Cicada Moving

Chapter 521: settle in

Chapter 521 Settlement

While speaking, the car Zuo Zhong was riding in passed through a black iron door and drove into a garden. A three-story foreign-style building stood in the center of the yard, with a long row of new-style bungalows on the left.

Several Secret Service officers were walking in and out of these buildings with water basins, obviously cleaning. In addition, Tongsuo stood in the corner and was gesticulating and talking to a few young secret agents.

“This place is not good. The wall and the window of the western-style building are too close. Not to mention intelligence personnel, even ordinary thieves can break in. Either arrange people here or seal the windows.

There is no need to pull barbed wire on the wall. There are no foreign language schools in Shanghai with barbed wire. You are telling the gangsters outside that there is a problem here. Just put some broken glass in the corner. "

Tongsuo is using his old profession to help the agents discover and repair security loopholes. After walking around for a few times, his little face was full of seriousness. Judging from the current situation, the hidden dangers here are very high.

This yard was originally an ordinary house. The architect only considered the beauty and practicality, and completely ignored the safety. From the perspective of a professional thief, it is no different from being undefended.

He imitated the deputy director and put his hands on his hips, scanning the surroundings with concentration, trying to find the corresponding solution. This was a task assigned by Corey, and if there was a mistake, he would be punished.

“Tongsuo, what are you doing?” Zuo Zhong stepped out of the car and shouted, strode to the other party, looked up and down and said, “I want to learn from you. Have you completed the task for you?”

“It’s almost the same, but there are too many loopholes in the yard. The security measures can only barely prevent thieves from coming in. There is nothing we can do about professional spies.” Tongsuo introduced the situation carefully.

Zuo Zhong listened to the report and looked at his men who were laying broken glass on the ground. He shook his head carelessly: "We don't carry secret information or valuables, and we are not afraid of people sneaking in and stealing.

Let patrol officers be more vigilant to ensure that important meetings and conversations are not monitored. This is not the territory of the government. It is best not to make a big noise. Remember one sentence for me - loose on the outside and tight on the inside. "

After speaking, he waved Wu Chunyang over: "Inform Gui Youguang and the others, let's seize the time to have a short meeting. After the meeting, you accompany me to the Shanghai Station of the secret service headquarters to see that old boy Xu Enzeng."

 Xu Enzeng is in Shanghai?

Wu Chunyang really didn't know about this. Many people had rumors that the other party was under house arrest in the hospital by Er Chen. He didn't expect to end up here. But why did the deputy director want to find a person named Xu? Is it related to the mission?

 Whether the Secret Service and the Secret Service Headquarters are about to run into each other again? If it is true, there will be great drama. After calling everyone to the temporary conference room, he immediately asked an important question.

“Deputy Director, what is our next task? Do we need to send people out to collect basic intelligence? The information provided by the East China District is too scattered and of little use value.”

“No need, let’s take a break after everyone has settled down. I will inform someone individually about the specific tasks. Unless otherwise specified, no one is allowed to ask each other or inquire about their respective tasks.”

Zuo Zhong glanced at the people present, announced the confidentiality requirements for this operation, and then said: "Dismantle all the telephones in the room, leaving only one for use in the lobby of the western-style building.

 Remember to assign someone to guard the phone 24 hours a day. Anyone who answers the phone, including me, must record the time, the number of the incoming and outgoing call, the content of the conversation, and confirm and sign it. "


 Everyone replied in unison.

Then the bald man who had been silent just now raised his hand: "Deputy Director, the strength of the action team is small-scale operations with multiple people. If it is divided, it will be difficult to exert its due strength."

"Organize the team, you don't have to worry about other things." Zuo Zhong glanced at his bald head and added: "Remember to wear a hat or wig when you go out, so as not to expose your whereabouts."

Hearing this, Gui Youguang touched his forehead and replied reluctantly: "Old Song Xianghao sold me several wigs. Most people can't tell them apart. I spent a lot of money to buy these wigs."

Zuo Zhong pretended not to hear. This Wang Badan had made a lot of money, but every time he went out to eat, he always used others. He didn't know what the use of saving so much money was. After thinking about it, he looked up at everyone again.

 “Is there anything else you want to ask?”

 “Report, I have something to report.”

Shen Dongxin held his head high and said: "Before departure, I received a telegram from home. A classmate of Saint-Cyr Military Academy sent me a letter, saying that he came to the Republic of China after graduation and worked in the patrol room of the French Concession.

I think it is necessary to meet with the other party to catch up on old times. It may be useful in the future. The French Concession has very strict control over government personnel. If there is a misunderstanding, it will be very troublesome. It is better to establish a good relationship in advance. "

Zuo Zhong nodded. It was not unusual for St. Cyr graduates to go to the colonial police department. After all, many people went to military schools just to expand their contacts and did not really want to go to the battlefield.

Shanghai is a world-famous metropolis with good living conditions. Being able to hold a part-time official position in the real power department here is better than being a low-level officer or going to Annan to watch the monkeys gnash their teeth.

Thinking of this, he became interested and asked curiously: "What is the background of your classmate, which patrol house he works as, what level he is at, and whether he can develop into a mole or form a cooperative relationship."

 “This, I’m afraid, is very difficult.”

Shen Dongxin looked embarrassed and explained: "His father is a big businessman in France. He has contacts with many big shots and has no shortage of money and power. He came to the French Concession solely to survive the military service period.

In the letter, he said that he served as the Inspector General in the Central Police Station. However, based on my understanding of him, this person definitely spent more time in nightclubs than in the Police Station, which can be used to advantage. ”    Oh, it turns out to be the French version of Xu Enzeng.

As for the level of the inspector general, first of all, the lowest-ranking patrol officer in the patrol room is divided into three levels. Above the patrol officer, the detectives are also divided into three levels. The higher-ranking detectives or inspectors are divided into two levels. The highest level is the chief inspector.

Beyond the Inspector General, there are also Chief and Deputy Chief Inspectors, but these two positions are held by military personnel. Therefore, Shen Dongxin's classmates took a position below one person and above ten thousand people in the French Concession as soon as they graduated.

 Having a good father is great.

Zuo Zhong thought for a moment and nodded: "Go ahead and give it a try. Humans have weaknesses. Tell me how much money you need. An inspector general with a strong background is worth spending a lot of money to buy."


Shen Dongxin replied solemnly, his face full of nervousness. Winning and instigating rebellion is a very dangerous job. The difficulty is to drag the other party down without exposing himself in the action.

This is a test for him. Otherwise, if the intelligence relationship is not developed, he will go to jail first. How to say the right words at the right time is a very profound knowledge.

Zuo Zhong understands the difficulties involved and the risks he has to take. As an intelligence officer, you may not be able to shoot, but you must have the ability to maneuver both ways. This is how everyone else has come.

 In troubled times, you must not only be cruel to others, but also be cruel to yourself. If he can't get through this hurdle, he would rather Shen Dongxin returns to Ningbo and follows the Shen family to Australia when Beilun Port is over.

 “Okay, let’s break up the meeting.”

The task this time was very important. Zuo Zhong did not want to waste time, so he decisively ended the meeting, got into the car with Wu Chunyang, and drove towards the outskirts of the concession, which was within the control of the government.

"Deputy Director, I am standing next to the Shanghai Police Department. They have a good relationship. They have cooperated many times in the past few years and arrested many underground party members. We must guard against those gangsters."

Wu Chunyang held the steering wheel and expressed his thoughts: "I want the people in the police department to remain neutral. There is someone who can help. As long as the other party speaks, no one dares to meddle in other people's business."

 “You mean Mr. Du.”

Zuo Zhong chuckled softly: "It's just Xu Enzeng, there's no need to trouble that guy. I can't let the big boss come forward for everything, but he is the sworn brother of the director. I really have to pay a visit to Yu Li.

In this way, you prepare some gifts and go take a look at your free time in two days. Speaking of which, I have to call him uncle. We want to open up the situation in Shanghai this time, and multiple ways are always a good thing. "

He said "Uncle Master", but there was no respect in his tone. The corners of his mouth in the rearview mirror were slightly raised, showing disdain, just like the Ming Dynasty loved to recognize their godfather, and sworn vows were popular in the Republic of China.

 To put it nicely, it is like-minded, but to put it poorly, it is mutual use. Dai Chunfeng has the power and guns, and Mr. Du has money and people. The two parties join forces to build a deep co-construction and open up the ecological closed loop.

If you really regard the other person as an elder who teaches Taoism and vocation, how stupid would you be? What can a gangster who sells tobacco and runs a technical academy teach others, how to be a gangster and be a big teapot?

For a character like Mr. Du, one should be neither too far nor too close, neither too cold nor too hot, because too far and too cold cannot be used, while too close and too hot can easily lead to self-inflicted fire. The most important thing when getting along is propriety.

Zuo Zhong watched the car pass the checkpoint and enter the Chinese border. The idle British soldiers were lying on the sandbags and yawning, paying no attention to the passing pedestrians and vehicles. The public concession was indeed lax.

 He ​​suddenly remembered that the luxurious villa that Zheng Tingbing gave him seemed to be here. He had to find a chance to identify the door. It was his own property anyway, so it would be good to use it as a safe house.

The cunning rabbit has three caves.

At this time, Wu Chunyang slowly parked the car at the entrance of a small courtyard. On the right side of the door, there were five characters "Delong Electrical Materials Factory" written on the sign. The secret service headquarters was in Shanghai, and the Electrical Materials Factory was just a disguise.

 “Hey! Business is coming.”

Zuo Zhong stuck his head out of the car window and shouted into the door. He couldn't help complaining that there was something wrong with Xu Enzeng's head. There is no factory that closes in broad daylight. This is treating people as fools.

No wonder that when the war started a few years later, the Central Command’s intelligence agents in enemy-occupied areas were all caught by the Japanese like fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered. As expected, pig bosses are more terrifying than pig teammates.


The iron door of the factory was pushed open, and a worker with a roe-headed and rat-like eyes came out and cursed: "Damn it, didn't you see it's closed? We're not doing business, so get out of here."

But before he finished speaking, there was an additional certificate on the ground, and a voice immediately sounded: "Let me tell you that Director Xu, the senior commissioner of the bureau headquarters, and the deputy director of the Secret Service, Zuo Zhongte, are here to visit."

 (End of this chapter)

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