuque Street with tired steps, heading east of the city. This place is not far from the Central Martial Arts Museum, and it only takes half an hour to walk.

There is a shantytown nearby, which was built by people who came to Jinling to seek a living. Among them, the largest number of people are from Lu Province, which has been hit by wars. Many young people like "Zhao Hao" live here temporarily.

 There is no need to register to live there. With a little money, you can have your own house in Jinling, where land is precious. This is especially precious for refugees who have not yet solved the problem of food and clothing.

Zuo Zhong spent one yuan and rented the right to use a shack and the name of a distant relative from a family. This request was not strange, as no one wanted to hug together for warmth when away from home.

Along the way, he saw many exhausted young people, walking numbly like zombies. They would only stop to enjoy themselves when passing by restaurants with bright lights and feasting.

In order to show his gregariousness, he also did this. At the same time, he "accidentally" met a group of fellow villagers. Under the disgusted eyes of passers-by, a group of young people chatted and laughed.

As everyone walked, they introduced themselves. When they heard about Zuo Zhong’s current job, everyone scolded the boss for his evil heart. A tall man in the crowd who was dressed in a slightly western style even tried to persuade him.

“Xiao Zhao, don’t blame me, what’s the point of working as a waiter in a tea shop? Why don’t you come with us to build a factory, you can make a living for your family, it’s better than waiting on others, there’s no shame in relying on your own strength to make a living.

For people like us who go out to make a living, the first thing to do is rely on fellow villagers. I told the foreman that if you go to work at any time, even if it lasts more than a month, ten or twenty yuan is a safe payment.

In the future, I will find a wife who works in a cotton mill. The couple can earn thirty yuan and live a so-so life in Jinling. Don't follow the example of gangsters. There will be no good results for that kind of person. "

This man is the oldest among the people, and he speaks in an orderly manner. He obviously doesn't want his fellow villagers to waste their whole life because of idleness. It is no longer easy to earn a living by working hard in the Republic of China.

Zuo Zhong felt the kindness of the other party, scratched his head and said sheepishly: "I plan to learn how to do business first, and when I earn the capital, I will open a tea shop by myself and steal the business of that old bastard."

 “Hahaha, Xiao Zhao is so ambitious.”

 “Yes, just steal their business.”

  Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. The young people who were bullied by foremen and bosses every day felt very relieved when they heard this. They all smiled and encouraged Zuo Zhong. Dreams always have to be there, right?

Only the tall man shook his head slightly. When they first arrived in Jinling, many people thought so, thinking that they could carve out a world here, but it was a pity that the poor could not survive.

Unless there are noble people who are willing to support him, it will be harder to turn over than to reach the sky. He has been in Jinling for five or six years. He has saved a little money, but he is still so far away from controlling his destiny.

Zuo Zhong noticed this scene and looked at the workers in twos and threes on the road. His heart moved slightly. These people were distributed in various districts of Jinling and were well-informed. They were not the best informants. He has been troubled by the intelligence channels at the bottom of the Secret Service. The intelligence obtained by the police station and the Cao Gang has limitations. Ordinary people cannot be expected to talk to these people about their inner feelings and matters around them.

 But intelligence is hidden in the trivial details of life. For example, the neighbors must have noticed Tianfu's unusual whereabouts in the safe house. If they could have grasped this clue in time, they would have caught him long ago.

He originally met these workers to confuse Lao K, but unexpectedly he had an unexpected gain. If the non-local workers in Jinling could be organized, intelligence channels could reach the common people.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong immediately took the initiative to chat with the tall man, preparing to feel out the other person's bottom. This man's conversation was unusual. He looked like he had read a book, but he didn't know why he ended up like this.

The two couldn't stop talking. The taller one talked about his origins. He called himself Dongqiang, a native of Daocheng, Shandong Province. His father's generation participated in the Huayong team, and he spent several years in a missionary school.

Later, his father was unfortunately killed while fighting pirates in the port city. The life at home became worse and worse day by day. In order to take care of his mother and younger siblings, he dropped out of school and went to Jinling to make a living.

“We work hard for twelve hours every day, from the chirping of birds to the chirping of ghosts, and we only have one day off a week. Even when we go to the toilet, the foreman is watching us. When will this kind of day end?”

Dong Qiang talked about his job, and then said with emotion: "I am pretty good, at least I am strong. Some children go to the factory when they are five or six years old, and their faces turn pale at the end of the day.

There are also those indentured workers who have been in bad luck for eight lifetimes. They are usually employed for at least three years. During these three years, there is no freedom at all. You have to work or die, and you cannot take leave when you are sick. "

He sighed as he spoke. This sigh was not only for himself, but also for the workers who wasted their lives in the factory. If it weren't for the old and young at home, he would have quit working long ago.

Zuo Zhong was silent after listening. Didn't he know about these situations? You know, you can often hear calls from certain philanthropic people in newspapers and radios, calling on the capitalists in the Republic of China to treat workers well.

 Yes, it means being kind.

 Because everyone knows that this cannot be banned. Those flesh and blood factories with human lives in the chimneys are all in the front row of the Fruit Party meeting in the background, and they are separated from their own lives. How is this possible?

He is a small section chief and cannot do much. If he is rich, he can help the world, but if he is poor, he can be alone. At this stage, he can only do his best. Someone will deal with these black-hearted capitalists in the future.

While everyone was talking, they had already arrived at the Central Martial Arts Museum. Zuo Zhong made an appointment with Dong Qiang to meet tomorrow, then turned around and walked into the muddy shanty town, disappearing in the dim lights.

 After a long time.

In an alley not far away, Xu Weiming walked out and looked at the groups of workers. His eyes were full of light. This old underground party member also discovered this powerful force.

 After arriving in Jinling from Hui Province, he knew that working in the center of Kuomintang rule and in an environment densely populated by military police and spies required a hundredfold caution and preparation for sacrifice at any time.

He also conducted a careful analysis based on his own experience in intelligence struggles as to the reasons why the Jinling party organization suffered repeated destruction, and after a period of investigation and research, he came to a conclusion.

That is, for a long period of time, the Jinling Underground Party only focused its activities on schools and intellectuals, and did not focus its activities on the workers’ movement.

This cannot be blamed on Shi Ning. Due to the changes in the 16th year of the Republic of China, workers avoided the underground party. There was a lack of necessary communication channels and understanding between the two. This was an objective difficulty.

But this time the matter is over, he is ready to suggest Jinling City Wei to restore and develop organizations in factories and Kuomintang military agencies as soon as possible, and independently develop peripheral organizations among students and public teachers.

Even if there are certain risks in doing so, the Fruit Party cannot be allowed to dominate in Jinling, otherwise it will follow the wishes of the bald man. A gap must be opened to allow workers to gradually become familiar with the underground Party.

 When he was following the young man just now, he heard various complaints from workers about working hours and working conditions. This is the focus of the underground party's next urban work.

 Mobilize the masses.

 Help the people.

 Rely on the masses.

A few years ago in Shanghai, they relied on these three principles to unite countless workers and drive away the Beiyang warlords. Unfortunately, the bald man betrayed Gu Ming and stole the fruits of victory, resulting in a failure.

This tragedy proves that it is unrealistic to rely on the capitalists and landlord class to save the Republic of China. Only by uniting the vast majority of the people can the nation and country have hope for rejuvenation.

Xu Weiming thought a lot for a while, and then turned around and left. He did not enter the shanty town. The Chinese tunic suit was too conspicuous. If he startled the guy, the purpose of following him would be lost.

It’s really not water. Novels are different from movies and TV dramas. In the picture, one look may be able to tell the characteristics of the characters, but novels can only use stories, plots, and dialogues to slowly stand up the characters. It is better to send them regularly and continue the infusion. middle.



 (End of this chapter)

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