Cicada Moving

Chapter 514: It's so hard to be a human being

Chapter 514 It’s really hard to be a human being

Early the next morning, Zuo Zhong was sitting in the classroom of the higher education class of Army University. He stared blankly at the instructor and the five characters "Military Intelligence" on the blackboard, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

who I am.

where am I.

 What am I doing.

Why did he know every word of what the instructor said, but couldn't understand it when connected together? But the old guys next to him were busy writing and nodding. Could it be that he was really a scumbag?

“The research scope of military intelligence is the enemy’s military thoughts, strategic principles, operational intentions, organization, equipment, deployment, as well as important military figures, military locations and other military intelligence.”

Just when he was doubting his life, the instructor, who was in his fifties, talked about the subject learning objectives, then suddenly adjusted the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked a question with a smile.

“In addition, the enemy’s training quality and combat characteristics are also the focus we need to pay attention to. Student Zuo Zhong, you are from the intelligence department. Let you talk about the practical application of this subject.”

Zuo Zhong's heart skipped a beat. This bad old man was very bad. He was brought over by the secretary of Zhang Wenbai, the director of education at Mainland University, and the other person's eyes looked wrong. Now he was in big trouble.

He was a little mentally prepared for the instructor to take action on him. The qualification review and examination admission for higher education class students were very strict. Each army could only select two, and at most three.

 There is another type of special students who are admitted to school with bare heads. Except for those with "imperial approval", those selected by any other agency must follow the procedures and must be approved by the class teacher.

Not only did the instructors hate a well-connected person like him who came in halfway, but the students also had strong opinions. Ever since he came in, these guys who looked like academic masters had become very indifferent.

But there is no way to hide. Zuo Zhong stood up slowly and said: "Report to the instructor, the nature of the work of the department to which the students belong is very special and the degree of confidentiality is very high. Many tasks are only responsible to the leader."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present changed. This kid is really tough. He dared to use such words to offend the instructor. No wonder he was able to enter the school halfway. It turned out that his connections were connected to the sky.

The instructor didn't react much. They, the old people from the Baoshi Military Academy, were in the worst situation when they were assigned to teach. The chairman couldn't kill them all and drive them back to their hometowns.

It's just that this guy is a bit interesting. Others are secretive when they go through the back door, but he said it openly and openly. It seems that he is either really capable or really awesome, which is a bit interesting.

 Let’s talk about Zuo Zhong on the stage. After pulling off the tiger skin, he looked at the people with different expressions and felt extremely calm. Of course he had to reveal his background. This is not something shameful.

Besides, I came to mainland China just to get a diploma, and I have no interest in pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Pretending to be low-key is asking for trouble. It is better to show your trump card directly, which can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Just like the current situation, if these elites in the army are not suppressed, no matter what he says later, there will definitely be some people who will object for the sake of opposition, and then the meaning of the discussion will be lost.

Don’t forget that the students in the higher education courses are basically from the front-line troops and will definitely participate in the war against Japan in the future. If they can calm down and learn more about intelligence knowledge, it will be beneficial to the country.

So he waited for a while and then changed the topic: "But there are some things that can still be said. I will use the Japanese military movements in the disappearance of the Japanese deputy consul in Jinling, Hideaki Miyamoto, as an example.

A few days before Miyamoto disappeared, a captain of the Japanese Guards Division published an announcement in the newspaper to postpone the wedding. This situation was very unusual and showed that the Japanese army had begun emergency mobilization.

At the same time, Japan's Kwantung Army in the Northeast, the so-called Chinese garrison in Tianjin, the Special Marine Corps in Shanghai, and the Third Fleet also carried out partial mobilization. At that time, both the enemy and ourselves were on the verge of an attack. "

Hearing this, the instructors and students recalled the situation at that time, and their faces were very ugly. The capital was hit on the forehead by other countries' naval guns. This is a great shame for a soldier.

Zuo Zhongye said in a low tone: "Putting these scattered military intelligence together, we can deduce the strategic intention of the Japanese, that is, they want to fight a full-scale war with the Republic of China.

 According to my analysis, after the Sino-Japanese War begins, the Kwantung Army and the Chinese Garrison Army will use Peiping and Jinmen as battlefields to hold back our troops in the north. The real breakthrough must be Shanghai. "

 “Your basis?”

The old instructor asked seriously, although this is a classroom and not a strategic meeting of the military committee, the military is a major event for the country and cannot be ignored, and anything you say must be supported by sufficient evidence.

Zuo Zhong nodded when he heard the words: "There is a reason why the student said this. I don't know if any of you here are from the munitions department or the Navy Department. Zuo has a few questions that he would like to ask for advice."


Before he finished speaking, a young officer in the uniform of a major stood up and said with a hint of pride: "I, Lin Jing, the Munitions Department of the Ministry of the Navy, studied at the Royal Naval Academy in Greenwich, England."

 He is indeed entitled to be proud. The Royal Naval College Greenwich is the most famous naval academy in the world, specializing in high- and mid-level command officers and technical officers. Every graduate is an elite. Zuo Zhong didn't care about the other party's attitude and smiled: "It turns out that he is a top student studying in the UK. I would like to ask Major Lin how to preserve the navy's equipment and ammunition, their prices and their service life."

Hearing these questions, the man who called himself Lin Jing frowned and replied: "Equipment, accessories, and spare parts are stored in ordinary warehouses, and ammunition and dangerous goods are stored in special ammunition warehouses.

There is nothing much to say about ordinary warehouses. They only need to be clean and dry. Special ammunition warehouses have many more requirements. They must be moisture-proof, explosion-proof, and vandal-proof, and try to stay away from vulnerable locations.

The reason for this is that the destructive power of naval artillery shells and propellants is much greater than that of army artillery ammunition. If an explosion occurs, it will easily spread to the surrounding areas, so absolute safety must be ensured.

As for the price and validity period of equipment and ammunition, taking the light destroyer Ninghai as an example, the life of a single barrel of the 5.5-inch main gun is 350 rounds of high-explosive shells and 280 to 300 rounds of armor-piercing shells.

The price of each gun barrel is about 100,000 oceans, high-explosive bombs are 100 oceans each, armor-piercing bombs are 150 oceans, and propellants are 150 oceans each. As long as the environment is suitable, there is no problem in storing them for 20 years. "

Lin Jing answered the question in one breath and provided specific data. It was obvious that he was very dedicated to his job. No wonder he became a major at a young age and was recommended to higher education classes.

 “Thank you, Major Lin.”

Zuo Zhong politely thanked him, and then looked at the confused students and instructors: "Through Major Lin's introduction, we know that maintaining naval ship operations is a costly task.

So why did the Japanese arrange the station of the Third Fleet in Shanghai? Not to mention other things, just building warehouses and other basic buildings on land costs a lot of money.

If it is to control the coastline, the ports of Lushun and Xiaoliuqiu are enough. These two places can completely block the offshore sea from the south and the north. There is no need to start over in Shanghai.

In addition, when the Miyamoto incident occurred, the Third Fleet was ready for battle that day. Several main ships quickly dispatched to Jinling. There were no accidents along the way and it was very smooth.

 What does this mean? It shows that the Japanese are very familiar with this route. You know, when we were chasing underground parties a few days ago, our navy could not even leave the port without a captain.

The other party's deliberate efforts to collect hydrological information and build naval ports were definitely not to cope with the North China battlefield. The 128th Battle and the Miyamoto Incident were just an exercise for the Japanese army. "

He said solemnly to everyone: "Shanghai is only a few hundred kilometers away from Jinling, and they are both in plain areas without any defensive barriers. If the enemy advances by sea and land, the country will be in danger.

This is the purpose of using and studying military intelligence - to predict the enemy's strategic policy. You are all the mainstay of the country and the army, and you must not ignore the role of intelligence in war.

I know that in everyone's eyes, our spies are insidious villains who listen to people's bases and pry into people's privacy. We can also use military skills to make mistakes, and the key to success lies in intelligence. Remember, remember. "

 “Clatter, crash, crash.”

With a smile on his face, the old instructor clapped first. Other students, whether sincere or not, also started to applaud. Some people looked at Zuo Zhong no longer with contempt in their eyes. This is a good sign.

Due to the gangsters in the Secret Service Headquarters, both the military and political circles of the Republic of China avoided the intelligence department for fear of getting into trouble. This was fine in peacetime, but dangerous in wartime.

The frontline did not believe or use intelligence, but just rushed and fought fiercely. It seemed happy but in fact the combat efficiency was extremely low. For example, after struggling to occupy a strategic military location, the enemy had already retreated.

This kind of thing has happened more than once. The intelligence department and the combat troops are hostile to each other. One calls the other a spy, and the other calls the other a Qiuba. How can a war like this be undefeated.

Zuo Zhong saluted and calmly sat back on the stool. It was unrealistic to change everyone's prejudice against agents in one lesson, but it was a good start. The most difficult part of everything is the beginning.

As long as one of these future regiment commanders, brigade commanders and even division commanders pays attention to intelligence work, they may kill a few more little devils and survive a few more warriors who sacrifice their lives for the country.

After all, small people cannot affect the general trend, so work hard in the subtleties to leave a vitality for the country and nation. One more person alive at a critical moment will give you more hope of victory.

In the following class, the old instructor did not bother Zuo Zhong anymore, but before the get out of class ended, he asked Zuo Zhong to organize what he said into written materials. He didn’t know whether to make it a teaching material or to submit it.

It's just a matter of making teaching materials, but it's troublesome to submit them. If you don't work in your position and don't plan for politics, a lieutenant colonel dictating national defense plans is a slap in the face of all the nobles in the court. It's really difficult to be a human being.

 (End of this chapter)

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