Cicada Moving

Chapter 462: Old friends get together

 Chapter 462 Old friends get together

 That afternoon.

Still in the office of Bailondu, the British Consul General in the Republic of China, Formosa told Bailondu about his experience at the crime scene in detail, and finally made a request.

“Mr. Consul, I am sure that there are Chinese people behind the death of Saluxun. Now please arrange for the consulate’s radio station to send a telegram to this frequency. I need your help.”

After speaking, he took out an envelope from his inner pocket. The bright red MI2 stamp on the surface of the envelope showed that it came from MI2, an agency that has made great contributions to British expansion and is everywhere.

Beside him, Bai Longdu frowned slightly. He was not willing to deal with the intelligence department. These guys had no gentlemanly demeanor at all, and at the same time they had frighteningly high power.

For example, in the consulate, they can check everyone's letters and monitor everyone's phone calls at will, even themselves, the consul general, which makes everyone very nervous.

He has raised objections to London many times, explicitly requesting that the military intelligence department's authority overseas be restricted because the other party's presence has interfered with the normal work of the embassy and consulates.

 Besides, how is he going to make money when he is surrounded by eyes? It’s not that he is greedy, but just relying on the salary from His Majesty the King, I’m afraid he won’t even be able to afford a toilet in London after retirement.

 We, Britain, have our own national conditions here.

In an instant, Bailondu thought of a lot. He took the envelope calmly, raised his head and said sarcastically: "It's unbelievable. Mr. Formosa turned out to be a member of MI2."

"No, Mr. Consul, you have misunderstood. I am just executing the order of Scotland Yard. The envelope contains the contents of the message I want to send and a one-time password. Please send someone to send it immediately."

Formosa explained what was in the envelope expressionlessly and did not respond to the ridicule. He could understand Bailongdu's thoughts. In fact, he himself was very disgusted with the style of the military intelligence department.

And if it were not for national interests and the dignity of the empire, Scotland Yard would not cooperate with those black suits. If this matter was leaked, the reputation of the police would be greatly affected.

After all, in the eyes of most people, blood, conspiracy, betrayal, and lies are synonymous with the intelligence industry. There will be no good end for colluding with it, and we must firmly draw a clear line and keep a distance.

Bai Longdu glanced at the other party and understood that this person had also been tricked by the military intelligence department, so he walked out of the office with a smile and went to the telecommunications department. As for the content of the message, Mr. Consul was not interested in knowing.

Having spent so many years in the colonies and the Republic of China, he understands one thing: don't look at things you shouldn't see, ignore things you shouldn't care about, and don't listen to things you shouldn't listen to. Only in this way can you live a long life.

While the British were scheming with each other, Zuo Zhong received a report about Formosa from the newcomers. He probably looked at it twice and threw the report aside. The result was as expected.

With the scene and evidence arranged by himself, the probability of something happening was low, not to mention that the waiters had left Jinling a long time ago, and it was almost impossible to find them in the huge sea of ​​people.

No evidence.

 There is no witness.

Unless Formosa did what he did and asked Saluxun to come from **** to testify, the case would be over here. He had successfully completed the task assigned by the bald man and did not get the military salary in vain.

Zuo Zhong tapped his feet on the desk, reached for the phone and held it in his arms. He turned the handle and made a call. He hadn't seen Ban Jun and Xing Hanliang for a few days and really missed them.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. People cannot help themselves in the world. Now his identity is very sensitive. If he gets close to anyone, he will easily cause big trouble to the other person. It is best to stay away from him.

Just when I was thinking that the call was connected, Ban Jun's voice on the other end of the phone was a little tired, but he happily agreed to the invitation. It seems that the Customs Anti-Smuggling Section has been very busy recently.

It's just that Lao Ban's job is one of less work and more money, so he shouldn't be so hard. Could it be that someone is bullying his old classmate again? If it is true, he will check whether there are any Japanese spies in the customs.

While Zuo Zhong was thinking, he made an appointment with Ban Jun to meet up in the evening, and asked him to call Xing Hanliang. He decided not to get drunk or go home tonight, so he could have a good time with his old classmates and friends.

 In the intelligence business, my nerves are always tense and it is easy to get into trouble. Proper relaxation is essential. By the way, let’s talk about everyone’s recent situation and see if there is anything I can do to help.

As the saying goes, helping others is helping yourself. The Secret Service has such a harmonious relationship with the Police Department of the Ministry of the Interior, which is partly due to Xing Hanliang's contribution. Otherwise, those police officers with military backgrounds would not be so easy to talk to.

As for customs, they have been very cooperative when they investigated Japanese espionage cases and provided a lot of data and personnel information on commercial organizations. All of this was mediated by Ban Jun.

In the officialdom, fellow villagers and classmates are the best links of interest. After all, a person's strength is limited and he cannot accomplish great things. You cannot work alone in your career, you must be good at leveraging strength.

 So as soon as it was time to get off work, Zuo Zhong drove to Dehe Tower in advance. Since he came here during the drug case, this place has become a regular place for him to entertain guests. There is nothing wrong with this place except that it is expensive.

He didn't wait long at the door when he saw a police car approaching from a distance. It was obvious that Xing Hanliang was doing well and even had a special car. This was a treatment only given to senior officers.

This is normal. He has the connections left by his distant uncle, and has a special relationship with the Secret Service. In addition, with the care of Section Chief Yang, it will be difficult for such a talent to get promoted without promotion.

“Zuo Zhong.” Xing Hanliang waved vigorously as soon as he got off the car. Zuo Zhong also smiled and greeted them: "Han Liang, Laoban."

After meeting, the three old friends who had not seen each other for a long time happily stood at the door of Dehe Tower and chatted for a long time. It was not until the waiter asked if the food could be served that the three of them walked into the restaurant together.

As soon as he sat down, Xing Hanliang excitedly announced the good news: "Zuo Zhong, I am now the deputy chief of the Public Security Section. If you have any cases and want to file files in the future, it will be much easier."


Zuo Zhong's eyes lit up when he heard this. The Public Security Unit of the Police Department is in a very important position. It has mastered the files of many prominent figures in Jinling, both black and white. This is indeed good news.

In the past, the Intelligence Section had to go through formal procedures to transfer files. Although no one made it difficult, it was still not confidential enough. Now that the Security Section has its own people, it is much easier to investigate whoever wants to.

He asked with a smile: "Is it because of your uncle's efforts? Although this position does not have a high official position, it is quite lucrative. It can also establish relationships with all aspects, which will be very helpful for your future progress."

"Yes, my uncle said the same thing. He has established a firm foothold in the local area. I followed a senior minister and my old relationship with the Ministry of Internal Affairs was willing to be a bit thin. No, I took this position."

Xing Hanliang told the story of his promotion in a few words. Thinking about how he was pushed to the sub-division when he first went to the Police Department, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It is indeed difficult to provide help in times of trouble, but it is easy to add icing on the cake.

“Haha, Zuo Zhong, don’t talk about Hanliang. You are now the dignified Lieutenant Colonel Intelligence Section Chief. You are the one with the highest official rank and military rank among the graduates of our Hangzhou Police Academy.”

Ban Jun on the side interjected, and then said with a complex expression: "I thought I advised you not to join the Secret Service at the beginning, but now it seems that I was wrong. You were born to eat this bowl of rice.

  It’s just that doing this job is too offensive. You should think twice before doing anything. Sometimes, you should leave a thin line in your behavior so that you can meet each other easily in the future. No one can predict what will happen in the future. It is always right to be cautious. "

His words are not nice to hear, but he speaks from the bottom of his heart. As the saying goes, a flower never blooms for a hundred days, and a person never lasts a thousand days. If you don't think about retreating when you gain power, no matter how high you climb, it will probably be in vain in the end.

“Old Ban, what you said is wrong. Gold will shine wherever it goes. Believe it or not, maybe I will do better in the Police Department than in the Secret Service. Didn’t you see that Han Liang became the unit chief?”

Zuo Zhong first made a little joke, and then replied with a serious face: "Thank you for reminding me, just rest assured. I always follow my inner conscience and never do anything harmful to nature.

After entering the secret service, the people I arrested and massacred were all enemies of the country and the nation. Even if I end up in the underworld a hundred years later and suffer the torture of eighteen levels of hell, I will never regret it. "

 “That’s good, that’s good.”

Ban Jun was very pleased. After being together in the police academy for so long, he really didn't want this little brother to end up on a dead end. Very few people in the intelligence profession could end up well, so he had to be vigilant at all times.

“Lao Ban, don’t just talk to us. How are your sister-in-law and the children doing recently? How is the old man’s health? Find an opportunity and let’s go take a look together. If you need help, just tell us.”

Xing Hanliang saw that the topic was a bit heavy, so he talked about Ban Jun's family. He had been classmates for two years. He knew that the big brother cared about his relatives the most, and he would talk about it non-stop once he mentioned it.

Zuo Zhong also turned to look at Ban Jun. In fact, he had long wanted to persuade him to send the old man to Europe or the United States for treatment. In this era, the medical level in the West is indeed much better than that in the Republic of China.

If you can't help with money, you can help yourself, but you can't watch the elderly suffer. Anyway, the wages are left in the bank, so it is better to lend them to friends to solve practical difficulties.

Hearing the concerns of his two friends, Ban Jun smiled and said, "They have all gone back to their hometowns. Prices in Jinling are too high. With my small salary, my life is tight, so I might as well go back to my hometown to feel comfortable."

 “Go back to your hometown?”

"When did this happen?"

Zuo Zhong and Xing Hanliang were both a little surprised that this happened too suddenly. The education and medical care in Jinling are much better than those in the countryside. What will happen to the children when they go back to school? What about the treatment of the elderly?


Ban Jun replied with a smile: "It just happened two days ago. If you save more money now, you can leave more for your children in the future. The old man has medicine prescribed by the hospital. After eating, just buy it and send it back."

 “Oh, that’s not bad.”

Xing Hanliang was a carefree person, so he immediately stopped asking questions.

Zuo Zhong saw that the other party spoke lightly and it was someone else's family matter, so he couldn't persuade him any more. But after taking a look at Ban Jun, who was slightly different from the past, he always felt that something was wrong.

 (End of this chapter)

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