Cicada Moving

Chapter 470: stretch cotton

Chapter 470 Playing Cotton

 Time goes back to before the Jinling Evening News article was published. The afternoon sun shone warmly on people's bodies. In the meeting room of the Construction Committee, the agents at the Secret Service Headquarters were drowsy.

There were more than ten people, and only one newcomer stood at the window to monitor the official residence. The remaining people either lay on the table or leaned against the wall and dozed off, not worrying at all about what would happen to the target.

Having been under surveillance for so long, they have long been accustomed to following the other party's material purchasers around the city every day. If something goes wrong, how is it possible? It's completely impossible.

However, the agent in charge of leading the team did not sleep. He was chatting with a middle-aged agent with a cigarette in his mouth. The two talked about Meng Ting asking them to go to the Central Hospital to find a surveillance point a few days ago.

“Boss, if Section Chief Meng knows that you have not carried out the order, I’m afraid he will cause trouble. Otherwise, you should discuss with the hospital and ask the dentists to give up their offices to avoid being criticized.”

The middle-aged secret agent kindly reminded that when working in the agency, you can work openly and secretly, but you cannot openly oppose your superiors, otherwise you will be in trouble no matter how tough the backstage is. This is a rule that must be followed.

The leading agent sneered: "He's just a **** section chief. Either the section chief transferred him from the Shanghai Police Department, he's just a stinky patrolman. He's so famous that he forgets how much he weighs.

Besides, do you think the Central Hospital is a place where you can act wild if you want? The patients of those dentists are all high-ranking officials of the government. If you just say a word, we will be in trouble.

So, just follow the director's order and keep an eye on the underground party here. Why bother asking for trouble and accidentally bumping into some big shot? Do you think the man named Meng or even the director will stand up for these brothers? "

He lowered his voice and expressed his thoughts. Normally, such words should never be spoken by someone other than the Speaker, but why would the other party's brother-in-law be a staff officer in the Chairman's Attendant's Room?

Besides, talking about the chief can quickly build relationships between people, as long as you have a good sense of proportion. Meng Ting, an empty section chief who has no real power in his hands, is the best target.

Sure enough, the middle-aged secret agent nodded: "That's right, our Director Xu is not someone who is willing to take responsibility. Let's talk about the incident of Chief Liu Gui. Which of our brothers is not heartbroken?

They all say that the Smiling Tiger is vicious. I think he did a good job in this regard. Business matters must be public affairs, and private matters must be private matters. If he hadn't paid for the cemetery, Lao Liu wouldn't even be able to bury him in peace. "

The two of them looked at each other helplessly when they said this. They had fallen to this point. Everyone knew what the problem was. They knew it from top to bottom and pretended not to see it.

They were discussing here, and the newcomer at the window carefully observed the mansion with a telescope, not daring to slack off for a moment, for fear that his negligence would cause underground party members to escape.

During the training, the instructor said that if this happens, every one of the officers on duty will have to go to the prison to get together. He spent a lot of money to enter the secret service headquarters, not just to go to jail.

 “I’m playing cotton.”

 “Replace old cotton with new cotton.”

At this time, the shouts of playing cotton rang out in the residential area. A newcomer heard the sound and looked around, and saw two young people, a man and a woman, driving a carriage slowly approaching. The man who shouted earlier was a man.

This person's accent does not seem to be local, which is very common in Jinling in early winter. Many northern merchants will go around the streets and do small businesses at this time, mostly those who play cotton and sell fur goods.

When the other party walked next to the official residence, the underground party material purchaser who had been monitored by the secret service headquarters suddenly walked out of the main room, walked quickly to the gate, opened the courtyard door, and shouted loudly.

 “Master, wait a moment.”


Hearing someone shouting to stop, the young man quickly tightened the reins and stopped the carriage. He jumped out of the carriage and walked towards the official residence. At first glance, he was a seasoned businessman who was used to doing business.

 A newcomer was shocked when he saw this, and immediately turned back to report: "Sir, I noticed the situation. Two cotton players have arrived. It seems that the target wants to contact them. Do you need to send someone to check?"

 “What? Don’t even sleep!”

The leading agent gave a low shout and rushed to the window in a few steps. He grabbed the telescope from the newcomer's hand and looked at it. He quickly saw the three people talking next to the carriage. Is this a conversation?

He pondered for a while and decided to continue observing. The director repeatedly warned not to alert the enemy, not to seek merit but to make no mistakes. The underground party may not be caught, but they cannot run away because of their mistakes.

That will make you lose your head.

And these two people should be fine. Playing cotton is a manual job and cannot be done by one person at the same time. It is normal for young couples to work together to make a living. This combination can be seen everywhere in Jinling City.

At the same time, how many people can a carriage carry? Since he and others are not blind, it is impossible for the underground party in the official residence to escape through this method. They cannot rely on reconnaissance unless absolutely necessary.

After thinking about it, he waved his hand and made a little joke: "Keep resting. Those underground gangs may want to play cotton. That's right. They will be in prison in the future. It will be comfortable to cover them."

After hearing this, the agents smiled, put their guns aside, and sat back in their seats. However, they couldn't sleep after being frightened, so they chatted quietly in twos and threes. The cotton players outside drove the carriage to the entrance of the official residence, built a simple bamboo shed, and took out the tools from the car. The underground party material purchasers took out several quilts from the house.

Seeing that business is coming, the woman in the young couple skillfully removes the old yarn on the surface of the quilt core and tears apart the cotton wool. Then the man hits the bowstring with a mallet. The bowstring goes up and down, vibrating the cotton wool evenly.


There was a clear sound of playing cotton, and not long after, several housewives came one after another to watch the excitement. After observing for a while, someone immediately brought a quilt from home and handed it to the other party.

Seeing this scene, the leading agent was completely relieved. This skill would take only two or three years to master. Not everyone can do it. Pretending can't deceive those shrewd women.

He looked in the direction of the official residence again. After the underground party purchaser sent the quilt out, he returned to the house. As usual, the door and windows were closed, so he couldn't see what was going on inside.

 Just in case, he did not hand over the surveillance task to someone new. Instead, he stood in front of the window himself. Being able to serve as the person in charge of a surveillance point, he still had a basic sense of vigilance.

Just like this, two or three hours passed. The sky gradually became darker and the wind became stronger. In this case, it was impossible to play cotton. In this business, the first thing is to be afraid of fire, and the second thing is to be afraid of wind.

So the young couple started to pack their tools. Naturally, the quilts that had been played and those that were not played had to be returned to the guests first and collected tomorrow. The residents waiting aside took away their own quilts.

After sending everyone away, the man and woman knocked on the door of the official residence in the dusk. Then someone walked out of the main room and opened the courtyard door. Only vague figures could be seen in the dim light.

A leading agent immediately became more vigilant. He watched the target and the cotton player converse with each other intently, and then returned to the house with a few quilts, probably to get money.

This is expected. As the headquarters of the intelligence agency, the underground party cannot let strangers into the yard. The risk is too high. Letting the other party wait outside is the best way to deal.

A few minutes later, the sun finally set completely, and the darkest time of the day arrived. Under such lighting conditions, it was no longer possible to see clearly the official residence dozens of meters away with the naked eye.

The leading agent rubbed his eyes, hesitating whether to approach for reconnaissance. After all, an unknown person appeared. The next second he heard the sound of a door closing in the distance, and then the lights of the mansion came on.

He breathed a long sigh of relief. Everything seemed to be normal. Then he looked outside the door through the light in the room. The two cotton players calmly cleaned up the waste cotton wadding on the ground, and then drove away in the carriage.

The newcomer on the side asked: "Sir, the other party might be an underground party. Do you want to send someone to follow them? The carriage can't go very fast. You can keep up with them on bicycles. Let's see where they go."

"Need not."

The leading agent glanced at him and said meaningfully: "I know you are eager to achieve success, but the battle with the underground party is patience. How do you know this is not a trap set by the other party for us.

 Once you let the other party know that someone is following you, they will run away without a trace. At that time, the responsibility will be yours or mine. Young man, you must learn to think about problems with your head. "

The newcomer's face turned red when he was told that. For fear of offending his boss, he stood there obediently and said nothing. The others laughed and thought they wanted to make a contribution, which is understandable. They were also newcomers.

  But you can't let so many people accompany you on adventures. No one is willing to gamble their future without being relatives. It's so comfortable to stay at the surveillance point and wait. If something happens, it has nothing to do with you.


Before they could relax for too long, a loud noise broke the calm. The door of a surveillance point was kicked open. The agents in the room reacted very quickly and immediately turned off the lights and hid behind the table.

It has to be said that after long-term training and actual combat, the personnel in a department are still very capable of saving their lives. This set of moves is so smooth that it can almost catch up with the average level of a new member of the intelligence department.

Soon, a figure came in and put his hands on his hips and shouted: "Are all the people dead? Is there anything going on at the official residence? Take action immediately and start arresting people. Whoever makes a mistake will be severely punished."

While the visitor was talking, someone turned on the lights in the room, and the bright light illuminated Xu Enzeng's dark face. Behind him stood the officers at all levels of the secret service headquarters, whose faces were also not very good.

  turned out to be the director.

The leading agent's legs were already hanging out of the window. When he saw that it was Xu Enzeng who kicked the door, not an underground gang member who came for revenge, his body went limp and fell directly to the ground, and he almost cried.

 It’s scary and scary.

He supported the wall and replied tremblingly: "Report to the section chief, there is nothing abnormal in the official residence. The other party's material procurement staff did not go out today. They are in the room now, and the lights were turned on a few minutes ago."

I originally wanted to post a video of the song Playing Cotton, but it never passed the review, so let’s forget it.



 (End of this chapter)

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