Cicada Moving

Chapter 476: place of execution

Chapter 476 Execution Place

Yu Hong looked at Xu Enzeng who felt that she was doing well again, with a hint of ridicule at the corner of her mouth. The top leaders of the underground party were not fools. When it came to keeping secrets, even ten people named Xu could not compare to each other.

I would like to suggest that this person has an unusually flexible mind. He should be a high-level official at the Secret Service Headquarters. I don’t know who he is. He seems to be more reliable than the person named Xu and is worth getting to know.

 Her eyes were filled with curiosity: "Director Xu, do you know who this officer is?"

“This is Meng Ting, the chief of the Intelligence Department.” Xu Enzeng introduced with a smile.

Yu Hong nodded lightly: "It turns out to be the Shanghai Detective. This plan sounds good, but there is a key problem. The underground party and provincial Wei may not necessarily adopt my suggestions.

Each person is in charge of a separate line there. I am a confidential officer and am responsible for the transmission of superior documents and meeting minutes. Under normal circumstances, I have no say in actions, let alone guidance.

Our original plan was for you to spread the news of the surveillance of the official residence on a small scale, and then I would report to the provincial government to look for opportunities to make rescue suggestions and lead them into a trap.

Now the situation has changed. If you want to report the intelligence reasonably, the source of the intelligence must conform to my cover identity. You can report the application for centralized execution of prisoners to the national government. "


Xu Enzeng sat on the sofa and chewed these two words over and over again, squinting his small eyes, knowing in his heart that the so-called application was a smoke bomb, creating a channel for intelligence leakage.

This woman works in the National Government and has access to a lot of documents and reports. She accidentally discovered an intelligence report and reported it. This often happens in latent activities and people in the underground party will not find it surprising.

By then, as the recipient of the intelligence, she will definitely join in the relevant work, and it will be natural for her to propose an armed rescue. This plan has a high success rate.

Thinking of this, he felt hot and said to Yu Hong: "No problem, I will make arrangements when I get back. By the way, you are going to contact the other side. Can we follow this line to find the provincial Wei agency?"

Xu Enzeng still refused to give up. Compared with an operation full of variables such as traps, follow-up investigations are more reliable. As long as one person can be found, he can follow the clues and find other underground party members.

 “It’s unlikely.”

Yu Hong sighed: "There are only two types of communication: direct and indirect. Director Xu, you don't think I am qualified to contact big shots directly, do you? Of course I report information through a dead mailbox.

If I need to perform a confidential task, my superiors will notify me indirectly. If there is no time limit, they will use letters. If there is a time limit, they will use the phone. In short, the other party's confidentiality measures are very strict.

Moreover, the location of the provincial Wei government agencies changes frequently and there is no fixed address. Ordinary staff like me are notified to go to a certain place to meet, and then are escorted in by security personnel.

What’s more, because of the many arrests by your secret service headquarters, the underground party has gone into deep dormancy and is very vigilant. If you were sure of tracking the security personnel, you wouldn’t buy information from me. "

After speaking, she glanced at Xu Enzeng with a smile, meaning you tell me how to track him. If he is discovered during tracking, the line will be broken, and it is unrealistic to follow the clues.

Xu Enzeng coughed twice unnaturally. If the trash under him had this ability, the underground party's organization in Jinling would have been destroyed long ago, and how could they be fooled around.

 Thinking about it, this is a really unlucky year. Since the 22nd year of the Republic of China, the work of the secret service headquarters has not gone smoothly. Even if Xie Jiuwen and Gu Lan were caught last time, the harvest was limited to this.

Those two dissidents were too tough-talking and did not reveal any information. Even during the operation at Jishi Pharmacy, the other party decisively detonated dangerous materials and reimbursed dozens of his operatives.

MD, I have to go to the temple.

Xu Enzeng became colder and colder as he thought about it. He felt countless cold eyes staring at him. Could it be that the underground party members and innocent people who died at the hands of the secret service headquarters came back from the underworld to take revenge.

He quietly wrapped himself in his coat and said: "Those red heads are very cunning, that's why we need Miss Yu's help. Let's spread the news as we just said."

Yu Hong pursed her lips: "Well, there are two possibilities after I report the information. One is that the underground party takes action on the way to **** the people, so that the manpower you deployed at Laohuqiao can be used.

Second, if the underground party takes action at the execution site, then it is necessary to choose a suitable place. It is not good to be too remote or too lively. It can lure them into a trap, but it cannot be too fake. This should be carefully considered. "

She first asked a question, and then changed the topic to Meng Ting: "Why don't you say anything, Chief Meng? The newspapers in Shanghai say you are a detective. I want to hear your suggestions for the execution place."

 Meng Ting was thinking about how to trick Xu Enzeng and the secret service headquarters. He was stunned for a moment after hearing Yu Hong's question. He began to recall the suitable place for execution in Jinling. After thinking for a while, he slowly spoke.

“Ms. Yu was very complimentary. Meng’s skills are ordinary. The newspapers are just trying to attract attention. What they say cannot be taken seriously. However, I do have some ideas about the execution place.

 First of all, the execution ground can only be in the suburbs. The military and police force in the urban area is too strong. It is hard to say whether the underground party dares to rescue people. Moreover, there are many people in the urban area, which makes it easier for the other party to hide in the crowd and launch a sneak attack. ” ˆ ˆ He paused at this point and looked at Xu Enzeng and Yu Hong to see their reactions. If they had different opinions on this point, there was no need to say the rest to avoid wasting time.

Yu Hong nodded after hearing this. The situation was indeed like this. There was a firefight in Jinling City. The City Defense Headquarters, Jinling Police Station, garrison, and special agents would arrive at the scene soon. This was not conducive to armed rescue.

 This is why she cares about the execution location. According to the previous plan, the arrested persons in the official residence were escorted from the secret service headquarters to Laohuqiao Prison. This is a very standard way of handling them.

 The underground party will not be suspicious and can only choose to take action around the prison.

But now the prisoners are used as bait. If the execution is carried out in a heavily guarded urban area, the chance of the other party coming to rescue the person is very small. This is obviously a trap. The Fruit Party has used this trick before.

 Only execution in safer suburbs can draw people out.

Xu Enzeng also had no objection. He wanted to set the execution place next to the rest house, but then the underground party would not come. Even if they killed all the prisoners, it would be of no use.

Meng Ting smiled slightly when he saw this: "After confirming this, we need to choose a specific location. The terrain outside Jinling City is complex, including mountains, rivers, lakes, plains, and the natural dangers of the Yangtze River.

  Among them, the mountains, hills, and dense forests make it easier for underground party members to escape. There are many households around rivers, ponds, and lakes, and there are too many interfering factors. The plain areas are not sheltered, and the other party will not be at ease.

So I think the most suitable location is the riverside. It is far away from the urban area of ​​Jinling and sparsely populated. However, because of the port, roads are connected in all directions, which is very beneficial to the underground party. "

 “Wait a minute, it’s accessible in all directions?”

Xu Enzeng frowned and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Isn't this bad? They can use the road to enter and exit. How will they arrest people then? What benefit does choosing the riverside do to us?"

Meng Ting was choked immediately and rolled his eyes secretly. Let such a person be the director. The secret service headquarters is really a widow with a dead son - there is no hope. He took a deep breath and explained patiently.

“Director, don’t worry. I naturally know that this will be beneficial to the underground party, but if not, how can the other party come to the rescue? The more attractive the bait, the more likely the big fish in the water will take the bait.

As long as we arrange manpower along the road and at the execution ground in advance, once the underground party appears, we will immediately seal the surrounding roads tightly, and the underground party will not be able to escape even if they have wings. "

He bent over and leaned towards Xu Enzeng, his face full of pride: "Faced with this situation, they must either fight hard or cross the river. Don't forget, it is winter and the temperature of the river is very low."

 “Good, good, good.”

 Xu Enzeng slapped the table and said hello three times. He seemed to see the underground party members struggling in the cold river water. With such achievements, who would dare to underestimate the secret service headquarters.

He glanced at Meng Ting with satisfaction: "Then prepare like this. The surveillance point near Tiger Bridge will not move. We must be prudent in our work and cannot rule out the possibility that the other party will do the opposite.

As for the choice of execution place, you must be careful. You would rather the plan fail than let the prisoner escape. This is a matter of our heads. If something goes wrong, no one can save you. "

"Yes, Director." Meng Ting puffed up his chest, thought carefully for a while and replied, "I think Jiujiawei in the west of the city is good. It can be used as an execution site. In terms of terrain, it is a dead place."

 “Oh? Tell me more specifically.”

Hearing this, Xu Enzeng became interested and sat up straight. It was a good place to die. Only in a dead place could one catch the turtle in the jar. There was no need to worry about the prisoner escaping in the chaos. This was what he was most worried about now.

“Reporting to the Director, after arriving in Jinling from Shanghai, in order to get into work as soon as possible, I drove a car many times to familiarize myself with the surrounding terrain. I have been there and am deeply impressed by this place.”

Meng Ting took out a pen and paper as he spoke and drew a schematic diagram: "Jiujiawei is surrounded by water on three sides, with the Yangtze River to the west, Huimin River to the east, Sancha River to the south, and the westernmost end of Zhongshan North Road to the north.

Therefore, as long as the underground party dares to take action, they will not be able to escape. Moreover, the only way to go from Laohuqiao Prison to this place is Zhongshan North Road, which facilitates control along the way and reduces the possibility of accidents.

 The last point is that there are two small docks at the coal fields on the riverside. Our people can disguise themselves as dock workers and hide there. There are very few residents nearby, so we don’t have to worry about being disturbed when moving. "

He listed the advantages of Jiujiawu in detail. In addition to spending money to buy traffic, this person also has some skills. The French are only so-so in teaching people how to fight, and the police academy is not bad.

 (End of this chapter)

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