Cicada Moving

Chapter 531: Unexpected circumstances (Thanks to the gentleman such as Heng Yuyi Yuyao for the

Chapter 531 Unexpected Situation (Thanks to the leader of the gentleman Ruheng Yuyi Yuyao)

 Three days?

It took three days to buy three hundred large yellow croakers. This was an inch of time and an inch of gold. Xu Enzeng and the other three were so embarrassed that their faces turned red, but they had no regrets. They just pinched their noses and admitted it.

It's strange that they messed up the job and could only lose money and avoid disaster. But since Zuo dared to say this, he must be sure to fool the people above him, who made his teacher the deputy director.

Zuo Zhong smiled and comforted: "I am willing to help this time, all for the sake of the three loyal people and the country. It has nothing to do with those big yellow croakers. Director Xu, are you right?"

 “Haha, yes.”

Xu Enzeng really wanted to shoot this **** to death, you are such a **** public loyalist. If you didn't have gold, you would have disappeared long ago, but on the surface he still pretended to be very moved.

“Commissioner Zuo is selfless and clean-minded. Xu and others are beyond his reach. But what should we do now? Should we send someone to search the target’s residence and look for relevant clues?

As long as we don’t arrest people, we don’t need the assistance and approval of the concession. Externally it can be said to be an economic dispute. The people patrolling the house will not be troublesome. They still have to give this face to the government. "

The money was spent anyway, and Zuo was the number one intelligence expert in the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics. He didn’t need to use it in vain, otherwise the three hundred large yellow croakers would have been wasted. Xu Enzeng felt very distressed when he thought of this.

Zuo Zhong touched his chin, knowing full well what this guy was planning. As for whether to help or not, of course he would. Otherwise, how would he get the list of insider cells? He just had to think of a foolproof plan.

He walked around the room a few times, thought carefully for a few minutes and said: "The investigation still needs to be carried out. The underground party fled in a hurry and might leave some evidence behind. This is very important for the investigation work.

 In addition, arrests in other places must be suspended. The other party may just discover the anomaly here. Once you act, you will tell them that we have the location of all the agencies.

I think we should continue to observe for at least one or two days, find out the layout of the house and confirm the number of people before arresting people. Don’t forget, you have no chance to make mistakes. I don’t need to remind you of this.

Of course, this is just a suggestion. It is up to you, Director Xu, to decide whether to listen to it or not. The three hundred large yellow croakers cannot be returned. Please send someone to deliver them as soon as possible. You must keep your word. "

Zuo Zhong said this naturally to dispel Xu En's plan to increase large-scale arrests and buy more time for the underground party. Although there were double warnings from Old K and the president of the court, this was not enough.

ˆ Judging from the information provided by internal cells, Southwest has many agencies in Shanghai with different affiliations. Each line has no contact with each other, and only a few senior officials know each other's identities and contact information.

This means that early warning information needs to be notified horizontally first, and then transmitted layer by layer from top to bottom, all the way to the most basic intelligence personnel. Therefore, the longer the early warning time, the better, and the longer it is, the safer it is.

Xu Enzeng thought about it for a long time and felt that this statement was reasonable. The exposure of the Central Library will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the underground party. It is indeed not suitable for large-scale arrests at the moment, so as not to alert the snake.

 But he had been preparing for so long, and doing nothing would seem anticlimactic. After going through the many capture targets in his mind, he held out **** to Llama and said seriously.

“If we can’t arrest the concessions, we’ll arrest the dissidents in the Kuomintang-controlled areas. Later, stationmaster Shi and I will accompany the commissioner to the target residence. You and your people will arrest the two underground party officials who live alone.

They all have hidden identities, so they must keep it secret and do it quietly so as not to disturb other people. After being caught, they will be brought here immediately. The director of the department must personally interrogate and instigate rebellion. "


Luo Ma couldn't hide his excitement. He knew who the director was targeting. Those two people thought they could escape capture by hiding in school and teaching. They were really bookish and had no experience in intelligence warfare.

Even believe what others say. If all dissidents were easy to deal with, this war would have ended long ago. With the psychological quality shown by the other party, it should not be difficult to convince.

Zuo Zhong, who was lighting a cigarette, was worried. Why did two senior personnel working in the Kuomintang-controlled area appear and live alone? This behavior seriously violated the discipline of intelligence operations.

Any important agency or personnel must have at least two sets of early warning channels. For example, the Central Library was evacuated in an emergency. Living alone means that even if the enemy catches it, no one will know about it.

This situation is very dangerous for offline people. If they are not careful, they will fall into a trap, and it is not convenient for organizing rescues. What is even more frightening is that there is no review process that captured personnel must go through.

This is how the White Blood Cell Project works. Basic intelligence personnel all act alone. After being captured, they are developed into insider cells and penetrated into the organization. If they are replaced by senior personnel, the threat will only be greater.

He exhaled a puff of smoke and asked seemingly casually: "Director Xu, what's going on with those two people? I still say the same thing. I'd rather break the line temporarily than startle the underground party."

"Haha, let Captain Luo introduce it. He discovered those two people. If it hadn't been verified many times, I wouldn't have believed that there would be such a stupid intelligence officer." Xu Enzeng said proudly.

I have to say that this person is really big-hearted. He just made a big mistake, and now he is brazenly calling others stupid. Zuo Zhong smiled and looked at Luoma, ready to hear his detailed report.     “Yes, Director.”

Luo Ma lowered his head slightly and spoke in a respectful tone: "Reporting to the Left Commissioner, I disguised myself as a progressive youth and participated in a street parade some time ago, waiting for opportunities to find underground party members.

 Later, the police carried out an armed eviction. I followed the injured students and met two teachers from urban middle schools. While they were helping the students bandage their wounds, they were talking nonsense about the party-state's efforts to quell the chaos.

I thought these two people were very suspicious, so I deliberately cooperated, and soon learned their true identities. One was the Propaganda Minister of the Shanghai Central Bureau, and the other was a senior official of the Propaganda Department. "

 “Cough cough cough.”

Zuo Zhong choked on his cigarette. He had heard Dai Chunfeng say before that Luoma had infiltrated among the progressive youths. He had indeed been dressing up as a student these past two days, but how could this happen?

Having worked in intelligence for two years, he has encountered many opponents, some are cruel, some are arrogant, and some are cunning, but he has never encountered one who revealed his identity to a stranger. This kind of thing is unheard of.

Seeing Zuo Zhong's loss of composure, Xu Enzeng gloated: "Commissioner Zuo didn't expect that the other party simply threw himself into a trap. In this case, Xu would be disrespectful and arrest him first."

They usually live in dormitories without security personnel and hang out outside every day. We control them secretly outside the school. The underground party will not get the news immediately, so the operation is very safe. "

He said with a smile, winked at Luoma, and signaled the other party to arrest the person quickly, lest the Secret Service get involved. These two people were the capital of their turnaround, and they could not afford to lose anything.

Luoma understood and quietly left. Gui Youguang, who was standing by, sneered in his heart and turned to face the door and rubbed his nose. Several pedestrians dressed in different costumes on the street in the distance quickly followed him.

After this moment of thinking, Zuo Zhong regained his composure and understood that it was useless no matter how much he thought. He could only hope that the early warning message would be delivered in time, and the Propaganda Department Director of the Central Bureau should give priority to the evacuation.

 In addition, if you have the opportunity, you must recommend that your superiors provide professional intelligence training to lurkers working in white areas. This kind of thing must never happen again. This is making fun of the lives of comrades.

He stamped out the cigarette **** and said with a hint of envy and hatred in his tone: "Director Xu, intelligence work cannot always rely on luck. It is better to be down-to-earth. Let's go to the underground party's library and have a look."

 “Haha, okay, let’s go.”

Hearing Zuo Zhongyan’s insincere words, Xu Enzeng felt like drinking cold water in the dog days of summer. He wished he could scream with joy, and walked in front of him with joy, leading the agents to the target residence.

On the way, Gui Youguang lowered his voice and whispered: "Deputy Director, I have sent someone to follow Luoma. Do you want it?" After saying this, he gestured with a knife, meaning to rob the two underground gang members.

 “Forget it, don’t be troublesome.”

Zuo Zhong shook his head slightly. In officialdom battles, the process can be gamed, but the result must be a win-win situation. If you take three hundred large yellow croakers, you must let go of other benefits. This is the rule.

As the saying goes, there are still three thousand nails left to break the ship. Xu Enzeng cannot be pushed into a hurry. If the other party loses hope of survival, they may go crazy and carry out a full arrest, which will disrupt his plan.

 Gui Youguang had a look of regret when he heard this. With just a few pieces of information from the secret service headquarters, the action team could casually send a few people to take down the two underground party officials. They really took advantage of these losers.

While talking, everyone walked to the house where the library was located. Several special agents from one branch kicked open the door and rushed in quickly. Then Zuo Zhong and Xu Enzeng stepped into the courtyard surrounded by their men.

“Commissioner Zuo, look where we should start from.” Xu Enzeng stood on the patio, looked up and around, and asked, “Do you need to invite the neighbors and the landlord over? You’ll probably have to spend more money.”

This is also in the concession. If it were in the Kuomintang-controlled area, he would have sent his men to arrest the people. Therefore, the wealthy people in the Republic of China were willing to settle in the concession without being exploited and threatened by the Kuomintang military and police.

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong did not answer directly. Instead, he walked outside the living room, stretched his head to look inside through the glass on the door, and made sure there were no booby traps or traps. Then he slowly nodded and spoke.

“Collect all garbage and leftover household items. Neighbors and landlords don’t need to ask. If there are any problems, they will have run away. If there are no problems, it will only cause trouble for us. This is a concession after all.

It is not easy to figure out who can own real estate in this place, and they will not be short of such a small amount of money. Once the concession authorities and the police get involved in this case, the situation will become complicated.

Besides, the White Blood Cell Project needs to be carried out in secret and cannot be made known to everyone. If the matter gets serious, let Jinling know about it and send a message to Shanghai to ask about the real situation. Don't blame Zuo for not keeping his word. "

 (End of this chapter)

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