Cicada Moving

Chapter 465: little finger

Chapter 465 Little Thumb

Time flies.

Several days have passed since Formosa arrived in Aurous Ling. Rumors about this great detective have become very popular. Countless reporters hope to interview him, but unfortunately they do not have time.

He was busy interviewing the witnesses on the day of Saluxun's car accident. Finding these people relied on Mr. Consul's vast network and connections, which was not easy. The cost alone cost three thousand pounds.

 Fortunately, the customers who could go to the coffee shop during that time, whether they were Chinese or foreigners, were all social elites of some status, otherwise it would have been impossible to find them.

Although there are only three.

 One is the military attaché at the U.S. Consulate.

 One is a professor at Central University.

 The last one is a local businessman.

 According to the oral accounts of these three people, Sha Luxun was sitting with a Chinese man. The two parties seemed very unhappy. The assistant manager's face was very bad. The car accident happened after the other person left.

However, due to their location, they did not see his face, but only his back. He was probably not too old, and was wearing a high-end black windbreaker, quite imposing.

 After listening to these narrations, a figure immediately flashed in Formosa's mind.

Meng Ting.


 High weight.

What’s more important is that the other party’s subordinates are also wearing black uniforms, and since I met the other party as soon as I came to Jinling, there can’t be such a coincidence, everything is arranged.

At the same time, for the sake of caution, he invited Meng Ting once under the pretext, and asked the consulate staff to lead three witnesses to observe secretly. The result was that the two were very similar.

 The murderer is locked.

 Agent headquarters.

 And Director Xu.

But what to do next? The assassination of a citizen of the British Empire is definitely not something that an intelligence section chief can decide. Meng Ting is just a knife, and the person holding the knife is the real murderer behind the scenes.

Formosa was at a loss as to how to lead out the real culprit and find conclusive evidence. This was the Republic of China after all, and many things were difficult to do on other people's territory unless a collaborator was found.

In the end, it was a Chinese proverb said by Bai Longdu that reminded him that the person who untied the bell needs to tie the bell. Since he wants to find the sword holder, why not just ask the sword directly.

Just continue to instigate Meng Ting.

 He has the support from London and MI2. No matter what Meng Ting needs, he can provide it. Money, power, beauty, the Sun Never Sets Empire has the ability to meet all conditions.

So, after careful consideration, Formosa invited Meng Ting for the third time. Still in the private room of Dehe Tower, the two sat opposite each other and talked about the news reports in Jinling and Shanghai these days.

“Mr. Meng, I didn’t expect you to have solved so many cases in Shanghai. No wonder you became the intelligence section chief of the secret service headquarters. I heard that there is a drama based on you. I will definitely watch it if I have the chance.”

Formosa held up the goblet, took a sip of red wine and said with a smile. This was indeed what he was saying. At least from the newspaper, the young Chinese man in front of him had a very high level of detective skills.

As for the topic of who is more powerful, the answer is obvious. Maybe in a few decades, when the opponent reaches his age and has enough experience, he may be able to win.

Meng Ting's face looked a little ugly. He didn't know who could be so shameless, putting himself on the fire and desperately encouraging public opinion to compare him with Formosa. It was simply inexplicable.

He is a famous detective with a high reputation in Europe. The cases he solves are all based on his real skills. How stupid do those newspapers have to be to publish such articles? Can you say this kind of thing casually?

He organized his language and said with a complicated expression: Sorry, Mr. Formosa, comparing people of the Republic of China with foreigners to find national self-confidence is what newspapers like to do most.

 As you know, the history between the Republic of China and the United Kingdom is not harmonious. This situation has caused many citizens to express their opinions blindly, but this is not what I meant. Please believe me. "

It's not that Meng Ting is modest or timid, but Xu Enzeng has clearly warned him that an intelligence officer should not become a public figure, as that would easily be attacked by the enemy.

“Respect the history.” Formosa raised his glass and said with a smile: “Let the past be bygones. I believe that China and Britain will maintain a good relationship, just like the two of us.”

"Respect the history." Meng Ting's face looked better. He raised his glass and took a sip. He wondered why the other party invited him. Could it be because of Sha Lixun's case? Then he should be careful.

He secretly increased his vigilance and decided not to say anything more. Talking too much would lead to mistakes. He was already unpopular at the secret service headquarters. If he leaked information again, his situation would be even more difficult.

Over there, Formosa put the last piece of steak into his mouth, then put down his knife and fork, took out a pipe from his pocket, pressed the tobacco into it, took out a match, and struck the coating on the side of the matchbox.

 “Tear apart.”

The match was lit, and his face looked a little weird in the bright firelight. After exhaling a puff of smoke, Formosa looked at Meng Ting, who looked confused, and said something earth-shattering.

“Did you kill Saluxun?”

Yes, he doesn’t want to continue to make detours. The Chinese are experts in this area. Now that they are fully sure, there is no need to waste time. The most important thing is to complete the task as soon as possible.

Meng Ting was dumbfounded. What does Sha Luxun's death have to do with the secret service headquarters? Wasn't this the work of the secret service? Could this British man be testing himself? But this is too ridiculous.

 Don’t say that this matter was not done by the Secret Service Headquarters. Even if it was, is it appropriate to discuss an assassination operation in such an open and honest manner? Why should I tell the other party, considering that the other party is a great detective?

He also put down the tableware in his hands and replied seriously: "Mr. Formosa, this joke is not funny. Saluxun's death has nothing to do with the secret service headquarters or myself.

As for who the murderer is, as a qualified detective, I think you should investigate all the evidence carefully instead of doubting us for no reason, which will only allow the real murderer to escape justice. "

Meng Ting's tone became more and more severe as he spoke. He felt that the so-called famous British detective was nothing more than that. He didn't even touch the shadow of the two agencies, but found them instead. It was a joke.

Formosa held his pipe in his mouth and clapped softly: "Mr. Meng is not only a good detective, but also a good actor. But there is a saying that if you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself.

 I'm right, so there must be a reason why I invited you here. Maybe you didn't notice when you threatened Mr. Saluxun that there were three gentlemen watching everything behind the scenes.

They recognized you when we last met, as an honest American officer, a respected professor, and a successful businessman can attest to your presence. "

 After saying that, he was like a fox that had locked onto its prey, his eyes full of cunning and pride. There was no more conclusive evidence than witness. If it were in court, this alone would be enough to close the case.

Meng Ting's expression changed drastically, and he stood up suddenly. No wonder he always felt that something was wrong when they met last time. It turned out that someone was secretly observing from the side. He was really a despicable person.

 But he had indeed never been to the so-called scene, and he did not even know Saluxun. Why did the other party say that? The answer is simple. The British wanted to use him as a scapegoat.

He squinted his eyes and said word by word: "Let's stop here today. We will talk about it when Mr. Formosa wakes up. In short, Saluxun's death has nothing to do with the secret service headquarters.

Also please don’t forget that you are now standing on the land of China. The era when you could invade a country wantonly and massacre a city without any reason has completely passed.

It is not enough to rely on three false witnesses to frame a Republican official. I also have witnesses who can prove that I was not at the scene on the day of the incident. Even if this lawsuit goes to the League of Nations, you have no chance of winning. "

After Meng Ting said these words, he turned around and prepared to leave. This matter was too big and he had to report it to Director Xu. If it was impossible to throw out the Secret Service, the Secret Service Headquarters could not take the blame.

Although he has not been here long, he also knows the current embarrassment of the secret service headquarters. The top management is greedy and incompetent, and the people at the bottom are too busy. If he is involved in the murder of a British person, it will be over.

Formosa watched him walk to the door and said calmly: "Mr. Meng, won't you listen to my conditions? I know you are just following orders and the real murderer is not you, right?

If you can stand up and testify against your boss, Director Xu, the British Empire can provide you with the necessary asylum. I heard that the Hong Kong City Police Department is short of an inspector. I wonder if you are willing to give in.

This is the first Chinese inspector, and he may go down in history forever. Think about it, one is a small section chief, and the other is a high-ranking officer of the Hong Kong City Police Department. How to choose is up to you. "

When he mentioned the word "small", he also stretched out his little finger to indicate how insignificant the position of the Intelligence Section Chief of the Secret Service Headquarters was, which was completely incomparable to that of an inspector in the British Empire.

 Meng Ting stopped in his tracks. Having spent time in the concession and in Europe, he knew very well that in the British police system, the weight of the inspector, even though it was only the most basic management position, had real power.

This is exactly what he needs. In the secret service headquarters, he can't control anything or anyone. His subordinates will call him Section Chief if they don't want to give him face.

Hearing what Formosa said, the British didn't seem to care who did it, as long as they could pull Xu Enzeng out. His heart was moved when he thought that the other party had hidden so many things from him.

Formosa looked at Meng Ting's back and added confidently: "A wise man can change things, but a fool sticks to his own opinion. This is a British proverb. I believe you will make a wise choice."

Meng Ting slowly turned around and stared at Formosa. After three seconds, his serious expression suddenly changed. He raised his thumb in a flattering manner and said, "You are really good at judging people. I am willing to cooperate."

 (End of this chapter)

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